Handout 5: Sample Data Quality Plan

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Handout 5: Sample Data Quality Plan

Handout 5: Sample Data Quality Plan

Source: Community Shelter Board, Columbus, Ohio. This document has been modified for demonstration purposes.

CSB HMIS Quality Assurance Plan Overview

The following are policies and procedures that CSB will implement to ensure the data integrity of agencies/programs by the 4th working day of the month.

Policy: Connecting Agencies will provide the following levels of data accuracy and timeliness:  All names will be accurate  Blanks or ‘unknown’ entries in required data fields will not exceed 5% per month  All services provided will be compatible with providing program  In all reports of shelter provided for a client, the client must be eligible to receive shelter services from the listed provider  Data entry for all services provided during one calendar month must be entered into the Columbus HMIS by the fourth working day of the following calendar month

Procedure: The CSB Systems Administrator will perform regular data integrity checks on the Columbus HMIS. Any patterns of error at a Connecting Agency will be reported to the Site Administrator. When patterns of error have been discovered, users will be required to correct data entry techniques and will be monitored for compliance.

1.) Run custom report for CSB funded programs filtered on required fields for program types.

2.) Create QA Findings sheet for non-compliant agencies/programs and submit to Agency Administrator with findings and timelines for correction.

3.) Rerun reports for errant agencies/programs. Follow up with Site Administrators if necessary.

4.) Create notification for Agency Executive Director and submit to CSB Executive Director for distribution approval.

-----See Details on Next Page------CSB HMIS Quality Assurance Plan Details

Purpose: Establish minimum client tracking & QA standards for connecting agencies to collect and maintain records for every client receiving services and assure the accuracy and completeness of such records in the HMIS

A. Connecting Agency Responsibilities: Connecting Agencies agree to: 1. Assure the accuracy of information entered into the system. Any updates in information, error or inaccuracy that comes to the attention of the connecting agency will be corrected by such agency. 2. Perform routine Quality Assurance procedures to monitor data quality and promptly correct inaccuracies.

B. Connecting Agency Confidentiality Responsibilities: 1. The connecting agency agrees to abide by all present and future federal and state laws 2. The connecting agency Executive Director must accept responsibility for the validity of all records entered by his/her agency. The Executive Director may designate an immediate subordinate staff member with supervisory responsibilities for verifying the accuracy of information. The connecting agency will provide CSB with the name(s), and title(s) of the staff member(s) authorized to supervise data entry personnel. C. Data Tracking of Client Services: 1. The agency implements a written plan for delivery of services and tracking of clients that includes the process for determining and recording outcome/exits. 2. The agency implements a written intake and client record keeping procedures and files that include:  Intake interview  Record of services provided. 3. Shelter and supportive housing programs maintain an up-to-date residence list that includes, at least, the name of each person residing in the program.

D. Reporting Submission Deadlines: 1. Intake data should be entered into the HMIS within 24 hours of the intake process. 2. Shelters only: Clients who stayed in shelter during the previous 24-hour period must be entered into HMIS daily by 9:00am. 3. Complete and accurate data for the month must be entered into by the fourth working day of the month following the reporting period. For example, data for the month of April must be entered into HMIS by the fourth working day of May. E. Data Accuracy: 1. All clients have unique ID numbers (Social Security number or system-generated ID1). 2. Missing/unknown data in HMIS is less than 5% per month in required variable fields. For example, if the data for the variable veteran is unknown for less than 5% of clients during the month, the data is accurate. If unknown is greater than or equal to 5%, the data is inaccurate. The only data variable exception to accuracy, with respect to ‘Unknown’ is the variable Destination. 3. No data incompatible with program in HMIS. For example, a family cannot be entered at a single men’s shelter or a women’s shelter. 4. Data in HMIS must accurately reflect client data recorded in the agency’s client file and known information about the client and services provided to the client. For example, ‘Exit Date’ on the Columbus Worksheet should be the date the client physically exited the shelter.

F. Data Quality Assurance 1. Connecting agencies have minimum data quality assurance policies and procedures to assure quality data collection, entry, and reporting. 2. Agency Site Administrators should assure the following: Task If annual If annual number of number of households served > households 200 served < 200 1. Run Columbus report for each program. Monthly Weekly Review number of open cases – verify that equals number of actually open cases.  Exit cases that should be closed.  Enter cases that should be open 2. Review Columbus report for each program – Monthly Weekly verify that missing data for required data does not exceed 5%.  Correct missing data to be < 5% 3. Pull 10% of paper files and check vs. HMIS Monthly Monthly data to verify data is accurate. 4. If shelter, then check Bed List to verify Weekly Weekly accuracy vs. paper shelter list. 5. If shelter, check Bed List to verify that number Monthly Weekly of open cases on Columbus report equals number of households on Bed List. 6. Issue QA report to program directors on status Monthly Weekly of QA check.

1 If the client elects to remain anonymous, the data entry staff person must record the system-generated ID number on the paper client file and enter subsequent data in the appropriate system record so that all services are attached to the correct record in the HMIS

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