Regents Canoe Club s2

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Regents Canoe Club s2

Regents Canoe Club Committee Meeting Minutes

Date: Monday, 08th July 2013 Time: 20:00 - 21:00 Location: Outside on benches, Regents Canoe Club, 16-34 Graham Street, London N1 8JX

Item 1. Welcome & Apologies In Attendance: Sarah Gibbs, Mark Rowe, Sean Clarke, Claire Taylor, Myles Johnson Apologies received: Gemma Wilson, Ian Tokelove, Lucy Leddy, Clarissa Horilczenko, Steffi Thorhauer Other members present: Mark Donaldson Chair: Sarah Gibbs Minutes: Sean Clarke 2. Minutes: 04th June Committee Meeting The minutes of the 04th June 2013 Committee meeting were agreed and signed off. 3. Matters Arising: 04th June 2013 Committee Meeting COMPLETED ITEMS: All completed items were agreed. ONGOING / REPORTS:  GW to confirm if hooks for spraydecks still at pool - CT confirmed the hooks were not at the pool. CT & GW will arrange positioning of hooks for spraydecks at the pool. Remains open  MR to write Lesson Plan for Safety & Rescue course and circulate for agreement - Ongoing, remains open  CH to email members paddling on night when air bag went missing - Ongoing, remains open  CT to write short “How To” Guide on Equipment Hiring - Ongoing, circulated for comment to CH, GW, Peter Bale, Greg Dinner & Christine Dove. CT & MJ to discuss options for tallying collection of kit monies and RCC accounting journal entries ACTIONS:  CT & GW to arrange positioning of hooks for spraydecks at the pool  MR to write Lesson Plan for Safety & Rescue course and circulate for agreement  CH to email members paddling on night when air bag went missing  CT to publish short “How To” Guide on Equipment Hiring  CT & MJ to discuss options for tallying collection of kit monies and RCC accounting journal entries 4. Links with IBC SG informed the Committee of the meeting held with Leo Collier of IBC and SG & SC of RCC. The meeting went well and opened discussion on how we can align the two clubs more closely. Items discussed were:  SUP provider - RCC expressed concern that an external provider would be sharing the premises at the same time as our members. IBC & RCC agreed it would be best for the SUP provider to utilise Tuesday evenings for the benefit of their own clients and IBC & RCC members. SG will write to SUP provider.  Weed growth in the canal - SG noted that volunteers had been sourced and agreement on a date for removing weeds was to be either Monday 15th or Thursday 18th July. SG to liaise with IBC and coordinate RCC volunteers. MR to arrange for Islington Council collection of weed/refuse. SG noted that IBC would likely arrange a BBQ for the volunteers.  Coaching - Leo informed RCC that they often seek qualified coaches. SG suggested that RCC qualified coaches could be approached in order to increase their coaching hours. CH to liaise with IBC ongoing to obtain dates in advance that IBC require coaches and inform RCC qualified coaches of opportunities  Strengthening ties between clubs - the difficulties of encouraging IBC members to stick with paddle sport until they are of age to join RCC was discussed. It was agreed that we would look at how the clubs could work more closely together. ACTIONS: RCC Committee Meeting Minutes - 08th July 2013 1 Regents Canoe Club Committee Meeting Minutes

 SG to write to SUP provider to suggest use of Tuesday evenings  SG to coordinate volunteers for “Weed Removal”  MR to arrange for Islington Council collection of weed/refuse following Weed Removal event  CH to liaise with IBC ongoing to obtain dates in advance that IBC require coaches and inform RCC qualified coaches of opportunities 5. Health & Safety, Training & Incident Reports  Lost kit - no reports submitted for the Safety & Training Officer - Equipment Officer had kit related items discussed under item 6.  Incidents - MR presented the following incident reports:  RCC Alps trip - a Regents member swam on the Onde and broke the fibula bone in their left ankle. The member went to a hospital on return to the UK. Lesson learnt was that hospital visit should be undertaken immediately whilst on the trip rather than awaiting return to the UK.  Training Subsidies - no training subsidies were submitted 6. Equipment Officer Report  Replaced kit - CT noted that whilst on the alps trip, James Mogie used his throw line in a live rescue and the line had to be cut in order to reduce a river hazard. CT replaced the throwline for James Mogie at own personal cost. CT requested the Committee agree refund of the cost of the throwline. The Committee agreed to the reimbursement.  Kit return article - CT noted that on several occasions in the alps, various pieces of club (and personal) kit were left lying around unattended. Whilst in the alps, CT reminded trip participants of their responsibilities. The committee agreed CT should write a short piece on kit responsibility for the newsletter  Spray decks - CT requested the Committee approve the purchase of 10 new spray decks for hire - the Committee agreed.  Canoe paddles - CT updated the Committee that she will be increasing the complement of open boat paddles to twelve and just wanted to confirm the Committee were happy with this purchase as it was a decision made by the previous Committee - the Committee agreed.  Open Canoe Outfitting - CT requested the new Committee approve spend to ensure that the club has the necessary equipment to outfit each of its open boats to be white water able. The Committee agreed to the spend. ACTIONS:  CT to write short piece on kit responsibility for the newsletter  CT to purchase 10 new spray decks for hire 7. Any Other Business  Promotion of commercial ventures - the Committee agreed that a recent notice in NfC appeared to promote a commercial venture. Those involved clarified that it was not meant to appear as a promotion but a call to ask fellow club members if they join them to take part in a previously organised activity. The Committee agreed the wording could have been clearer. The Committee stated again that commercial ventures should not be able to use the membership list to promote their business. It is at the discretion of each member to seek their own decision on commercial providers of paddle sport training and activities.  Membership list - in order to ensure only renewed members are able to join trips and/or paddle at the canal and pool, it was agreed that the Duty List should be updated and that ST should create a list of all renewed members and share it privately with all Committee members to ensure they can inform trip organisers if anyone has not yet renewed. This list should be easily updatable and for use by SG in the NfC distribution list.  RCC branded merchandise - GW to write short piece for NfC to let members know that Alps logo and generic RCC logo branded merchandise is available and how to order it  Bring & Buy - the Committee agreed that a “Bring & Buy” event should be run on the next summer BBQ. LL to organise.  Boat register - CT informed the Committee that the Boat Register was now almost complete and ready for publication

RCC Committee Meeting Minutes - 08th July 2013 2 Regents Canoe Club Committee Meeting Minutes

ACTIONS:  ST to create a membership list of current 2013/14 members and share privately with the Committee  ST to remind Duty Officers, the Equipment Officer and any known upcoming trip organisers that anyone who has not renewed their membership should not be paddling on the canal, not able to hire club equipment and not able to join club trips  GW to write short piece for NfC to let members know that Alps logo and generic RCC logo branded merchandise is available and how to order it  LL to organise a “Bring & Buy” event on the next summer BBQ evening 10. Date & Time of Next Meeting(s) The Committee confirmed the following dates for Committee Meetings:  Wednesday, 07th August 2013 - 19:30 - 21:30  Thursday, 19th September 2013 - 20:00 - 22:00 11. Close

Summary of Action Items  GW to confirm if hooks for spraydecks still at pool  MR to write Lesson Plan for Safety & Rescue course and circulate for agreement  CH to email members paddling on night when air bag went missing  CT to publish short “How To” Guide on Equipment Hiring  CT & MJ to discuss options for tallying collection of kit monies and RCC accounting journal entries  SG to write to SUP provider to suggest use of Tuesday evenings  SG to coordinate volunteers for “Weed Removal”  MR to arrange for Islington Council collection of weed/refuse following Weed Removal event  CH to liaise with IBC ongoing to obtain dates in advance that IBC require coaches and inform RCC qualified coaches of opportunities  CT to write short piece on kit responsibility for the newsletter  CT to purchase 10 new spray decks for hire  ST to create a membership list of current 2013/14 members and share privately with the Committee  ST to remind Duty Officers, the Equipment Officer and any known upcoming trip organisers that anyone who has not renewed their membership should not be paddling on the canal, not able to hire club equipment and not able to join club trips  GW to write short piece for NfC to let members know that Alps logo and generic RCC logo branded merchandise is available and how to order it  LL to organise a “Bring & Buy” event on the next summer BBQ evening

RCC Committee Meeting Minutes - 08th July 2013 3

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