Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project

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Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project

E3035 v8 Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project HA NOI POWER CORPORATION ------

Distribution Efficiency Project (dep) HA NOI POWER CORPORATION

Component 1: Improve rural nework of old Ha Noi area - phase 1 Component 1: Improve Ha Dong District and Son Tay town networks

Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

Establisher : Pham Thi Hai

Ha noi, 19 April 2012.

dong hai consulting and construction joint stock company

Table of contents

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project

(EMP)...... 1 I. GENERAL INTRODUCTION...... 4 II. POLICY, REGULATIONS, AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORKS...... 4 2.1. Vietnamese Legislations...... 4 2.2. World Bank Safeguard Policies...... 5 III. SUBPROJECT DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE OF WORK...... 5 3.1. Objectives of the Subproject...... 5 3.2 Subproject Location...... 5 3.3 Subproject Management Organization...... 7 3.4. Subproject description...... 7 3.4.1 Medium voltage line...... 7 3.4.2 Medium voltage underground cable...... 10 3.4.3 Low voltage line...... 13 3.4.4 Substation...... 18 3.6. Main Activities Before and During Construction...... 25 3.6.1. Main Activities Before and During Construction...... 25 3.6.2 Transprortation...... 25 3.7. Subproject Implementation Schedule and Total Investment...... 26 3.7.1. Subproject Implementation Schedule...... 26 3.7.2. Total investment of the project:...... 26 IV. ENVIRONMETNAL BACKGROUND...... 27 4.1. Summary of natural condition and society of Long Bien district...... 27 4.2. Summary of natural condition and society of Hoang Mai district...... 28 4.4. Summary of natural condition and society of Soc Son district...... 29 4.5. Summary of natural condition and society of Gia Lam district...... 30 4.6. Summary of natural condition and society of Dong Anh district...... 30 4.7. Summary of natural condition and society of Ha Dong district...... 31 4.8. Summary of natural condition and society of Son Tay town...... 32 V. SUBPROJECT POTENTIAL IMPACTS...... 32 5.1. Environmental screening:...... 32 VI. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN:...... 38 6.1. Mitigation measures:...... 38 VII.ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN...... 51 VIII. EMP IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENT AND CAPACITY BUILDING...... 54 a) During Detailed Design and Preparation of Bidding Contract Documents...... 54 b) During Construction Phase...... 54 IX. REPORTING PROCEDURE...... 56 X. CAPACITY BUILDING FOR EMP IMPLEMENTATION...... 57 XI.ESTIMATED COST FOR IMPLEMENTING THE EMP...... 58 XII. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION AND DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION...... 59 12.1 Community consultation:...... 59 12.2 Disclosure of information:...... 64 ANNEX 1...... 65 TOR for monitoring of emp implementation for construction supervising consultant...... 65 ANNEX 2...... 67 Report template for monitoring of EMP implementation...... 67 ANNEX 3...... 69 Report template for monitoring of EMP implementation...... 69 ANNEX 4...... 71 Subproject area map...... 71 ANNEX 5...... 72 Some pictures of project area...... 72 Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project ANNEX 6...... 73 Consultancy minutes...... 73 ANNEX 7...... 74 Environmental protection commitment...... 74

I. GENERAL INTRODUCTION According to electric network investigation figures at 8 districts of Ha Noi city found that some of Medium voltage lines and low voltage networks not ensure reliability and safety in supply electricity needed to be upgraded voltage and fall cable for ensure reliability. Although Some of Low voltage networks are still good but go in the garden of private house, too close the private house. This will make the operation meet with difficulty in the future. Therefore, they have to be adjusted to reduce compensation cost. Many actual substations is Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project over load because the the growing rate is too fast. Thus, the upgrowth of capacity and supplement of substation to share for actual over load substation is necessary. Ha Noi Distribution Efficiency subproject comprises two components as follow: 1.Component 1: Improve rural network of old Ha Noi area – phase 1 2.Component 2: Improve Ha Dong District and Son Tay town networks The Subproject is implemented in 8 districts of Ha Noi city include: Long Bien District, Hoang Mai district, Tu Liem urban district, Gia Lam urban district, Soc Son urban district, Dong Anh urban district, Ha Dong district and Son Tay town. The activities of the project include: i) Construct fifty two of new 35/0.4 kV and 22/0.4kV substations; ii) improve 25 substations; iii) move 9 substations; iv) New construction and improve 25.427 km 22kV and 35kV underground cable; v) New construction and improve 926.842 km low voltage line. These activities can cause negative impacts on environment and public in preconstruction phase, construction phase and operation phase. To ensure that the potential negative impacts are identified and mitigated during project implementation and compliance with policies on environment assessment of World Bank - (OP/BP 4.01), Environment Management Plan (EMP) of project had been prepared in accordance with the guidance of the Environment Management Framework (EMF) of DEP. This EMP includes: project description, policy framework, regulations of environmental technical, the potential negative impacts, the proposed mitigation methods will be implemented in the periods of pre-construction, construction and operation, implementation arrangements. EMP also includes Environmental Codes of Practice (ECOP) will be incorporated into tender documents and contract, attached with environmental monitoring. According to regulations of VietNam government, the subproject has to make environmental protection commitment. The environmental protection commitment of the subproject is confirmed in the document No 288/TB-UBND dated on 13 December, 2011 by Gia Lam District people’s Commitee – Ha Noi city, Document No 712/TB-UBND dated on 27th December, 2011 by Hoang Mai District people’s Commitee – Ha Noi city, document No 643/TB-UBND dated on 31st December, 2011 by Tu Liem District people’s Commitee – Ha Noi city. II. POLICY, REGULATIONS, AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORKS 2.1. Vietnamese Legislations  Law on Protection of the Environment No. 52/2005/QH11 passed by the National Assembly on November, 29th, 2005 regulates the obligations of individuals, organizations in protecting environment.  Law on Water Resource No. 08/1998/QH10 dated 20 May, 1998  Decree of Government No. 80/2006/ND-CP dated 9 August, 2006 on guidance for implementation of Law on Protection of the Environment.  Decree of Government No. 29/2011/ND-CP dated 18 April, 2006 regulating strategic environmental assessment, environmental impact assessment and environment protection commitment.  Circular No.26/2011/TT-BTNMT dated 18 July, 2011 on guidance for Decree No.29/2011/ND-CP dated 18 April, 2011.  Decree of Government No.106/2005/ND-CP dated 17 August, 2005 on guidance for Law on electricity relating to the protection of high-voltage networks.

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project  Decree of Government No.81/2009/ND-CP dated 12 October, 2009 amending some Article of Decree No.106/2005/ND-CP dated 17 August, 2005.  Circular No.12/2011/TT-BTNMT dated 14 April, 2011 relating to toxic waste management.  Vietnam National Standard: QCVN01: 2009/BYT- national technical regulation on drinking water quality; QCVN02: 2009/BYT- national technical regulation on domestic water quality; QCVN08: 2008/BTNMT - national technical regulation on surface water quality; QCVN09: 2008/BTNMT - national technical regulation on ground water quality; QCVN05: 2009/BTNMT – air quality – Standard for ambient air quality; QCVN06: 2009/BTNMT – air quality –specified maximum allowable concentrations of certain hazardous substances in ambient air.  Guidance of EVN No. 2623/CV-EVN - KHCN & MT dated 28 May, 2007 on management and pollution prevention and exposure to PCBs. 2.2. World Bank Safeguard Policies An environmental screening was undertaken in line with the guidelines provided in the Environmental Management Framework (EMF) of the DEP project and it showed that the World Bank’s policies on Environmental Assessment (OP 4.01) and Involuntary Resettlement (OP 4.12) will be triggered for the subproject. In addition, the Bank’s requirements on public consultation and information disclosure will need to be followed. The implementation of policy on involuntary resettlement (OP 4.12) will be addressed in a separate report. III. SUBPROJECT DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE OF WORK 3.1. Objectives of the Subproject The objectives of the proposed subproject are to: - Prevent overload of the local power grid for the subproject communes - Reduce power losses, improve electricity quality, and provide stable power the areas. - New construction and improve electric network to meet demand for use of electricity to develop socio-economic at present and in the future of subproject area. 3.2 Subproject Location The subproject is implemented in 74 communes in 8 districts of Ha Noi city comprise: Long Bien District, Hoang Mai district, Tu Liem urban district, Gia Lam urban district, Soc Son urban district, Dong Anh urban district, Ha Dong district and Son Tay town. List of communes in the project, as follow:

Hoang Mai district (7 wards) Tu Liem district (9 Gia Lam District (10 Thinh Liet ward communes ) communes) Đai Kim ward Trung Van commune Yen Vien commune Hoang Liet ward Me Tri commune Yen Thuong commune Linh Nam ward Tay Tuu commune Phu Dong commune Yen So ward Xuan Phuong commune Co Bi commune Hoang Van Thu ward Minh Khai commune Dang Xa commune Thanh Tri ward Tay Mo commune Trau Quy Townlet

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Dai Mo commune Da Ton commune Thuy Phuong commune Kim Son commune Phu Dien commune Duong Xa commune Phu Thuy commune Dong Anh disctrict (5 Long Bien district (9 Soc Son district (15 communes) wards): communes) Kim No Long Bien ward Hong Ky commune Co Loa Ngoc Thuy ward Trung Gia commune Dai Mach Duc Giang ward Tan Minh commune Viet Hung Sai Dong ward Kim Lu commune Vong La Thuong Thanh Xuan Thu commune Viet Hung ward Tan Dan commune Bo De ward Minh Tri commune Phuc Loi ward Mai Dinh commune Gia Thuy ward Hien Ninh commune Phu Lo commune Phu Ninh commune Quang Tien commune Duc Hoa commune Xuan Giang commune Viet Long commune Ha Dong (6 wards) Son Tay Town (13 wards, Phu Luong ward communes) Phu Lam ward Son Dong commune Phu La ward Kim Son commune Dong Mai ward Co Dong commune Bien Giang ward Xuan Son commune Yen Nghia ward Thanh My commune Duong Lam commune Xuan Khanh ward Phu Thinh ward Trung Son Tram ward Ngo Quyen commune Le Loi Ward Son Loc Ward Quang Trung Ward 3.3 Subproject Management Organization - Subproject Owner: Electricity of Ha Noi coporation - Technical Design Consulting Unit: Dong Hai consulting and construction joint stock company. - Subproject Management Unit: Project management Board of EVN Ha Noi - Electricity of Ha Noi coporation.

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project 3.4. Subproject description

3.4.1 Medium voltage line Newly construction and improve 35.182 km medium voltage line. Length of section and subproject areas which line passes descriped as follow:

Table 3.4.1 Table of description of improvement and newly construction medium voltage line Length No Section Description (m) I Dong Anh district 1 CoLoa commune MV transmission line The line goes along the rice field and the village supply electricity for road to new Xom Vang 2 Substation 500 Xom Vang 2 substation 2 Viet Hung commune MV transmission line supplies electricity for Gia MV transmission line Luong 3 substation is connected to the pole of Gia supplies electricity for Luong 2 substation belong to 473E1 feeder. It 450 Gia Luong 3 passes through the rice fields and village road to substation New Gia Luong 3 substation.

MV transmission line MV transmission line supplies electricity for Lo supplies electricity for Giao 2 substation connected to Pole 1 belong to 450 Lo Giao 2 substation 473E1 feeder. It passes through the road then goes along the village road to new Lo Giao 2 substation. MV transmission line It starts at pole No 7 belong to feeder476 E1. It supplies electricity for passes through the railway then goes along the 270 Doai 3 substation village road of Viet Hung commune then goes across the rice field to new Doai 3 substation. 3 Vong La commune MV transmission line supplies electricity for The line starts from connected point pole then goes Lang Chai 3 330 along the village road to new Lang Chai 3 substation substation.

II Soc Son district 1 Hong Ky commune The branch is connected at the pole before the pole Branch to Ca Phe 3 belong to Tan Yen substation – feeder Trung Gia 1,080 substation 972-TG. It goes above the rice field to Ca Phe 3 substation 2 Trung Gia commune

Branch to Xom Do The branch is connected at T6 pole belong to feeder 356 substation 972 TG. It goes along the village road to Xom Do substation. Branch to Xuan Son The branch is connected at feeder972 TG. It goes substation 256 along the village road and rice field to Xuan Son 3 Substation

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project 3 Tan Minh commune The branch is connected at no number pole belong Branch to Xuan Dong to 674 Da Phuc intermediate feeder. It goes along 30 substation the village road to Xuan Dong substation

The branch is connected at no number pole belong Branch to Son Doai 520 to 974 Da Phuc intermediate feeder. It goes along substation the village road to Son Doai 3 substation. 4 Kim Lu commune The branch is connected at pole number 3 belong to Branch to Xuan 500 674 feeder. It goes along the village road to Xuan Duong 2 substation Duong 2 substation The branch is connected at no number pole before Branch to Kim Trung 300 Kim Trung 1 substation. It goes along the village substation road to Kim Trung 2 substation. 5 Xuan Thu commune The branch is connected at no number pole belong Branch to Xuan Lai 4 350 to 674 Da Phuc intermediate feeder. It goes along substation the village road to Xuan Ap substation 6 Tan Dan commune The branch is connected at the pole before electric Branch to Xuan Ap 700 industrial school. It goes along the village road to substation Xuan Ap substation. Branch to My Linh 3 The branch is connected at pole number 5 belong to substation branch 100 478 E1.19 feeder. It goes along the village road to My Linh 3 substation. 7 Minh Tri commune Branch to Go Gao The branch is connected at the pole before Dong substation 1,252 Bong substation belong to 478 E19 feeder. It goes along the village road to Go Gao substation Branch to Lap Tri 4 The branch is connected at the pole before Dong substation 531 Bong 2 substation belong to 478 E19 feeder. It goes along the village road to Lap Tri 4 substation. 8 Mai Dinh commune The branch is connected at the added pole between 31 and 32 pole belong to 672 Da Phuc intermediate Branch to Hoang 400 feeder. It goes along the village road to Hoang Duong substation Duong substation. Branch to Noi Phat Substation The branch is connected at no number pole belong 900 to 673 Phu Lo intermediate feeder. It goes along the village road to Noi Phat substation.

9 Phu Lo commune The branch is connected at the pole number 16 Branch to Phu Lo 9 150 belong to 671 Phu Lo intermediate feeder. It goes substation along the village road to Phu Lo 9 substation 10 Phu Linh commune Branch to Ve Linh 3 The branch is connected at the pole number 2 substation 40 belong to 478 E1.19 feeder. It goes along the village road to Ve Linh 3 substation Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Branch to Cong Hoa The branch is connected at the pole number 7 2 substation 300 belong to 972 Da Phuc intermediate feeder. It goes along the village road to Cong Hoa 2 substation 11 Duc Hoa commune Branch to Thanh Hue The branch is connected between pole 20 and 21 2 600 belong to 674 Da Phuc intermediate feeder. It goes along the village road to Thanh Hue 2 substation. Branch to Hau Duc 3 The branch is connected at the pole number 6 400 belong to 674 Da Phuc intermediate feeder. It goes across the field to Duc Hau 2 substation. Branch to Duc Hoa 4 The branch is connected at the pole number 2 substation 400 belong to 674 Da Phuc intermediate feeder. It goes along the village road to Duc Hoa 4 substation 12 Xuan Giang commune Branch to Lai Cach 3 The branch is connected to 478 E1.19 feeder. It goes 490 substation along the village road to Lai Cach 3 substation. 13 Viet Long commune Branch to Tang Long The branch is connected to 973 Trung Gia-Dong 2 substation 70 Ngan feeder. It goes along the village road to Tang Long 2 substation. Branch to Luong The branch is connected to 478-E19 feeder. It goes 300 Phuc 2 substation along the village road to Lai Cach 3 substation. III Long Bien district 1 Ngoc Thuy ward Branch to Ngoc Thuy The branch is connected at the pole number 6 group 20 substation 320 belong to 375 E1 feeder. It goes along the field to Ngoc Thuy group 20 substation 2 Phuc Loi Ward Branch to Phuc Loi The branch is connected at Hoi Xa 2 substation bus 14 substation 518 work belong to 373-E2 feeder. It goes along the village road to Phuc Loi 14 substation IV Ha Dong district Phu Luong Commune The line passes The line passes through the railway ( border Ha 720 through the railway Dong station) V Son Tay Town Feeder973 starts at E1.7 to the pole N0 6 This feeder starts from E1.7. It goes above the rice from Tung Thien field and private house to the pole number 6 from 6,398 intermediate. Tung Thien intermediary. Then it is connected to Tung Thien intermediate substation.

This Feeder starts from E1.7. It goes across the garden, field and private house to near 19/5 business Feeder979 from E1.7 substation. From that point it turns left. It goes to the pole N0 17 9,585 closely to ancient town to close material depot substation then turn right. It follows closely road 32 to the pole No 63 belong to Son Tay, Ba Vi district, Ha Noi city. Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project This Feeder starts from Tung Thien intermediary. It Feeder973 from Tung goes along the street and the village road to close Thien intermediary to 4,371 Son Tay-Xuan Mai road. From that point it turns the pole No 176 right then follows closely Son Tay-Xuan Mai road to circuit breaker 176 Branch to 8 moving substations 1,245

3.4.2 Medium voltage underground cable Total length of new construction and improvement medium voltage underground cable feeder is 25.427km. The length of every section and subproject area that the line goes through described as follow:

Table 3.4.2: Description of new construction and improve medium voltage underground cable line N0 Section Length Description (m) I Tu Liem district 24kV Medium The line goes along pavement of Do Duc Duc street voltage then turn in lane. It goes along side of the lane near underground cable 416 wasteland. It supplies electricity for new Me Tri 8 feeder to Me Tri 8 substation. substation II Gia Lam district 35kV Medium The line goes along canal edge of An Dao street . It voltage supplies electricity for new Trau Quy 11 substation. underground cable 280 feeder supply electricity for Trau Quy 11 substation III Hoang Mai district 1 Yen So Ward Section from pole 14 to Yen Duyen 135 The line goes on the roadside border on private house. church substation

Section from Yen Duyen church substation to Yen Duyen 2 416 The line goes on the roadside border on private house. substation

Section from Yen The line goes on the road right, a part of it boder on Duyen 2 private house, a part of it boder onYen So lake. 461 substation to Van Chi substation Section from pole 498 The line goes on the road right to near pole number number 30.1 to 38. From that point it turns left to Yen Duyen B Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Yen Duyen B substation. substation 2 Thinh Liet ward 24kV Medium The line starts from Thinh Liet 2 substation belong to voltage feeder 484 E3. It goes along 1141 lane, Giai Phong underground cable 271 street to Thinh Liet 10 substation. line to Thinh Liet 10 substation 24kV Medium The line starts from Thinh Liet 7 substation belong to voltage feeder 483 E3. It goes along 141 lane, Giap Nhi street underground cable 1.066 to RMU cabinet of Thinh Liet 11 substation. line to Thinh Liet 11 substation 24kV Medium The line goes along 1295 lane, Giai Phong street. It voltage supplies electricity for new substation. underground cable 116 line to Thinh Liet 12 substation 24kV Medium The line goes in lane of Nguyen Chinh street. voltage underground cable 44 line to Thinh Liet 13 substation III Long Bien district 1 Bo De ward underground cable line supplies The line connects at the pole number 4. It goes along electricity for 22 pavement to new substation. Ngoc Lam primary school substation 2 Sai Dong Ward Branch to Sai The line is stretched from connected point pole to Dong 11 extra-high voltage of transformer. substation 22

3 Thuong Thanh ward Branch to Thuong The line goes along the lane number 29, Thuong Thanh 16 Thanh street (from Gia Quat Thuong Thanh substation substation 450 to new substation).

The line starts from Thanh Am 2 substation. It goes Branch to Thuong along Thanh Am street to new substation. 430 Thanh 26 Group substation 4 Long Bien ward Underground 3.000 The line starts from 24kV distribution cabinet of cable line connects 110kV E15 substation to Lam Du substation (feeder feeder 477E15 to 475-E2). The line goes in pavement of internal road

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project feeder475 E2 belong to Sai Dong industrial area and pavement of Tu Dinh road. IV Ha Dong district Feeder 485E1.4 The line starts from 220kV Ha Dong substation. It goes along 6 highway (on the right of pavement) to Ba La turning point. From that point the feeder turns 4.900 left then goes along 21B highway. Its supplies electricity for substations belong to Phu Lam ward and Phu Luong ward. Feeder 483E1.4 The line starts from 220kV Ha Dong substation. It goes along 6 highway (most the line goes along pavement and right lobby of 6 highway according to direction from Ha Noi to Hoa Binh) to Dong Dung 5.900 gas station turning point. From that point the line turn on the left then goes along to Mai Linh market - Dong Mai ward. It supplies electricity for substations belong to Phu La district area, Nhan Hue hamlet, Mai Linh market belong to Dong Mai district. Feeder 481E1.4 The line starts from 220kV Ha Dong substation ( from 6-22kV distribution room of the substation). It goes along 6 highway (most the line goes along pavement and right lobby of 6 highway according to direction from Ha Noi to Hoa Binh) to Dong dung gas station 6.700 turning point. From that point the line turn left then goes in Co Ban hamlet area. It goes along concrete lane to Y Son Hamlet-Dong Mai ward supplies electricity for substations belong to Co Ban hamlet area, Nhan Dao hamlet and Y Son hamlet. V Son Tay town Feeder 979 from It is outgoing cable section that adds for outgoing E1.7 to pole 63 150 cable section of feeder 979

Feeder 973 from It is outgoing cable section that adds for outgoing E1.7 to pole 6 cable section of feeder 973 150 (from Tung Thien intermediary)

3.4.3 Low voltage line Total length of newly construction and improvement low voltage line is 926.842 km. The length of every section and subproject areas that the line goes through described as follow: Table 4.3: Description of new construction and improvement low voltage line Length N0 Line Description (m) I Tu Liem district The line starts from Quang Tien 5 substation. It 1 Dai Mo commune 22,167 is far from Dai Mo market about 36m. It goes along village road. 2 Phu Dien commune 10,608 The line starts from Kieu Mai 2 substation .It is far from Kieu Mai village pagodas about 23m. Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project The line goes in the village road near private house. The line goes in the village road. The line goes through business production area such as the line from Cat Soi (Chem) substation. It is far from 3 Minh Khai commune 13,413 area of material exploitation and business of Ha Noi construction material exploitation and business company 36m. 4 Me Tri commune 16,992 The line goes in the village road. The line goes in the village road, alley close to private house. The line goes through the cultural 5 Tay Mo commune 17,245 and historical such as the line goes through the Mieu Nha Duoi pagoda. It is far from pagoda 27m. The line goes along the village road and goes 6 Tay Tuu commune 24,637 through the crop area. The line goes in the village road close to 7 Trung Van commune 2,525 residential area. The line goes along the village road. Some sections go along the pagoda, market. The line goes through the Nhon market distance market 8 Xuan Phuong commune 17,708 33m. The line goes through the Ngoc Mach pagoda area distance pagodas 9m. The line goes through the Thi Cam pagoda distance pagoda12m. 9 Thuy Phuong commune 9,418 The line goes mainly in the village road II Gia Lam district 1 Kim Son commune 13,603 The line goes in the village road The line goes in the village road border on 2 Duong Xa commune 9,970 residential areas. The line goes in the village road border residential area. Some sections go through 3 Da Ton commune 9,131 historical monument area such as the line goes through Dao Xuyen pagoda distance pagoda 27m. Communes: Dang Xa Phu Dong The line goes in the village road border on Yen Thuong 4 59,082 residential area. The line does not go through the Yen Vien cultural and historical monument area Phu Thi Co Bi Trau Quy town II Hoang Mai district Wards: - Dai Kim - Hoang Liet 1 - Hoang Van Thu 44,123 The line goes in the village road border on - Thinh Liet residential area. There is no line that goes - Thanh Tri through the cultural and historical monument - Linh Nam area IV Long Bien district

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Wards: Bo De Ngoc Thuy The line goes mainly in the village road border Phuc Loi on residential area. There is no line that goes 1 Sai Dong 11,387 through the cultural and historical monument Duc Giang area. Thuong Thanh Viet Hung Gia Thuy V Dong Anh district The line goes mainly in the village road border on residential area. The line goes through the Gia 1 Viet Hung commune 34,875 Loc pagoda area distance pagodas 15m. The line goes through Lo Giao pagoda distance pagoda 12m. The line goes mainly in the village road border on residential area. The line goes through the cemetery area distance 12m. The line goes 2 Kim No commune 19,149 through the Bac Pagoda area distance pagoda 20m. The line goes through the Kim No market area distance market 17m. The line goes mainly in the village boarder on residential area. The line border on Linh Quang 3 Dai Mach commune 22,915 Tu Pagoda distance pagoda 15m. The line goes through Mai Chau church area distance church 12m. The line goes mainly in the village road belong to residential area. The line border on Sap Mai 4 Vong La commune 16,246 pagoda distance pagoda 13m. Some sections go through the waste area and rice field. The line goes mainly in the village road belong 5 Co Loa commune 31,464 to residential area. The line border on Co Loa citadel distance citadel 10 m. VI Soc Son district The line goes mainly in the village road belong 1 Hong Ky commune 54,923 to residential area. The line goes mainly in the village road belong to residential area. The line goes through Trung 2 Trung Gia commune 35,840 Gia Soc Son revolution monument area distance it 7m. 3 Communes: Tan Minh Kim Lu Xuan Thu Tan Dan Minh Tri Mai Dinh 338,693 The line goes in the village road border on Hien Ninh residential area. There is no line goes through the Phu Lo cultural and historical monument area. Phu Ninh Quang Tien Duc Hoa Xuan Giang Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Viet Long VII Ha Dong district 1 Phu Luong ward Wards: The line goes in the village road border on Phu Luong 3,223 residential area. There is no line goes through the Phu Lam cultural and historical monument area. Phu La 2 Yen Nghia ward The line goes mainly in the village road border Do Lo 1 substation 988 on residential area. There is no line goes through the cultural and historical monument area. The line goes along Highway 6. There is no line Do Lo 2 substation 1,490 goes through the cultural and historical monument area. The line goes mainly in the village border on Hoa Binh 1 substation 1,070 residential area. No the line go through the historical and cultural. The line goes mainly in the village road border on residential area. Some sections close to pond. Hoa Binh 2 substation 1,164 There is section that goes through the village pagoda distance pagoda 10m. Substations: Nghia Lo 1 substation The line goes mainly in the village road. Some 3,240 Nghia Lo 2 substation sections border on the pond. Yen Lo 1 substation The line goes mainly in the village road border Yen Lo 2 substation 1,162 on residential area. There is no line goes through the cultural and historical monument area. 5 Bien Giang ward Substations: The line goes along the highway 6. There is no Bien Giang 1 substation 2,484 line goes through the cultural and historical Bien Giang 2 substation monument area. Bien Giang 3 substation VIII Son Tay town 1 Son Dong commune The main line goes in the village road. Some sections border on the rice fields. The line goes Thong Nhat substation 3,868 through Khai Nguyen pagoda area distance pagoda 15m. The line goes mainly in the village road. Some sections border on the rice fields. The line goes Son Dong center substation 3,443 through Ngach pagoda area distance pagodas 17m. The main line goes in the village road, lane, hamlet border residential area. There is no line Van An substation 1,109 goes through the cultural and historical monument area. 2 Kim Son commune The line goes mainly in the village road border Kim Chung substation 3,901 on residential area. There is no line goes through the cultural and historical monument area. Kim Tan substation 3,564 The line goes mainly in the village border on the Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project residential area. Some sections go through crop area. There is no line goes through the cultural and historical monument area. The line goes mainly in the village road border on the residential area. Some sections go through Ngai Son substation 3,165 crop area. There is no line goes through the cultural and historical monument area. 3 Co Dong commune The line goes mainly in the village road border on the residential area. Some sections go through La Thanh substation 4,090 crop area. There is no line goes through the cultural and historical monument area. The line goes mainly in the village road border on the residential area. Some sections go through Bac Kien substation 2,245 crop area, canal. There is no line goes through the cultural and historical monument area. 4 Xuan Son commune Substations: Xuan Son 1 substation Xuan Son 2 substation 9,901 The line goes mainly in the village road border Xuan Son 3 substation on the residential area. Some sections go through Nhan Ly 1 substation the people’s land. 5 Thanh My commune Substations: The line goes mainly in the village road. There is Doi Mang substation 10,172 no line goes through the cultural and historical Go Lang center substation monument area. 6 Duong Lam commune

Some sections go in the village road border on the residential area. Some sections go in land Ha Tan substation 3,721 area border on Highway 32. Some sections go through the rice field area.

The line goes mainly in the village road border Duong Lam 1 substation 3,383 on the residential area. Some sections go through the people’s cultivate land. The line goes mainly in the village road border Mong Phu substation 3,923 on the residential area. 7 Xuan Khanh ward Substations: Electric instrument substation Xuan Khanh 1 substation Xuan Khanh 3 substation 3,152 The line goes mainly in the village road border Xuan Khanh 4 substation on the residential area. There is no line goes Xuan Khanh 5 substation through the cultural and historical monument Xuan Khanh 7 substation area. Xuan Khanh 8 substation 8 Phu Thinh ward Phu Thinh substation 940 The line goes along Phu Thinh street. Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project 9 Trung Son Tram ward The line goes mainly in the village road border Go Ma substation 1,079 on the residential area. Some sections go through the cultivate land of the people. The line goes mainly in the village road border on the residential area. Some sections border on Trung Hau substation 561 the Trung Son Tram market area distance market 18m. Some sections border on the highway 21. 10 Ngo Quyen ward Substations: Chua Moi substation Hang Dan substation Ngo Quyen 1 substation 3,977 The line goes mainly in village road. Ngo Quyen 2 substation Pho Duc Chinh substation Tran Hung Dao 2substation The line goes mainly in village road. The line goes through Tam market area distance market Tran Hung Dao 1 substation 1,013 15m. The line goes along Phan Chu Trinh street The line border on citadel distance citadel 20m. 11 Le Loi ward Substations: Hau Ninh substation Le Loi 1 substation Le Loi 3 substation Le Loi 4 substation Le Loi 5 substation 3,574 Doc Ngu substation Trang Trinh substation The line goes mainly in village road. Hong Ha substation Phu Xa substation Trung Vuong 2 substation 12 Son Loc ward Substations: Ai Mo 1 substation Ai Mo 4 substation 1,936 The line goes mainly in the village road. Chua Thong substation

13 Quang Trung ward Substations: Quang Trung 2 substation Phung Khac Khoan 2 substation Cau Chi substation 2,215 Bui Thi Xuan substation Pham Hong Thai 1 The main line goes in the village road. substation Pham Hong Thai 2 substation

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project 3.4.4 Substation New Construct 52 substations with total capacity of 18,960 kVA. Number of improvement substations (no move substation) is 25 substations. Number of improvement substations (move substation) is 9 substations. The detail of improvement and new construction substations as follow:

Table 3.4.4: Description of substation Subproject N0 Substation Description of substation commune/ward I New contruction substation Substation type: Suspended substation. All substation equipments are installed on the rack placed on centrifugal Me Tri 8 substation Me Tri commune, 1 concrete pole 10B. The distance (630kVA – 22/0,4kV) Tu Liem district between two poles is 2.6 m. Location: The substation is located at lane 12, Do Duc Duc street. Location: The substation is located close to the canal edge of An Dao street. Trau Quy Substation type: Suspended substation. Trau Quy 11 substation 2 commune, Gia Lam All substation equipments are installed (400kVA – 35( 22)/0,4kV) district on the rack placed on centrifugal concrete pole 10B. The distance between two poles is 2.8 m. Location: The substation is located on the prospective Land area which is far Xom Vang 2 substation Co Loa commune, 3 from 22kV line 500m in Co Loa (400kVA -22/0,4kV ) Dong Anh district commune, Dong Anh district, Ha Noi. Substation type: Suspended substation Location: On vacant land in residential Viet Hung area of Gia Luong hamlet, Viet Hung Gia Luong 3 substation 4 commune, Dong commune, Dong Anh district, Ha Noi (400kVA -22/0,kV) Anh district city. Substation type: Suspended substation Location: On vacant land border on the Viet Hung Lo Giao 2 substation road edge in Lo Giao village, Viet Hung 5 commune, Dong (400kVA -22/0,kV) commune, Dong Anh district, Ha Noi city. Anh district Substation type: Suspended substation Location: On vacant land near nursery Doai 3 substation (400kVA Xã Việt Hùng, school in Viet Hung commune, Dong 6 -22/0,kV) huyện Đông Anh Anh district, Ha Noi city. Substation type: Suspended substation Location: Located under the 22 kV line 471E21 feeder belong to Kim No Tho Da 3 substation Kim No commune, 7 commune, Dong Anh District, Ha Noi (400kVA -22/0,4kV ) Dong Anh district city. Substation type: Suspended substation 8 Lang Chai 3 substation Vong La commune, Location: Located at turning point near (400kVA -22/0,kV) Dong Anh district Thang Long bridge. All substation equipments are installed on the rack placed on centrifugal concrete pole 10B. Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project The distance between two pole is 2.6m Location: The substation located at the alley 88/61, Giap Nhi road near heroes cemetery. Thinh Liet 10 substation Thinh Liet ward, Substation type: Suspended substation. 9 (630kVA – 22/0,4kV) Hoang Mai district All substation equipments are installed on the rack placed on centrifugal concrete pole 10B. The distance between two pole is 2.6m Location: The substation located on the lane 141, Giap Nhi road near nursery Thinh Liet 11 school. Thinh Liet ward, 10 substation(630kVA – Substation type: suspended station Hoang Mai district 22/0,4kV column. Transformer is located on the transformer pillar that is far from the ground 2.5m Location: On the public land in the lane 1295, Giai Phong road. Substation type: Suspended substation. Thinh Liet 12 substation Thinh Liet ward, 11 All substation equipments are installed (630kVA – 22/0,4kV) Hoang Mai district on the rack placed on centrifugal concrete pole 10B. The distance between two pole is 2.6m Location: On the public land in lane 143/34/18, Nguyen Chinh road near Set river. Thinh Liet 13 substation Thinh Liet ward, 12 Substation type: suspended station 1 (630kVA – 22/0,4kV) Hoang Mai district pole . The transformer is located on the transformer pillars that is far from the ground 2.5m Location: The substation is placed on Ngoc Lam substation Bo De ward, Long 13 the pavement of the lane 310/15 Bo De, (630kVA – 10(22)/0,4kV) Bien district Bo De ward, Long Bien district Ngoc Lam school substation Location: on the sidewalk of the lane Ngoc Lam ward, 14 (400KVA-22/0,4) 310/15 Bo De, Bo De ward, Long Bien Long Bien district district. Location: on the sidewalk lane 532 Ngoc Thuy, Ngoc Thuy ward, Long Bien district. Ngoc Thuy substation Ngoc Thuy ward, Substation type: Suspended substation. 15 (630KVA-35/0,4) Long Bien district All substation equipments are installed on the rack placed on centrifugal concrete pole 12B. The center distance of two pole is 2.8m Location: On the vacant land in the 359 Ngoc Thuy lane 53 Duc Giang substation Duc Giang ward, Substation type: Suspended substation. 16 (400KVA-35/0,4) Long Bien district All substation equipments are installed on the rack placed on centrifugal concrete pole 12B 17 26 Duc Giang substation Duc Giang ward, Location: on the sidewalk of Duc (400KVA-35/0,4) Long Bien district Giang street, opposite the lane 97/17 be long to 26 group of Duc Giang ward. Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Substation type: Suspended substation. All substation equipments are installed on the rack placed on centrifugal concrete pole 12B. The center distance of two pole is 2.8m Location: on the sidewalk of the lane Sai Dong 11 substation Sai Dong ward, 18 64, Sai Dong street, Sai Dong ward. (400KVA-22/0,4) Long Bien district Substation type: substation 1 pole Location: The substation was builded on field land belong to group 2, Phuc Loi ward. Phuc Loi 14 substation Phuc Loi ward, Substation type: Suspended substation. 19 (400KVA-35/0,4) Long Bien district All substation equipments are installed on the rack placed on centrifugal concrete pole 12B. The center distance of two pole is 2.8m Location: On vacant land, opposite the lane 29/25 Thuong Thanh. Thuong Thanh Substation type: Suspended substation. Thuong Thanh substation 16 20 ward, Long Bien All substation equipments are installed (400KVA-35/0,4) district on the rack placed on centrifugal concrete pole 12B. The center distance of two pole is 2.8m Location: On the vacant land, at the end of Thanh Am street. The substation is far from Duong dike 30 m. Thuong Thanh 26 Thuong Thanh substation Substation type: Suspended substation. 21 ward, Long Bien (400KVA-35/0,4) All substation equipments are installed district on the rack placed on centrifugal concrete pole 12B. The center distance of two pole is 2.6m Location: Sub station located at stadium, lane 640/21, Nguyen Van Cu street. Gia Thuy ward, Substation type: Suspended substation. 1 Gia Thuy substation 22 Long Bien district All substation equipments are installed (400kVA-35/0,4 kV) on new 12B centrifugal concrete pole and utilization 14 centrifugal concrete pole. The center distance of two pole is 2.8m Substation type: Suspended substation. Ca Phe substation (3250 Hong Ky commune, All substation equipments are installed 23 kVA–10(22)/0,4kV) Soc Son district on the rack placed on centrifugal concrete pole 12B Substation type: Suspended substation. Trung Gia Do substation All substation equipments are installed 24 commune, Soc Son (250 kVA–10(22)/0,4kV) on the rack placed on centrifugal district concrete pole 12B Substation type: Suspended substation. Trung Gia Xuan Son 3 substation (250 All substation equipments are installed 25 commune, Soc Son kVA–10(22)/0,4kV) on the rack placed on centrifugal district concrete pole 12B 26 Xuan Dong substation Tan Minh Substation type: Suspended substation. Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project All substation equipments are installed commune, Soc Son (250 kVA–6(22)/0,4kV) on the rack placed on centrifugal district concrete pole 12B Substation type: Suspended substation. Tan Minh Son Doai substation All substation equipments are installed 27 commune, Soc Son (250 kVA–6(22)/0,4kV) on the rack placed on centrifugal district concrete pole 12B Substation type: Suspended substation. Xuan Duong 2 substation Kim Lu commune, All substation equipments are installed 28 (250 kVA–6(22)/0,4kV) Soc Son district on the rack placed on centrifugal concrete pole 12B Substation type: Suspended substation. Kim Trung 2 substation Kim Lu commune, All substation equipments are installed 29 (250 kVA–6(22)/0,4kV) Soc Son district on the rack placed on centrifugal concrete pole 12B Substation type: Suspended substation. Xuan Thu Xuan Lai 4 substation All substation equipments are installed 30 commune, Soc Son (250 kVA–6(22)/0,4kV) on the rack placed on centrifugal district concrete pole 12B Substation type: Suspended substation. Xuan Ap substation Tan Dan commune, All substation equipments are installed 31 (250 kVA–6(22)/0,4kV) Soc Son district on the rack placed on centrifugal concrete pole 12B Substation type: Suspended substation. My Linh 3 substation Tan Dan commune, All substation equipments are installed 32 (250 kVA–22/0,4kV) Soc Son district on the rack placed on centrifugal concrete pole 12B Substation type: Suspended substation. Go Gao substation Minh Tri commune, All substation equipments are installed 33 (250 kVA–22/0,4kV) Soc Son district on the rack placed on centrifugal concrete pole 12B Substation type: Suspended substation. Lap Tri 4 substation Minh Tri commune, All substation equipments are installed 34 (250 kVA–22/0,4kV) Soc Son district on the rack placed on centrifugal concrete pole 12B Substation type: Suspended substation. Mai Dinh Hoang Duong substation All substation equipments are installed 35 commune, Soc Son (250 kVA–22/0,4kV) on the rack placed on centrifugal district concrete pole 12B Substation type: Suspended substation. Mai Dinh Noi Phat substation All substation equipments are installed 36 commune, Soc Son (250 kVA–6(22)/0,4kV) on the rack placed on centrifugal district concrete pole 12B Substation type: Suspended substation. Phu Lo substation Phu Lo commune, All substation equipments are installed 37 (250 kVA–6(22)/0,4kV) Soc Son district on the rack placed on centrifugal concrete pole 12B Substation type: Suspended substation. Ve Linh 3 substation Phu Linh commune, All substation equipments are installed 38 (250 kVA–22/0,4kV) Soc Son district on the rack placed on centrifugal concrete pole 12B 39 Cong Hoa 2 substation Phu Linh commune, Substation type: Suspended substation. (250 kVA–10(22)/0,4kV) Soc Son district All substation equipments are installed Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project on the rack placed on centrifugal concrete pole 12B Substation type: Suspended substation. Thanh Hue 2 substation Duc Hoa commune, All substation equipments are installed 40 (250 kVA–6(22)/0,4kV) Soc Son district on the rack placed on centrifugal concrete pole 12B Substation was built for the suspended Duc Hau 3 substation Duc Hoa commune, 41 station on 02 concrete centrifugal (250 kVA–6(22)/0,4kV) Soc Son district columns high 12 m. Substation type: Suspended substation. Duc Hoa 4 substation Duc Hoa commune, All substation equipments are installed 42 (250 kVA–6(22)/0,4kV) Soc Son district on the rack placed on centrifugal concrete pole 12B Substation type: Suspended substation. Xuan Giang Lai Cach 3 substation All substation equipments are installed 43 commune, Soc Son (250 kVA–22/0,4kV) on the rack placed on centrifugal district concrete pole 12m Substation type: Suspended substation. Viet Long Tang Long 2 substation All substation equipments are installed 44 commune, Soc Son (250 kVA–10(22)/0,4kV) on the rack placed on centrifugal district concrete pole 12m Substation type: Suspended substation. Viet Long Luong Phuc 2 substation All substation equipments are installed 45 commune, Soc Son (250 kVA–22/0,4kV) on the rack placed on centrifugal district concrete pole 12m Location: On the vacant land in Mai Dong Mai 2 substation Dong Mai ward, Ha Linh market, border on highway 6, 46 (400kVA-22/0,4 kV) Dong district Dong Mai ward, ha Dong district. Substation type: Suspended substation Location: On the vacant land border on Dong Mai 3 substation Dong Mai ward, Ha dike and Nhan Dao pagodas be long to 47 (400kVA-22/0,4 kV) Dong district Dong mai ward, Ha Dong district. Substation type: Suspended substation Location: opposite Cultural house of Y Dong Mai 4 substation Dong Mai ward, Ha Son Hamlet, Dong Mai ward, Ha Dong 48 (400kVA-22/0,4 kV) Dong district district. Substation type: Suspended substation Location: border on highway 21B be Phu Lam 3 substation Phu Lam ward, Ha long to Thanh Lam hamlet, Phu Lam 49 (400kVA-22/0,4 kV) Dong district ward, Ha Dong district. Substation type: Suspended substation Location: Border on the village road near C area, group 3, Thanh Lam Phu Lam 4 substation Phu Lam ward, Ha 50 hamlet, Phu Lam ward, Ha Dong (400kVA-22/0,4 kV) Dong district disttrict. Substation type: Suspended substation Location: On the vacant land, before Trinh Luong Pagoda belong to Thuong Phu Luong 7 substation Phu Luong ward, 51 Mao hamlet, Phu Luong ward, Ha Dong (400kVA-22/0,4 kV) Ha Dong district district. Substation type: Suspended substation 52 Ba La 7 substation Phu La ward, Ha Location: Located next to the concrete (400kVA-22/0,4 kV) Dong district road in front of 220 kV Ha Dong Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project substation. Substation type: Suspended substation II Movement substation Movement substation is built at the position of connected point pole belong to the Branch to old Yen Thuong Yen Thuong substation. 1 Yen Thuong substation commune, Gia Lam Substation type: Suspended substation. district All substation equipments are installed on the rack placed on centrifugal concrete pole 12m. 2 Location: On the land area of Dam Dam Quang substation Trung Son Tram Quang hamlet, Trung Son Tram ward. (320kVA – 10(22)/0,4kV) ward, Son Tay town Substation type: Suspended substation Location: On the land area of Go Dinh Go Dinh substation Co Dong commune, 3 hamlet, Co Dong commune. (180kVA – 10(22)/0,4kV) Son Tay town Substation type: Suspended substation Xuan Khanh Location: On the land area of Xuan Song Hang substation 4 commune, Son Tay Khanh commune. ( 320kVA – 10(22)/0,4kV) town Substation type: Suspended substation. Location: On the land area near canal Vi Thuy substation Thanh My commune, 5 of Thanh My commune. (180kVA – 10(22)/0,4kV) Son Tay town Substation type: Suspended substation Location: On the land area of Doi Doi Mang substation Son Dong commune, 6 Mang hamlet, Son Dong commune. (320kVA – 10(22)/0,4kV) Son Tay town Substation type: Suspended substation Location: on the land area of Dong Son Son Dong town substation Son Dong commune, 7 commune. ( 320kVA – 10(22)/0,4kV) Son Tay town Substation type: Suspended substation Location: on the field land area belong Duong Lam Duong Lam 2 substation to Duong Lam village, Duong Lam 8 commune, Son Tay ( 320kVA – 10(22)/0,4kV) commune. town Substation type: Suspended substation Location: on the Land area belong to Duong Lam Ha Tan substation (320kVA Phu Thinh village, Duong Lam 9 commune, Son Tay – 10(22)/0,4kV) commune. town Substation type: Suspended substation III Renovation substation The improvement substation remain the old location, only increase capacity or replace equipment and other acessories in the substation

3.5 Subproject Main Work Volume Table 3.5. Work volume to be implemented in Ha Noi City Quantit Executing No. Construction and installation Unit y methods I Line and underground cable cubic 1 Pole foundation digging 20,973 Manual meter cubic 2 Pole foundation filling 14,691 Manual meter 3 Concrete cubic 6,998 Manual Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Quantit Executing No. Construction and installation Unit y methods meter 6 Foundation steel, earthing, bolts ton 6,932 Manual 7 Erect Concrete pole pole 8,860 Manual 8 Stretching the 22kV conductors km 53.458 Manual 9 Stretching the 35kV conductors km 0.838 Manual Stretching the 22kV underground km Manual 10 24,697 cable Stretching the 35kV underground km Manual 11 0.73 cable Stretching the low voltage km Manual 12 0.368 underground cable Stretching the aerial bundled km Manual 13 835.746 cable II Substations cubic Manual 1 Pole foundation digging 1,885 meter cubic Manual 2 Pole foundation filling 1,565 meter cubic Manual 3 Concrete 320 meter 4 Foundation steel Ton 1,503 Manual 5 Erect Concrete pole pole 112 Manual 6 Stretching the conductors km 5.208 Manual 7 Erect transformer unit 76 Manual 8 Erect low voltage cubic unit 67 Manual 9 Erect disconnection switch unit 5 Manual

3.6. Main Activities Before and During Construction

3.6.1. Main Activities Before and During Construction a. Activities Before Construction - To implement the clearance compensation; - To receive the site, build temporary camps; - To mobilize manpower, machinery, material and equiptment to the constrution site; - To dig the pole foundation, erect poles, stretch line. b. Activities During Construction - Digging foundatio, erect pole, streching conductors - Transport material to site - Erect line accessories - Types of main equipment and material used comprise: cement, sand, rock, iron, pole, bar, insulator, concrete mixer.capstan. Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project 3.6.2 Transprortation a. Material and equiptment supplying source: - The electrical material are bought in Hanoi and transported to the construction site. - Steel structures: is bought in domestic. - Construction material: is bought in the local area. b. Method of transprorting equipment, material, machine to work site - Equipment and material are transported from the receving place in Ha Noi to the store in the subproject Districts by specific vehicles by land. The specific vehicles are selected in accordance with goods packing methods that specified in the contracts. - Cross-arm, bracket structure, accessories are transported by five-ton strucks and loaded manually. - Goods that must be stored at site such as: conductors, insulators, accessories, ... are transported intermediately from the store to the manual transporting position by mechanical and manual combination. - The whole material are transported manually to the site. The average transportation distance is 100m. 3.7. Subproject Implementation Schedule and Total Investment

3.7.1. Subproject Implementation Schedule The estimated schedule as follow: - Establishing investment project: from November 2011 to December 2011. - Establishing executing drawing design: from april 2012 to october 2012. - Establishing equipment and construction bidding document: from january to March 2013. - Deploying time of the subproject: from june 2013 to December 2013. - End of project: December 2013

3.7.2. Total investment of the project: i) Component 1: Improve rural network of old Ha Noi area – phase 1

No. Capital structure Amount (VND) 310,508,026,794 1 Construction cost

2 Compensation cost 33,627,830,881

3 Project management cost 1,045,894,857 Construction investment consultancy 4 cost 4,972,684,401

5 Other cost 29,412,381,782

6 Provision cost 26,046,049,343

Total: 63,948,481,183 Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project ii) Component 2: Improve Ha Dong District and Son Tay town networks

No. Capital structure Amount (VND) 147,185,496,608 1 Construction cost

2 Compensation cost 8,529,418,823

3 Project management cost 2,520,108,813 Construction investment consultancy 4 cost 2,227,237,200

5 Other cost 11,289,106,169

6 Provision cost 14,616,074,890

Total: 30,479,487,501

IV. ENVIRONMETNAL BACKGROUND 4.1. Summary of natural condition and society of Long Bien district. 4.1.1 Geography Long Bien district is located along the north shore of the Red River, the east border on the Duong River, the west border on the Red River, the south border on the Gia Lam district, the north border on the Duong River. The district has 14 wards with 301 population groups. Total area of district: 60.38 km2. 4.1.2 Topography Long Bien District with flat plain terrain. 4.1.3 Climate, hydrology: Long Bien of the tropical monsoon climate has two distinct seasons (dry season, cold from November to March next year, hot and rainy season from May to September, Together with two transitional period in April and October, Long Bien has all four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Average temperature 210C; lowest temperature: 5°C; average humidity: 80%. Average annual rainfall: 2000mm. Overall the weather was relatively mild, no storm and fewer flood, is rare these abnormal changes in the weather. Hydrology: All the east, the north border the Duong river, the west border Red River. The province also has river systems, canals internal carry water for production agriculture. 4.1.4 Population: The total Long Bien district population is 237,000 people (The statistical yearbook 2010). 4.1.5 Transportation infrastructure: Road traffic: Long Bien District with major transport project go through the highway5

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Waterway: Long Bien has Red River is limited to the Hoan Kiem district, Thanh Tri, Tay Ho, Hai Ba Trung; Duong River is limited to Gia Lam and Dong Anh district. Air traffic: Gia Lam Airport. 4.2. Summary of natural condition and society of Hoang Mai district. 4.2.1 Geography: Hoang Mai district is located in the southeast of Hanoi city, the east border Gia Lam district, the west and south border Thanh Tri district, the north border and Thanh Xuan district and Hai Ba Trung district with 14 administrative units directly under ward 14 is formed on the basis of full 9 communes and part in Tu Hiep Commune of Thanh Tri district, and 5 ward of Hai Ba Trung district. Hoang Mai District has a total natural land area is 4104.1 ha. 4.2.2 Topography Hoang Mai district is located in the south of Hanoi with relatively low-lying terrain, the average height of 4.5 m. Downhill terrain changes from north to south and from east to west. The District's wards are mainly located in the Red River dike, in addition to a beach area outside the dike with an area approximate 920 ha of the wards: Thanh Tri, Tran Phu, Yen So, Linh Nam. 4.2.3 Climate, hydrology: Hoang Mai under the tropical monsoon climate has two distinct seasons (dry season, cold from November to April next year, hot and rainy season from may to october). The average temperature is 21°C; lowest temperature: 5°C; average humidity: 80%; Average annual rainfall: 2000mm. Overall the weather was relatively mild, no storms and fewer flood. 4.2.4 Population: The total Hoang Mai district population is 346,900 people (The Statistical yearbook 2010). Ethnic minority: The district has no ethnic minority. 4.2.5 Transportation infrastructure: Railway transport: Transport of Hoang Mai includes north-south railway , development will connect with the railway on the Yen Vien-Ngoc Hoi and the belt railway, has Giap Bat station, Yen So station. Road Traffic: District has National Highway 1A, the belt 3. Waterway: The Hoang Mai district has waterway traffic on the Red River. 4.3. Summary of natural condition and society of Tu Liem district. 4.3.1Geography: Tu Liem is a district of Hanoi. Tu Liem district border two districts: Dan Phuong and Hoai Duc district to the west, border Cau Giay district, border Tay Ho and Thanh Xuan to the east, Ha Dong district to the south, and Dong Anh District to the north. Tu Liem district has 16 administrative units at commune / ward, has a town (Cau Dien) and 15 communes. The total natural area of the district is 75.32 km2. 4.3.2 Topography The terrain in Tu Liem district is relatively low, the average height approximate 4.5 m. The terrain changes to steep incline from West to North and from East to West. The

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project communes of the district are mostly in the Red River dike, in addition to a pool with beach outside the dike area of about 320 ha in the commune as Thuong Cat and Lien Mac. 4.3.3 Climate: Tu Liem district of the tropical monsoon climate has two distinct seasons (dry season, cold from November to April next year, hot and rainy season from may to October accompanied by heavy rain). The highest temperature: 400C. The lowest temperature: 50C. Average temperatures: 210C. The average annual humidity:81%. Average annual rainfall: 1470mm. Overall the weather was relatively mild, no storm and fewer flood, is rare these abnormal changes in the weather. 4.3.4 Population: The total Tu Liem district population is 429,400 people (according to Statistical yearbook 2010). Ethnic minority: The district does not have ethnic minority. 4.3.5 Transportation infrastructure: Tu Liem district has Lang - Hoa Lac highway. The system of internal road are open investment as extended Le Van Luong, 32 road- widening the Cau Dien-Nhon. 4.4. Summary of natural condition and society of Soc Son district. 4.4.1 Geography: Soc Son district is located in the north of Ha Noi. Soc Son border Pho Yen district of Thai Nguyen province to the north, Yen Phong district of Bac Ninh province and Hoa Hiep of Bac Giang province to the northeast, northwest border Phuc Yen town of Vinh Phuc and south border Me Linh district and Dong Anh district of Hanoi . The total area of the district is 306.5 km2. The district consists of 1 town and 25 communes. 4.4.2 Topography Soc Son District uneven terrain, with many mountains and hills, low terrain from northwest to southeast. 4.4.3 Climate: Soc Son district of the tropical monsoon climate has two distinct seasons (dry season, cold from November to April next year, hot and rainy season from may to October accompanied by heavy rain). Average annual temperature: 260C Average annual rainfall: 1400-1800 mm. Annual average humidity: 85% The rainy season starts from may to October, mainly in June to august accounts for 60% of annual rainfall, water drainage occurs faster at the long-term flooding. 4.4.4 Population: District population is 293,200 people (according to Statistical yearbook 2010). Ethnic minority: The district does not have ethnic minority. Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project 4.4.5 Transportation infrastructure: Road Traffic: Soc Son district has highway 2, 3, Provincial Road 402, 131 ; Ha Noi - Thai Nguyen Railway. Air traffic: Soc Son district has Noi Bai International Airport. 4.5. Summary of natural condition and society of Gia Lam district. 4.5.1 Geography: Gia Lam is a suburban district east of Ha Noi, the northern border Dong Anh and Long Bien district Hanoi city, the east border Bac Ninh province, the south border Hung Yen province, the west border Red River. Total area of Gia Lam district is 108.4466 km2. The district consists of 20 administrative divisions including 20 communes and 2 towns. 4.5.2 Topography Located in the east of Hanoi city with relatively low-lying terrain. 4.5.3 Climate: Gia Lam has a tropical monsoon climate, less cold winter, low rainfall, hot summer and rainy. The climate of the year is divided into two distinct seasons: Hot and rainy season from April to November every year. Cold and rain from December to march next year. Average annual rainfall 1.600-2000 mm is concentrated in the month 8-10. Annual average humidity: 84% Average annual temperature: 270C The rainy season starts from May to October, mainly in June to August accounts for 60% of annual rainfall, water drainage occurs faster at the long-term flooding. 4.5.4 Population: The total Gia Lam district population is 239,300 people (The Statistical yearbook 2010). Ethnic minority: The district does not have ethnic minority. 4.5.5 Transportation infrastructure: Railway traffic: The district has a number of national railway as the railway goes through Hanoi's belt running from the Thanh Tri bridge to Co Bi, crossed the Duong river, north of Yen Vien to go Yen Vien. Lang Son railway from the station of Yen Vien, Gia Lam station, the railway from Hai Phong at the north highway 5 connection with the railway belt. Waterway: The district has waterway transport systems, including Hong River, Duong river, Cau Bay river, Bac Hung Hai river. Thien Duc River flows through. Road Traffic: Gia Lam is important roads go through include: highway 5, highway 1A. 4.6. Summary of natural condition and society of Dong Anh district. 4.6.1 Geography Dong Anh is a suburban district of the north Hanoi city, the east, the northeast border Bac Ninh province, the south border Red River, the southeast border Gia Lam district, the west border Me Linh district, the north border Soc Son district. Dong Anh district include 23 communes and 1 town. Area: 18,230 ha (182.3 km2). 4.6.2 Topography Topography of Dong Anh is relatively flat, sloping direction from the Northwest to Southeast. 4.6.3 Climate: Dong Anh has the same climate regime of Hanoi, which is tropical, humid monsoon. Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project From may to October is summer, humid climate, abundant rainfall. From November to April next year is winter, early dry - cold, but last season the rain, wet. Between the two seasons that make the transition Dong Anh as well as Ha Noi rich seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Annual average temperature is 250C, the two hottest months are June and July, monthly mean temperature most often occurs in July was 37,50 C. The two coldest months are January and February, the average temperature in January is 130C. The average humidity is 84%, humidity is also very little change over the months of the year, usually ranging from 80-87%. Overall the weather was relatively mild, no storm and fewer flood, is rare these abnormal changes in the weather. 4.6.4 Population: The total in Dong Anh district population is 350,500 people (The Statistical yearbook 2010). Ethnic minority: The district does not have ethnic minority. 4.6.5 Transportation infrastructure: Railway traffic: The district has two railway running through: Hanoi - Thai Nguyen and Ha Noi - Yen Bai Air traffic: Noi Bai International airport is connected to Ha Noi by highway 3 and Thang Long - Noi Bai highway, Dong Anh district particularly through 7.5 km long. Waterway: The district has Red River system, Duong River and Ca Lo River . Road Traffic: Dong Anh district has roads relatively convenient, Thang Long highway, highway 3.

4.7. Summary of natural condition and society of Ha Dong district. 4.7.1 Geography Ha Dong is a district of the Ha Noi capital, from central Ha Noi 10 km . Ha Dong district is located along Highway 6 from Hanoi to Hoa Binh and the confluence Nhue river, La Khe river, northern border Tu Liem district, Hoai Duc district, east border Thanh Tri district, northeast border Thanh Xuan district, west border Quoc Oai, Hoai Duc district, southwest border Chuong My district, southwest border Thanh Oai district. The total area of Ha Dong district is 47,91 km2. District includes 17 wards. 4.7.2 Topography Ha Dong district is plain flat terrain. Climate: Ha Dong district of the tropical monsoon climate has two distinct seasons (dry season, cold from November to April next year, hot and rainy season from may to October). The average temperature 25°C; lowest temperature: 5,7°C; average humidity: 81,7%, average annual rainfall: 1480mm. Overall the weather was relatively mild, no storm and fewer flood, is rare these abnormal changes in the weather. 4.7.3 Population: The total in Ha Dong district population is 241,900 people (The Statistical yearbook 2010). Ethnic minority: Ward does not have ethnic minority. 4.7.4 Transport infrastructure: Ha Dong district has road go through the highway 6 from Hanoi to Hoa Binh. Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project 4.8. Summary of natural condition and society of Son Tay town. 4.8.1 Geography Son Tay town is the gateway to the west of Hanoi with geographical coordinates 210 to the north and 1050 to the east, the center of Hanoi 42 km west north, east border Phuc Tho district, west border Ba Vi district; south border Thach That district of Ha Noi, north border Vinh Tuong district of Vinh Phuc.

Son Tay town has a total natural area is 113.46 km2, divided into 15 administrative units including 9 wards and 6 communes. 4.8.2 Topography Son Tay town with hilly terrain. 4.8.3 Climate: Son Tay town of the tropical monsoon climate: In summer hot, humid, rainy; winter cold and little rain falls. The dry season, cold from November to April next year the average temperature of 18,6°C, hot and rainy season from May to October rains accompanied by temperatures averaging 280C). Average annual rainfall: 1495mm. Overall the weather was relatively mild, no storm and fewer flood, is rare these abnormal changes in the weather. 4.8.4 Population: Total population of the Son Tay town is 129,000 people (according to Statistical yearbook 2010). Ethnic minority: 4.8.5 Transportation infrastructure: Road Traffic: Son Tay town with the major transport projects run by the highway 21A, highway 32, highway 2C to Vinh Phuc. Waterway has Red River.

V. SUBPROJECT POTENTIAL IMPACTS 5.1. Environmental screening: Table 5.1. Environmental impact assessments

Screening Question Yes No Remarks

1. Is project located near or in sensitive area with regards to?

 Cultural heritage X Most of The line which goes through the Cultural and historical monument is the low voltage line. The line is far from the Cultural and historical monument from 7 to 27 metre. According to electrical equipment standard 2006 of ministry of industry, safety distance of low voltage line is 1.5m. Thus, the impact of the subproject on this area is small. But it is necessary to implement measures to minimize impact. The measures

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Screening Question Yes No Remarks

described in section VI

 Reservation zone X

 Wetlands X

 Forests X

 Estuary X

 Reservation buffer zone X

 Rivers and reservoirs X There are some rivers and lakes in the subproject area as Set river be long to Hoang Mai district, Yen So lake belong to Yen So ward, Hoang Mai district, some of lakes belong to Yen Nghia ward, Ha Dong district and Kim Son commune Song Tay town. The Line goes along the river an lake. The pole is constructed not close to the river and lake. The impact of the subproject on this area is small

 Canaland irrigation X Some of lines goes through rice field, network canal land in Co Loa commune, Dong Anh district, Trau Quy town – Gia Lam District, Hong Ky commune – Soc Son district, Son Dong commune – Son Tay town. The pole is constructed not close to the canal. The impact of the subproject on this area is small. The measures described in section VI will be implemented to minimise the impacts

2. Potential environmental impact, by project?

Intrusion to cultural and historical sites X New construction low voltage line is far from the Cultural and historical monument from 7 to 27 meter. According to electrical equipment standard 2006 of ministry of industry, safety distance of low voltage line is 1.5m. Thus, The construction of line not affect the Cultural and historical monument

Intrusion to ecosystem (ex: nature X reserve, national park) Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Screening Question Yes No Remarks

Affecting landscape and resulting in X Because of ROW clearance, there waste would be small changes of the landscape and increase in wastes but these changes are considered as small and the appropriate mitigation measures would be taken.

Undermining vegetation cover or X Only cutting down high tree, vegetation cutting down trees for site during site cover and low tree remain (vegetation clearance for substations and along the cover is only impacted at foundation transmission line? during executing time but area of foundation is small.

Change surface water quality or river X course

 Increase water turbidity X -The excavated soil (6.603 m3) is due to change in surface water collected and transported by car to quality or erosion waste plain of the city. -The subproject would be implemented in relatively flat areas. Therefore, the danger of erosion is small. - The impact on surface water is assessed as small and could be mitigated.

 Domestic waste water X The constructing units rent private by workers is discharged houses, so the wastewater is collected directly into outside water into the general sewage system. bodies? In the case constructing units uses temporary tents, wastewater and garbage have to collected according to regulation.

 Construction waste X water is discharged directly into outside water bodies?

Result in more dust? X The excavated soil (6.603 m3) is collected and transported by car to waste plain of the city. The transportation result in dust. The transportation of material (sand, rock) causes dust. - The measures described in section VI will be implemented to minimise the impacts of dusts.

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Screening Question Yes No Remarks

Increase noise and/or vibration? X -The old pole and old conductors which not used would be taken down and transported to depot of management Board. Transportation will result in noise. - The transportation of material supplied by domestic supplier and transport to work site result in noise - The construction of substation results in noise and vibration. The substations are located far from residential areas not affect local communities. - Relevant measures listed in section VI will be implemented to minimise these impacts.

Permanent land acquisition X All lines and substations are constructed along existing communication route. Thus, it doesn’t affect private house and architecture. The position of new foundation construction need to acquire permanent land but Permanent land acquisition be long to public land managed by Ward people’s committee

Temporary land acquisition X Temporary occupied land area is 21,889 square meter. Land for ROW is mainly agricultural land. The project will apply mitigation measures in order to mitigate minimum.. These measures are presented in part VI. Resetlement of households? If yes, how X There is not household to move, so many households? there is not resettlement

Would the resettlement site is X environmentally and/or culturally sensitive

Is there any risk of disease X - Construction force divides into nine dissemination from construction construction team in seventy three workers to the local peoples (and vice communes, each team will have about versa)? 40 workers. The total number of Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Screening Question Yes No Remarks workers on the site at the peak time is about 360 peoples but they are in many places of the route, not gathering in one place. Therefore, the spread of disease will also be limited. Is there any potential for conflict X Workers and local people are different between construction workers and local in income, lifestyle, custom thus it will peoples (and vice versa)? generate small conflict but it will be limited. Are explosive and hazardous chemicals X used within the Project?

In the past, there was any accident X This area is defined that has landmines incurred due to landmines or explosive or explosive remaining from the war materials remaining from the war? but the investor will hire army agency to disarm safely before constructing. Will Project's construction cause X The traffic density in project area is not disturbance to the transportation in the heavy, time of loading and unloading Project's site? material, equipment is short (about one hour), besides constructing material (sand, soil, macadam, …) is transported by trucks, so the level of disturbance to the transportation in the Project's site is not high. Project's construction will cause any X All of material and equipments are damage to the existing local roads, divided into smaller part to transport in bidges or other rural infrastructures? accordance with loading capacity of road, so the impact is negligible. Will soil excavation during Project's X The constructing time for each pole construction cause soil erosion? foundation is not long (maximum about one week) and avoiding to construct in raining seasons and constructing definitively each item, so the erosion is negligible. Will Project need to open new access X Using the current road system to roads? construct because the route and substation areas are along traffic road Will Project cause fragmentation of X habitat of flora and fauna?

Will Project cause impact on air X The impact level to the environment by quality? exhaust fumes of traffic means during

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Screening Question Yes No Remarks transportation will be limited by covering, avoid scattering. Will Project cause accident risks for X Accident risks include: workers and community during - Transporting bulky materials and construction phase? equipment (pole, transformer), it is easy to cause accident for community - The workers construct in sloping area are able to be in risk as falling if they are not equipped safety knowledge and labor protection The mitigation measures for these risks of workers and community when constructing are presented in part 6 Will Project generate hazardous wastes X In this project, there is replacement of including PCBs from the replacement old suspending transformers. These of transformers? transformers are verified not to include PCBs, so it will not affect environment. Will Project cause risk to safety and X - The transmission lines shall be human health (electric and magnetic designed and constructed in fields, electric shock etc.)? accordance with applicable standards of power industry (in accordance with Vietnam applicable technical regulations, electromagnetic field (EMF) < 5 kV/m), wherein impacts from EMF and safety standards and operation safety have to be taken into due account. - Prior to operation, all safety indicators shall be tested and accepted by the project owner, contractor and operation entity therefore workers shall not be suffering from such EMF impacts. - In the phase of commissioning, the safety in power use of households of ethinic minorities who use electricity for the first time also needs to be paid attention to minimize the risk of electric shock. However, this impact is very little and avoidable if the people are trained well in safe power use. - The mitigation measures in Section VI will also be implemented to minimise safety risks

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project VI. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN: 6.1. Mitigation measures: Table 6.1. Mitigation measures description as ECOP

Period Potential impact Mitigation measures Responsibility

To plan for construction activities after harvesting season and try to shorten the progress. Permanent and Inform the affected HHs about temporary land permanent and temporary land acquisition. acquisition will PMU impact affected Properly compensate for land Contractor households and acquisition and tree compensation in agriculture accordance with the Resettlement production Policy Framework of the DEP project and Resettlement Action Plan of the Subproject.

Minimize land clearing by planning for installation of transmission/distribution lines above Preparation existing vegetation. Utilize hand clearing of vegetation if possible. Save as much vegetation as possible. Careful manage cutting trees. Impacts on Cut only tree above 4m within the PMU vegetation cover as a ROW. result of site Contractor clearance (ROW) Do not burn cleared trees and branches; Carry out the safety procedures to prevent hazard of downing trees. Dispose at established dump site. During clearing, contact with the affected HHs in order to mitigate impacts and carry out compensation.

Use roads/trails that are available. Any Temporary duty new road cause minimum damage to Contracter roads the local land usage.

Construction Surface water, The contractor will comply with the Contractor sediment and water drainage system design to prevent CSC landslides rain drop from causing local inundation, soil erosion in high risk areas. (Levelling) To ensure proper operation of the drainage system. To sustain those areas not impacted by

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Period Potential impact Mitigation measures Responsibility

construction activities. The excavation work needs to be done in compliance with applicable technical construction regulations. To prevent the spreading of mud into surrounding environment, take proper measures to control sedimentation in high risk areas. When there is a need to dry construction site (foundation concrete pouring), the pumped water containing sand will be controlled with regards to sedimentation before discharging it into outside water bodies. Use diversion techniques at construction to prevent deposit from being stirred up in water bodies.

The contractor is responsible for implementing the state applicable regulations related to air quality. The contractor will ensure minima dust generation and no impact on local residents and take proper measures to control dust generation (for example, praying water, covering the trucks when carrying material). Contractor Dust generation Material will be covered up during. CSC transportation to prevent scattering of material along the way. Material dump site and storage yards will be covered up and isolated from winds and located away from schools and residential areas. Workers will be provided with masks when working in high risk areas.

Air pollution All transportation vehicles must comply Contractor with applicable regulations of Vietnam CSC with regards to exhaust gases. Transportation vehicles in must be tested frequently on the waste gases and have to show certificate of quality, technical safety and environmental friendliness according to Decision No.35/2005/QD-BGTVT.

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Period Potential impact Mitigation measures Responsibility

Do not burn waste or construction materials at the site.

The contracter will be responsible for complying with applicable regulations related to permitted noise and vibration levels. All transportation vehicles need to show certificate of quality, technical safety and environmental friendliness according to the Decision No.35/2005/QD-BGTVT; to prevent Noise and vibration Contractor excessive noise level from machinery level that is not properly maintained, proper CSC noise reduction measures are taken, including noise reducers or arrangement of noisy machinery in a specific noise proof area. To prevent or reduce traffic in residential area as well as processing of material in residential areas (concrete mixing)

The contractor will be responsible for complying with applicable regulations related to waste water treatment and discharge. To provide mobile toilets or construct Waste water proper toilets for workers at the site. Contractor pollution Toilet waste water and restaurants will CSC be treated before discharging into the outside environment. When construction is completed, toilets have to be properly destroyed and/or removed.

Material storage yards will be predetermined in the approved engineering design. Material warehouse Material supplied by local suppliers Contractor and material quarry need to have operation licenses for management CSC particular material type. To rehabilitate material storage yard after construction is completed.

Waste and hazardous Prior to construction, the contractor Contractor waste needs to prepare a procedure for CSC controlling waste (storage, use of

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Period Potential impact Mitigation measures Responsibility

recycle bins, site decommissioning, etc.) and strictly complying during construction phase. Prior to construction, all necessary licenses have to be obtained related to waste management. Proper measures are taken to ensure good practices in waste management and treatment. The contractor will provide recycle bins, containers and other means to collect waste from necessary areas. Waste can be stored temporarily at the site when it is approved by the Construction Monitoring Consultant, local authorities before collection and treatment. If in the absence of such authorities, normal domestic waste can be land filled. Recycle bins or containers storing waste have to be covered up from weather impacts and intrusion by scavengers. Do not burn waste. Recyclable waste such as wood form, waste steel and packing material will be collected and separated at the site from other waste sources for reuse, refilling or sale to an external company. If it is impossible to carry away from the site, solid waste can be land filled at a certain place approved by the construction supervising consultant provide in the waste management plan. Under any circumstance, the contractor has to treat all construction waste within the site. Waste lubricants will be taken out from the site by an authorized recycling company. Waste lubricants and cleaning solutions will be collected into covered containers and carried away by a contracted external company that is permitted to treat hazardous waste

Site clearance The contractor will prepare a plan on Contractor site clearance and vegetation recovery Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Period Potential impact Mitigation measures Responsibility

according to applicable regulations for the construction supervising consultant to approve. The contractor will strictly comply with this plan. Do not use chemicals in clearing vegetation. CSC Do not cut down any trees when it is not provided in the vegetation clearance plan. If necessary, set up temporary fence to protect valuable trees prior to starting any construction activities.

Impact on cultural During construction phase if the Contractor property contractor finds any cultural and CSC historical sites, including commentary or tombs, the contractor will: PMU - Stop construction activities in the particular area; - Protect the area from any damage or loss to the sites. In case the historical objects can be removed or sensitive objects assign a person to protect it until local authorities come to confirm and take over the issue; - Notify the construction supervising consultant, who will be responsible for informing local authorities or the state agencies of such cultural or historical sites (within 24 hours or less); - Local authorities or state agencies will be responsible for protecting and isolating such area before any further processing. Decide how to process such issues is the responsibility of the local authorities, including change, (in case a cultural or historical site is found and cannot be removed), reservation, isolation, rehabilitation and rescue; If the cultural or historical site are of high value and the reservation is recommended by relevant agencies the project owner will have to change project design accordingly for the component in that particular area;

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Period Potential impact Mitigation measures Responsibility

Decisions related to the management of found sites will be notified in writing to relevant authorities; Construction work will continue only after relevant authorities come and take responsibility of potential sites.

Prior to construction, conduct consultation with local authorities and traffic police. Impacts on traffic flow needs to be considered in the construction plan before approval. Traffic routes, particularly those with heavy duty vehicles need to consider high risk area such as schools, hospitals or markets. It is necessary to provide sufficient lighting system for night time to ensure proper traffic conditions. Arrange indication signs at the Contractor Traffic management construction site to inform public people, provide instructions to different CSC components and instructions and safety directions. Take proper traffic safety measures including sign posts and flags to indicate danger Do not transport material during peak house. Space spared for walkers and vehicles at the site need to be separate from the site and can be easily accessible. Provide proper sing posts where necessary.

Apply settlement procedures if Contractor, Cultural property accidentally discover during PCs in digging activities.

Interruption of utility Planned or unplanned interruptions to Contractor and business services such as water, gas power CSC services supply and internet access: The contractor will be prepared for PMU emergency scenarios and any potential failures. Cooperate with services suppliers (water, telecommunications, etc.) to

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Period Potential impact Mitigation measures Responsibility

work out a proper construction schedule. During the laying out of cables crossing over telecommunications cable, mitigation measures have to be taken (What are the measures?) Notify affected households of construction schedule as well as expected interruptions (at least 5 days in advance) Interruptions to water supply for agriculture production need to be avoided. The contractor will ensure alternative water supply for affected residents in case it is more than one day. Any damage to the existing service cables will be notified to the local authorities for timely repair.

Rehabilitation of Clearance areas such as soil or rock Contractor affected areas quarries, waste treatment areas, worker CSC houses, warehouse and wood forms and any other temporary areas during construction phase will be rehabilitated with regards to the landscape and vegetation cover. Compensate the vegetation cover at the soonest. Use proper vegetation for such rehabilitation. Do not use exotic or banned vegetation for such rehabilitation Excavated hillsides and waste yard need to be planted with grass to prevent soil erosion and landslide; All the affected areas will be compensated with proper landscape and there should be no delay in doing so, including any necessary repair or construction of green space and other affected areas. Soil contaminated with chemicals or hazardous waste will be carried away and land filled in a proper hazardous dump site Rehabilitate all affected roads and Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Period Potential impact Mitigation measures Responsibility

bridges due to the project construction

The contractor will comply with all applicable regulations related to labor safety. Prepare and implement action plan in response to risk and emergency cases. Prepare emergency services right at the site. Provide training for workers on labor safety requirements. Ensure to provide protective devices for workers, including noise protection at high risk places In destroying existing structures, workers and community need to be protected from falling objects by taking proper protection measures Labor and public Contractor safety Provide protective fences and warnings CSC of danger at the construction site to indicate danger to local resident. The contractor will provide safety measures such as installation of fences, provision of warning signs at high risk areas, including pole foundation under construction to prevent traffic accidents as well as other risk to local residents. Only allow trained workers to install, maintain or repair electrical equipment. Cut off and do correct earthling for the existing power line prior to construction work. Comply with labor safety procedures when working at height and with electrical equipment

Communications to Sustain communications to local Contractor local community authorities and community; the CSC contractor will work with local authorities to agree on construction PMU schedule for sites near sensitive areas or at sensitive time (regional festivals). Enhance relationship with local community in order to obtain necessary information about the project activities in the region, progress and Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Period Potential impact Mitigation measures Responsibility

performance; Keep track of the community concerns and information required such as project progress; Respond to community concerns via telephones and documents in a timely manner; Notify local residents of construction schedule, work schedule, potential interruptions to services and detour roads and temporary buses, any destruction or mine explosion schedule; Provide technical data and drawings for community, particularly a scheme on construction sites and EMP; Provide notice boards at all sites to provide information about the site manager, environmental officer, medical and safety officer, with concrete contact details and other information so that affected people will be able to raise their voice and concerns.

Operations Disseminate the information on electricity safety regulations to the users. Comply Decree No. 106/2005/ND-CP dated 17 August 2005 of Goverment on protecting grid; Decree No. 81/2009/ND-CP dated 12 October 2009 of Goverment on protecting hight Health and safety for voltage grid workers and local NPC Regular training for local technicians residents and people on safety issues. Use warning signs, barriers (locks, gates, iron barriers...) around substation or tower to prevent people reach danger equipment; Putting warning signs, barriers on the ground close to electricity wire to prevent electric shock

Fire and explosion Periodically inspect fire prevention and NPC fighting facilities. Organize training on fire prevention and

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Period Potential impact Mitigation measures Responsibility

fighting for operation workers.

Transmisison line - Only allow workers who have been NPC Mitigation measures trained and obtained certificates on related to installation, maintenance and repair of transmission lines electrical equipment Cut off power and provide safe earthling before construction on the power line or where it is near power line Ensure operations related to power line will be undertaken by trained workers with strict compliance with safety regulations. Qualified or trained workers to operate power lines need to able to:  Distinguish between online and offline power lines from other parts of the distribution system  Determine voltage of online power lines  Understand safety distance for each cable types  Ensure correct and sufficient use of safety devices and other safety procedures or other online parts of the distribution system - Even when being trained, workers will not contact any online parts unless:  Workers have been safely isolated from online parts via gloves or other insulation devices  Online parts have been safely isolated from workers and other parts or  Workers have been isolated and safely insulated from online objects When operations and maintenance request minimum distance, provide trainings on safety measures and safety devices for individuals and other preventive measures identified in the health and safety compliance plan. (Below is the recommended safety distance for workers: Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Period Potential impact Mitigation measures Responsibility

2-15 kV: 0.6 m 15.1-35kV: 0.71 m 72.6-121 kV: 1.01 m

Preventive and control measures include: - Check the firmness of structures before starting work - Take anti-fall measures including climbing skills, use of supporting devices and first aid toolkit - Install supporting and anti-fall devices Safety measures - Safety bands will not be smaller when working at than 16 mm, two layers, and durable NPC height strength. Safety bands will be replaced before any defect or crack is detected or if is too old - When working with tools at height, workers will need an additional safely band (backup). - Sign posts and other obstacles need to be removed before starting work - Use standard tool bag to carry tools and materials to the height when working on pillars

EMF impacts - Prevent or minimize exposure to NPC EMF in the working environment by developing and implementing a EMF safety program with the following components: - Determination of potential exposure level - Trainings for workers on how to identify their exposure to EMF and its impacts - Determination of safe areas in order to differentiate those areas with higher EMF impacts than the others where EMF impacts are small enough not to be provided with mitigations and minimize exposure to high EMF impact areas - The exposure detector for Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Period Potential impact Mitigation measures Responsibility

individuals will be installed to give warning when exposure is below the safety limit (for example, 50%). Action plans for mitigating impacts includes taking turn to work in high risk areas, and if necessary being provided with protective devices.

Table 6.2. Site specific mitigation measures

Preriod Protential impact Mitigation measures Responsibility

Constructio Construction is made after the harvests and n construction progress should be reduced. When extend line through rice field or crop area use bamboo peg to stark line to not affect Influence on trees crop and rice. and canal while If construction make canal broken down, must Contractor extending line, refund CSC building the foundation and Garbage arise in construction affect to canal, PMU erecting pole have to drag canal and widen flow. Appropriate compensation is made for losses as specified in the Resettlement Policy Framework of the project and the Resettlement Action Plan of the subproject.

Cutting off Select suitable time to cutting off electricity, Contractor electricity on the avoid electricity cutting off at peak time. If the CSC crossing over line construction is implemented in harvest time will influence the power management unit will cut local PMU production and electricity during the day(when people go to living activities in work on the fields). the electricity The contractor should work directly with the cutting- off area electricity control team of the commune and the hamlet for permission to report about electricity cutting off time and deploy subproject. the electricity control team of the commune and the hamlet will inform in advance the electricity cutting-off time to the local people to arrange their production plan and living.

cut off electricity during the setting up of scaffoldings and avoid electricity cutting-off during peak time. The electricity control team of the commune and the hamlet will inform in advance the electricity cutting-off time to the Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Preriod Protential impact Mitigation measures Responsibility

local people to arrange their production plan and living. However, in order to avoid electricity cutting- off for a long time when the line crossing over the information line; line 35; 22; 0,4 kV; scaffoldings must be used. After the setting-up of scaffoldings, electricity should be supplied again to the line. Only after that, line extending could be conducted.

There are many cultural and historical monument area in the subproject area. Thus, before deploying the subproject The contractor should work directly with local Construction near government to report about the subproject implementing plan and must be approved by sensitive area as Contractor cultural and local government. CSC historical When construction in festival time must let monument area, warning signs, propaganda to arise labor PMU school, hospital discipline awareness for workers. Encourage drivers to transport supplies and equipment through the sensitive areas such as temples, schools, hospitals not to abused horn to avoid to cause noise.


Table 7.1: Environmental monitoring plan is shown in the below table Impact Monitored Monitored Monitoring Timing/ Responsibility parameter point equipment frequency of /method monitoring

Construction phase

I. -Clearance - Along the Observation -From -Contractor Vegetation technique transmission beginning to cover line the last - Disposal of -Construction clearance or cut-down trees. - In a moment. cutting supervising centralized consultant down trees place for processing.

I I. Rural - All heavy - Along the Observation -Weekly basis - Contractor, roads in the tonnage roads and when material -Construction project vehicles on the consultation is transported supervising region local roads with local Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Impact Monitored Monitored Monitoring Timing/ Responsibility parameter point equipment frequency of /method monitoring

residents. to the region. consultant - Four months.

III. Surface - Not excavate - Surface Observation -During and -Contractor, water while it is water near after heavy -Construction quality, raining the site. rain supervising sedimentati - Not clear consultant on and plants erosion completely

IV. Dust - Dust - Areas with Observation -In presence of -Contractor, and air concentration excavation strong winds -Construction pollution in material foils and supervising storage area material consultant - Cover for storage material during transportation process

V. Noise - Noise by - The line Consultatio -During -Contractor, level machinery section n with local activities that -Construction - Local running over residents may result in supervising resident residental high noise consultant response to area level; noise from the Complaints by construction local residents process

VI. The - The effects of -At the Observing -During -Contractors culture and noise construction the local construction, -Construction history places close residents the activities monitoring monuments to culture and emanate noise consultant history monuments

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Impact Monitored Monitored Monitoring Timing/ Responsibility parameter point equipment frequency of /method monitoring

VII. -Garbage, -At the tents Observing -Every week, -Contractors Sanitation waste water at when official -Construction situation at the acceptance of monitoring the construction work consultant construction site and site, workers’ tents including - If he tents the hygiene have been of workers’ supplied clean camps water and had sanitary latrines

VII. Safety - Accidents - At the sites, - Consult, -Contractors of workers happen local areas Record the -Construction and local constructio monitoring presidents n log of the consultant contractor

Operation phase

I. Maintain The height of Along the Prune trees One month/ North High and protect plants along ROW, houses and ensure a time Voltage grid the ROW the ROW and trees safe Company distance for the ROW

II. Danger -The intact - At the pole - Observing 3months/ -North high due to situation of of the line and time voltage grid danger poles, route, the assessing Company insulators, position of protecting the station devices of the station

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project VIII. EMP IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENT AND CAPACITY BUILDING a) During Detailed Design and Preparation of Bidding Contract Documents During the detailed design and bidding invitation preparation, the project management unit will be responsible for incorporate the EMP (mitigation measures, responsibilities of the contractor) into the attached annexes in the bidding invitation and contract signed with the contractor. Engineers taking charge of the detailed design will also refer to findings in the EIA and EMP to ensure environmental issues will be looked at in the final design. During the bidding invitation preparation and the contract, it is necessary to ensure the contractor is fully informed of its responsibilities in implementing environmental mitigation measures and its commitment to compliance. b) During Construction Phase PPMU will assign the Construction Supervising Consultant (CSC) and/or field engineer to be responsible for supervision of safeguard performance of contractor on a daily basis. A generic Terms of Reference (TOR) is provided in Annex 1. CSC and/or field engineers will carry out, but not limited to, the following tasks: - Before the commencement of the construction, confirm that all compensation for land and facilities are provided and relocation and/or land acquisition/donation has been completed. - Closely supervise the implementation of safeguard measures throughout the construction period. - Confirm the compliance with the EMP and inspect for any damages caused by the contractor. If necessary, prepare a minutes to ask the contractor to compensate or rehabilitate as provisions of the contract. Contractor safeguard performance will be included in the subproject progress report. Role and responsibilities of parties in implementing EMP are summarized in the below table: Table 8.1. Responsibility for EMP Implementation Role Responsibility Organization

- Project - Take final responsibility with regards to the -North owner management and implementation of project including Electricity environmental compliance environmental Corporation performance.

- Environme - Indicate specific responsibility and provide contact Environmental ntal officer details. officer of project

- Project Responsible for cooperating and managing the PMU manageme implementation of project including providing guidance nt and and implementing the EMP: implement - Develop plan and implement EMP activities during ation entity construction. - Cooperate with relevant stakeholders with regards to environmental performance. - Conduct internal supervision and independent audit. - Supervise and provide budget for monitoring

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project Role Responsibility Organization

activities. - Report environmental information to relevant stakeholders.

- Project - Operating the project including environmental North High operation management and supervision during operation phase. Voltage Grid entity Company

- Contractor - Support the PMU in supervising project operations Construction supervisor with regards to environmental impacts mitigation supervising according to measures described in the EMP and keep consultant in touch with local residents. hired by the PMU

- Contractor Constructing and complying with technical requirements of Construction the EMP, including: supervising - Taking mitigation measures to minimize negative consultant impacts as described in the EMP. hired by the PMU - Communicating with local residents and taking action to prevent environmental and social interruptions in the project region during construction. - Ensuring at least one officer supervises compliance to EMP during construction. - Ensuring all construction activities are given necessary approvals from relevant authorities. - Ensuring workers and officers understand their responsibilities and procedures in environmental management. - Reporting to the construction supervising consultant on difficulties and solutions. - Reporting to local authorities and PMU and cooperating with relevant agencies to address any issues.

IX. REPORTING PROCEDURE Responsibility and frequency of reporting on EMP implementation are shown in the below table.

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project N Report by Submitted to Frequency of reporting o.

1  By contractor to project owner PMU Once prior to starting construction afterwards every one month.

2  Construction supervisor (cum PMU Monthly environmental monitor)

3  Community supervisor (if any) MPU If any complaint

4  PMU EVN Quarterly

5  EVN WB Biannually

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project

X. CAPACITY BUILDING FOR EMP IMPLEMENTATION Table 10.1. Estimates of capacity building for implementing EMP

Training Training Trainee Training Trained staff organizing Cost content quantity time agency

1 2 3 4 5 6

* Cost: Training about Staff responsible 2,000,000VND per man x 5 mans = 10,000,000VND environmental for environmental Six mans January, EVN management management of 2012 EVN Ha Noi

* Document cost: 300,000VND per man x16 mans=4,800,000 VND * Subsistence cost: Training about Staff of district 300,000VND per day x 3 days x16 mans = mitigation, December, EVN Ha power company Twenty mans 14,400,000VND environmental 2012 Noi monitor * Travelling cost for trainees: 50,000VND per man x 16 mans = 8000,000VND * Supporting cost for training lecturer: 2,000,000VND x 3 mans = 6,000,000VND

Total cost 43,200,000VND

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project

XI.ESTIMATED COST FOR IMPLEMENTING THE EMP Table 11.1. Table of estimate cost

Construction Total No. Activity Operation Phase Phase (VND)

The costs are covered in The cost is covered in Implement 1 Contract with production cost of EVN 480,000,000 Mitigation Measures Construction Ha Noi Contractors

Environmental The costs are monitoring during covered in the 2 construction phase contract of hiring 120,000,000 by Construction monitoring Supervisor consultant

3 Capacity Building 43,200,000

Total cost 643,200,000

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project

XII. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION AND DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION 12.1 Community consultation: Through public consultation, advice obtained result summarized as follows: Table 12.1. Summary of public consultation Representative of Issues or Number of local authorities concerns to be N0 Subproject Location Time and date Participant and households discussed / to participate raised Improve Meetting-hall rural communes network of I people’s Description old Ha Noi committee have project: line area project project, - Period 1 project Hoanng Liet 8 h to 11h30 11 location, ward people’s construction date13/12/2011 (5 woman) Chairman, vice Hoang Mai committee size, the need 1 chairman of district Hoang Van Thu of 8 h to 11h30 11 commune ward people’s construction date 9/12/2011 (4 woman) people’s committee project. committee Trung Van Description Fatherland Front commune 1h to 4h 6 impacts of the Committee people’s date14/12/2011 (3 woman) project with League committee environmenta Executive Board l (air, water, Me Tri Women's 7h30 to 11h30 traffic...) Tu Liem commune 10 Executive Board 2 date The measures district people’s (4 woman) Farmer 10/12/2011 of minimize committee association passive Dai Mo Veterans’ impacts. commune 7h30 to 11h30 11 organization The measure people’s date 8/12/2011 (4 woman) Elderly people of committee Households compensation (see attachment) Da Ton for damage to commune 1h30 to 5h 11 property people’s date12/12/2011 (3 woman) caused by the Gia Lam committee project 3 district Phu Thi Project commune 7h30 to 11h30 11 planning people’s date13/12/2011 (4 woman) committee

Environmental Management Plan Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project

The result obtained through the community consultation are summarized as follows:

Summary comment District Number of N0 Place Time Delegate of delegates (ward/commune) Participants

I Hoang Mai district

1. Nguyen Van Sang : Vice chairman of ward people’s committee. 2. Tran Thi Minh: Chairman of the Executive Board of the farmer.

3. Ta Thi Tha: Representative of - Guiding People in women's Executive Board. the project area electrical safety Hoang Liet ward 4. Nguyen Dinh Tuat: Chairman of 8 h to 11h30 1 Hoang Liet ward people’s 11 Fatherland Front Committee. measures. date 13/12/2011 committee hall 5. Tran Ba Giap: Representation of - Minimize the veterans’s organization Executive impact on daily Board. life of the people. 6. Tran Toan Thuong: Representative of league Executive Board. 7. The representative household assets affected: 5/8 households.

58 Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project

1. Nguyen Tiet Cuong: Vice chairman - Implement of ward people’s committee. measures to 2. Tran Thi Thuy Hang: Secretary of minimize league Executive Board. environmental Hoang Van Thu Hoang Van Thu 8 h to 11h30 3. Dinh Thi Ngat: Chairman of impact. 2 ward people’s 11 ward date 9/12/2011 committee hall women's Executive Board. - Implementation of 4. Tran Xuan Ngoc: Vice chairman of the appropriate Fatherland Front committee. time to reduce the loss of property to 5. The representative household assets people. affected: 7/7 households.

II Tu Liem district

1. Nguyen Trong Cong: Chairman of - Construction commune people’s committee. implementation when the crop 2. Ngo Quang Chien: Representative harvested. Trung Van Veterans’ organization. Trung Van commune 1h to 4h date - Implement 1 6 commune people’s 14/12/2011 3. Bui Dinh Loc: Chairman of measures to committe hall commune Fatherland Front minimize committee. environmental 4. The representative household assets impact. affected: 3/3 households.

59 Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project

1. Nguyen Thi Huong: Vice chairman - Construction of commune people’s committee. implementation 2. Thu Hoa: Representative of women's when the crop Me Tri commune 7h30 to 11h30 Executive Board. harvested. 2 Me Tri commune people’s 10 date 10/12/2011 committee hall 3. Ngo Van Tich: Representative of the - Guiding People in Executive Board of the farmer. the project area 4. The representative household assets electrical safety affected: 7/7 households. measures.

- Construction 1. Nguyen Minh Giang: Chairman of implementation commune people’s committee. when the crop 2. Nguyen Thi Thoa: Representative of harvested. women's Executive Board. - Implement Dai Mo 3. Do Dac Tieu: Representative of measures to commune 7h30 to 11h30 3 Dai Mo commune 11 veterans’ organization Executive minimize people’s date 8/12/2011 committee hall Board. environmental 4. The representative household assets impact. affected: 7/8 households. - Guiding People in the project area electrical safety measures.

III Gia Lam district 60 Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project

1. Tran Duc Dien: Chairman of commune people’s committee. - Construction implementation 2. Bui Van Ma: Representation of when the crop commune Fatherland Front harvested. Da Ton committee. commune From 1h30 to 5h - Implement 1 Da Ton commune 11 3. Nguyen Thi Nga: Representative of people’s date 12/12/2011 measures to committee hall women's Executive Board. minimize 4. Le Anh Dung: Representative of environmental league Executive Board. impact. 5. The representative household assets affected: 6/6 households.

2 Phu Thi commune Phu Thi 7h30 to 11h30 11 1. Le Van Huy: Chairman of commune - Construction commune date 13/12/2011 people’s committee. implementation people’s committee hall 2. Nguyen Van Thanh: Chairman of when the crop commune Fatherland Front harvested. committee. - Implement 3. Dang Van Dac: Representative of measures to elderly people commune Executive minimize Committee . environmental impact. 4. Nguyen Duong Thanh: 61 Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project

Representative of the Executive - Guiding People in Board of the farmer. the project area 5. The representative household assets electrical safety affected: 7/8 households. measures.

12.2 Disclosure of information: - The EMP report in Vietnamese will be announced at ward/commune People's Committee in the subproject area for the public, organizations are able to access. The abbreviated EMP will be sent to the ward People's Committee that the line come across to announce for crowded public to stydy. Estimated disclosure time is in April 2012. - The EMP report in English and Vietnamese will be sent to The Center for Information and Development of Vietnam at 63 Ly Thai To - Hanoi for the evaluation of government office and community; - The EMP report in English will be sent to the Infoshop of World Bank in Washington to announce.

62 Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project

ANNEX 1 TOR for monitoring of emp implementation for construction supervising consultant Background The construction supervising consultant will deliver technical services (“Services”) to ensure efficient implementation of the EMP for the project. Scope of services: Services provided by the supervising consultant will include reviewing and monitoring of construction activities to ensure mitigation measures described in the EMP for the project are correctly complied with and negative environmental impacts are minimized. On behalf of the PMU, supervising consultant undertakes the following duties: - Conduct frequent field inspection; - Review the implementation of environmental protection measures described in the EMP and contract documentation; - Review the effectiveness of the mitigation measures and environmental performance of the project; - If necessary, validate the acceptability of construction methods with regards to environmental compliance (for temporary and permanent items), relevant design plans and other submitted documents. If necessary, the supervising consultant will seek for and recommend methods with less environmental impacts with consultation with the design consultant and the PMU; - Validate inspection results with regards to any non-conformance to environmental performance and effectiveness of any countermeasures; - Provide audit results for the leading engineer of the contractor in accordance with non- conformance handling procedure described in the EMP; - Direct the contractor to take corrective actions within a specific time period and exercise additional monitoring if necessary, as per the requirements of the contract in case of non- conformance and complaints; - Direct the contractor to take actions to mitigate impacts and comply with the EMP in case non-conformance is found; - Direct the contractor to stop any activity resulting negative impacts and/or in case the contractor does not fulfill requirements of the EMP, to take corrective actions. - For contracts that need Site Environmental Management Plan (SEMP), the supervising consultant will conduct a final review and approve all environmental plans at the site that may affect environment. This work includes but not limited to: dredging areas, material quarries and dumping areas and worker houses. The supervising consultant will review and approve such SEMP submitted by the contractor. If such plans are found non-compliant to the EMP, EPC or RAP, the supervising consultant will work with the PMU and contractor for a proper solution. - Complaint handling: Complaints from local residents will be collected by site officer of the contractor, which may include violations to noise level, dust concentration and traffic safety requirements. The lead consultant of the contractor and the supervising consultant will address and work out a final solution organizes all such complaints. The supervising 63 Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project

consultant will provide a list of these complaints and confirm they have been properly handled by the contractor in the same way with issued identified during site inspection. - Confirmation of monthly payment: The supervising consultant will confirm monthly payment for environment related activities undertaken by the contractor. - Report: The supervising consultant will make the following reports in English: o Report twice a week on non-conformances o Monthly summary report will include issues and findings from the reviewing and monitoring of construction activities o At the end of project, the supervising consultant will make a final summary report on findings from their work, number of violations, and solutions, etc. as well as provide consultancy and guidance on how to implement such duties in future.

64 Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project

ANNEX 2 Report template for monitoring of EMP implementation (Used for report by supervising consultant to PMU) Project name: Project location: Province: District: Commune/Town: Supervising consultant:...... Full name Date of report:……………………

Assessment of comments by Comment/ supervising No. Parameter consultant Recommenda and tion community

Construction phase

1 Water turbidity and soil erosion

2 Noise level at the site and nearby residential area

3 Dust concentration

4 Solid waste and site cleaning after construction

5 Conflict between workers and local residents

6 Disease spreading

7 Hygiene condition and safety for workers

8 Local traffic interruption

9 Road damage

10 Safety measure application

11 Material management

12 Remained soil and rock management

13 Evidences about loss to biodiversity (if any)

14 Evidences about loss to cultural and historical sites 65 Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project

Assessment of comments by Comment/ supervising No. Parameter consultant Recommenda and tion community

15 Other environmental issues (if any)


Operation phase

16 Transmission line lobby maintenance

17 1. Health and safety for operation workers and local residents

66 Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project

ANNEX 3 Report template for monitoring of EMP implementation (Used for reports by contractor) Project name: Project location: Contractor name: Initial or monthly report: Date of report:

Mitigation No. Impact Comment measure taken

Construction phase

1 Surface water pollution

2 Noise and vibration level

3 Soil erosion

4 Air pollution

Impacts on agriculture land due to 5 temporary land acquisition

6 Local traffic interruptions

7 Existing road damage

8 Solid waste from excavation

9 Remained soil management

10 Environmental impacts by workers

Conflict between workers and local 11 residents

Disease spreading between workers 12 and local residents

13 Health and safety

14 …..

Reported by : Title : Address : 67 Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project

Telephone :

68 Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project

ANNEX 4 Subproject area map

69 Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project

ANNEX 5 Some pictures of project area

TBA Liên Hợp - xã Tây Mỗ TBA Tây Tựu 6 - xã Tây Tựu

Cột hạ thế tận dụng Cột hạ thế tận dụng

Cột hạ thế tháo dỡ Cột hạ thế tháo dỡ

70 Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project

ANNEX 6 Consultancy minutes

71 Subproject: Distribution Efficiency Project

ANNEX 7 Environmental protection commitment


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