KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards

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KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards

KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

KAS-KAAP Content Assessment Standard: Reading 6.1 Determine the meaning of figurative and connotative works and phrases as they are used in text. RI.4

KAS Standard KAS Deconstruction Prerequisite Skills RI.4 6 Determine the Knowledge meanings of words Identify: and phrases as  Words and phrases they are used in a  Figurative words and phrases text including  Connotative words and phrases figurative,  Technical words and phrases connotative, and In a text technical meanings. Reasoning Determine the meanings of words and phrases, including the:  Figurative  Connotative  Technical Meanings of words and phrases as they are used in a text

5 Determine the Knowledge meaning of Identify: general academic  General academic and domain-  Domain-specific specific words and Words and phrases in a text relevant to phrases in a text a grade 5 topic or subject area relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject Reasoning area. Determine the meaning of:  General academic  Domain-specific Words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject area

4 Determine the Knowledge meaning of Identify: general academic  General academic and domain-  Domain-specific specific words and Words and phrases in a text relevant to phrases in a text a grade 4 topic or subject area relevant to a grade 4 topic or subject Reasoning area. Determine the meaning of:  General academic  Domain-specific

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

Words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic or subject area

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

3 Determine the Knowledge meaning of Identify: general academic  General academic and domain-  Domain-specific specific words and Words and phrases in a text relevant to phrases in a text a grade 3 topic or subject area relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject Reasoning area. Determine the meaning of:  General academic  Domain-specific Words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area

2 Determine the Knowledge meaning of words Identify words and phrases in a text and phrases in a relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject text relevant to a area grade 2 topic or subject area. Reasoning Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area

1 Ask and answer Knowledge questions to help Identify unknown words or words determine or needing clarification in a text clarify the Recognize that a question requires an meaning of words answer and phrases in a text. Reasoning Ask questions to determine meaning of words and phrases in a text Answer questions that clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text

K With prompting Knowledge and support, ask Indentify unknown words in text and answer Recognize that a questions requires an questions about answer unknown words in a text. Reasoning Formulate a question about unknown words in a text, with prompting and support

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

Answer questions about unknown words in a text, with prompting and support

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

KAS-KAAP Content Assessment Standard: Reading 6.2 Determine a theme of a text and how it is conveyed through details; provide a summary. RL.2

KAS Standard KAS Deconstruction Prerequisite Skills RL.2 6 Determine a Knowledge theme or central Define: idea of a text and  Theme how it is conveyed  And understand the central idea of through particular a text details; provide a Identify supporting details of the main idea summary of the or theme of a text text distinct from Summarize a text based on facts personal opinions or judgments. Reasoning Analyze supporting details used to determine theme or central idea Distinguish between textual facts and opinions Formulate a summary based on facts from the text 5 Determine a Knowledge theme of a story, Determine the theme of a: drama, or poem  Story from details in the  Drama text, including how  Poem characters in a Using details in the text story or drama Summarize the text respond to challenges or how Reasoning the speaker in a Explain how characters in a story or drams poem reflects respond to challenges upon a topic; Explain how the speaker in a poem reflects summarize the upon a topic text. Summarize the key ideas and details of a:  Story  Drama  Poem Including how characters respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic 4 Determine a Knowledge theme of a story, Apply details of a text to determine the drama, or poem theme of a: from details in the  Story text; summarize  Drama the text.  Poem Define ‘theme’ of a:

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

 Story  Drama  Poem

Reasoning Summarize key ideas and details for the theme of a:  Story  Drama  Poem 3 Recount stories, Knowledge including fables, Recount folktales, and  Fables from diverse cultures myths from  Folktales from diverse cultures diverse cultures;  Myths from diverse cultures determine the central message, Reasoning lesson, or moral Determine the: and explain how it  Moral of a fable is conveyed  Lesson of a folktale through key details  Central message of a myth in the text. Determine how the central message, lesson or moral is conveyed through key details in the text

2 Recount stories, Knowledge including fables Identify fables and folktales from diverse and folktales from cultures diverse cultures, Define diverse cultures and determine Recall details from stories (e.g., fables and their central folktales) message, lesson or moral. Reasoning Recount details of a story (e.g., fables and folktales) Determine the meaning, lesson or moral of a story (e.g., fables and folktales)

1 Retell stories, Knowledge including key Identify: details, and  Key details of a story demonstrate  Central message/lesson of the understanding of story their central Retell story, including key details message or lesson. Reasoning Apply understanding of their central message or lesson

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

K With prompting Knowledge and support, retell With prompting and support: familiar stories,  Identify key details of a story including key  Retell a familiar story including key details. details

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

KAS-KAAP Content Assessment Standard: Reading 6.3 Determine the meaning and impact of figurative and connotative words and phrases as they are used in a text.

KAS Standard KAS Deconstruction Prerequisite Skills RL.4 6 Determine the Knowledge meaning of words Identify words and phrases including: and phrases as  Figurative they are used in a  Connotative text, including As used in a text figurative and Identify tone in a text connotative meanings; analyze Reasoning the impact of a Interpret the meaning of words and specific word phrases including: choice on meaning  Figurative meanings and tone.  Connotative meanings As they are used in a text Analyze the impact of word choice on meaning Analyze the impact of word choice on tone 5 Determine the Knowledge meaning of words Recognize examples of figurative and phrases as language in text, such as similes and they are used in a metaphors text, including figurative language Reasoning such as metaphors Determine the: and similes. Meaning of words and phrases in texts Figurative meaning of words and phrases, including metaphors and similes, as used in a text

4 Determine the Knowledge meaning of words Recognize words and phrases and phrases as  In a text they are used in a  That alludes to significant text, including character found in mythology in those that allude a text to significant Know significant Greek characters and characters found their defining characteristics in mythology (e.g., Herculean). Reasoning Determine the meaning of words and phrases: As they are used in a text That allude to significant characters

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

found in mythology as they are used in a text 3 Determine the Knowledge meaning of words Identify literal and nonliteral words and and phrases as phrases in a text they are used in a text, distinguishing Reasoning literal from Determine the meaning of literal and nonliteral nonliteral words and phrases as they are language. used in a text

2 Describe how Knowledge words and phrases Identify: (e.g., regular Rhyming words beats, alliteration, Alliteration and other types of figurative rhymes, repeated language lines) supply Recognize regular beats and repeated rhythm and lines in a: meaning in a story,  Story poem, or song.  Poem  Song Recognize rhythm within a:  Story  Poem  Song

Reasoning Describe how words and phrases supply rhythm or impact meaning in a:  Story  Poem  Song

1 Identify words and Knowledge phrases in a Identify: stories or poems  Words in stories or poems that suggest  Phrases in stories or poems feelings or appeal  The various senses to the senses. Recognize words and phrases that:  Suggest feelings  Appeal to the senses

Reasoning Identify words and phrases in  Stories  Poems That:  Suggest feelings  Appeal to the senses

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

K Ask and answer Knowledge questions about Identify unknown words in text unknown words in Recognize that a questions requires an a text. answer

Reasoning Formulate a questions about unknown words in a text Use resources/strategies to answer questions about unknowns words in a text

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

KAS-KAAP Content Assessment Standard: Reading 6.4 Determine a central idea of a text, how it is conveyed through details, and provide a summary. RI.2

KAS Standard KAS Deconstruction Prerequisite Skills RI.2 6 Determine a Knowledge central idea of a Identify: text and how it is  Central idea of a text conveyed through  Supporting details of a text particular details; Define and understand the influence of personal provide a summary opinion and judgment when reading a text of the text distinct from personal Reasoning opinions or Analyze text to determine the central idea and judgments. supporting details Recognize particular details used to support the central idea of a text Provide a non-biased summary based on the text 5 Determine two or Knowledge more main ideas of Explain how the supporting details of a text determine a text and explain the main ideas how they are Summarize text supported by key details; summarize Reasoning the text. Determine two or more ideas of a text Explain how multiple ideas are supported by key ideas Summarize the multiple ideas of a text using key details 4 Determine the Knowledge main idea of text Explain how the supporting details determine the and explain how it main idea of a text is supported by Summarize text key details; summarize the Reasoning text. Summarize the text using key details 3 Determine the Knowledge main idea of a text; Determine the main idea of a text recount the key Recount key details of a text details and explain how they support Reasoning the main idea. Explain how the key details support the main idea of a text 2 Identify the main Knowledge topic of a Recognize the main topic of multi-paragraph multiparagraph informational text text as well as the Identify the focus of specific paragraphs that support focus of specific the main topic of a text paragraphs within

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

the text. 1 Identify the main Knowledge topic and retell key Identify the details of a text.  Main topic of a text  Key details of a text Retell key details of a text K With prompting Knowledge and support, With prompting and support: identify the main  Identify the main topic of a text topic and retell key  Identify key details of a text details of a text. Retell key details of a text

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

KAS-KAAP Content Assessment Standard: Reading 6.5 Determine an author’s purpose and explain how it is conveyed in a text. RI.6

KAS Standard KAS Deconstruction Prerequisite Skills RI.6 6 Determine an Knowledge author’s point of Recognize strategies authors use to view or purpose in develop point of view (e.g., revealing a text and explain character’s thoughts and actions, how it is conveyed dialogue, what other characters say or in the text. think about that character) Identify details or examples in a text where the author develops the point of view of the narrator or the speaker

Reasoning Compare and contrast point of view of the narrator or characters in a text Analyze how the author develops these different points of view 5 Describe how a Knowledge narrator’s or Define influences speaker’s point of Identify narrator’s or speaker’s point of view influences view how events are Describe narrator’s or speaker’s point of .described view Identify relevant events

Reasoning Infer the characteristics of the narrator or speaker Describe how a narrator’s point of view influences the description of the event Describe how the speaker’s point of view influences how the events are described 4 Compare and Knowledge contrast a Define vocabulary: firsthand and  Compare secondhand  Contrast account of the  Firsthand account same event or  Secondhand account topic; describe the Describe the events or main ideas of each differences in account focus and the information Reasoning provided. Compare the accounts of the event or topic Contrast the accounts of the event or topic Describe how the focus and information provided is different each account

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

3 Distinguish their Knowledge own point of view Recognize own point of view from that of the Identify the: author of a text. Narrator’s point of view Character’s point of view

Reasoning Compare/contrast own point of view to the narrator’s or the character’s point of view

2 Identify the main (Not correctly listed in the online purpose of a text, document on June 15, 2011) including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe.

1 Distinguish Knowledge between Identify whether information is provided information in pictures or other illustrations and by provided by the words in the text pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text.

K Name the author Knowledge and illustrator of a Name the author text and define the Name the illustrator role of each in Devine what an author does presenting the Define what an illustrator does ideas or information in a text.

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

KAS-KAAP Content Assessment Standard: Reading 6.6 Compare a written story, to its audio, filmed, staged, or multimedia version, explaining the effects of techniques unique to each medium. RL.7

KAS Standard KAS Deconstruction Prerequisite Skills RL.7 6 Compare and Knowledge contrast the Define compare and contrast experience of Recognize multiple text formats: reading a story,  Audio drams, or poem to  Video listening to or  Live version viewing an audio, Reasoning video, or live Determine the similarities of the version of the text, experience of reading a: including  Story contrasting what  Drama they “see” and  Poem “hear” when To listening to or viewing the audio, reading the text to video, or live version of the text what they Determine the differences of the perceive when experience of reading a: they listen or  Story watch.  Drama  Poem To listening to or viewing the audio, video or live version of the text Contrast what is seen/heard in text when reading watching or listening

5 Analyze how visual Knowledge and multimedia Define analyze elements Identify multimedia and visual elements contribute to the within a text meaning, tone, or Recognize: beauty of a text  Meaning (e.g., graphic  Tone novel, multimedia  Beauty presentation of Of text fiction, folktale, myth, poem). Reasoning Analyze how visual elements contribute to text:  Meaning  Tone  Beauty Analyze how multimedia elements contribute to text:

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

 Meaning  Tone  Beauty

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

4 Make connections Knowledge between the text Identify: of a story or drama  Story and a visual or oral  Drama presentation of the In text, visually, and orally text, identifying Identify descriptions in a story or drama: where each  In text version reflects  Visually and orally specific Recognize stage directions in a descriptions and story/drama both in text and a visual/oral directions in the presentation text. Reasoning Connect the text of a story or drama to the text of a visual or oral presentation recognizing the descriptions and directions in each version

3 Explain how Knowledge specific aspects of Identify specific aspects of a text’s a text’s illustrations illustrations Recognize the mood of a story contribute to what is conveyed by the Reasoning words in a story Explain how aspects of (e.g., create mood,  Illustrations contribute to the emphasize aspects words in a story of a character or  Text illustrations create the setting). mood of a story  Text illustrations emphasize: o A character o The setting

2 Use information Knowledge gained from the Identify plot illustrations and Recognize digital text words in a print or Obtain information from illustrations and digital text to words in various types of text demonstrate understanding of Reasoning its characters, Explain: setting, or plot.  Characters  Setting  Plot Obtained from illustrations and words in print Understand:

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

 Characters  Setting  Plot Obtained from illustrations and words in digital text

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

1 Use illustrations Knowledge and details in a Recognize story: story to describe  Characters its characters,  Setting setting, or events.  Events Use story illustrations to identify:  Character  Setting  Events Use story details to identify:  Characters  Setting  Events

Reasoning Describe:  Characters  Setting  Events Using  Story illustrations  Story details

K With prompting Knowledge and support, Identify illustrations describe the Know how to describe relationship between Reasoning illustrations and With prompting and support, describe a the story in which moment in the story using the they appear (e.g., illustrations that depict it what moment in a With prompting and support, describe story an how the illustrations and story are illustration related as they appear depicts).

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

KCAS-KAAP Content Assessment Standard: W-6.1 Communicate real experiences by engaging and orienting the reader, introducing characters, organizing a sequence of events that unfold naturally using dialogue, description and pacing with precise words and phrases, using descriptive details, sensory language and basic transition words to convey experiences and manage time or setting change, and provide a reasonable conclusion.

Fall, 2011 KAS Standard KAS Deconstruction Prerequisite Skills W.3 6 Write narratives to Knowledge develop real or imaginedKAS-KAAP Describe Aligned the characteristics Content of Assessmenta narrative Standards experiences or events Describe a variety of ways authors engage using effective technique,Instructional readers Alignment Planning Tool relevant descriptive Identify how writers use transitional words, details, and well phrases, clauses to signal change in a narrative structured event Reasoning sequences. Use a variety of techniques to engage the reader A. Engage and orient the and establish context reader by establishing a Analyze narrative techniques such as: context and introducing a  Dialogue narrator and/or  Pacing characters; organize an  Description event sequence that to develop experiences, events and/or characters unfolds naturally and Critique a variety of transition: logically.  Words B. Use narrative  Phrases techniques, such as  Clauses dialogue, pacing and to convey sequence and signal shifts from one description to develop time frame or setting experiences, events, Compare and contrast relevant and irrelevant and/or characters. details in developing: C. Use a variety of  Experiences transition words, phrases  Events and clauses to convey  Characters sequence and signal shifts Analyze effective organizational patterns and from one time frame or conclusions setting to another. Use precise words and phrases, relevant D. Use precise words and descriptive details and sensory language to phrases, relevant develop experiences and events descriptive details, and sensory language to Product convey experiences and Write a narrative to develop real or imaginative events. experiences or events that: E. Provide a conclusion  Engages the reader and establishes a that follows from the context narrated experiences or  Uses techniques such as dialogue and events. description to develop experiences, events, character  Uses a variety of transitions to convey sequence and signal shifts  Uses appropriate precise, descriptive sensory language  Leads to a conclusion 5 Write narratives to Knowledge develop real or imagined Describe the: experiences or events  Use of story elements in narrative using effective technique,  Characteristics of narrative descriptive details, and Explain how the: clear event sequences.  Sequence of events affects the story’s A. Orient the reader by conclusion establishing a situation  Transitional words, phrases and clauses and introducing a narrator advance the sequence of events and/or characters; Describe narrative techniques such as: organize an event  Dialogue sequence that unfolds  Description naturally.  Pacing, etc B. Use narrative techniques, such as Reasoning Fall, 2011 dialogue, description, and Establish a situation, a narrator and/or characters pacing to develop Organize story events to determine logical experiences and events or sequence that results in a conclusion show the responses of KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

KAS-KAAP Content Assessment Standard: W-6.2 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task.

KAS Standard KAS Deconstruction Prerequisite Skills W.4 6 Produce clear and Knowledge coherent writing in (The underpinning knowledge targets are found in which the Writing Standards 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 and Language development, Standards 1-6) organization, and style are Reasoning appropriate to Analyze the reason for writing a piece to decide on: task, purpose, and  Task audience.  Purpose  Audience Determine suitable:  Idea development strategies  Organization  Style appropriate to task and purpose and audience (additional underpinning reasoning targets are found in Writing Standards 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9)

Performance Skill (The underpinning skill targets are found in Writing Standards 5, 6, 7, 10)

Product Produce a writing piece that is clear and coherent with:  Idea development  Organization  Style appropriate to task, purpose, and audience (Grade-specific expectations and writing types are found in Writing Standards 1-3)

5 Produce clear and Knowledge coherent writing in (The underpinning knowledge targets are found in which the Writing Standards 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 and Language development and Standards 1-6) organization are appropriate to Reasoning task, purpose and Analyze the reason for writing a piece to decide on: audience.  Task  Purpose  Audience Determine suitable:

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

 Idea development strategies  Organization appropriate to task and purpose and audience (additional underpinning reasoning targets are found in Writing Standards 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9)

Performance Skill (The underpinning skill targets are found in Writing Standards 5, 6, 7, 10)

Product Produce a writing piece that is clear and coherent with:  Idea development  Organization appropriate to task, purpose, and audience (Grade-specific expectations and writing types are found in Writing Standards 1-3)

4 Produce clear Knowledge and cohesive (The underpinning knowledge targets are found in writing in which Writing Standards 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 and Language the Standards 1-6) development and Reasoning organization are Analyze the reason for writing a piece to decide on: appropriate to  Task task, purpose,  Purpose and audience.  Audience (Grade-specific Determine suitable: expectations for  Idea development strategies writing types  Organization are defined in appropriate to task and purpose and audience standards 1-3 (additional underpinning reasoning targets are found above) in Writing Standards 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9)

Performance Skill (The underpinning skill targets are found in Writing Standards 5, 6, 7, 10)

Product Produce a writing piece that is clear and cohesive with:  Idea development  Organization appropriate to task, purpose, and audience (Grade-specific expectations and writing types are found in Writing Standards 1-3) 3 With guidance Knowledge and support (The underpinning knowledge targets are found in from adults, Writing Standards 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 and Language

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

produce writing Standards 1-6) in which the development Reasoning and Analyze the reason for writing a piece to decide on: organization are  Task appropriate to  Purpose task and with guidance and support purpose. Determine suitable: (Grade-specific  Idea development strategies expectations for  Organization writing types appropriate to task and purpose and audience are defined in (additional underpinning reasoning targets are found standards 1-3 in Writing Standards 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9) above) Performance Skill (The underpinning skill targets are found in Writing Standards 5, 6, 7, 10)

Product Produce a writing piece that is clear and cohesive with:  Idea development  Organization appropriate to task, purpose, and audience (Grade-specific expectations and writing types are found in Writing Standards 1-3) 2 Begins in grade 3 1 Begins in grade 3 K Begins in grade 3

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

KAS-KAAP Content Assessment Standard:W-6.3 With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, and rewriting.

KAS Standard KAS Deconstruction Prerequisite Skills W.5 6 With some Knowledge guidance and With some guidance and support from peers support from peers and adults, students recognize how to: and adults,  Plan develop and  Revise strengthen writing  Edit as needed by  Rewrite planning, revising,  Try a new approach editing, rewriting, Know how to edit for conventions of Writing or trying a new demonstrating (see Language standards 1-3 approach. up to and including grade 6 on page 52)

Reasoning With some guidance and support from peers and adults, students develop and strengthens writing by:  Planning  Revising  Editing  Rewriting  Trying a new approach

5 With guidance and Knowledge support from peers With some guidance and support from peers and adults, and adults, students recognize how to: develop and  Plan strengthen writing  Revise as needed by  Edit planning, revising,  Rewrite editing, rewriting,  Try a new approach or trying a new Know how to edit for conventions of Writing approach. demonstrating (see Language standards 1-3 up to and including grade 5 on page 28 & 29)

Reasoning With some guidance and support from peers and adults, students develop and strengthens writing by:  Planning  Revising  Editing  Rewriting

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

 Trying a new approach

4 With guidance Knowledge and support With some guidance and support from peers from peers and and adults, students recognize how to: adults, develop  Plan and strengthen  Revise writing as  Edit needed by  Rewrite planning,  Try a new approach revising editing, Know how to edit for conventions of Writing rewriting, or demonstrating (see Language standards 1-3 trying a new up to and including grade 4 on page 28 & 29) approach. (Editing for Reasoning conventions With some guidance and support from peers should and adults, students develop and strengthens demonstrate writing by: command of  Planning Language  Revising standards 1-3  Editing up to and  Rewriting including grade  Trying a new approach 4 on pages 28 and 29.) 3 With guidance Knowledge and support With some guidance and support from peers from peers and and adults, students recognize how to: adults, develop  Plan and strengthen  Revise writing as  Edit needed by  Rewrite planning,  Try a new approach revising editing, Know how to edit for conventions of Writing rewriting, or demonstrating (see Language standards 1-3 trying a new up to and including grade 3) approach. (Editing for Reasoning conventions With some guidance and support from peers should and adults, students develop and strengthens demonstrate writing by: command of  Planning Language  Revising standards 1-3  Editing up to and  Rewriting including grade  Trying a new approach 3 on pages 28  and 29.) 2 With guidance Knowledge and support With guidance and support from adults and from adults and peers, students recognize how to:

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool peers, focus on  Focus on a topic a topic and  Revise and edit strengthen writing as Reasoning needed by With guidance and support from peers and revising and adults, students strengthen writing as needed editing. by:  Revising  Editing

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

1 With guidance Knowledge and support With guidance and support from adults, from adults, students recognize how to: focus on a topic,  Focus on a topic respond to  Respond to questions and suggestions questions and from peers suggestions  Add details to strengthen writing as from peers and needed add details to strengthen Reasoning writing as With guidance and support from adults, needed. students develop writing as needed by:  Focusing on a topic  Responding to questions and suggestions from peers  Adding details to strengthen writing as needed K With guidance Knowledge and support With guidance and support from adult, from adults, students should recognize: respond to  How to respond to questions and questions and suggestions from peers suggestions  How to add details to strengthen from peers, and writing as needed add details to strengthen Reasoning writing as With guidance and support from adults needed. students develop writing as needed by:  Responding to questions and suggestions from peers  Adding details to strengthen writing as needed Performance Skill


Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

KAS-KAAP Content Assessment Standard: W-6.4 Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources; assess the credibility of each source and quote or paraphrase the data avoiding plagiarism.

KAS Standard W.8 KAS Deconstruction Prerequisite Skills 6 Gather relevant Knowledge information from Recognize a credible source multiple print and Define plagiarism digital sources; assess Quote information from a source the credibility of each Identify and provide basic bibliographic source; and quote or information for sources paraphrase the data Gather relevant information from print and and conclusions of digital sources others while avoiding Paraphrase the data and conclusions of others plagiarism and providing basic Reasoning bibliographic Assess the credibility of each source information for Determine when to credit sources to avoid sources. plagiarism 5 Recall relevant Knowledge information from Define: experiences or  Summarize gather relevant  Paraphrase information from Recall relevant information from experiences print and digital Gather relevant information from print and sources; summarize digital sources or paraphrase Identify source list information in notes and finished work, Reasoning and provide a list of Summarize information in notes and finished sources. work Paraphrase information in notes and finished work 4 Recall relevant Knowledge information from Identify relevant information in a passage experiences or Recall and gather relevant information from gather relevant experience information from Take notes print and digital Provide source list sources; take notes and categorize Reasoning information, and Gather relevant information from print and provide a list of digital sources sources. Categorize information Distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information 3 Recall information Knowledge from experiences or Recognize print and digital sources gather information Gather information from print and digital

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

from print and digital sources sources; take brief Provide brief notes from sources notes on sources and sort evidence into Reasoning provided categories. Sort evidence from sources into provided categories

2 Recall information Knowledge from experiences or Recall information gather information Gather information from sources from provided sources to answer a Reasoning question. Answer a question:  Recalling information from experiences  Using information from a provided source or multiple sources 1 With guidance and Knowledge support from adults, Identify: recall information  Experience from experiences or  Source gather information from provided Reasoning sources to answer a Gather information from more than one source question. to answer a question With guidance and support:  Answer a question using information from experience  Answer a question using information from a provided source

K With guidance and Knowledge support from adults, Identify: recall information  Experience from experiences or  Source gather information from provided Reasoning sources to answer a Gather information from more than one source question. to answer a question

Performance Skill With guidance and support:  Answer a question using information from experience  Answer a question using information from a provided source

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

KAS-KAAP Content Assessment Standard:W-6.5 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others.

KAS Standard KAS Deconstruction Prerequisite Skills W.6 6 Use technology, Knowledge including the Know how to download, save, upload, attach Internet, to documents produce and Select appropriate word processing tools publish writing as Select appropriate tools for communicating and well as to interact collaborating and collaborate with others; Reasoning demonstrate Evaluate the appropriate technology tools for sufficient producing and publishing writing and for command of collaborating with others keyboarding to type a minimum of Performance Skill three pages in a Use technology, including the Internet, to produce single setting. and publish writing Use technology to interact and collaborate with others Use keyboarding skills to type three or more pages in a single sitting 5 With some Knowledge guidance and With some guidance and support: support from  Use keyboarding skills adults, use  Know how to use technology software to technology, produce and publish writing including the  Know how to use the Internet to Internet, to communicate with others produce and publish writing as well as to interact Reasoning and collaborate With some guidance and support: with others;  Evaluate the appropriate technology tools demonstrate for producing and publishing writing and for sufficient collaborating with others command of keyboarding skills Performance Skill to type a minimum With some guidance and support: of two pages in a  Use technology, including the single setting. Internet, to produce and publish writing  Use technology to interact and collaborate with others  Use keyboarding skills to type two or more pages in a single sitting

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

4 With some Knowledge guidance and With some guidance and support: support from  Use keyboarding skills adults, use  Know how to use word processing to technology, produce and publish writing including the  Know how to use the Internet to Internet, to communicate with others produce and publish writing Reasoning as well as to With some guidance and support: interact and  Evaluate the appropriate technology tools collaborate with for producing and publishing writing and for others; collaborating with others demonstrate sufficient Performance Skill command of With some guidance and support: keyboarding  Use technology, including the skills to type a Internet, to develop, revise, edit, and minimum of one publish writing page in a single  Use technology to communicate and sitting. collaborate with others  Use keyboarding skills to type one page or more in a single sitting 3 With guidance Knowledge and support With guidance and support: from adults, use  Use basic computer skills (e.g., turn on technology to computer, log on, use common software, produce and basic word processing tools) publish writing  know how to use technology to produce (using writing and to interact with others keyboarding  Know how to use technology to edit and skills) as well as revise writing to interact and collaborate with Reasoning others. With guidance and support:  Select appropriate technology tools that fit the intended audience and purpose

Performance Skill With guidance and support:  Perform keyboarding skills  Use technology to develop, revise, edit, and publish writing  Use technology to interact and collaborate with others 2 With guidance Knowledge and support With guidance and support: from adults, use  Use basic computer skills (e.g., turn on a variety of computer, log on, use common software, digital tools to basic word processing tools) produce and

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

publish writing, Reasoning including in With guidance and support: collaboration  Choose digital tools for producing and with peers. publishing writing

Performance Skill With guidance and support:  Use technology to produce and publish writing individually and with peers 1 With guidance Knowledge and support With guidance and support: from adults, use  Use basic computer skills (e.g., turn on a variety of computer, log on, use common software, digital tools to basic word processing tools) produce and publish writing, Reasoning including in With guidance and support: collaboration  Choose digital tools for producing and with peers. publishing writing

Performance Skill With guidance and support:  Use technology to produce and publish writing individually and with peers K With guidance Knowledge and support With guidance and support: from adults,  Use basic computer skills (e.g., turn on explore a variety computer, log on, use common software, of digital tools basic word processing tools) to produce and publish writing, Reasoning including in With guidance and support: collaboration  Choose digital tools for producing and with peers. publishing writing

Performance Skill With guidance and support:  Use technology to produce and publish writing individually and with peers

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

KAS-KAAP Content Assessment Standard: W-6.6 Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and refocusing the inquiry when appropriate.

KAS Standard KAS Deconstruction Prerequisite Skills W.7 6 Conduct short Knowledge research projects Apply appropriate research and inquiry methods to answer a to conduct a research project question, drawing Apply multiple resources to conduct short on several sources research projects and refocusing the inquiry when Reasoning appropriate. Determine sources to answer a research question Narrow/refocus the inquiry by selecting information from multiple sources which will support or justify the answer Conduct steps for research to answer a question Conduct a short research project to answer a question with appropriate information derived from research in a variety of sources 5 Conduct short Knowledge research projects Identify the: that use several  Various research sources sources to build  Different aspects of a topic knowledge through investigation of Reasoning different aspects of Discriminate between various research sources a topic. (i.e., atlas, map, encyclopedia, internet) Compare/contrast information from various research sources Interpret information derived from various sources Participate in short research and writing projects Conduct investigations on different aspects of a topic Question information to build knowledge of a topic 4 Conduct short Knowledge research projects Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through Reasoning investigation of Conduct short research projects that investigate different aspects of different aspects of a topic a topic.

3 Conduct short Knowledge research Conduct shared research using various sources projects that and tools

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

build knowledge about a topic. Reasoning Examine information gathered during shared research Discriminate between relevant and irrelevant information Participate in short research projects to gain knowledge of a specific topic 2 Participate in Knowledge shared research Apply sources and tools to conduct shared and writing research on a single topic projects (e.g., read a number Reasoning of books on a Organize relevant information on a topic (e.g., single topic to share information, produce a report) produce a Participate in shared research and writing report; record projects science observations). 1 Participate in Knowledge shared research Conduct shared research using various sources and writing and tools projects (e.g., Explore the format of a variety of texts (e.g., explore a ‘how to’) number of "how to” books on a Reasoning given topic and Determine appropriate sources and tools to use them to conduct shared research write a Distinguish the format of a variety of texts sequence of Participate in shared research and writing instructions). projects K Participate in Knowledge shared research Identify sources and tools for shared research and writing projects(e.g. Reasoning explore a Determine and apply appropriate sources and number of tools to conduct shared research books by a Participate in shared research and writing favorite author projects and express opinions about them)

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

KAS-KAAP Content Assessment Standard: M-6.1 Fluently add and subtract multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm.

KAS Standard KAS Deconstruction Prerequisite Skills 6.NS.3 6 Fluently add, Knowledge Prerequisite Q Taxons subtract, Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide Compare rational numbers in decimal form multiply, and multi-digit decimals using the standard (tenths and hundredths) with and without divide multi-digit algorithm for each operation with speed and models Round rational numbers to a whole number or a decimals using accuracy given fractional place value the standard Identify the place value of each digit in a multi- algorithm for Practice Standards digit numeral to the thousandths place each operation. Attend to precision Estimate and solve division problems with 2- and 3-digit divisors; explain solution

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

KCAS-KAAP Content Assessment Standard: M-6.2 Use positive and negative numbers to represent quantities in real world contexts.

KCAS Standard KCAS Deconstruction Prerequisite Skills 6.NS.5 6 Understand that Knowledge Prerequisite Q Taxons positive and Identify an integer and its opposite (none listed) negative numbers are used together Reasoning to describe Use integers to represent quantities in real quantities having world situations (above/below sea level, etc) opposite Explain where zero fits into a situation directions or represented by integers values (e.g., temperature Practice Standards above/below Make sense of problems and persevere in zero, elevation solving them above/below sea Reason abstractly and quantitatively level, Model with mathematics credits/debits, Attend to precision positive/negative electric charge); use positive and negative numbers to represent quantities in real- world contexts, explaining the meaning of 0 in each situation.

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

KAS-KAAP Content Assessment Standard: M-6.3 Evaluate numerical expressions involving whole number exponents.

KAS Standard KAS Deconstruction Prerequisite Skills 6.EE.1 6 Write and Knowledge Prerequisite Q Taxons evaluate Write numerical expressions involving whole (none listed) numerical number exponents Ex. 34=3x3x3x3 expressions Evaluate numerical expressions involving whole involving whole- number exponents Ex. 34=3x3x3x3=81 number Solve order of operation problems that contain exponents. exponents Ex. 3+22-(2+3) = 2

Practice Standards Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Attend to precision Look for and make use of structure

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

KAS-KAAP Content Assessment Standard: M-6.4 Identify when two expressions are equivalent.

KAS Standard KAS Deconstruction Prerequisite Skills 6.EE.4 6 Identify when Knowledge Prerequisite Q Taxons two expressions Recognize when two expressions are equivalent Identify additive inverses (opposites) and are equivalent multiplicative inverses (reciprocals, including (i.e., when the Reasoning zero) two expressions Prove (using various strategies) that two name the same equations are equivalent no matter what number number is substituted regardless of which value is Practice Standards substituted into Make sense of problems and persevere in them). For solving them example, the Reason abstractly and quantitatively expressions y + y Attend to precision + y and 3y are Look for and make use of structure equivalent because they name the same number regardless of which number y stands for.

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

KAS-KAAP Content Assessment Standard: M-6.5 Find the area of polygons by composing into rectangles or decomposing into other shapes in the context of solving real-world problems.

KAS Standard KAS Deconstruction Prerequisite Skills 6.G.1 6 Find the area of Knowledge Prerequisite Q Taxons right triangles, Recognize and know how to compose and Use exponential notation and repeated other triangles, decompose polygons into triangles and multiplication to describe and simplify special rectangles exponential expressions Draw circles; identify and determine the quadrilaterals, relationships between the radius, diameter, and polygons by Reasoning chord, center, and circumference composing into Compare the area of a triangle to the area of Evaluate algebraic expressions rectangles or the composted rectangle (Decomposition Investigate and determine the relationship decomposing into addressed in previous grade) between the diameter and the circumference of triangles and Apply the techniques of composing and/or a circle and the value of pi; calculate the other shapes; decomposing to find the area of triangles, circumference of a circle apply these special quadrilaterals and polygons to solve techniques in the mathematical and real world problems. context of solving Discuss, develop and justify formulas for real-world and triangles and parallelograms (6th grade

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

mathematical introduction) problems. Practice Standards Reason abstractly and quantitatively Model with mathematics

KAS-KAAP Content Assessment Standard: M-6.6 Display numerical data in plots on a number line and histograms.

KAS Standard KAS Deconstruction Prerequisite Skills 6.SP.4 6 Display numerical Knowledge Prerequisite Q Taxons data in plots on a Identify the components of dot plots, Organize, display and interpret information in number line, histograms, and box plots stem-and-leaf plots including dot Find the median, quartile and interquartile Determine the quartiles or interquartile range for a set of data plots, histograms, range of a set of data and box plots. Reasoning Analyze a set of data to determine its variance

Fall, 2011 KAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Planning Tool

Practice Standards Model with mathematics Attend to precision Look for and make use of structure

Fall, 2011

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