Community Consultation
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Moorebank Units Relocation Last Amended: 24 July 2012 Page 1 of 9 FACT SHEET # 1.03 COMMUNITY CONSULTATION TALKING POINTS 1. The Moorebank Units Relocation Project has undertaken a range of community consultation to inform and educate the community about the proposed works, and to enable the community to engage with the project team and raise issues and seek clarification. 2. Consultation activities have included: a. Meeting with direct stakeholders (including Senior Defence stakeholders, Endeavour Energy, Sydney Water, Jemena (gas), Roads and Maritime Services, Liverpool Council and Fire and Rescue NSW); b. Briefings for interested stakeholders including local federal and state MP’s, the NSW Government and the Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (WSROC); c. Briefings and site tours for local news media representatives; d. A Community Information Session held on site at Moorebank on 11 July 2012; and e. A range of local communications including news stories, advertising, direct mail information to residents, a project website and inquiry email service. Subject Matter Expert: LTCOL Matt Thomson
Moorebank Units Relocation Last Amended: 24 July 2012 Page 2 of 9 FACT SHEET # 1.03 COMMUNITY CONSULTATION Purpose 1. The purpose of this Fact Sheet is to provide an overview of the community consultation carried out on the Moorebank Units Relocation Project, and to outline the key public issues raised during consultation.
Stakeholder Engagement Plan 2. Defence through the Project Manager/Contract Administrator engaged a strategic communications advisor, Kreab Gavin Anderson to assist the MUR Project in engaging with the community. 3. A stakeholder engagement plan was developed for the MUR Project to identify the best ways to reach both the broader community and specific identified stakeholders. The plan sought to: a. Identify the stakeholders likely to have an interest in the project. These included local and state government, utility providers, local members of parliament, local residents and businesses, particularly those close to Heathcote Rd, Defence personnel, local news media, and local indigenous and military heritage groups. b. Identify the main issues likely to be of interest to stakeholders. This included an assessment, working closely with MUR and the Project Manager/Contract Administrator, of the proposed plan of works to better understand how the project would be delivered and in particular to isolate any activities that would have an effect on the community. c. Map out a range of consultation and engagement activities to reach the maximum number of community members, based on past experience of what channels and strategies work best to reach people. The program sought to reach the local community through a combination of local media articles, local media advertising, direct mail, a community information session open to all and direct briefings for identified individual stakeholders and stakeholder organisations.
Key Communications Activities 4. A range of communications activities were undertaken in line with the stakeholder engagement plan including: a. Stakeholder briefings; b. Media Information sessions;
Moorebank Units Relocation Last Amended: 24 July 2012 Page 3 of 9 FACT SHEET # 1.03 COMMUNITY CONSULTATION c. Project Website; d. Direct Mail Letter to Residents; and e. A community information session.
Stakeholder Briefings 5. Stakeholder briefings commenced following the formal announcement of the MUR project in the Federal Budget in May 2012 and were carried out in two stages. 6. Stage one briefings occurred directly after the Federal Budget in order to provide stakeholders with initial information about the project and the process by which the Australian Parliament considers and approves Defence projects through PWC. A Moorebank Units Relocation Fact Sheet was issued to: a. The office of Mr Craig Kelly MP, Member for Hughes (NSW); b. The office of Ms Melanie Gibbons MP, State Member for Menai; c. Mr Farooq Portelli, General Manager, Liverpool City Council; d. Lt Gen (ret) Ken Gillespie, Advisor to the NSW Government on Defence matters; e. Ms Anne Glover, Director of Investment and Export Services, NSW Trade and Investment, responsible for the State’s Defence program, and other officials; and f. Ms Karin Bishop, Deputy CEO, Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils. 7. Stage two briefings occurred shortly after the MUR Project was referred to the PWC on 20 June 2012. LTCOL Matt Thomson, Project Director for the Moorebank Units Relocation Project briefed the following stakeholders in person: a. Ms Melanie Gibbons MP, State Member for Menai and Mr Jeff Page, Electorate Officer; b. Mr Farooq Portelli, General Manager, Liverpool City Council and Mr Milan Marecic, Director of City Planning, Liverpool City Council; c. Lt Gen Ken Gillespie AC DSC CSM (Retd), Defence Advisor to the NSW Government; Ms Anne Glover, Director of Investment and Export Services at NSW Trade and Investment; and
Moorebank Units Relocation Last Amended: 24 July 2012 Page 4 of 9 FACT SHEET # 1.03 COMMUNITY CONSULTATION d. Mr Kerry Bartlett, CEO, Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils. Media Information 8. Following the formal announcement of the MUR project in the Federal Budget in May 2012, fact sheets on the project were distributed to two local newspapers, the Liverpool Leader and Liverpool Champion. 9. Local journalists were briefed on a number of occasions and participated in a site tour on 7 June 2012. The site tour provided journalists with a general understanding of what activities Defence undertook on the site and the scope of works to be carried out at Holsworthy Barracks 10.The media was also briefed in advance of the Community Information Session resulting in some coverage. 11. A total of six articles were published in the period to 17 July 2012 regarding MUR or the broader Defence presence in the Liverpool Military Area.
Project Website and Direct Mail Outs 12.A Dedicated MUR Project website was prepared and uploaded to the Defence website at The website went live on 20 June 2012 and included relevant information on the MUR Project. To date, the website has attracted approximately 100 hits per month for June and July. 13.The Web pages included information on the background of the project, scope of works, project benefits, indicative drawings, RAE Heritage, the PWC Process, the date and location of the Community Information Session, Frequently Asked questions and contact details for the MUR Project Team. 14. The contacts page provided a direct link to the dedicated project email inbox as well as a link to the Department of Finance and Deregulation for questions regarding the Moorebank Intermodal Terminal. 15.A direct mail out letter from Defence to inform close neighbours of the MUR Project was letterbox dropped on 29 June 2012. The direct mail out targeted those most likely to be directly affected by any changes on Heathcote Road, or any increased vehicle movements as a result of construction work in the area. 16. The direct mail out covered Heathcote Rd from Anzac Rd down to St Georges Crescent, Macarthur Drive including all houses west of Macarthur Drive and East of Harris Creek reserve in the residential estate adjacent the Holsworthy
Moorebank Units Relocation Last Amended: 24 July 2012 Page 5 of 9 FACT SHEET # 1.03 COMMUNITY CONSULTATION railway station, and the Avenue down to Boronia Rd and the first 100m of both Pleasure Point and St George Crescent.
Community Information Session 17. A Community Information Session was held from 4pm-8pm, on Wednesday 11 July 2012 at the Defence Support Group (DSG) Conference Room, Moorebank Avenue, Moorebank. 18.Advertisements for the community information session were run in the weeks leading up to the event in the Liverpool Leader and Liverpool Champion on Wednesday 27 June and Wednesday 4 July. The two newspapers have a combined readership of 220,000 and distribute across all areas that may be affected by the MUR Project. 19. The format for the session was to provide an opportunity for community members to drop in at a time of their choice to view the visual display of project information, discuss matters of interest with members of the MUR project team and take away material to read in their own time. 20.A number of briefing materials were available for the community including large format display panels including text of the MUR Project and relevant images, artist’s impressions and floor plans of key buildings and a DVD fly through of the proposed works. 21.The MUR Project Team available at the Community Information Session to answer queries and discuss the project included representatives from Defence, Point Project Management (Project Manager/Contract Administrator), Kreab Gavin Anderson (Communications Advisor) and Laing O’Rourke (Managing Contractor).
Issues Raised 22.In general, reaction from stakeholders proactively contacted about the MUR Project, such as government representatives and local MPs ranged from positive to neutral. Stakeholders welcomed Defence’s continued presence in the area and the fact that the project would not result in the loss of Defence capability in the Liverpool Military Area. 23.There were concerns soon after the Federal Budget that cuts within the Defence portfolio may somehow relate to the MUR Project. This misunderstanding was addressed in the briefing program. Employment expected to be generated as a result of the project was also seen as a strong positive. Overall, the economic
Moorebank Units Relocation Last Amended: 24 July 2012 Page 6 of 9 FACT SHEET # 1.03 COMMUNITY CONSULTATION importance of ongoing Defence presence was the most frequently raised benefit to the community. 24. Other key issues raised by the community included: a. understanding how the overall construction process would be managed including traffic management and the use of local roads; b. Changes to Heathcote Rd were mostly commented upon as a positive contribution to traffic management, although it was also acknowledged that Defence traffic is only a partial contributor to traffic congestion in the railway station precinct; and c. There was some minor commentary received around the design of the buildings. Additionally, some questions were raised around the management of ongoing noise generated by the bomb detection dogs. In general, stakeholders appeared satisfied that the design of the project would ensure that this did not become a nuisance for residents. 25.The main issue that could not be resolved in terms of scope of works was the regimental golf course. Several stakeholders raised this issue and were advised that it was not part of the scope as it was not a core Defence requirement. 26. The other issue of significance that could not be resolved within the engagement and consultation process was concerns regarding the Moorebank Intermodal Terminal, which has a separate community engagement program managed by the Moorebank Project Office (MPO). These issues have been referred directly to MPO. 27.The Moorebank Units relocation Project has been well received by the local community and very few issues have been raised with the project team even with the considerable amount of available material that has been made available via the project website, community information session, letter box drops, local media articles and direct briefings with stakeholders. 28. Following the community information session, the majority of issues raised at the session were addressed on the night and explained, and those items that could not be addressed by the MUR Project were referred to the relevant project or appropriate spokesperson.
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Moorebank Units Relocation Last Amended: 24 July 2012 Page 7 of 9 FACT SHEET # 1.03 COMMUNITY CONSULTATION Authors: a. Michael Owens; Point Project Management; (02) 8116 8952
Moorebank Units Relocation Last Amended: 24 July 2012 Page 8 of 9 FACT SHEET # 1.03 COMMUNITY CONSULTATION
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