You will be writing a career paper that summarizes your career research. You will also be giving a short presentation in which you share with the class what you have learned. You will turn in your papers before you give the presentation.

Your paper will be worth 20 points and should include the following:

1. What types of career fields did your interest tests indicate you should look into? Summarize your findings from the IHAVEAPLAN program on the computers. Did you agree with the results of your interest tests and survey? Were you surprised by the results? (5 points – 1/4 a page)

2. Why did you pick the career that you researched? (5 points – 1/4 page)

3. Include all the information from your research: job description, education, skills and requirements, salary range, working conditions, outlook, changes, and any additional information. How has technology affected this career? (10 points – 1/2 page)

4. Your paper should be typed and SINGLE-spaced. Font size should be 12 and in Helvetica. You should have 1” margins. (5 points)

5. An 8-10 question interview with someone in your career area will earn you 8-10 extra credit points.

Your presentation will worth 10 points. 5 extra credit points will be awarded if you have a visual aid. The presentation should be 1.5 minutes long. You can use a note card for your presentation but you will not be able to read from your paper. Your presentation should include: your IHAVEAPLAN results, why you picked the career, your research, and the interview, if you did one.