Show Rules for Gypsy & Drum Horses Feathered Horse Classic Fall & Spring Shows
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Show Rules for Gypsy & Drum Horses ~ Feathered Horse Classic Fall & Spring Shows Friesian Horses to Follow USEF Rules
A. The show is open to any gypsy type horse registered in a purebred studbook of any one of the registries (GVHS,GCDHA,GHA, GHRA and ADHA) A copy of the registration must be submitted with the entry.
B. The January 1 rule will be used to determine the age of the horse. For example: if a horse turns 3 years of age anytime during 2009 it will be considered a 3 year old for this show.
C. No horse under the age of 3 will be allowed entry into an under saddle classes.
D. The age of a youth exhibitor as of Jan 1 will be the age maintained the entire year.
General Rules
A. Attire 1. All handlers, riders and drivers must be suitably attired for their class. See specific division for full explanation on attire. All handlers are to wear long sleeve garments and full length pants/britches. Arms and legs must be covered. Sandals, slid on shoes or opened toed shoes will not be allowed.
2. No farm name, individual names, horse names, sponsor logo may be displayed on the exhibitor, their attire, the header, the horse, or their vehicle.
B. The same exhibitor must handle the same horse through an entire class. Should additional handlers or change in handler be required due to physical limitation or emergency, approval must be obtained from the judge. At no time will a handler leave a horse unattended.
C. Once a class is called and the gate is opened to enter the ring, the gate will be closed after an appropriate length of time is given from the first horse entering the ring. The gate will remain open until the last horse and exhibitor enters the ring, as long as there is a continuous flow of entries into the ring. The judge can choose to close the gate or give additional time for tack/attire change. Once the gate is closed any horse leaving the arena is disqualified. If additional time is needed for tack/attire change the exhibitor is responsible to inform the ring steward prior to the class time.
D. Names of horses being exhibited will not be made known to the judge prior to the class and will not be listed on the judging card. Each entry will be identified by a number placed on the back of the exhibitor or appropriate place on carriage. Each horse will use the same number during the entire show.
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E. An unruly horse must be excused from the ring by the judge for safety reasons. 1. A horse must be excused from the ring by the judge, ringmaster or steward. An exhibitor cannot protest this action. 2. Stallions to be excused when the handler is unable to correct the dropped stallion and/or stallion behavior in a timely fashion, or the stallion persists repeatedly.
F. Conduct by an exhibitor, owner, or immediate family member of an unsportsmanlike, abusive, or detrimental nature will not be tolerated, including but not limited to threatening, abusive, or intimidating conduct, physical, verbal or written, toward any individual or show official. Any person guilty of such conduct should be reported immediately to management. The show management may suspend the offender for the duration of that show.
G. Conduct or coaching designed to distract a horse or otherwise interfere with the showing of an exhibitor’s horse will not be tolerated.
H. Exhibitors and/or owners may not protest to the judge directly or by inference, the placing of a horse, while in the show ring. Any person guilty of such conduct will be excused from the show and forfeit their entry fees and any awards received at that show and the right to show in any additional classes at that show. A formal protest of class placings may be filed at the show office for a $50 cash fee. Protest must be made within one hour of the conclusion of the class being protested.
I. Any person who makes payment with a non negotiable check or who refuses to pay any entry fee, stall rent, or other fee will be reported to their respective sponsoring registry and any awards will be forfeited, until indebtedness is rectified within 30 days.
J. No class will be allowed to enter the ring after midnight or before 8:00 AM
K. There will be designated warm up areas.
L. No youth (under age 18) may show a stallion.
In Hand Division
A. Halter classes are designed to evaluate the quality of breeding animals to encourage improvement of the breed.
B. Horses will be viewed from the front, rear, and side and judged on Type, Conformation, Way of Going, Quality and Presence
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C. Horses are to be shown square The front legs should be on a vertical line directly under the shoulder. The back of the hocks should be in a vertical line with the animal’s buttocks. At no time should the horse be stretched or parked.
D. Horses will enter the ring at a walk to the judge. When passing the judge, engage a trot for approximately 50’, turn at a 90 degree angle and continue trotting for approximately 50’ to allow judge the opportunity to see the trot from inline and the side angle. Line up as indicated by the ringmaster. Entries will be examined by the judge in the line up after all horses have been worked.
E. Gaits 1. The walk should be a natural flat-footed, four beat gait. The walk will be alert, with a stride of reasonable length for the size of the horse. 2. The trot should be a smooth, ground covering, two beat diagonal gait, with a slight flick of feather at the point of extension. The trot should be square and balanced with straight forward movement of the feet.
F. A horse may be shown clipped or unclipped, neither being penalized. Horses may be body clipped or shown in full coat. A small bridle path is also acceptable.
G. Horses must be serviceably sound, in good condition and well groomed. Judges may check teeth.
H. Appropriate dress does not include shorts, t shirts, sandals, slip on or open toed shoes. Attire for Halter classes is varied, but must be clean, neat and professional. Hats and gloves are optional.
I. Exhibitors may use any type of halter that compliments the horse. It should be well fitting safe halter, and can be of any type material. No knotted rope type training halters are allowed. A flat chain lead with the chain across or under the nose is permissible. A bridle with a bit is also acceptable.
J. Stallions tack is optional for stallions age 3 and over. Stallion tack is defined as a bitted open bridle (no blinders) with side reins attached to a surcingle that also has a crupper. These can be plain or decorative of any safe leather or synthetic material.
K. Specialty In Hand Classes 1. Get of Sire and Produce of Dam a) Get of Sire entries and Produce of Dam entries must be shown with one handler per horse. Two or more offspring from the same sire or dam are shown. b) Entries shall be presented under the same specifications as stated in the “In-hand Presentation” section above, with exception that all entries are stood up and judged, not to be moved on the line.
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c) Sire or Dam are not shown. d) Entries in Get of Sire or Produce of Dam must be made by the owner of the Sire or Dam or with permission from the owner, in the name of the Sire or Dam. e) Any points awarded will go only to the Sire or Dam. f) Emphasis to be placed on reproductive likeness, type, conformation, and quality of entries.
2. Bred in North America a) Entries must have been bred and born in North America. b) General in hand division rules apply. 3. Color a) Color classes will be judged on richness, balance, and clarity of color, crispness of pattern, breed type and manners. b) Color classes may be split into A) Patterned Horses and B) Solid and Blagdon Horses.
4. Dressage Suitability In Hand Judged for conformation suitability to perform dressage movements. Horses shall be judged in hand and at the walk and trot on the triangle, and standing for conformation. 50% movement, 40% conformation, 10% general impression.
5. Ground Driving In Harness a) The purpose of the class is to present a pleasant and pleasing turnout. The judging will be 70% on the horse, its performance, manners and way of going, 20% on the condition and presentation of the harness, 10% correct Pattern Execution. b) Equipment, a bitted open bridle (no blinders) with side reins attached to a surcingle that also has a crupper. These can be plain or decorative of any safe leather or synthetic material. c) The class shows the ability of the horse to be line driven, in a pleasant manner around a pattern of 3 cones at the walk, and slow trot, to include backing at the Judges discretion.
Under Saddle Division
A. Under Saddle All under saddle classes are to be judged on performance, manners, and way of going. The breed can vary in movement. All are correct as long as the movement is clean and straight, and they do a true walk, trot, canter on a light rein with no gaiting, racking, or pacing. Excessive speed or slowness will be penalized. Excessive low or high head carriage not natural to the horse or the breed will also be penalized. (no peanut rolling or sky gazing). Manners are to be considered. All
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horses may be asked to back. Special show tack not required as long as the tack being used is clean and serviceable and appropriate for the discipline. Leather and synthetic are both acceptable materials for tack.
B. English Pleasure 1.The English Pleasure horse must display an agreeable attitude and his gait must be collected, controlled and balanced The pleasure horse must exhibit manners and a quiet willing performance on light direct contact with the bit. The pleasure horse will give the appearance that he enjoys the work he is doing and is a pleasure to ride. 2. In all English classes, riders should wear hunt coats of traditional colors such as navy, dark green, grey, black or brown. Maroon and red are improper. Breeches are to be of traditional shades of buff, khaki, canary, light grey or rust (or jodhpurs), with high English boots or paddock (jodhpur) boots of black or brown. Black, navy blue or brown hard hat (with harness for youth in any over fence classes) is mandatory. A tie or choker is required. Gloves, spurs of the unrowelled type, and crops or bats are optional. Hair must be neat and contained (as in net or braid). Judges must penalize contestants who do not conform. 3. English pleasure gaits will be the walk, trot and canter (or just the walk and trot if a walk/trot class) both ways of the ring. The judge can call for a halt, and a rein back on the rail or in the lineup. The walk will be flat footed, free, elastic and ground covering with a four beat cadence. Horses must show purpose and intent to travel and willingness to perform a true flat footed walk without undo restraint. The trot must be pleasant, easy going with elasticity and freedom of movement. The canter should be slow, smooth and collected, straight on both leads and a definite three beat cadence. Transitions should be smooth and effortless without anticipation on the part of the horse. The judge may ask for an extended trot. C. Suitability for Dressage 1. This is a rail class where the horse and rider are judged based on their suitability for the dressage arena. 2. Gaits will be as described in English pleasure. The judge can also ask for free walk, extended trot, extended canter and hand gallop, as well as the collected gaits. It should be noted that the collected trot is a sitting trot. Ability to collect and extend is judged as well as manners, willingness and overall suitability for dressage. 3. Tack and attire will be English style and snaffle bit with English bridle. Full bridle with double reins and Pelham bit acceptable as well as standard bridle and English snaffle type bit.
D. Hunter Hack 1. Tack and attire will be English style. ASTM/SEI certified safety helmet that is buckled is required. All purpose, hunter or jumping saddles or other saddle without a horn are acceptable. Full bridle with double reins and
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Pelham bit acceptable as well as standard bridle and English snaffle type bit. 2. Horse and rider will be required to clear two jumps not to exceed 18” high. They will be placed in12 foot increments. 3. The horses will enter the ring and gather at one end. One horse & rider will proceed to jump two jumps and then hand gallop to a designated spot marked by a cone. Halt, back 5 steps, then stand quietly on a loose rein until excused. Repeat until all entries have completed. The judge then sends horses around the ring for a walk, trot, canter, rail portion of the class.
E. Western Pleasure The western pleasure horse must show that he is quiet and obedient and a pleasure to ride. The gaits will be a western walk, jog and lope without being exaggerated. Extreme speed or slowness will be penalized. No peanut rolling or star gazing. The poll below the withers will be penalized. The face should be perpendicular to the ground. The judge can call for a halt and/or a rein back at any time. The Western Pleasure horse is to be shown with a light rein, but still maintaining contact with the horse. The horse should respond readily and willingly to the aids. The walk should be elastic and ground covering. The jog should be free, slow and easy but not shuffling. The lope should be smooth, slow straight and controlled. It should be a definite three beat gait. 1. The tack must be western style saddle and bridle, need not be show tack, but must be clean, and serviceable. If a direct contact type snaffle bit is used the rider must ride with two hands on the reins. If a shanked bit is used, one hand contact must be maintained. 2. In western classes, appropriate western attire is required which includes pants (slacks, trousers, jeans, etc.) long sleeves and collar (band, standup, tuxedo, etc.) western hat and cowboy boots. Special exception because of religious reasons or physical handicap must be requested by filing a written request to show office and obtaining written approval prior to participation. The hat must be on the rider’s head when the exhibitor enters the arena. Spurs and chaps are optional.
F. Equitation and Horsemanship Equitation and Horsemanship are judged on the ability of the rider. Equitation and Horsemanship classes can be combined or separated based on number of entries at show management discretion. The class can also be as a youth class or an open class. 1. tack & attire is to be appropriate to the discipline the rider has chosen or is called for in the class listing. 2. the judge can call for test, which must be posted 1 hour prior to the class. All exhibitors must enter the ring and then work individually, or each exhibitor may be worked from the gate individually. When exhibitors are worked individually from the gate, a working order is required. Exhibitors should be instructed to either leave the arena, fall into line, or
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fall into place on the rail after their work. The whole class, or just the finalists, must work at all three gaits at least one direction of the arena. The following maneuvers are acceptable in a pattern: walk, jog, trot, extended trot, lope, canter, extended lope or hand gallop in a straight line, curved line, serpentine, circle or figure 8, or combination of these gaits and maneuvers; stop; back in a straight or curved line; turn or pivot, including spins and rollbacks on the haunches and/or on the forehand; side pass, two-track or leg-yield; flying or simple change of lead; counter- canter; or any other maneuver; or ride without stirrups. A back should be asked for at sometime during the class. Judges should not ask exhibitors to mount or dismount.
G. Driving Driving classes can be designated single or pair. In pair driving a groom is required. In single it is optional. It is the driver’s responsibility to be sure that he and the groom are properly attired to suit the turnout, and that a safety check has been done of the horse and equipment. Entries must be at the gate in advance so that a safety check can be done by the person designated by show management.
1. The purpose of the class is to present a pleasant and pleasing turnout. The judging will be 70% on the horse, its performance, manners and way of going, 20% on the condition and presentation of the harness and carriage, 10% on attire. 2. The driver should strive to control the horse’s movements with discreet use of vocal aids and the whip. Excessive use of the whip may be penalized. 3. The harness and attire must appropriate for the vehicle. The vehicle must be appropriate for the horse. 4. The attire shall be neat and appropriate. Hat and gloves are required. A lap robe is optional. A whip shall be carried in hand or held in a whip holder at all times while driving. The thong on the whip must be long enough to reach the shoulder of the horse furthest from the driver. 5. As a safety precaution no horse on the grounds will have its bridle removed while the horse is still hitched to a vehicle. Also no horse will be driven from the ground while hitched to a vehicle. These rules apply everywhere on the show grounds. Any violation of these safety rules can result in the owner being asked to leave the property and forfeiture of all entry fees and awards. 6. No entry may leave the arena once the class begins unless excused for safety reasons. In the case of equipment or tack failure the entry is to come to a halt in the middle of the ring, and be acknowledged by the judge. An assistant can then enter the ring to fix the problem. An exhibitor is allowed only one time out per class and cannot exceed 5 minutes. If the issue cannot be resolved within the time limit the entry will be excused.
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7. The term groom refers to someone who can assist with the horse in the event of difficulty. 4 in hands, unicorns are required to have 2 grooms on board. Pairs and tandems are required to carry 1 groom. A groom is optional for a single horse. Grooms must be appropriately dressed and wear a hat and gloves. 8. A groom is not allowed to leave their position on the carriage while the horse is in motion. They may head the horse during the lineup and must be remounted before the horse moves off again. In the case of a single horse entry without a groom, a header may enter the ring to head the horse during the lineup. Headers are not required to wear a hat and gloves but must be neatly attired.
H. Types of Driving Classes Pleasure Driving 1. In a pleasure driving class the entries are judged on the suitability of the horse to provide a pleasant drive. They are to be shown both ways of the ring at the walk, slow trot, working trot, and strong trot. 2. The walk is free, regular and unconstrained walk of moderate extension is ideal. The horse should walk energetically, but calmly, with even and determined pace. The walk is four beat. 3. In the slow trot the horse should maintain forward impulsion while showing submission to the bit. the trot is slower and more collected, but not to the degree required in the dressage collected trot. The horse should indicate willingness to be driven on the bit while maintaining a steady cadence. 4. The working trot is the pace between the slow trot and the strong trot. the horse goes forward freely and straight, engaging the hind legs, the position being balanced and unconstrained. The steps should be even. The degree of energy and impulsion displayed at the working trot denotes clearly the degree of suppleness and balance of the horse. 5. The strong trot is a clear but not excessive increase in pace and lengthening of stride while remaining well balanced. 6. The judge may ask for a halt. The horse and vehicle must be brought to a complete and square stop without abruptness or veering. At the halt the horse should stand attentive, motionless and straight with the weight evenly distributed over all 4 legs. 7. The judge may ask for a rein back along the rail or in the lineup. The horse must move back 3 to 5 steps in an unhurried manner and in a straight line. Then walk forward willingly to its former position. Freestyle Driving 1. In freestyle driving, the horse and carriage enter the arena alone. They are given 3 minutes to perform any gaits and movements they choose to do. Judging will be based on creativity of the freestyle, willingness and
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obedience of the horse, movement, overall impression, and entertainment value. Music is provided by the exhibitor
I. Trail This class will be judged on the performance of the horse over obstacles, with emphasis on manners, response to the rider and quality of movement. Credit will be given to horses negotiating the obstacles with style and some degree of speed, providing correctness is not sacrificed. Horses should receive credit for showing attentiveness to the obstacles and the capability of picking their own way through the course when obstacles warrant it, and willingly responding to the rider’s cues on more difficult obstacles. Horses shall be penalized for any unnecessary delay while approaching or negotiating the obstacles. Horses with artificial appearance over obstacles should be penalized. Horses must not be required to work on the rail. The course must be designed, however, to require each horse to show the three gaits (walk, jog, and lope) somewhere between obstacles as a part of its work, and quality of movement and cadence should be considered as part of the maneuver score. While on the line of travel between obstacles, the horse shall be balanced, carrying his head and neck in a relaxed, natural position, with the poll level with or slightly above the withers. The head should not be carried behind the vertical, giving the appearance of intimidation, or be excessively nosed out, giving a resistant appearance. Gait between obstacles shall be at the discretion of the judge. The course to be used must be posted at least one hour before scheduled starting time of the class. Management, when setting courses, should keep in mind that the idea is not to trap a horse, or eliminate it by making an obstacle too difficult. All courses and obstacles are to be constructed with safety in mind so as to eliminate any accidents. When the distances and spaces are measured between all obstacles, the inside base to inside base measurement of each obstacle considering the normal path of the horse, should be the measuring point. Enough space must be provided for a horse to jog [at least 30 feet (9 meters)] and lope [at least 50 feet (15 meters)] for the judges to evaluate these gaits. If disrupted, the course shall be reset. In the case that an obstacle is used in combination, the obstacle cannot be reset until the contestant finishes the entire obstacle The judge must walk the course and has the right and duty to alter the course in any manner. The judge may remove or change any obstacle he deems unsafe or non-negotiable. If at any time a trail obstacle is deemed to be unsafe by the judge, it shall be repaired or removed from the course. If it cannot be repaired and horses have completed the course, the score for that obstacle shall be deducted from all previous works for that class. . At least six obstacles must be used 1. Opening, passing through and closing gate. (Losing control of gate is to be penalized.) Use a gate which will not endanger horse or rider. If the gate has a metal, plastic or wooden support bar under the opening, contestants must work the gate moving forward through it. 2. Ride over at least four logs or poles. These can be in a straight line, curved, zigzag or raised. The space between the logs is to be measured and the path the horse is to take should be the measuring point. Trotovers and
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lopeovers cannot be elevated in novice classes. All elevated elements must be placed in a cup, notched block, or otherwise secured so they cannot roll. The height should be measured from the ground to the top of the element. Spacing for walkovers, trotovers, and lopeovers should be as follows or increments thereof. a. The spacing for walkovers shall be 20” to 24” (40 cm to 60 cm) and may be elevated to 12” (30 cm). Elevated walkovers should be set at least 22” (55 cm) apart. The spacing for trotovers shall be 3’ to 3’6” (90 cm-105 cm) and may be elevated to 8” (20 cm). The spacing for lopeovers shall be 6’ to 7’ (1.8 to 2.1 meters) or increments thereof, and may be elevated to 8” (20 cm). 3. Backing obstacle. Backing obstacles to be spaced a minimum of 28” (70 cm). If elevated, 30” (75 cm) spacing is required. Entrants cannot be asked to back over a stationary object such as a wooden pole or metal bar. a. Back through and around at least three markers. b. Back through L, V, U, straight or similar-shaped course. May be elevated no more than 24” (60 cm). 4. Serpentine obstacles at walk or jog. Spacing to be minimum of 6’ ( 1.8 meters) for jog. 5. Carry object from one part of arena to another. (Only objects which reasonably might be carried on a trail ride may be used.) 6. Ride over wooden bridge. (Suggested minimum width shall be 36” (90 cm) wide and at least six feet long). Bridge should be sturdy, safe and negotiated at a walk only. 6. Put on and remove slicker. 7. Remove and replace materials from mailbox. 8. Side pass (may be elevated to 12” (30 cm) maximum). 9. An obstacle consisting of four logs or rails, each 5’ to 7’(1.5 to 2.1 meters) long, laid in a square. Each contestant will enter the square by riding over log or rail as designated. When all four feet are inside the square, rider should execute a turn, as indicated, and depart.
J. In Hand Obstacles Cross entering. A show that has both Under Saddle Obstacles and In Hand Obstacles will not allow cross entering of the same horse/rider combination in both type classes during the same show day. Same rules and guidelines apply as to the Under Saddle Obstacles except the obstacles will be done while the horse is led in hand. The horse may be led with a halter and lead rope, a flat chain may be over or under the chin of the horse, also a bridle with bit is acceptable. Knotted rope halters are not allowed. The horse will wear no other tack. Any attire is acceptable for the handler as long as it is neat and clean acceptable show type attire of some kind. Hat and gloves are optional. No open toe shoes.
K. Showmanship
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The showmanship class shall be judged strictly on the exhibitor’s ability to fit and show a horse at halter. The horse is merely a prop to demonstrate the ability and preparation of the exhibitor. The ideal showmanship performance consists of a poised, confident, neatly attired exhibitor leading a well groomed and conditioned horse that quickly and efficiently performs the requested pattern with promptness, smoothness and precision. The showmanship class is not another halter class and should not be judged as such. It is mandatory that the judge post any pattern(s) to be worked at least one hour prior to the commencement of the class; however, if the judge requires additional work of exhibitors for consideration of final placing, the finals pattern may be posted. Pattern(s) should be designed to test the showman’s ability to effectively present a horse to the judge. All ties will be broken at the judges’ discretion. CLASS PROCEDURES: All exhibitors may enter the ring and then work individually or each exhibitor may be worked from the gate individually. When exhibitors are worked individually from the gate, a working order is required. The following maneuvers are considered acceptable: lead the horse at a walk, jog, trot or extended trot, or back in a straight or curved line, or a combination of straight and curved lines; stop; and turn 90 (1/4), 180 (1/2), 270 (3/4), 360 (full turn) degrees or any combination or multiple of these turns. The judge must have exhibitors set the horse up squarely for inspection sometime during the class. PRESENTATION AND POSITION OF EXHIBITOR: Clothes and person are to be neat and clean. The use of any type of artificial aid including, but not limited to lighters, hay, dirt, sharp pins, etc. will be considered a disqualification. Exhibitors should be poised, confident, courteous and genuinely sportsmanlike at all times, quickly recognizing and correcting faults in the positioning of the horse. The exhibitor should continue showing the horse until the class has been placed or they have been excused, unless otherwise instructed by the judge. The exhibitor should appear business-like, stand and move in a straight, natural and upright manner, and avoid excessive, unnatural or animated body positions. The exhibitor must lead on the horse’s left side holding the lead shank in the right hand near the halter with the tail of the lead loosely coiled in the left hand unless requested by the judge to show the horse’s teeth. It is preferable that the exhibitor’s hand not be on the snap or chain portion of the lead continuously. The excess lead should never be tightly coiled, rolled or folded. When leading, the exhibitor should be positioned between the eye and the mid-point of the horse’s neck, referred to as the leading position. Both arms should be bent at the elbow with the elbows held close to the exhibitor’s side and the forearms held in a natural position. Height of the arms may vary depending on the size of the horse and exhibitor, but the arms should never be held straight out with the elbows locked. The position of the exhibitor when executing a turn to the right is the same as the leading position except that the exhibitor should turn and face toward the horse’s head and have the horse move away from them to the right. When executing a back, the exhibitor should turn from the leading position to face toward the rear of the horse with the right hand extended across the exhibitor’s chest and walk forward beside the horse with the horse moving backward. When setting the horse up for inspection, the exhibitor should stand angled toward the horse in a position between the
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horse’s eye and muzzle, and should never leave the head of the horse. It is recommended, but not mandatory that exhibitors use the “Quarter Method” when presenting the horse. The exhibitor should maintain a position that is safe for themselves and the judge. The position of the exhibitor should not obstruct the judge’s view of the horse and should allow the exhibitor to maintain awareness of the judge’s position at all times. The exhibitor should not crowd other exhibitors when setting up side-by-side or head-to-tail. When moving around the horse, the exhibitor should change sides in front of the horse with minimal steps and should assume the same position on the right side of the horse that they had on the left side. Leading, backing, turning and initiating the set-up should be performed from the left side of the horse. At no time should the exhibitor ever stand directly in front of the horse. The exhibitor should not touch the horse with their hands or feet, or visibly cue the horse by pointing their feet at the horse during the set-up. PRESENTATION OF HORSE: The horse’s body condition and overall fitness should be assessed. The hair coat should be clean, well-brushed and in good condition. The mane, tail, forelock and wither tuft may not contain ornaments (ribbons, bows, etc.) The length of mane and must be neat, clean and free of tangles. The bridle path, eyebrows, and long hair on the head may be clipped, except where government regulations prohibit. Hooves should be properly trimmed and if shod, the shoes should fit correctly and clinches should be neat. Hooves must be clean and may be painted black or with hoof dressings, or shown naturally. Tack should fit properly and be neat, clean and in good repair. PERFORMANCE: The exhibitor should perform the work accurately, precisely, smoothly, and with a reasonable amount of speed. Increasing speed of the work increases the degree of difficulty, however, accuracy and precision should not be sacrificed for speed. The horse should lead, stop, back, turn and set up willingly, briskly and readily with minimal visible or audible cueing. A severe disobedience will not result in a disqualification but should be penalized severely, and the exhibitor should not place above an exhibitor that completes the pattern correctly. Excessive schooling or training, willful abuse, loss of control of the horse by the exhibitor, failure to follow prescribed pattern, knocking over or working on the wrong side of the cones shall be cause for disqualification. The horse should be led directly to and away from the judge in a straight or curved line and track briskly and freely at the prescribed gait as instructed. The horse’s head and neck should be straight and in line with the body. The stop should be straight, prompt, smooth and responsive with the horse’s body remaining straight. The horse should back up readily with the head, neck and body aligned in a straight or curved line as instructed. Pull turns to the left should be 90 degrees or less. On turns of greater than 90 degrees, the ideal turn consists of the horse pivoting on the right hind leg while stepping across and in front of the right front leg with the left front leg. An exhibitor should not be penalized if their horse performs a pivot on the left hind leg, but an exhibitor whose horse performs the pivot correctly should receive more credit. The horse should be set up quickly with the feet squarely underneath the body. The exhibitor does not have to reset a horse that stops square.
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L. Drugs and Artificial Appliances and Irritants 1. The use of stimulants or depressants or any drug affecting the showing of the horse in hand or in performance is strictly forbidden. 2. Any horse showing any sign of gingering or other irritants to produce a higher tail carriage shall be disqualified. 3. Switches, artificial tails or manes, are prohibited and shall result in disqualification. 4. Use of pads, wedges, chains, trailer shoes, weights, weighted boots, elastic bands, shackles, or any other appliances that enhance a horse’s action will not be allowed. Unweighted bell boots, splint boots, or quarter boots for protection are allowed in warm up areas. No scotch bottom shoes allowed. 5. Evidence of any inhumane treatment to a horse, whip marks that raise welts, or abusive whipping in or out of the show ring will result in disqualification of that horse and exhibitor for the balance of that show and shall result in forfeiture of all trophies, ribbons, awards and points won by that horse. 6. There shall be no altering, changes or attempt to hide or enhance the natural color of the body, including the legs of a horse by dye, bleach or paint. This does not preclude enhancing the natural color of a horse’s mane, tail and feather which may have sustained weather or sun damage, or of covering a wound or scar. Hoofs may be colored. Any horse that has been color enhanced in violation of these guidelines will be disqualified for the entire show. Officials A. Show Manager/Secretary 1. Any reputable person can act in the capacity of the show manager/secretary. 2. Manager shall have the authority to enforce all rules of the show. 3. Show manager will be the contact and communication with the judge
B. Steward 1. The show manager must provide a competent ring steward to manage the arena and assist the judge. Any reputable person may act as a ring steward. They shall refrain from discussing the horses or exhibitors with the judge. The show manager can also act as Ring Steward when necessary.
C. All Officials 1. Show managers, stewards and any employees of the show and their immediate families shall not show horses that are leased to or registered in any of the above person’s names.
D. Regulations governing judges 1. Any judge hired to judge a show is required to be familiar with these
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show rules and comply with them. If an issue is not addressed in these show rules then the USEF rule can be applied . 2. Judges shall appear for their assignment professionally and suitably attired and also with the weather in mind if an outdoor show. 3. A judge shall not appear on the show grounds prior to 30 minutes before judging a class. The judge shall not visit the stall area, nor speak with the owners, trainers, exhibitors, or owners’ representatives, or inspect or discuss any horse entered in the show before the judging. 4. A judge may not exhibit or own a horse at any competition in which he or she is adjudicating.
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