*Required, Recommended, Stock PD Offered Every Summer
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2016 Summer Professional Learning *Required, ** Recommended, ***Stock PD offered every summer
DATE TOPIC AUDIENCE Location Sponsor (potential number of participants)
June 10 Last Day of School
June 13-14 Teaching & Learning Principal, AP Edgewood, Lisa Kvistad Coach etc. (8 Monroe * Summer Summit: Focus ELL spots per PK-8, Campus 10 spots fo HS?)
450 participants
June 14-16 AVID Summer Institute Principal, AP, Minneapolis Julie Koenke Counselor etc, *** 30 participants
June 15-17 Summer School PD Summer LaFollette HS Tonja Gallagher School Staff 4K @ Wright
(June 17, site based)
June 13-17 Using Shared Inquiry at Middle Tamara Maxwell School to increase Literacy Skills
June 14-15 Midwest Arts Integration K-8 Teachers Overture Laurie Fellenz Conference Any Given Child
June 13-14 CTE Curriculum Institute 6-12 CTE Edgewood Jen Wegner teachers Deming Way
June, TBA Differentiation Strategies for Dan Keyser supporting Coherent Instruction (4 half days) Jamie VanderHoop
Lucia Rowley
June , TBA CMI Recertification for Certified Jim Haessly Staff
June 16 OASYS All Components Student John Harper, Services, Caroline Racine MTSS Gilles
June 17 IDEA Bootcamp Admin, CC, John Harper LEA (80 particpants)
June 20 Summer School Begins
Middle School Resource Training Tamara Maxwell for ELA teachers June 20-21
June 20-23 K-5 Elementary Math, early at most 100 Chris Castillero adopters teachers *
June 20-23 ESL Redesign Elementary & 6 Principals + TBD Silvia Romero- Secondary Cohorts school teams, Johnson approx. 20/day
June 24- PROJECT GLAD TIER ONE 2016-17 K-5 TBD - a Teresa July 1 TRAINING GLAD Cohort summer Carranza Teachers school site
June 20-23 6-8 Math New Teacher Session 75 teachers Chris Castillero for CPM **
June 20-21 6-8 Math Continued 50 teachers Chris Castillero Support/Refresher CPM **
June 20-23 Algebra & Geometry Math New 25 teachers Chris Castillero Teacher session for Carnegie
June 22-23 Algebra & Geometry Continued 50 teachers Chris Castillero Support session for Carnegie **
June, TBA Science 9 Alignment (5 days) select 9th UW SPace Patti Schaefer grade science teachers Place
June, TBA Science LTT (3 days) LTT (24 UW SPace Patti Schaefer teachers, K-12) Place
June, TBA Arts Ed Curriculum Mapping (2 Laurie Fellenz days)
June, TBA US History 9 Alignment PD (1 day) Tamara Maxwell
June, TBA English 2 Alignment PD (1 day) Tamara Maxwell
June, 28- Secondary ACP/SEL 130 Participants TBD Julie Koenke 29 (Prinicpal, ACP Julie Steege- Coord, Inst. Reimann Coach, 2-3 teachers
June, TBA G1 Personalized Learning G1 Schools TBD Beth Clarke Training
June, TBA K-5 Report Card and IC Training K-5 teachers Cindy Green
July 18-19 New Principal Welcome, half New principals TBD - Marggie days Probably Banker/Rodney * Central Thomas Library
July 20 Administrator’s Meeting, 12:30- All principals, Kelly Ruppel 3:30 Aps and * central office leaders
July 21 Behavior Education Institute, New principals, TBD Leia half day APs, Deans, Esser/Mara * PBS Coach McGlynn
July 18-21 Personalized Pathways Institute 40 (Principal, TBD Julie Koenke Student services, Teachers)
July 25-28 Adaptive Schools Ron Lott, Paddy Greeley ***
July, 25-29 K-5 Report Card and IC Training K-5 teachers Cindy Green
July, TBA G1 Personalized Learning G1 Schools TBD Beth Clarke
July, TBA Science 10 Alignment Team select 10th UW Space Patti Schaefer grade science teachers Place
July 27 Legal Conference, 12:30 – 4:00 Principals & Dylan Pauly APs *
August 1-3 Power Up Instructional Tech Edgewood Beth Clarke Conference Monroe St *** Campus
August 1-5 Targeted Instruction with 60 teachers Chris Castillero *** Common Core - DG
August 1-5 Responsive Teachers TBD Mara McGlynn Classrooms/Developmental *** Designs All school staff
August 4-5 Middle School Reading Resource Tamara Maxwell Training for ELA teachers
Aug, 1-5 K-5 Report Card and IC Training K-5 teachers Cindy Green
Aug. 8-10 MMSD Leadership Institute SBLT, 280 Marggie Banker participants *
Aug. 18-19 CCLE Implementation 40 teachers Chris Castillero
Aug. 15-18 K-5 Elementary Math, early 100 teachers Chris Castillero adopters *
Aug 11 Co-teaching Practices for Teacher PSTS, CC Kate Ahlgren Teams; grades 6-12 Teacher/Gen ed teachers
Aug 11 OASYS for Spec Ed CC Teachers, John Harper PSTs
August 11-12 MTSS Math (Do the Math & K-9 CC Caroline Racine Number Worlds) teachers/Gen Gillis edtecahers/mat h interventionists
August 15-18 Tiered Supports in Literacy PSTs,K-12 Gen Caroline Racine and Spec Ed, Gillies, Kate ES Ahlgren Interventionists, MS/HS interventionists Aug TBD 4K Summer Institute 4K MMSD and Promega Barbie (16-17 or community Klawikowski 17-18) teachers
Aug, TBD Science 9 & 10 PD 9th/10th UW Space Patti Schaefer Science Place Teachers
Aug. 15-18 6-8 Math New Teacher Session 75 teachers Chris Castillero for CPM **
Aug. 15-16 6-8 Math Continued 50 teachers Chris Castillero Support/Refresher CPM **
Aug. 15-18 Algebra & Geometry Math New 25 teachers Chris Castillero Teacher session for Carnegie **
Aug. 17-18 Algebra & Geometry Continued 50 teachers Chris Castillero Support session for Carnegie **
August 16- Pathways to Proficiency World Language TBD Pam Delfosse 17 Teachers
August, English 2 Alignment PD (1 day) Tamara Maxwell TBA
August, Guitar 1 & 2 Alignment PD (1 day) Laurie Fellenz TBA
Aug. 11 or G2 Summit 1 G2 Schools Beth Clarke 12 60
Aug. 22-23 IC Gradebook Facilitator Training Cindy Green
Aug 22-24 New Educator Welcome New teachers Sue Gorud to MMSD *
August 22 Student Services Institute Psyc./Social Leia Esser Worker, nurse, Spec. Ed PST Kathe Ahlgren
Aug 24th Oasys for ELLs Open Lab and Online module
Aug 25, 2016 Welcome Back All staff School Based 26, 29, 30 *
Aug.31 Voluntary Days
Aug. 31 Principal Designee Training 50 participants Mike Hertting