Us06fbca01 System Software

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Us06fbca01 System Software

US06FBCA01 || SYSTEM SOFTWARE Question Bank || UNIT – 1 Q. 1 Multiple choice Questions (1 mark each) 1 ______part of compilation breaks up the source program into essential pieces. A. Synthesis B. Analysis C. Execution D. None of these 2 ______part of compilation creates an intermediate representation of the source program. A. Analysis B. Synthesis C. Execution D. All of above 3 ______part builds the desired target program by using intermediate representation of two part . A. Analysis B. Synthesis C. Execution D. None of above 4 ______editor analyzes the program text and putting an appropriate hierarchical structure on source program. A. Pretty printer B. Structure editors C. static checker D. None of above 5 ______attempts to discover potential bugs without running the program. A. Pretty printer B. Structure editors C. Static checker D. Both A & C 6 ______form is also known as “Three- address code” A. Code optimization B. Code generation C. Analysis phase D. Intermediate code generation 7 The designer expresses the ideas in terms related to the ______of the software. A. Application Domain B. Execution Domain C. PL Domain D. Program Generator Domain 8 The gap between Application domain and PL domain is called______. A. Execution Gap B. Specification Gap C. Application Gap D. Semantic Gap 9 A ______is software which bridges a specification or execution gap. A. Language Processor B. Editor C. Application D. None 10 The gap between PL domain and Execution domain is called______. A. Semantic Gap B. Specification Gap C. Application Gap D. Execution Gap 11 The ______is a software system which generates a program in the target PL. A. Program Generator B. Program Specification C. Program Execution D. program Interpretation 12 ______governs the formation of valid lexical units in the source language. A. Specification Rules B. Lexical Rules C. Syntax Rules D. Semantic Rules 13 ______governs the formation of valid statements in the source language. A. Specification Rules B. Lexical Rules C. Syntax Rules D. Semantic Rules 14 ______associates meaning with valid statements of the language. A. Specification Rules B. Lexical Rules C. Syntax Rules D. Semantic Rules

Q. 2 Short Questions (2 marks each) 1 What do you mean by compiler?

2 Write in brief about two parts of compilation.

3 What are structure editor and pretty printer?

4 List the phases of compiler

5 Explain error detection and reporting phase of compiler

6 Explain symbol table management phase of compiler

7 Draw a diagram of a language processing system.

8 What is meaning of Language Processing?

9 Define : Application Domain & Execution Domain

10 Define: Specification Gap & Execution Gap

11 What is the Analysis of SP & Synthesis of SP?

12 Define: Program generation activity & Program execution activity.

13 Define the Lexical & Semantic Rule.

Q. 3 Long Question (3-10 marks each) 1 Explain software tools that manipulate source programs.

2 List the phases of a compiler and explain the symbol table management, error detection reporting.

3 List the phases of a compiler and explain the synthesis part of it in detail.

4 List the phases of compiler and explain the Analysis and synthesis part of it.

5 Explain the context of a compiler.

6 What is compiler? Explain the analysis synthesis model of compilation.

7 What is Language Processing? Explain Application, PL & Execution domain.

8 What is Language Processing? Explain spectrum of language processor.

9 Explain Language Processing Activity in detail.

10 Explain the Analysis & Synthesis phase in detail.

US06FBCA01 || SYSTEM SOFTWARE Question Bank || UNIT – 2 Q. 1 Multiple choice Questions (1 mark each) 1 ______data structure is used in synthesis phase. A. Symbol table B. DFD C. Name table D. All of the above 2 Symbol table has ______primary fields. A. Mnemonic and opcode B. Name and address C. Mnemonic and name D. Name and opcode 3 Mnemonic has ______primary fields. A. Mnemonic and opcode B. Name and address C. Mnemonic and name D. Name and opcode 4 The primary function performed by the analysis phase is the building of the ______. A. Mnemonic table B. Analysis table C. Synthesis table D. Symbol table 5 The function of fixing the address of all program elements is known as ______. A. Memory allocation B. Memory relocation C. Memory management D. Paging 6 ______is a data structure to implement memory allocation. A. Location table B. Location count C. Location counter D. Location area 7 ______table is fixed table which is merely accessed by the analysis and synthesis phase. A. Mnemonic table B. Analysis table C. Synthesis table D. Symbol table 8 ______table is constructed during the analysis and used during synthesis. A. Mnemonic table B. name table C. Synthesis table D. Symbol table 9 Which of the following is not a task of pass-I assembler? A. Build the symbol table B. Perform LC processing C. Synthesize the target program D. Construct intermediate representation 10 To update the contents of LC,______needs to know lengths of different instruction. A. Synthesis phase B. Analysis phase C. None of the above D. All of the above 11 An assembly language is a machine dependent, ______level programming language which is specific to a certain computer system. A. High B. Low C. Machine D. None of these 12 The ______performs memory bindings to symbolic names. A. Assembler B. Compiler C. Translator D. Analyzer 13 Data can be declared in a variety of notations including the ______notation. A. Hexadecimal B. Octal C. Decimal D. All of the above 14 In a simple assembly language, the first operand is always______. A. Memory Word B. Register C. Assembly Mnemonic D. None of these 15 In a simple assembly language, the second operand refers to______. A. Memory Word B. Register C. Data declarations D. All of the above 16 The assembly mnemonic ADD,BC and MOVER reserves ______instructions opcodes respectively. A. 00,02,07 B. 00,01,07 C. 01,07,04 D. 01,04,07 17 The assembly mnemonic COMP,READ and SUB reserves ______instructions opcodes respectively. A. 06,09,00 B. 06,02,09 C. 02,06,09 D. 06,09,02 18 The ______can be tested by a branch on condition instruction. A. Condition Code B. Source Code C. Target Code D. None of these 19 The condition code specified in a BC statement is encoded into the first operand position using the codes ______. A. 2-6 B. 1-6 C. 1-7 D. 3-6 20 The opcode register operand and memory operand occupy ______digits respectively. A. 1,2,3 B. 1,3,2 C. 2,1,3 D. 2,3,1 21 An Imperative statement indicates an action to be performed during the ______of the assembled program. A. Execution B. Initialization C. Implementation D. Declaration 22 The DS stands for ______. A. Data Store B. Date Storage C. Declare Storage D. Declare Statement 23 The DC stands for ______. A. Declare Constant B. Data Constant C. Declare Construct D. Data Construct 24 The DC statement initializes ______to given values. A. Registers B. Memory Words C. Operands D. Constants 25 ______assembler directive indicates that the first word of the target program generated by the assembler should be placed in the memory word with address. A. LABEL B. END C. START D. STOP 26 ______assembler directive indicates that the end of the source program. A. EXIT B. END C. START D. LABEL END

Q. 2 Short Questions (2 marks each) 1 Write design specification of an assembler in brief. 2 Explain analysis phase in brief. 3 Explain synthesis phase in brief. 4 List the tasks performed by the passes of a two pass assembler. 5 List four advantages of Assembly language. 6 List the elements of assembly language programming and explain any one of them. 7 Explain any one feature provided by assembly language programming. 8 Describe an assembly language statement with its syntax. 9 Explain with its syntax. 10 Give Instruction opcode and function of following assembly mnemonic. [1] STOP [2] SUB [3] MOVER [4] READ 11 Give Instruction opcode and function of following assembly mnemonic. [1] ADD [2] MULT [3] MOVEM [4] COMP 12 Give Instruction opcode and function of following assembly mnemonic. [1] BC [2] DIV [3] MOVER [4] PRINT 13 What is Machine instructions format? 14 What is Condition code? How it is tested? 15 Explain Branch on Condition instruction. 16 List all assembly language statements and Explain any one. 17 Define Imperative statements. 18 Explain DS of declaration statements in brief. 19 Explain DC of declaration statements in brief. 20 What is assembler directives? List all and Explain in brief. 21 What is the function of START assembler directive. 22 What is the function of END assembler directive.

Q. 3 Long Question (3-10 marks each) 1 Write advantages of assembly language. 2 Explain synthesis phase in detail. 3 Explain analysis phase in detail. 4 Explain design specification of an assembler. 5 Explain Elements of Assembly language programming in detail. 6 Explain features provided by Assembly language programming in detail. 7 Describe a Simple assembly language. 8 List and Explain types of assembly language statements. 9 Write note on assembly language statements. 10 What is assembler directive? List all and Explain in detail. US06FBCA01 || SYSTEM SOFTWARE Question Bank || UNIT – 3 Q. 1 Multiple choice Questions (1 mark each) 1 A ______views the entire text as a stream of characters. A. Stream editor B. Screen editor C. Line editor D. Structure editor 2 ______support character, line and context oriented commands based on the current editing context indicated by the position of a text pointer. A. Screen editors B. Word processors C. Stream editors D. Structure editors 3 ______and ______editors maintain multiple representations of text. A. Screen, stream B. Line, stream C. Stream, structure D. Structure, screen 4 The ______maintains an internal form which is used to perform the edit operations. A. Editor B. Loader C. Linker D. None of these 5 Word processors are also called ______editors. A. Screen B. Structure C. Stream D. Document 6 A special class of structure editors, called ______editors, are used in programming environments. A. Syntax B. Syntax directed C. Line D. Stream 7 The ______of a program is the address of the instruction from which its execution must begin. A. Execution address B. Address C. Execution start address D. All of above 8 The start address specified by the translator is the ______of the program. A. Translated start address B. Linked start address C. Load address D. None of these 9 Address of the origin assumed by the translator is known as ______. A. Linked origin B. Load origin C. Translated origin D. origin 10 Address of the origin assigned by the linker while producing a binary program is called ______. A. Load origin B. Linked origin C. Translated origin D. None of these 11 Address of the origin assigned by the loader while loading the program for execution is known as ______. A. Translated origin B. Linked origin C. Origin D. Load origin 12 ______is the process of modifying the addresses used in the address sensitive instructions of a program. A. Program relocation B. Program C. Program location D. None of above 13 In performing relocation, ______can be positive, negative or zero.

A. relocation_factorp B. l_originp

C. t_originp D. None of these 14 ______is the process of binding an external reference to the correct link time address. A. Translation B. Linking C. Loading D. None of above 15 A ______performs relocation while loading a program for execution. A. Relocating linker B. Relocating translator C. Relocating loader D. None of these

Q. 2 Short Questions (2 marks each) 1 List different types of Editors.

2 Which terminology is used to refer the address of program entity at different items?

3 Explain address sensitive program.

4 Difference between linking and loading.

5 Explain any one Editor.

6 Draw the schematic diagram of program execution.

7 Define ENTRY and EXTRN statement of public definition.

8 Explain External Reference.

Define following terms:

- Linking

- Loading

Give definition of following terms :

- binary program.

- Syntax Directed Editors

List steps of execution of a program written in a language L.

Q. 3 Long Question (3-10 marks each) 1 Define program relocation and perform relocation.

2 Explain Editors briefly.

3 Explain design of Editor with figure.

4 Explain Translated, Linked and Load time address. 5 Define process of Linking.

6 Explain Loading with Example. US06FBCA01 || SYSTEM SOFTWARE Question Bank || UNIT – 4 Q. 1 Multiple choice Questions (1 mark each) 1 ______generates a program which performs a set of function described in its specification. A. Software Tools B. Program Generator C. Program Environment D. Language Processor 2 ______supports program coding by incorporating awareness of the program language syntax and semantics in the language editors. A. Program Generator B. Program Environment C. Software Tools D. Language Processors 3 ______accepts user commands specifying the editing function to be performed. A. Data Mode B. Command Mode C. Language Processor D. Software Tools 4 ______helps the user in selecting test data for his program. A. Program Environment B. Language Processor C. Software tools D. Test data generator 5 ______helps in obtaining information for localization of errors. A. Debug Monitors B. Profile Monitors C. Editors D. All of above 6 ______is responsible for managing the user’s screen and accepting data and presenting results. A. Debug Monitors B. Presentation Manager C. Dialog Manager D. All of Above 7 ______is responsible for interpreting user command and implementing them by invoking different modules of the application code. A. Dialog Manager B. Debug Manager C. Presentation Manager D. All of Above

Q. 2 Short Questions (2 marks each) 1 What is a software tool? 2 List down fundamental steps in program development. 3 Which categories are used in program design and coding? 4 Define: Program generator 5 Define: Program Environment 6 List down steps for program testing and debugging.

7 Explain Debug Monitor 8 List down components of program environment. 9 What is a user interfaces? 10 What is a command dialog design? 11 List out principles of command dialog design. 12 Define: Profile Monitor 13 Explain: Command Language, Command Menu, Direct Manipulation 14 Explain: Presentation of Data 15 Explain: Hypertext, Hyper card, Menulay 16 List out the facilities provide by debug monitors for dynamic debugging. 17 Explain Program design and coding. 18 Explain Program entry and Editing.

Q. 3 Long Question (3-10 marks each) 1 Explain Program Testing and Debugging. 2 Explain Debug Monitor 3 Explain Program environments in brief. 4 Explain that how to produced debug information. 5 Discuss way to implement command dialogs. 6 Explain structure of user interface. 7 Explain user interface management system. 8 Define Software Tools. Discuss software tools for programming development. 9 Briefly discuss the principles of command dialog design.

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