Ch 10-11-12 study guide

 Donotcram Space your studying out!!!  Write down questions that you have from your studying  Make note cards with vocab definitions on them  1- organize and read 2-study and memorize 2.5- ask questions 3- practice and repeat

1. Did C. Darwin come up with the idea of Evolution? Who did? 2. Define Evolution. Now, define Evolution in your own words. Give an example of an evolving organism from the book. 3. What system did Linnaeus develop? How was this important to evolutionary thought? 4. Besides his system of naming organisms, what else did Linnaeus contribute to evolutionary thought. 5. Before evolutionary thought, what was thought to be the age of the Earth? 6. Before Evolutionary thought, what was thought to be the reason for biodiversity. (you may have to look up biodiversity) 7. What is a species? Give an example of two organisms that are of the same species, and two that are not. 8. Why must a species make fertile offspring? 9. What was flawed about Lamark’s work? Give an example of a species that could be incorrectly described using his error. How would this creature really evolve? 10. Of the scientists on p298 and p299, what common idea about organisms did they share? 11. What is a fossil? Give an example. Are fossil’s living? 12. How did fossil evidence support evolution and a very old Earth. 13. Compare gradualism and catastrophism. Which ultimately was accepted? 14. How does uniformitarianism explain Earth’s features? 15. Describe Darwin’s journey. Where? When? Why? 16. Define Variation in your own words. 17. Give 2 examples of variation Darwin observed on the Galapagos. 18. How are dome shelled tortoises adapted for their habitat? 19. What is an adaptation? 20. Why must a trait show heritability to influence evolution? 21. How are Natural and artificial selection different? Give examples of each. 22. Define Natural selection. Who was the first to explain NS? 23. How did Thoman Mathis influence the work of C. Darwin? 24. What is a population? Give an example of 2 of these. 25. Natural selection has 4 principles. List and describe each of these. How are the principles applicable to the jaguar on page 307? 26. Define fitness. Whan will a trait have high fitness? Low? 27. Natural selection acts on existing______. P 308 28. Does Natural selection act on genotype? Why? 29. How does a changing environment influence Natural Selection? 30. How are adaptations a compromise? Does NS lead to perfection? Give an example with pandas. 31. Fossils, Geography, Embryology, Homologous Structures, Analagous Structures, and Vestigial Structures all support the ideas of evolution. For each, describe how these ideas lend support to Evolution. Give an example of each that is listed in your book. 32. How are Homologous and Analogous structures different. Give examples of each from your book.. 33. Give 2 examples of Vestigial structures. 34. What is paleontology? 35. List and describe the 4 areas of molecular and genetic evidence on page 317 that support evolution 36. How does Evolution connect all fields of Biology? 37. What type of genetic drift occurs when a few individuals start a new colony? 38. When does reproductive isolation occur? 39. What type of isolation occurs when the timing of reproduction is different between two populations? 40. If a volcanic eruption destroyed all of the shrubs in an area, what type of genetic drift would this lead to? 41. Two species that are closely related become increasingly different through what type of evolution? 42. The evolution of bumble bees and pollen on flowers is an example of what? 43. During which type of selection is the intermediate phenotype selected for? 44. What 3 characteristics does a good index fossil have? 45. How did cyanobacteria change early Earth? 46. What group of animals includes modern humans and monkeys? 47. What is the nickname given to the Mesozoic Era? 48. What time period came after (followed) the dinosaur extinction? 49. How old is the Earth? 50. Order these “first” events: mammals, humans, hominids, reptiles, dinosaurs, dinosaurs extinct, prokaryotes, eukaryotes, life on land, vertebrates, multicellular life, birds 51. List the geologic time scale units from LARGEST to smallest. 52. List and define the types of fossils discussed. 53. When did the first land organisms appear? 54. What is the biggest difference between the two types of dating methods in terms of what type of information we get from them? 55. What is bipedalism and why is it so important? 56. What is the name for the group of the oldest primates? 57. Did we come from Monkeys? Why or why not? 58. List the mechanisms of evolution 59. Give the requirements for natural selection 60. There is no number sixty