The Tourism Committee Held On

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The Tourism Committee Held On


1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Carol Newbury. 2. Roll Call: Darrell Anderson, Tracey Bostedt, Cheryl Naniot, Carol Newbury, Doug Thompson , and Advisory Members Ron Hayes, and Cordula Van Den Heuvel Absent: Jean Feldt, Advisory Member Dale Mohr Others Present: Mayor V. Bostedt, Nathan Figueira, Dave Retzlaff, Lauren Resch, Rod Barta, Bob LeBreck, Sam Boucher, 3. Approval of agenda as presented by changing the order of 6.: e. to a., g. to b., i. to c., a. to d., b. to e., c. to f., d. to g., f. to h., and h. to i. with the rest sequentially was suggested by Newbury and accepted by the Committee. (M/C)

4. Thompson motioned approval of minutes from the 8/31/15 meeting. Bostedt seconded. (M/C)

5. Public Input/Correspondence: Rod Barta representing the Oconto Historical Society 2015 Copper Culture State Park Museum report (handout) reflected a successful season. In June and July we lost a guide, however, with monies the museum was kept open throughout September which proved equal to past potential. There were several school tours, artifacts at the museum, a wedding and festival with 3 - 400 tourists to the museum. Barta also mentioned the completed boardwalk by local scouts wherein Graham Welch gained “Eagle”. Tourism supports Copper Culture guides.

Mayor Bostedt introduced potential Committee member Nathan Figueira.

T. Bostedt noted the SHELL station, which contains our City Tourism, needs correction as the City map covering the brochure display. Newbury will attend to the situation. 6. Discussion/recommendation/updates/progress reports on the following: a. Resignation of Cordula Van Den Heuvel— The Committee hated to see the loss; Newbury thanked her on behalf of Tourism. Van Den Heuvel’s leadership will continue with Bird City and the Nature Festival. Bostedt motioned and Thompson seconded acceptance of Van Den Heuvel’s resignation. (M/C) b. Request from OCEDC for 2016 Contribution— Tabled until Nov. c. Kite Event— Naniot was excited to share that Scott Fischer/A Gift of Wings of the Kite Society of WI would orchestrate the event. He has several programs including a kite show. Fischer has presented at EAA. The Oconto Airport would be the ideal location but an event must be requested there. A hope to SKYPE with him was scheduled for the Nov. meeting. Naniot believes it will draw locally as well as visitors. A cost factor needs to be solved. (Handout) d. Update on Ride Oconto History— Van Den Heuvel says brochures are printed. Changes eventually will have to be made due to rebuilding a church on the circuit. e. Update on 2016 Discovery Guide— Boucher and Van Den Heuvel shared Oconto’s impressive spread: members are to e-mail changes before the Oct. 28th deadline. Discussion led to Bostedt’s motion to approve the Discovery Guide entry with said changes. Naniot seconded. (M/C) f. City Visitor Guide— Newbury is still working on it: the product should pay for itself. We need a person from the Committee willing to chair it. The cost is $800.00 per 1,000. g. Response from Oconto County Historical Society re: Advertising-- The Oconto Historical Society is looking for assistance with the Discovery Guide, pamphlets, and Copper Culture, said Retzlaff. The Carriage House is undergoing construction… and the Society is seeking new ads to get in bus tours. Mayor Bostedt supported the issue. Newbury didn’t see a problem. Thompson motioned to give $560.00 from Tourism to the Oconto Historical Society for the Discovery Guide, pamphlets, and Copper Culture needs. Anderson seconded. (M/C) h. Murals on Local Buildings— The Mayor had discussed the issue with the school’s art teacher who is very positive about the project. Aagenson Pool is looking for 3 murals. (Mike Werner could be contacted as well.) Thompson suggested Summer School: Murals for the Gifted and Talented. He will approach the Superintendent. Figueira, who has had past experience with murals, thought he could supervise it. He suggested enamel paint with a sealer. A primer should take care of the adhesion. Murals have 15 – 20 year duration thereafter requiring refreshening. Locations and surfaces were discussed. Paint should be covered here: donations? Thompson said we should focus on 1 building per year. i. Dog Park— Reach covered the history of the project so far. It would be useful to residents and a tourist attraction; she said none existed north of G.B. (Newbury had spoken with Jay of NER Park. She also had news of a dog park coming to Peshtigo.) Park and Rec. has had the dog park on their agenda. NER Park is back in contemplation as is the abandoned football field on Arbutus. It was determined that for $1.00 the property could be covered for City liability insurance. If NER Park… it would be abandoned 2 weeks before Copper Culture activities. The dog park would be a free facility with rules posted. Who would mow it? Hayes suggests Plan A – B – C. What if the relationships on the property change? Newbury will look at the old football field. Cost of fencing? Newbury also suggested we talk with Park and Rec. Bostedt motioned to research areas and bring back information to the group. Naniot seconded. (M/C) j. 2016 White House Christmas Tree— How can the City help with Town advertizing? City Administrator Perrizo has spoken with Whispering Pines. k. Expenditure Guidelines— Questions and clarification are needed here. l. Positive Thoughts— Kite flying will bring in people to Oconto… Nature Fest/Copper Culture and trails… one mural at a time… enjoying our work… dog park potential… positive people representing our City… Oconto has spark and activities… Winter Wonderland is expanding….

7. Next meeting date: Monday, November 9, @ 5:15 p.m. 8. Agenda Items: Request from OCEDC for 2016 Contribution SKYPE with Scott Fischer/Kite event City Visitor Guide Murals on Local Buildings 2016 White House Christmas tree Expenditure Guidelines for Oct. and Nov. Rendezvous Group

9. Adjournment was summoned by Naniot @ 6:38 p.m. with the support of a second call by Thompson. (M/C)

Minutes submitted by Susan K. Seidl

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