Official Resolution Proposal

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Official Resolution Proposal

R-Wild Horse Ranch Owners Association ______6700 Highway 36 West, Platina, CA 96076

Office (530) 352.4222 or Fax (530) 352-4442

Final Open July Meeting Notes July 16, 2016

10 AM Open Meeting 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call: All Board members present 3. Inform Owners of Executive Session Items Approved attorney bill, working on new café operation, took care of some owner issues as well as personnel issues. 4. Announcements: Blake said electric bill is high – save if you can 5. Approval of Minutes Blake moved that the minutes be approved as written and Mary seconded the motion. The motion carried. 6. Miscellaneous Reports 6.1. Treasurer’s report (see attached financial statements) 6.1.1. Profit Loss Rpt Guest fees are down; horse board is down due to folks taking their horses off the Ranch…kitchen fees down…concern we are in the hole….6130 is high - office supplies. Consider new numbers for 2017 budget. Trying to wrap up on the outstanding folks…taking 70 folks to court. Hitting them early then being able to run up large debt 6612 – electric is higher Increased our max peak to 2/kw. Different rate structures and charge you the max for the whole day. Mary recommended looking into solar again. Legalities on the Ranch’s end of how to pay for it. Jon was thanked for keeping us on budget. 6.1.2. Balance Sheet 6.1.3. Reserve Study 6.2. Ranch Manager’s Report 4th of July weekend went well. Broken glass incident – fined the owner and could be 600. Keep glass out of the pool area. Good things about the Band – everyone like them? We will have them back. Some folks brought fireworks. Ray Ward celebrated his 30 years of work, Bob Phelps, 31 years, John Brown 31 years. Working on CC&Rs. Tehama County Sheriff looking for the gas thief. Officers here over the weekend were really well prepared. Thanks to Cody!! Cody is really helping with our wifi. 6.2.1. See Attached 6.2.2. (Permanent Item) Approval of Reserve Expenses. Had to redo the sewer. ($3k); this was an emergency; Brian moved and Mary seconded that we approve this

Board of Directors July Open Meeting Notes

action. The motion carried; Concrete at the gates (for the stabilization of the actuators) Rich wants to use West Coast concrete. Jon will get with Rich to confirm the depth of Axner proposal. Blake made a motion to approve the concrete slab at 8”/ Jim seconded. Motion carried. Water tank inspection -used the same company every year. $2700 do it every five years. Blake moved and Brian seconded. Motion carried. Foam the roof of the arena and barn – 10 year warranty; then in 10 years they came out and check it. Hay Barn, Arena etc., 35k savings using foam. Year to year service after 10 years. Mary made a motion to accept the foam roof bids, Brian seconded and the motion carried. 6.2.3. (Permanent Item) Review of Maintenance Report. Currently working on painting bathhouses in between weeding and mowing. Cabin 20 bat damage. Working on getting the storage area under surveillance. Sept – hope all bath houses are done. 6.3. Sales Marketing Committee Report (see attached) 6.4. ATV Committee Report- nothing new to report 6.5. R-Wild Horse Ranch Fire Auxiliary Report Sold all 200 tickets. Thanks to the owners for their support. Roger Clifton won the smoker/barbeque. 7. Old Business 7.1 10-year plan update/Reserve Study Jon – all sent to Tom O’Neill.. Final rough draft next month for the Board to review. 7.2 CC&R revisions- Mary wanted to add some things. All BOD members must be able to qualify for the ABC license. In order to run need to be an owner for more than 3 years – don’t want to push folks away. Also concerned with the language on felons not being able to run. Agreed to send it out as is and then get it out to the owners. Dennis Halbasch (0814) stated it has to be in by-laws to be enforceable. 7.3 Barn and Stable roofs- Approved to go ahead. 7.4 Shade for horses tied to the fences Jon and Brian did a scope of work on this one – 200 lineal feet of shade cover. $30k. Owner #0369 asked if we were talking about posts with metal roofs. 12’ wide – structure only – does not include all the other costs. Jon feels we need to do arena footing first. Mary wants money to be used for solar before doing this stuff. Need to prioritize where we want to use “capital improvement” money. Owner #0823 – cover in big pen area. Same comments were made at that time and the way they did it was though fund raisers so it did not affect the Ranch budget. At the end the Ranch kicked in the final 2k. Need an idea of how much it will cost you. Brian will take the lead and get some numbers. He will get the scope of work from Jon and go forward with it. 7.5 Budget Payment Plan (BPP) Discussion We agreed to the changes at the last meeting so this issue is complete. 8. New Business

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8.1 Solar – financing it? Much discussion. Owner #0650 – we can do it ourselves – frames are cheap. You don’t end up lowering your bill. Next 5 years’ power will get cheaper and cheaper. Nate – might be cheaper buying something else, Owner #0650- Never get a benefit. Charge for maintenance of the lines etc. – 3 years ago when we were going to do power purchase agreement. Blake recommended we keep looking into it. Cody and Jon will work on it. 8.2 2017 Budget discussion – need to start working on the 2017 Budget and make a decision 8.3 Bank fees – Lowering merchant charges…can’t do a fee if you use a credit card. Shop the merchant charges. We are already at the bottom. 8.4 WHHA and WHOA discussion – Brian – WHHA runs the gymkhanas; he went out and tried to figure out how to get tax ID etc. Ranch had all responsibility. Open a bank account with the Ranch but still have volunteers to run it. Brian wants to start a horse committee and Blake made a motion to have a Horse Committee and Jim seconded it. The motion carried. Brian was made the Chairman.

9. Owner Comments Owner #1070 – sees lots of young kids driving vehicles and large ATVs. Concerned with their well-being When it was brought to Security’s attention, told unless they saw it they could not act. Jon will look into the situation and report back.

Recessed the open meeting at 1134 hours and reconvened into the Executive meeting which adjourned at 1315 hours.

These minutes were approved as written at the September 10, 2016 Open Board Meeting.

Respectfully submitted:

/s/ Alice R. Forbes Alice R. Forbes, Secretary/Vice President WHOA Board of Directors

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