Courses in the Erasmus Programme
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PLEASE NOTE that the timetable can change slightly by the beginning of the semester! If not marked differently, classes are held every week between 20 February – 19 May, except on holidays. Courses at ELTE University Faculty of Law are each worth 5 credits. *=The course is worth 3 credits. Students can miss their classes maximum 2 times per course during the semester (2 times 90 minutes). If two courses conflict, naturally students can attend only one of them. If a block seminar conflicts with a regular course students attend this block seminar are allowed to miss classes from their other courses conflicting with it. More information on regulations: Buildings: Building A: Egyetem tér 1-3 is the main building of the Faculty of Law Building B: Kecskeméti u. 10-12 is the smaller building of the Faculty, where registration takes place
Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Law H-1053 Budapest, Egyetem tér 1-3. tel +36 1 411 6500 /en TIME PLACE TITLE OF THE COURSE LECTURER (AND DATE) Law of Multinational Enterprises Egyetem tér 1-3, 3rd floor, – Protection of Foreign Prof. Miklós Király Thursday 14.00 – 16.00 room 305 (IX. tanterem) Investments GROSSCHMID AUDITORIUM Egyetem tér 1-3, ground floor, Human Rights in Private law Prof. Attila Menyhárd Tuesday 10.00 – 12.00 room 3 (A/1 gyakorló)
Dr. Péter Hack, Egyetem tér 1-3, basement, Transitional Justice Monday 16.00 - 18.00 DR. Anna Doszpoth room 8 (A/4 gyakorló) Litigation at the European Court of Justice - Preliminary Kecskeméti u. 10-12, ground Monday 16.00 - 18.00 References in Private Dr. Réka Somssich floor, room 3 (B/I. tanterem ) International Law Egyetem tér 1-3, 2 ½ floor, Prof. Balázs Gellér, European Criminal Law Monday 12.00 - 14.00 Dr. Anna Doszpoth (VIII tanterem) VÉCSEY AUDITORIUM Egyetem tér 1-3, 3rd floor, Milestone Cases of International Dr. Anna Doszpoth Wednesday 16.00 – 18.00 criminal Justice room 305 (IX. tanterem) GROSSCHMID AUDITORIUM Criminological Theories and Egyetem tér 1-3, ground floor, Dr. Anna Doszpoth Wednesday 14.00 – 16.00 Empirical Studies room 3 (A/1 gyakorló) Kecskeméti u. 10-12, 1 ½ Private International Law of Tuesday 14.00 – 16.00 floor, room 112 ( B/II the European Union Dr. István Erdős tanterem) Egyetem tér 1-3, 2 ½ floor, International Commercial Tuesday 16.00 – 18.00 Arbitration Dr. István Erdős (VIII tanterem) VÉCSEY AUDITORIUM
2 Tuesday 8.00 – 12.00 Egyetem tér 1-3, 1st floor, Protection of Fundamental Rights (every second week room 122 (Nemzetközi jogi in the EU Dr. Petra Jeney starting on14 March) gyakorló) Dr. Eszter Bodnár Introduction to Hungarian Kecskeméti u. 10-12, 3rd floor, Dr. Zoltán Pozsár- Thursday 10.00 – 12.00 room 305 (B/13gyakorló) Constitutional Law Szentmiklósy Open Justice – Constitutional Kecskeméti u. 10-12, 3rd floor, Standards and International Dr. Eszter Bodnár Tuesday 16.00 – 18.00 room 305 (B/13gyakorló) Practice Egyetem tér 1-3, I. ½. floor, Trusted criminals - white collar Dr. Éva Inzelt Monday 16.00 – 18.00 (VI tanterem ) criminality FAYER AUDITÓRIUM BLOCK SEMINAR Egyetem tér 1-3, 1st floor, European Tax Law Prof. Frans 24 – 26th April room 114 Vanistendael (IBDF) 9.00 – 14.00 (IV. tanterem) BLOCK SEMINAR Egyetem tér 1-3, 1st floor, Civil Liberties in the USA Prof. Dennis Campbell 2 -11 May room 114 ( IV tanterem) 10.00 – 12.00 each day BLOCK SEMINAR The Apellate system in the Egyetem tér 1-3, 1st floor, Neil Tardiff 27 March – 07. April room 114 ( IV tanterem) USA 10.00 – 12.00 each day Egyetem tér 1-3, 3rd floor, International Air Law Dr. Attila Sipos Thursday 14.00 – 16.00 room 318 (A/10 gyakorló)
Egyetem tér 1-3, basement, room International Investment Law Dr. Dávid Pusztai Monday 18.00 – 20.00 8 (A/4 gyakorló)
Egyetem tér 1-3, 3rd floor, Political Game Theory Dr. József Málik Monday 12.00 – 14.00 room 321 (PhD room)
3 Egyetem tér 1-3, 3rd floor, World Politics Monday 10.00 – 12.00 Dr. József Málik room 321 (PhD room)
Wednesday 18.00 – Egyetem tér 1-3, ½ floor, French Politics Eszter Soós 20.00 A/6 gyakorló
Multiple Crisis in the European Wednesday 12.00 – Egyetem tér 1-3, 3rd floor, Union Dr. Krisztina Arató 14.00 room 321 (PhD room)
Modernization of the States and BLOCK SEMINAR the International Relations in a Kecskeméti u. 10-12, 3rd floor, Dr. Éva Bóka 28 February – 11 April Historical Perspective (The every Tueesday room 305 (B/13gyakorló) Western World and East-Asia) 12.00 – 16.00 Kecskeméti u. 10-12, 1 ½ Wednesday 12.00 – Democracy in Europe floor, room 118 (Idegen nyelvi András Varga 14.00 labor) American Politics and Kecskeméti u. 10-12, ground Thursday 10.00 – 12.00 Government Dr. Tibor Mándi floor, room 1 (B/1 gyakorló)
Egyetem tér 1-3, ½ floor, Sociology of Human Rights Tuesday 10.00 – 12.00 Dr. Zoltán Fleck A/6 gyakorló
Regulating the Environment – Wednesday 18.00 – Egyetem tér 1-3, 1st floor, making and enforcing laws in the Dr. Katalin Sulyok room 106. (I. tanterem) face of uncertain science 20.00 SOMLÓ AUDITÓRIUM Global and European Wednesday 18.00 – Egyetem tér 1-3, basement, Constitutionalism Dr. Nóra Chronowski 20.00 room 10 (A/5 gyakorló)
4 BLOCK SEMINAR 08,10,17,22,24,29,31 March Egyetem tér 1-3, 3rd floor, International Capital Market 05 April (all of them are dr. Balázs Pásztory room 321 (PhD room) Wednesdays and Fridays) 10.00 – 12.00 Wednesday 16.00 – Kecskeméti u. 10-12, 3rd floor, International Capital Market dr. Balázs Pásztory 18.00 room 311 (B/16 gyakorló) BLOCK SEMINAR Cross-border Civil Litigation Egyetem tér 1-3, 1st floor, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26 April and Arbitration Dr. István Varga room 114 ( IV tanterem) 16.00 – 18.00 each day Grundkurs Bürgerliches Recht II: Erik Eggert Kecskeméti u. 10-12, 1 ½ floor, Schuldrecht Allgemeiner Teil des Tuesday 08.00 – 10.00 room 118 (Idegen nyelvi labor) deutschen BGB (DAAD Fachlektor) Bürgerliches Recht II: Erik Eggert Kecskeméti u. 10-12, 2nd floor, Fallbesprechung zum Schuldrecht Tuesday 14.00 – 16.00 room 205 (B/8 gyakorló) Allgemeiner Teil (DAAD Fachlektor) Grundkurs Staatsrecht II: Erik Eggert Kecskeméti u. 10-12, 3rd floor, Grundrechte nach dem deutschen Wednesday 10.00 – 12.00 room 305 (B/13gyakorló) Grundgesetz (DAAD Fachlektor) Staatsrecht II: Fallbesprechung zu Erik Eggert Kecskeméti u. 10-12, 2nd Wednesday 14.00 – 16.00 den deutschen Grundrechten (DAAD Fachlektor) floor, room 204 (B/7 gyakorló)
Arbeitsrecht: Einführung ins Erik Eggert Kecskeméti u. 10-12, 1 ½ floor, Thursday 10.00 – 12.00 deutsche Individualarbeitsrecht (DAAD Fachlektor) room 118 (Idegen nyelvi labor)
Egyetem tér 1-3, basement, room Völkerstrafrecht Tuesday 12.00 – 14.00 Dr. Anna Doszpoth 8 (A/4 gyakorló)
5 Monday: Kecskeméti u. 10-12 1½ floor, room 118 Lexique du droit public français Monday 12.00 - 14.00 (Idegen nyelvi labor) Dr. Zsuzsanna Kovács II. (Organisation de la justice) Wednesday 12.00 – 14.00 Wednesday: Kecskeméti u. 10- 12, 3rd floor, room 311 (B/16 gyakorló) BLOCK SEMINAR 24 – 28 April Francois-Xavier Egyetem tér 1-3, 1st floor, Droit pénal européen approfondi Monday – Thursday 14.00 room 114 ( IV tanterem) Roux-Demare – 16.00 Friday 10.00 – 12.00 Kecskeméti u. 10-12 Diritto Europeo in Italiano II. Dr. Alessandro Gilioli Friday 12.00 – 14.00 1½ floor, room 118 (Idegen nyelvi labor) *HUNGARIAN LANGUAGE COURSE for 3 credits in various groups in Various locations different times of the week.
*=The course is worth 3 credits. For more information: