SESSION NAME: Child Sexual Abuse Task Force Session Date /Time: Saturday – December 07, 2002; 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM Attendees: Jeff Wherry, Stacy Ikard, Sandra Kaplan, Lori Frasier, Kevin Gully, M.J. Sutcliffe, Lucy Berliner, Libbe Madsen, Karen Mallah, Kraig Knudsen, Kristie Capello, Richard Kagan, Jan Payne, Joycee Kennedy, Judy Cohen, Joan Asarnow, Irma Seilicovich, Darleen Joyce, Charles Wilson, Carrie Seslow, Bessel van der Kolk, Barbara Ryan, Mary Prieto-Bayard, Alise Sochaczewski, Lisa Amaya-Jackson, Tony Mannarino, Alma Hamar, Anne Holland Notes by: Thérèse Murdza SUBJECT DISCUSSION ACTION  Co-Chairs Karen Mallah and Tony Mannarino led the group in a  review of the Task Force’s 90-day Plan History of Child  Critical issues were identified at the April face-to-face meeting; Sexual Abuse Task Force Activities cultural competency is among them  Discussion re connection of this Task Force to the work of the  Connection of Forensics and Systems Development Task Forces, and to the Child Sexual work of the Children’s Advocacy Centers; connection seen as Abuse Task positive link among the groups Force to  Discussion re CACs using leverage of Network to garner other NCTSN resources Task Forces  Discussion of role of Network in the face of dwindling resources for CACs  Mission of task force is in line with mission of Network: to improve  Group to establish links to the Forensics Task Force and quality of services for children and improve access to those CAC work group [unassigned] services Review of Mission  Year 2 goals should focus on the tangible and concrete and Goals of Child deliverables Sexual Abuse Task  Discussion re possibility of surveying the Network sites; point Force raised re large number of surveys in development and the need for a clearinghouse at the National Center level  Discussion re the importance of disseminating empirically-based treatment information  Point raised re moving the work of this task force forward without  Next Steps duplicating the efforts of other work groups in the Network  Idea raised re the need for a Network training needs assessment survey; point raised re the use of different technologies to offset the cost of face-to-face trainings  Tony provided a summary re the need for: 1. Linkage to other Network task forces and work groups 2. A Network survey of practices 3. A needs assessment re training 4. A discussion of issues related to informed dissemination

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