Scottish Book Trust Presents

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Scottish Book Trust Presents

Scottish Book Trust presents:

Scottish Friendly Children’s Book Tour


Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell

14th to 23rd September 2009

Resource Material for Secondary Schools on The Edge Chronicles: Beyond the Deepwoods by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell

by Patricia Griffin

Notre Dame High School

Glasgow Scottish Book Trust – The Edge Chronicles: Beyond the Deepwoods

These materials are designed to support teachers in preparing for the events where pupils will have the opportunity to listen to and question both Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell. CfE intends to raise standards by improving teaching and learning with literacy as one of the key areas of focus. You and your pupils have a free opportunity to meet the author and illustrator of the Edge Chronicles and tap into the creativity and imagination of this remarkable pairing of talents found in the creators of the Edge Chronicles. The following ideas presented for your use with pupils are simply suggestions which you may find useful in using “Beyond the Deepwoods”. Teachers are experienced at using stories with their pupils and since you know your pupils best, it may be that the work you do with your class in preparation for (and as follow-up to) the book tour takes you in a completely different direction from the ideas detailed below. It will follow that you will use the book in ways that meet the needs of your pupils and your local community. Links have been provided for some of the outcomes and experiences for CfE which may be achieved.

Some useful websites for you to access:

Teacher can access (probably not from school due to firewall restrictions of Local Authorities) You Tube Video “Paul Stewart & Chris Riddell the Edge Chronicles” First Level – to be achieved by end of P4 – but earlier or later by some

Second Level - to be achieved by the end of S1 but earlier or later for some

Third and Fourth Levels - to be achieved between S1 and S3 but earlier or later for some

Encouraging pupils to research the above websites, read newsletters, listen to audio podcasts (available on the Scottish Book Trust website) can help pupils achieve some of the Listening and Talking Outcomes for Literacy Across Learning in CfE :

(Lit1-01a/LIT 2-01A) and (LIT 3-01a/LIT 4-01a)

1st and 2nd Levels: I regularly select and listen to or watch texts which I enjoy and find interesting, and I can explain why I prefer certain sources.

I regularly select a subject, purpose, format and resources to create texts of my choice.

3rd and 4th levels: I regularly select and listen to or watch texts for enjoyment and interest, and I can express how well they meet my needs and expectations, and I can give reasons, with evidence, for my personal response.

I can regularly select subject, purpose, format and resources to create texts of my choice, and am developing my own style. Curriculum for Excellence General notes It is useful to take account of the fact that you may also be addressing outcomes Using “Beyond the Deepwoods” as a stimulus allows the youngsters to achieve outcomes in from some of the other curricular areas Literacy Across Learning as and subjects: Religious and Moral well as outcomes Education, Modern Languages, Health from Since Primary Literacy and Well-Being, Social Studies and and Teachers have to obviously some of the Technologies English develop expertise in . /Expressive Arts Outcomes can be every area, you could achieved (depending on the manner in use your focus on which you ask your pupils to research and “Beyond the to give account of their feelings). Deepwoods” as a stimulus for many areas of the Primary Curriculum you wish. to address this session. In Secondary Schools, you may wish to work in conjunction with other Departments in the School to plan a “Rich Task” event using “Beyond the Deepwoods” as It may be useful to allow your stimulus – possible links pupils the freedom to with Modern Languages, Art & express themselves in Design, Social Studies, PSE and song, music, dance (as R.E. Departments. appropriate to your pupils strengths and areas for development) and through a variety of forms of Art. – for example please see the Expressive Arts – Dance Expressive Arts – Dance: example below. Overarching statement from CfE

Through dance, learners have rich opportunities to be creative and to experience inspiration and enjoyment. Creating and performing will be the core activities for all learners, and taking part in dance contributes to their physical education and physical activity...

Particularly relevant is :

Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express my ideas, thoughts and feelings through creative work in dance (Ex 1-09a/EXA2-09a)


I can select ideas from a range of stimuli to choreograph dance motifs in creative ways (EXA 4- 09a) Parent/School Partnership working To encourage parents to partner their children in reading activities, it may be useful to write (or ask the pupils to write) an article in the first school newsletter to go home, or the welcome letter for new term, explaining that they will have the opportunity to meet the authors of The Edge Chronicles. In this way, the school may encourage the parents to read the book too. It is hoped that such parental involvement will help to strengthen relationships and understanding between pupil and parent and between parent and school. Pupils might be encouraged to keep a notebook throughout their studies where they can detail their feelings in conjunction with Twig’s feelings as they go through the book – this might be helpful for them when they are asked to identify questions to ask the author and illustrator. Classroom Materials for Chapter 1

The first Chapter of “Beyond the Deepwoods” is available to download from the Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell website:


You may wish to begin the work on “The Edge Chronicles” by discussing the illustrations – eg. the cover of the book / the drawing of “The Edge”. Chris Riddell uses very distinctive Line Drawings to illustrate The Edge. It is interesting that the creation of the fantasy world detailed in The Edge Chronicles is the result of a successful working Expressivepartnership. ArtsChris Riddell was the creator of a map and he then asked Paul Stewart to write about this land he had created as a piece of art. CfE overarching statement – Through art & design, learners have rich opportunities to be creative and to experience inspiration and enjoyment. They explore a wide range of two - and 3 – dimensional media and technologies through practical activities, and create, express, and communicate ideas. Their studies of the works of artists and designers enhance their enjoyment and deepen their knowledge and understanding

Expressive Arts Outcomes This could stimulate some discussion on whether pupilsArt would & Design have imagined that artists are asked to illustrate a story which has alreadyFirst been Level: created I have therather opportunity to choose and explore an extended range of media and technologies to than the story createcoming images from anand objects, discovering their effects and suitability for specific tasks (EXA 1-02a) illustration. They could subsequently be Second Level: I have the opportunity to choose and explore an extended range of media and asked to create an illustration of their own fantasy landtechnologies and then toto create write aimages and objects , comparing and combining them for specific tasks paragraph – creating(EXA 2-02a) a character who lives in this land. You could ask for collaboration withThird Art Level: & Design I have Dept. experimented with a range of media and technologies to create images and objects, and this could usinglead tomy some understanding of the of their properties (EXA 3-02a) Outcomes from Expressive Arts being achieved- see Fourthto side Level: I have continued to experiment with a range of media and technologies, handling them with control and assurance to create images and objects. I can apply my understanding of the properties of media and of techniques to specific tasks (EXA 4-02a) Senses

In Chapter 1 the writer describes a number of different woods, what happens when they burn and the reasons why these are important to Wood Trolls

Scentwood – fragrance which induces a dream-filled sleep

Lullabee Tree – sings strange, mournful songs (Twig has a lullabee tree print on the blanket he wears around his neck.)

Bloodoak (and the parasite tarry vine) – wood gives off a lot of heat: it wails and screams as it burns. It is a very buoyant wood (often used to repair the sky pirates’ ships). It is a flesh-eating tree with thousands of razor sharp teeth

Lufwood – gives off a restful, purple glow

Twig refers to the fact that he doesn’t like the smells of his family and he remembers what Taghair says to him:

“your nose knows where you belong” (page 16).

These descriptions could be used as a stimulus for a number of different activities: Opportunity for Group Discussion regarding smells which pupils associate with different places. See some of the relevant Writing Outcomes for Literacy and English:

Having explored the elements which writers use in different genres, I can use what I learn to create stories, poems and plays with an interesting and Poetry – creation of their own poems based on their favourite/least favourite smells ... appropriate structure, interesting characters and/or These could be acrostic poems about the place they settings which come to life have chosen to write about (ENG 2-31a)

School Also see (ENG 3-31a) Staffroom’s aroma of ground coffee beans

English and Literacy: Tools for Listening and Talking

First Level: When I engage with others, I know when and how to listen, when to talk, how much to say, when to ask questions and how to respond with respect (Lit 1-02a)

Second Level: When I engage with others. I can respond in ways appropriate to my role, show that I value others’ contributions and use these to build on thinking (Lit 2-02a)

Third Level: When I engage with others, I can make a relevant contribution, encourage others to contribute and acknowledge they have a right to hold a different opinion.

I can respond in ways appropriate to my role and use contributions to reflect on, clarify or adapt thinking (Lit 3-02a)

Fourth Level: When I engage with others, I can make a relevant contribution, ensure that everyone has an opportunity to contribute and encourage them to take account of others’ point of view or alternative solutions.I can respond in ways appropriate to my role, exploring and expanding on contributions to reflect on, clarify or adapt thinking (Lit 4-02a) Chemistry’s putrid nose-curling sulphur burned in experiments Home Economics’ delectable scents inducing hunger pangs Oil-based paint brushed onto canvas – signing the creativity of the Art Department Outdoors and the hayfever inducing cross-country run of the P.E. Department Lively smells of healthy foods emanating from the Cafeteria

Art – Pupils may wish to create their own drawings of how he/she interprets some of the descriptions detailed:

For example:

“The next instant he did what no woodtroll before had ever done: he left the path. The long grass whipped at his bare legs as he loped towards the basket.”

Bullying It may be Opportunity to research/discuss/write about issuesuseful associated with bullying to refer to It Learnimay be ofng particularOutco In Chapter 1 Twig describes how he has been bullied. interestmes forfrom you to Look at page 17 and Tuntum Snatchwood’s advicerelateArt to & Twig: workDesig to n: Health “ “Bloody their noses”, he said once. “Black their EX1-eyes. And throw not mud but dung! Show them and Well what you’re made of. ” ” 03a, BeingEXA Page 39, Twig tells us: Outcome2-03a, “Normal is always being left out, never belonging.”s EXAfrom CfE:3-03a, The above excerpts from the book can be used to promote whole class discussion or group discussion on Bullying. Pupils could examine the School PolicyEXA on Bullying. I am Access websites: . aware Look at ways to prevent bullying: that  The difference each individual can make positiveby simply offering support to the bully.  The importance of telling an adult what isfriendship happening. The Pupil and Parent Councils could become involved in the ensuing discussions. s and relationsh ips can promote health and the health and well being of others (HWB 2- 44b) It may be of particular interest for you to relate work to Health and Well Being Outcome s from CfE:

I am aware that positive friendship s and relationsh ips can promote health and the health and well being of others (HWB 2- 44b) Again, it is useful to consult with those in charge of PSE programme to see if a coordinated approach can be taken. If the school has focus/theme for the week programme, it would be good to coordinate the approach so that the whole school are focused on bullying during this period where some pupils have focus in association with Twig’s situation.

Writing Craft

Figures of Speech

Page 16 Simile:

“The zigzag silhouettes of the Deepwood pines were glinting like frozen bolts of lightning”

Page 39 Metaphor:

“...the silver moonlight that snaked along the trunks and branches...”

Page 17 Personification

His father’s felling tales had filled him with deep horror on many a howling night”

How effectively do the above figures of speech create a picture in my mind?

Pupils work together to create descriptions of their own fantasy land – or the Deepwoods – using simile, metaphor, personification

Precious Objects

Page 20 – Spelda

“Fingered the amulets and lucky charms around her neck, and prayed for a swift and safe return”

Think of something that it is precious to you (it may be a toy/ teddy/ blanket you have had since you were a child – or something given to you by a person who is special to you).

Create a story/poem in which this precious item is bestowed with magical powers.

Planning the essay Who are the characters in your story? The Plot – what difficulty/challenge is there for the characters which special powers provided by the item will be supported Description of the item – what are the magic powers? Take care to use creative simile, metaphor and word choice to allow your story to come alive (look at examples from “Beyond the Deepwoods”) Mystery, Magic and Games

Page 25 – Trockbladder “The rules of the game were simple. There were two teams, with as many woodtrolls on each side as wanted to play. The aim was to catch the trockbladder – the bladder of a hammelhorn stuffed with dried trockbeans and run twelve paces, calling out the numbers as you went. If you managed that, you were allowed a shot at the central basket, which could double your score.”

Literacy General Points and Ideas for extended work with the story and English The menu of choices you offer your pupils willExperience determine which Outcomes from CfE are achieved by your pupils. It is important to plan possible assignmentss and well in advance to allow yourself the opportunity to examine the Experiences and Outcomes whichOutcomes you believe may be achieved. CfE encourages creativity Creating Create a new game which can be played inTexts: the Deepwood Look at the rules of Trockbladder above and the fuller description on page 25. applying You might also want to look at the Harry Potter stories, where we have the game of “quidditch” – look at the rules of that game. the elements In your game, remember to use some of the itemswhich which can be recognised and found in “Beyond the Deepwoods” writers use to create and diversity. Therefore, the individuality of teacher approach will influence the pupil experience and their different achievement of Outcomes at specific levels. types of It should be recognised that there could be veryshort sensitive and issues arising from discussion of Twig and his families – birth parents and his guardians – e.g.extended pupils who have been adopted or those who have no knowledge of their family roots/parentage etc.texts You withwill be aware of pupils who come from families applying for asylum who do not know whether they areincreasingl going to granted leave to stay in Scotland and, again, this y complex type of situation may require a sensitive and ideas, delicate approach. structures and vocabulary. Particularly are ENG 2- 31a, ENG 3-31a and ENG 4-31a as well as ENG 2- 27a, ENG 3-27a and ENG 4-27a Literacy and English Experience s and Outcomes Creating Texts: applying the elements which writers use to create different types of short and extended texts with increasingl y complex ideas, structures and vocabulary. Particularly are ENG 2- 31a, ENG 3-31a and ENG 4-31a as well as ENG 2- 27a, ENG 3-27a and ENG 4-27a In creating assignments, it is good to give pupils the opportunity to make a choice about whether they wish to discuss/write about themselves or a celebrity – someone in the public eye to be researched and written about offers a possible alternative to any individual who feels uneasy examining his own situation.

In Secondary schools, it may be useful to inform the Pastoral Care Team (in advance) of the work you have planned for your class so that, if there are sensitive family issues, you can be alerted to the nature of these. You may wish to letter parents/carers/guardians of the project work you are going to be using in class in relation to “Beyond the Deepwoods” so they can be prepared for questions their child may ask of them.

Pupils Own Experiences – It may be that if you teach in a Secondary School, you have a Foreign Language Assistant who is there to support your Modern Languages Department. It may be useful to request that the “Assistant” discuss with pupils how he or she feels about being in a foreign country where customs/traditions are unfamiliar to him. It would be useful for pupils to spend time thinking about how they themselves feel when they are taken away from what is familiar to them. If pupils have been on school trip/foreign exchange, their experience can be useful to connect with Twig’s feelings of being away from the family he has grown up with when he embarks on his journey to Cousin Snetterbark. There may be some discussion regarding the feeling of “belonging” and what this means. Some of the following may be achieved through asking pupils to reflect on some of the ideas above:

Health and Well-Being – Experiences and Outcomes

I am aware of and Relatives who have emigrated – pupils may wishable toto expresscontactrelatives/friends/former my pupil of the class to ask them to describe how they feel about livingfeelings in a foreign and amcountry – to examine the advantages/disadvantages and some of the challengesdeveloping they the have experienced “fitting in” to a new culture with different traditions and perhaps language.ability to talk about them Pupils can perhaps relate the experience of those who were dispossessed as a result of the I know that we all experience a variety Highland Clearances – how those families feltof when thoughts they andfound themselves without a home/job etc. to the situation Twig finds himself in throughout the story:emotions that affect how we feel and 2009 is the year of Homecoming Scotland – “Beyond the Deepwoods” has many references to the idea behave and I am of “home”. Again, you could use “home” as your central theme for your work on “Beyond the Deepwoods” learning ways of and, in secondary, link with other Departments to offer a coordinated approach to this study. managing them Accepting Customs and Traditions which are not of our own culture – leading to tolerance and I understand that my understanding of others feelings and reactions can Page 18 – ‘“Names,” she was saying. “Where change dependingwould we woodtrolls be without them? They tame the wild things of the Deepwoods, and giveon uswhat our is own identity. Ne’er sip of a nameless soup, as the saying goes. Oh, Twig, how I fretted when, at threehappening years withinold, you were still without a name.” and around me. This helps me to understand my own behaviour and the way others behave Twig shivered. He knew that any woodtroll who dies without a name would be doomed to an eternity in open sky. The trouble was that until an infant had uttered its first word the naming ritual could not take place.’ Literacy Across Learning

Investigating the meaning of names. Pupils researching firstI developnames andand extendsurnames. my literacy Looking skills at when I how different cultures and nationalities have a different processhave opportunitiesfor naming a to: child.

Communicate, collaborate and build Eg. the Sikh tradition with “Kaur” (mandatory last name for female Sikhs) relationships “Singh”(mandatory last name for male Sikhs) Reflect on and explain my literacy and thinking skills, using feedback to help me Project could focus on “ME” – starting with looking at Twig’simprove developing and sensitively understanding provide useful of who he is. feedback for others

Tools for Listening and Talking: Who am I? Researching family history To help me when interacting or presenting Literacy What type of person am I? within and beyond my place of learning - Experiences What are my likes/dislikes/hopes/aspirations/background particularly Lit 1-02a, LIT 2-02a, LIT 3-02a and Who are my heroes? and LIT 4-02a Outcomes:

Develop my understandin g of what is Praise Poetry special, See Learning Outcomes from vibrant and Social Subjects : Praise Poetry could be a useful tool to use in conjunctionvaluable with “Beyond the Deepwoods” where the youngsters cultivate their admiration/gratitude aboutto someone my for the influenceI can make they links have between had on themy life of the own and current and previous studies, other cultures and show my understanding of pupil. They could use poetry as a medium to share the qualities of the person they admire ... we enhance and their how people and events have our own self-esteem by pinpointing qualities we find admirable in others. language contributed to the development of the Scottish nation (SOC 3- Explore the Pupils can02a) put themselves in the position of Twig richness and and write a Praise Poem for “Mother Mine” or for diversityIt may be of “Banderbear”. language,relevant at howthis point it can to

affectlook at me, Consequences andsome the of widethe rangeSocial of waysSubjects in Page 44: whichLearning I and othersOutcomes can :be “ “Oh, Gloamglozer!” he cursed.”Gloamglozer! Gloamglozer!” His voice rang out in the frosty night air. creative I can explain why a group “Please. Please. Please,” he cried. “Let me findof thepeople path again. If only I hadn’t left the path! Help me! Help me! Help...” ” from beyond Scotland settled here in the past and discuss the impact they have had on the life and culture of Scotland (Soc 3-03a) It may be relevant at this point to look at some of the Social Subjects Learning Outcomes :

I can explain why a group of people from beyond Scotland settled here in the past and discuss the impact they have had on the life and culture of Scotland (Soc 3-03a)

By the time we reach the end of the book, we realise that there has been a consequence to Twig’s pleading. This could allow for discussion about consequences to actions we take in life. There is an opportunity to branch off in any particular area you wish at this point.

Solo Talk opportunity – pupils talk from personal experience of a decision they took and the consequences of that. Or Research a famous historic figure and give account of consequences to an action taken by this person. Both of these assignments could lead on to essay writing.

Personal Environment

It is hoped that pupils may take more notice of their own community and environment when they are following Twig in his journey beyond the Deepwoods. It may be interesting to take the youngsters out of the school and get them to study and notice the area surrounding their school. Ask them to research places of interest in local community, and if possible, the class could visit them.

Following an investigation of local history, pupils could draw the outlines of local buildings which interest them, they could write poetry or details of the building’s history and include them within the lines of the drawing – shape poetry!

Genre - Populating a Fantasy World

Glossary of creatures found in “Beyond the Deepwoods” Banderbear – A huge, hairy mountain of a beast with pale green fur. It is timid and wanders alone in the woods yodelling to other solitary banderbears.

Caterbird – Wise guardian (slips out from its cocoon) a bird-like creature which has jet black wings

Gabtroll – Monstrous creature with eye-stalks and a yellow tongue. They have sold fruit and vegetables for generations and they always travel alone

Gloamglozer – A deceiver, a trickster, a cheat and a fraud –seeks out all those who have strayed from the path and lures them to the Edge

Grossmother – Obese with a voice that sounds like “bubbling mud”. Feeds the gyle goblins with pots of honey

Halitoad – A huge and dangerous reptile whose evil-smelling breath can stun its victim at 20 paces Hover worm – Makes a hissing noise from rows of ducts along its underbelly. These expel air which allows the “hovering” to occur. Its mouth is full of tentacles

Milchgrubs – Huge, lumbering, transparent creatures who graze on fungus

Razorflit – A flying creature who preys on woodrats or leafgobbler

Rotsucker - A bile- swilling creature. Has powerful, black leathery wings and talons. Instead of a mouth, it has a long, tubular snout.

Skullpelt – A hunter of dreamers who lose their way in the lullabee groves

Slaughterers - peaceful race who kill animals. It is said that generations of spilt blood had seeped through their pores and down into the follicles of their hair – colouring their hair red

Spindlebug – Has a translucent body and wedge-shaped head. Looks like a giant glass insect

Termagant Trogs – Young females become adult by drinking from the red central root of the Bloodoak and they become enormous and aggressive with a neck as broad as their head

Wig-wigs – Small furry creatures who can multiply with ease. Vicious and flesh-eating

Making a fantasy world believable and absorbing is often about populating it with enough detail. “Beyond the Deepwoods” is filled with fantastic descriptions of creatures with very individual traits.

Write a description of an animal that focuses on its defining qualities.

Pupils could think about:

 What it looks like/smells like/sounds like

 What it eats/Where it lives/How it moves

 How it changes as it grows older

 What stories people tell about it

Once they have written a description, ask them pass it to someone else and ask them to come up with a name for it.

This activity could be extended into a piece of collaborative writing and illustration. With a partner, once pupils have two creatures, write a story about a meeting between them and draw both of your creatures.


It is recommended that pupils are given a choice in follow-up activity for use with “Beyond the Deepwoods” in line with the principles of CfE. This can either come from the suggestions above or from your ideas and practice.

Below are detailed some of the expectations (taken from Health and Well-Being Across Learning: responsibilities of all) from CfE of what the learning environment in classes should be addressing. Through using assignments suggested here, these can be achieved: Assignment for end of book Using all the information and assignments you have already completed and using your notebook where you have kept a “thinking diary” throughout the project, create a fantasy land of your own. Create characters and write a story detailing an adventure which a central character has OR Continue the Story of Twig now that he has joined his birth father and is travelling with the Sky Pirates. You can use some of the creatures you have already met in “Beyond the Deepwoods” or you can create new characters in new lands which Twig visits on his adventures.

In all suggested assignments, pupils could be encouraged to write in Gaelic, Scots Language or you may wish (if they are pupils for whom English is an additional language) for the young people to write in their first language and offer you a translation of what they have written Health & Well Being – responsibilities of all: Other Books to read: Develop my self-awareness, self-worth and respect for others Barnaby Grimes Experience personal achievement and build my Curse of the night Wolf resilience and confidence Learn about where to find help and resources to inform choices Acknowledge diversity and understand that it is Return of the Emerald Skull everyone’s responsibility to challenge Legion of the Dead discrimination Phantom of Blood Alley Mental and Emotional Well-Being Far Flung Adventures I am aware of and able to express my feelings Fergus Crane and am developing the ability to talk about them Corby Flood I understand that my feelings and reactions can Hugo Pepper change depending on what is happening within and around me. This helps me to understand The Edge Chronicles (in recommendedmy own behaviour reading and order) the way others behave Quint Trilogy I am learning skills and strategies which will support me in challenging times, particularly in Curse of the Gloamglozer relation to change and loss The Winter Knights Clash of the Sky Galleons Social Well-Being I value the opportunities I am given to make friends and be part of a group in a range of situations I recognise that each individual has a unique Twig Trilogy blend of abilities and needs. Beyond the Deepwoods I contribute to making my school community one which values individuals equally and is a welcoming place for all. Stormchaser Midnight Over Sanctaphrax

Rook Trilogy The last of the Sky Pirates Vox Freeglader

Stand Alone Edge books The Immortals

The Lost Barkscrolls

The Edge Maps

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