What People and Events Made up the Founding of Georgia

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What People and Events Made up the Founding of Georgia

What people and events made up the founding of Georgia? (SS8H2a) Starts on pg. 26 of your notebook

Directions: Use the source of information in the left-hand column to complete the information in the right-hand column.

Source of Information Activity English Occupation handout – paragraphs 8- Write and answer these questions. 10 to answer questions 1-5 1. Where did the British want to build a fort? Entrance of the Cloudy book pg. 114 – first two paragraphs Altamaha River to answer questions 6-9 2. What name was given to the fort? Fort King George 3. Describe the soldiers sent to build the fort. They were invalids – or elderly soldiers – and many of them got sick on the trip to the fort. 4. Name 3 setbacks the fort suffered in 1724-25. a. over 2/3 of the original soldiers had died. b. Colonel Barnwell died c. the fort burned down 5. When was the fort abandoned? 1727 6. Who led the first attempt to colonize Georgia? Sir Robert Montgomery 7. What was the colony to be named? Margravate of Azilia 8. Where was the colony to be located? The area west of the Savannah River down to the Altamaha River 9. Who proposed a colony for the “working poor?” James Oglethorpe Cloudy book pgs. 114-115 – the section Copy and complete the cause/effect chart. entitled James Edward Oglethorpe Cause Effect He cared greatly about people in James Oglethorpe used his wealth trouble and tried to find ways to and power to be elected to the help them. House of Commons in 1722. England had strict laws for Many citizens – including many debtors, including imprisonment well-known people – had been put for those in debt. in debtors’ prison, including Oglethorpe’s friend, Robert Castell Angered over his friend’s death, Laws were passed to improve Oglethorpe was put on a prison conditions and let committee studying prison prisoners free. reform. Dr. Thomas Bray died before his Oglethorpe and the rest of the proposal for a colony could be men who would become the acted upon. trustees outline a plan to fulfill Dr. Bray’s proposal of a colony for the working poor (unfortunate but worthy) UGA book. – pg. 79 List each reason for Georgia’s founding with the correct heading. Defense (Protection) – To provide South Carolina with a buffer against Indian attacks, as well as from the Spanish and French

Economic (Profit) – To increase Britain’s trade and wealth by making Georgia part of England’s mercantile system that would grow raw materials and be a market for British goods.

Charity (Poor) – to relieve poverty and unemployment in Great Britain by providing a home for the worthy poor in Georgia. UGA book – pgs. 79 & 80 Write and answer the following questions. 1. What information was in Georgia’s charter? Georgia’s boundaries, its form of government, the powers of officials, and rights of its settlers 2. Which religious group was excluded from coming to Georgia? Catholics 3. Describe Georgia’s original boundaries. Northern – Savannah River; Eastern – Atlantic Ocean; Southern – Altamaha River; Western – Pacific Ocean Vocabulary practice Copy the following sentences and insert the correct vocabulary word. Charter, colony, trustees, James 1. Under the economic system of _mercantilism_, Georgia would Oglethorpe, mercantilism produce raw materials that would be turned into finished goods for Britain. 2. According to the charter written in 1732, four groups would not be allowed into the colony. 3. Georgia was the 13th English __colony______established on the Atlantic coast of North America. 4. _James Oglethorpe____ is considered the founder of Georgia. 5. Oglethorpe and 20 other men served as the colony’s ___trustees___ for the first 21 years it existed.

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