Hethersett Parish Council

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Hethersett Parish Council

HETHERSETT PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Monday 17th June 2013 At 7.30pm in the Village Hall, Back Lane, Hethersett

Present: Mr. F. Watkins (Chairman), Mrs. V. Hawes (Vice-Chairman), Dr. A. Edwards, Mr .S. Hull, Mr. C. Mallett, Mr. C. Morriss, Ms. E. Mulvaney, Mr. J. Nightingale , Miss J. Sutton, Mrs. H. Williamson, Ms. A. Utting In attendance: District Councillors Mr. L. Dale, Mr. D. Bills, Mr. I. Weetman (Clerk) Members of public: 5

1. Apologies Mr. P. Steward

2. Public Participation The meeting was adjourned for public participation from 19.31pm to 20.02pm. A number of residents who live in the vicinity of the Memorial Playing Field said that they had heard rumours regarding an extension to the pavilion, a youth shelter, and an extension to the car park. They asked for clarification regarding these matters. The Chairman said that it was his understanding that the Memorial Playing Field Committee would be consulting residents prior to the installation of a Youth shelter. He also said that plans for a pavilion extension were in the process of being finalised with a view to submission to South Norfolk Council as the Planning Authority. The planning application would be available for public comment. A resident asked whether the Parish Council had an input to planning applications. The Chairman responded that all planning applications within Hethersett parish came to the Parish Council for comment. The public were welcome to attend Parish Council Planning Committee meetings. Mr Dale suggested that the Memorial Playing Field Committee should talk to residents prior to submitting the planning application. Residents then commented in great detail on the anti-social behaviour at the Memorial Playing Field and asked what action was being taken to address the issue. A specific question was asked as to why the bollards at the entrance to the Field were not raised at night. The Chairman asked Dr Edwards, a Parish Council representative on the Memorial Playing Field Committee, to bring up all of the issues mentioned at the next meeting of the Committee. She said that plans were underway to replace the bollards with a gate and added that funding for the pavilion was dependant on planning permission being in place. Mr Diggines, a resident who lives adjacent to the Memorial Playing Field, said that in spite of assurances he had not had a meeting with the Playing Field Committee as yet. He said that the current anti-social behaviour at the Field was intolerable. A view shared by other residents present. Miss Sutton said that police support in resolving the issues was needed. Miss Utting asked whether CCTV was installed at the playing Field. It was not. The Chairman mentioned that some of the scooters using the car park at the Field had the Kickstart logo on them. The Chairman brought the discussion to a close adding that public participation was for information and issues to be presented to the Parish Council. Any issues that necessitated a decision should be subject to an agenda item at a subsequent meeting. 1057 3. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 20th May 2013 The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting of the 20th May 2013 were approved on the proposal of Mr Morriss seconded by Mrs Hawes.

4. Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest.

5. Progress reports and responses relating to the following previously raised issues: - a) Archive/ Parish Office The Clerk reported on a meeting with the Library service attended by the Chairman, Miss Sutton and himself. The meeting did not explore the detail involved in the proposed project but reaffirmed the intention from both parties to progress the matter. Detailed plans and costings were being prepared and would be forwarded to the Parish Council. The Chairman reported that the storage for the Archive at the Village Hall would hopefully be completed during the coming week. The Archive could then be moved to its new location.

b) Speed Awareness Machine Mr Nightingale reported that sites in the village had been risk assessed and that the report was awaited. He added that a SAM machine could be available in 2 weeks’ time.

6. Accounts: - i) To consider the recommendations made at the Finance Working Group meeting on 14th May 2013. -Audit Return/ Statement of Assurance Recommend that the Parish Council agrees the Annual Audit Return, the Accounts having been audited, for the year ended 31st March 2013 and the Statement of Assurance, and authorise the Chairman to sign the return accordingly. The recommendation was agreed on the proposal of Mr Mallett, seconded by Mr Nightingale. All agreed. The Chairman asked that the favourable comments contained in the letter from the Internal Auditor regarding the preparation of the Accounts by the Clerk, be minuted. ii) To approve payment of the accounts NAME EXPENDITURE AMOUNT CHEQUE NO. T T Jones Ltd Electrical Testing £ 654.32 104016 A E Barnes Audit Fee £ 52.50 104017 MPF Committee Donation £ 300.00 104018 Zurich Municipal Insurance £ 1913.14 104019 Village Hall Room Hire - May £ 120.00 104020 T T Jones Ltd St. Light Mtce – May. £ 715.94 104021 R Bell Shelter/Car Park Cleaning £ 62.50 104022 Norse Grass Cutting £ 916.80 104023 NPTP Training Courses £ 75.00 104024 Norfolk ALC Conference Fee £ 45.00 104025 I Weetman Salary/Expenses- Mth 3 £ 1765.56 104026 Post Office Ltd Tax/N.I. – Mth 2 £ 720.21 104027 E.on Street Light Energy £ 724.46 DD Late Payments None Mr Nightingale asked, with regard to the £300 donation for the Village Fayre, how much had been raised from the Quiz Night. He was informed that over £500 had been raised.

1058 The accounts were approved for payment on the proposal of Mr Mallett, seconded by Mrs Hawes. All agreed 7. a) To receive the Planning Committee Minutes of 7th May 2013 The Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting of the 7th May 2013 were approved on the proposal of Mr Nightingale seconded by Mr Morriss. All agreed.

b) A report of the Planning Committee meeting of 17th June 2013 Mrs Hawes provided a report. She also provided a report on the meeting with Fleur Development on 3/6/13 at 6.30pm at the Village Hall Present: - F Watkins, V Hawes, E Mulvaney, H Williamson, C Morriss, J Sutton Parish Clerk Two developer representatives were present:- Joss Brooker – Fleur Developments Jamie Bird – James Blake Consultants. The Clerk welcomed them to the meeting and explained that the Parish Council representatives were present to listen to what they had to say. The representatives presented their further thoughts on the development of the site, supported by illustrative plans. A topographical survey, landscape assessment and an ecology survey had been carried out. An arboricultural survey was to be carried out. The draft plans showed the main access to the site being via Jaguar Road with some limited access from Queens Road. It was suggested that 24 units of mixed design would be built. The plans showed a fenced off ecological area in the centre of the site. There was some suggestion that this could provide a link to school activities. (Forest School) Future management of the site could be carried out by NCC/ SNDC/ the Parish Council or a private company. Discussion took place on the possible future use of the track from Back Lane and the potential for a rear bus pick up/ drop off facility to the rear of the High School. The meeting was assured that affordable housing would form part of the scheme of mixed housing with contemporary design. Mrs Williamson put the case for sheltered housing on the site. Mr Watkins reminded the developer representatives that the meeting would be minuted and reported to full Council and as such would be in the public domain. Questions were asked regarding the future management and ownership of the site. The Chairman said that these issues would be resolved as part of the planning process.

8. To receive H.E.A.T. report Dr Edwards introduced the report and mentioned that 23 gardens would take part in the Open Garden event. She added that it was hoped to sell programmes in advance at the Open Weekend on 7th July. The Clerk confirmed that the £250 for the ‘Big Pick’ event had been received. Dr Edwards mentioned the next litter pick on 20th June – more volunteers welcome. Dr Edwards also mentioned works at Thickthorn Park and Ride which was removing a number of shrubs. Miss Sutton commented that she had picked up litter leaflets from South Norfolk Council but that they had been in short supply. Miss Sutton also appealed for more tombola prizes.

9. Communicating with the Parish In the absence of Mr Steward, it was agreed to defer this item to the next meeting. 1059 10. Your Neighbourhood Your Choice. The Chairman introduced the item and explained the background. Following discussion, the following themes were identified to be passed to South Norfolk Council. -Community Safety -Vulnerable people and families -Mental Health Care -Youth Activities/ Community Inclusion

11. Olympic Legacy Committee - Update Mr Hull introduced the report and said that the Open Weekend programme was finalised. There would be 8 events over the weekend although ‘Hethersetts Got Talent’ would not be taking place this year. He added that some roads would be closed for the ‘Running the Square’ event and said that more volunteers were needed. Mr Hull mentioned a Norfolk County Council volunteer program ‘Norfolk Can Inspire’ and suggested that this could be a means to engage with youngsters. Mr Hull reported that the village had won the South Norfolk Village Games and were through to the Norfolk final on 14th July. The Chairman congratulated the team on its success.

12. Parish Council Nomination for Memorial Playing Field Trust Committee On the proposal of Dr Edwards, seconded by Ms Mulvaney, Kathy Floyd was nominated as a Parish Council representative on the Memorial Playing Field Committee.

13. Correspondence Copy letter from Mr Diggines re Memorial Playing Field Letter from Mr Kibble re application for Modification Order: Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Email from G Saunders re Youth Club The Clerk reported on a number of items of late correspondence. An invitation from Norfolk ALC to attend a Larger Councils Meeting on Wednesday 10th July at Sprowston Diamond Centre. A letter from Norfolk County Council requesting views on the implementation of a 20mph speed limit for Lyngate Close. On the proposal of Miss Sutton, seconded by Mrs Williamson it was agreed to support the proposal. An email from South Norfolk Council outlining changes to Neighbourhood Boards and inviting interest from community representatives to join the Boards. An email from G Martin, ex-Chairman of Colney Parish Council headed ‘Why people are fed up with planning’ Ms Mulvaney expanded on the email and suggested sending the email out to all Hethersett residents in the form of a letter under the Parish Council banner. Mrs Hawes said that the contents of Mr Martin’s email should be published in the public domain prior to the Parish Council commenting. The Clerk advised that the content of the email represented a personal view and contained a number of detailed comments regarding traffic movements and impact of growth on the area. The Parish Council would need to satisfy itself that it agreed with and could substantiate all of the content of the email. Mrs Williamson suggested deferring any decision to the next meeting. It was agreed that members would bring comments to the next meeting to agree the content of any communication on the matter, should that be agreed.

1060 14. Public Participation The meeting was adjourned for public participation from 21.02pm to 21.09pm. A resident asked whether the Parish Council was looking to offer support to the High School with regard to the recent difficulties. District Councillor Bills, a Governor at the High School, said that an acting Head – John Catton, had been appointed whilst the current Head was away on sick leave. He also said that plans were underway to change the school to an Academy. A parents meeting had been arranged for the following night. Mr Bills also said that he had taken on board the earlier comment regarding use of Kickstart scooters. District Councillor Dale updated the meeting on the progress in getting the roman villa possibly scheduled as an ancient monument.

15. Items for Good News Village success at the South Norfolk Games.

16. Dates of next meetings Next Planning Committee meeting – 1st July 2013 – 7pm at the Village Hall Next Planning & Parish Council meeting – 15th July 2013 – 7 and 7.30pm at the Village Hall

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 21.11pm

Minutes approved……………………………… Date………………………..


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