Opportunities and Perspectives in Technology, Business, and Society
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TMP111 Opportunities and Perspectives in Technology, Business, and Society Spring 2015
Lecture: Sporadic Tuesdays, 5:30 –7:00pm
NOTE: The first class is on 3/29/16, per schedule below.
Classroom: Embarcadero Hall Website: GauchoSpace
Instructor: John Greathouse Office: TMP Hall, Phelps Hall Office Hours: Tues 4:30 - 5:30pm (first come, first served – no appointments necessary) E-mail: [email protected]
T.A.: Aneesh Khullar Office: By arrangement Office Hours: by appointment E-mail: [email protected]
The TMP111 one-credit course series was designed to provide a timely and accessible educational format to students from all disciplines across campus wanting to gain some insight into current business issues. The seminar is intended to be a lecture series where entrepreneurial, technological, business and governmental leaders share their lessons of experience with the UCSB community. This series is targeted to anyone interested in entrepreneurship, technology development, commercialization and management, and the impact that these areas of innovation have on society.
See the calendar below for specific class times and speakers – the class meets on an IRREGULAR basis. Research each speaker before coming to class. Understanding the speakers’ backgrounds will allow you to get more from each talk and facilitate intelligent, insightful questions.
With a few exceptions, the course will meet on selected Tuesdays from 5:30 - 7:00pm in Embarcadero Hall. You will need to sign-in at each class session and be seated before 5:30pm. We strongly recommend arriving at the lecture hall well in advance of 5:30pm for sign-in, as the sign-in process can take several minutes.
The TMP111 course may be repeated twice and is required for the Technology Management Certificate (TMC). Because TMP111 is offered only on a “pass/no-pass” basis, you must be present for each lecture and your final paper must be of high quality. Please contact the TA with any questions concerning class logistics. Course Requirements:
Required Reading: There is no required reading for this course.
To complete this class for a “pass” you must meet each of the following three requirements:
1) Attend all of the lectures and any special class sessions, as required; YOU CANNOT MISS A SINGLE LECTURE AND STILL PASS (THIS INCLUDES THE FIRST CLASS) and,
2) Submit at least one question via GauchoSpace for at least three speakers 48- hours prior to the speaker’s appearance. Questions should not be generic (e.g., "How did you become so successful?"). Rather, they should be novel, creative, thought provoking and reflect knowledge of the speakers' background. Questions which do not meet this criteria will not qualify for the "three out of five speaker threshold." As such, a prudent student will submit questions for all five speakers to ensure they reach the "3 out of 5" threshold.
Talks are filmed and questions are taken from the audience. Thus, if your question is selected for submission to a speaker, please be present and prepared to ask your question. If you are not present or otherwise unprepared to ask your question (e.g., "I forgot what it was..."), you will be marked absent.
3) Submit a solid, professional paper based upon the lectures, covering the following topic: “What I have learned that will help me in my first job after graduation and/or increase my leadership ability.” The final paper must be uploaded to GauchoSpace NO LATER THAN Friday, June 3rd at 5pm.
The paper is not to exceed 5 pages (~1500 words) but must demonstrate your knowledge of each lecture’s content matter and show that you have thought critically about each and can integrate the content into a theme. A grading rubric detailing the minimal requirements of a "passing paper" is posted to the class website. See Exhibit A for further guidance.
Students are responsible for understanding the content of each lecture. We attempt to record each lecture for future broadcast, so if you are forced to miss one lecture with a suitable absence (e.g., documented illness, family issue, etc.), you may view it on Gauchospace. A suitable absence is a documented illness or family emergency. If you must leave class early, please contact the TA in advance to confirm whether your reason for an early departure is approved. You may be asked to substantiate your reason for leaving early with the proper documentation.
NOTE: We are not always able to record the talks, as some speakers request that we not tape them. In addition, it may take the University several weeks to post a particular video.
If you miss a single lecture, you cannot earn a pass. The signup list is removed when the lecture starts so you need to be present and sign in before the lecture begins (as defined by: when the speaker is being introduced). Signing in for another student constitutes a violation of academic integrity, as well as a professional breach in ethics. If you sign in another student, you and the other student will be dropped from the class. “Attendance at each lecture” is defined as attending the entire lecture. If you leave early, you will be noted as having “missed” the lecture. Spring 2015 Lecture Schedule
All lectures are scheduled from 5:30 – 7:00pm in Embarcadero Hall. Please arrive in time to sign in before 5:30pm. We strongly recommend arriving at the lecture hall well in advance of 5:30pm for sign-in. We try to record each lecture for later broadcast and therefore need to start promptly without any audience interruptions.
o March 29, Tayloe Stansbury
o April 5, 2016, Paul Orfalea
o TBD – Monte Wilson
o May 24, 2016, Aaron Ross
Friday, June 3rd
Paper Due by 5:00 PM - no late submissions will be accepted
Submit via GauchoSpace TMP-111: Attachment A - Paper Format, Tips and Tricks
Final Paper Requirements
Paper Due by 5:00 PM on June 3rd
1. Upload to GauchoSpace. Make sure it is properly uploaded; “I thought I uploaded it” is not a valid excuse for missing the deadline.
2. REQUIRED PAPER FORMAT: a. Upload paper in PDF (preferred) or doc/docx format b. Cover sheet: Name, Title, Date & Class Name c. 1 page paper outline (structure of paper, can be a bulleted list) d. Up to 5 pages of text (not counting the cover page, outline or reference page/bibliography) e. A page of references, including quotes taken either from your notes in class or from the videos posted online, research you did before the talks to better understand the speakers' backgrounds, etc. At least 3 cited references must be included on each page of your text.
a. Introduction: The three most significant principles you are taking with you from this class as they relate to, “From Impossible to Inevitable.” b. Leadership ability and learning takeaways b.i. Speaker quotes or paraphrased summaries b.ii. Explanation of how lectures changed or reinforced your views. b.iii. Researched citations (at least 3 on each page) on the topics you found inspiring. c. Summary c.i. How you plan to continue pursuing these principles. c.ii. Ideas taken from the lectures that you will use going forward. c.iii. Ways this class has helped you form your goals for the future. d. Bibliography of references cited
4. SUGGESTED REFERENCES: a. You may include each of the four guest lectures as references in your paper. b. Use the UCSB library for research using online journals & online periodicals c. Google Scholar searches will also yield access to online academic journals d. Basic Internet searches will yield important target information (media articles, press releases, corporate websites, etc.) about our guest speakers. e. Be sure to follow appropriate formatting standard (e.g. MLA, APA, Chicago) for your citations and bibliography. e.i. See https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/ for reference How to Write a Better Paper
A. Prepare Your Assignment in Advance
In order to write a high quality paper, be sure to take the time to write:
1. An outline of your major points that distills a logical flow of information. 2. A rough draft of your paper that you can reread and have another person read for you. A second reader always helps, no matter what your level of writing expertise is. 3. A final draft that you can carefully spell check and review for grammar, content and style. If you allow time between the first and final draft, you will think of new content and deeper understanding that will improve the quality of your work. B. Follow the Triple A’s – AAA = Absorption, Analysis, Application
Include proof of the following, placing emphasis on Analysis and Application:
1. Absorption: quickly summarize the data you have reviewed for the assignment, avoid lengthy repetition. Assume I am already familiar with the material and simply show me that you are as well. Demonstrate mastery of the material by referring to the main points in reading and in class notes.
2. Analysis: give an explanation of what effect the material has on your existing views of business, the meaning of current business concepts and how they might change as a result, and what resonance there is on your other courses. Feel free to use concepts from your other classes here and create connections between them. 3. Application: take this new knowledge and use it as a frame of reference to interpret part of your world. For example, demonstrate how it might change your personal business plans and/or business practices. Following are some questions that may inspire you to create original content:
● Do you have a viewpoint upon which most people would disagree? ● What is one main idea you can focus upon to explain this subject? ● How can you assert your conclusions about this subject? Here is a good place to use the rule of 3 (elucidate your thoughts into 3 clear points). ● Brainstorm about your interests on the assignment and some of your ideas on the class discussions and readings. ● Reflect on how you see this content as an Entrepreneur. ● What is your unique point of view? ● What have you learned?
C. General Flow of your paper: Have a Point of View and Prove it
Begin with an overview of the existing information on the subject – cite quotes from class, the reading, and your independent research. Demonstrate your familiarity with the existing body of knowledge, showing that you are an informed voice on the subject. Your paper should be focused, organized and well-researched to be successful.
Format for all writing assignments: ● All papers must be titled to identify the assignment ● File format: Microsoft Word or PDF ● Include a page header with your name, date and assignment, and a page footer with page number ● Margins: 1” ● Type face: Arial 11pt or similar ● Double-spaced
Document outline: ● Include a ~1 page outline at the start of the paper to demonstrate the organizational structure of your paper. ● The outline page does not count toward the length of your paper
Pictures and Graphics: ● Pictures and graphics should only be presented in an Appendix and do not count towards the length of your paper.
Bibliography: ● Include inline citations in MLA (or similar) style and attach a bibliography page ● Alphabetize your bibliographic entries ● The bibliography page does not count toward the length of your paper
Some pointers:
1. Consider your paper as part of your business-writing portfolio and be sure that your work is high enough quality to include as a writing sample with a job application. 2. Do basic research on the speaker before the lecture sessions. You will be better prepared to understand the speaker’s point of view, ask compelling questions, and have a head start on your independent research for the final paper. 3. Make sure to begin each paragraph with a topic sentence to introduce the evidence to be examined within the paragraph 4. Vary your language; in other words, don’t begin each sentence in the same fashion and make sure to utilize varying sentence lengths 5. Pose questions and answer them 6. Write in the active voice (present tense, first person) 7. Eliminate unnecessary words-they dilute the impact of your writing 8. Incorporate quotes into your own words (always cite them even if you are paraphrasing) 9. Do not use slang or casual language 10. SPELLCHECK! Please do not misspell a speaker’s name. Imagine that you are sending this paper to all of the speakers as part of a professional job inquiry. 11. Make sure to have another student review your paper before submitting. 12. Read your paper out loud. You will immediately discover awkward sentences, verbs that do not agree with their subjects and run-on sentences. Hearing your own writing out loud also helps you to discover if your arguments make sense. 13. Don’t wait until the last minute. From rough draft to final draft, you should have time to perfect your thoughts, the format, and the flow of your paper. 14. DOUBLE-CHECK TO MAKE SURE THAT YOUR PAPER IS SUCCESSFULLY UPLOADED TO GAUCHOSPACE BEFORE THE DEADLINE. Previous students have failed to pass the class because they thought they uploaded the paper, but for some unexplained reason, did not check to make sure it was properly uploaded. D. Conclusion 1. Synthesize all of your research to declare your position on the topic. 2. Summarize how you have proven your position. 3. This should demonstrate your mastery of the information presented as well as your ability to go beyond ideas presented in class and in the readings. Important Reminders: 1. You will be marked down for typos, spelling errors, and improper grammar and syntax. 2. You are being graded on the Triple A’s – AAA = Absorption, Analysis, Application. 3. ALL WRITING ASSIGNMENTS MUST BE TURNED IN ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE. TMP111 Exhibit A - Paper Format, Tips and Tricks
Final Paper Requirements Paper Due by 5:00 PM on Date listed on GauchoSpace. 1. Upload to Gauchospace. Make sure it is properly uploaded; “I thought I uploaded it” is not a valid excuse for missing the deadline.
2. REQUIRED PAPER FORMAT: a. Upload paper in pdf (preferred) or doc/docx format b. Cover sheet: Name, Title, Date & Class Name c. 1 page paper outline (structure of paper, can be a bulleted list) d. Up to 5 pages of text (not counting the cover page, outline or reference page/bibliography) e. A page of references, including quotes taken either from your notes in class or from the videos posted online, research you did before the talks to better understand the speakers' backgrounds, etc. At least 3 cited references must be included on each page of your text.
f. Note: If you turn in your paper by the end of the 8th week, we will give you feedback and you will have an opportunity to improve your grade it if it is not adequate.
3. REQUIRED PAPER TOPIC: a. Please submit a solid, professional paper based upon the lecturers and covering the following topic: “What I have learned that will help me in my first job after graduation and/or increase my leadership ability.” b. The paper is not to exceed 5 pages (1500 words) but must demonstrate your knowledge of each lecture’s content matter and show that you have thought critically about each and can integrate the content into a theme. A suggested minimum length is 1000 words.
4. SUGGESTED OUTLINE: a. Introduction: The three most significant principles you are taking with you from this class. b. Leadership ability and learning takeaways b.i. Speaker quotes or paraphrased summaries b.ii. Explanation of how lectures changed or reinforced your views. b.iii. Researched citations (at least 3 on each page) on the topics you found inspiring. c. Summary c.i. How you plan to continue pursuing these principles. c.ii. Ideas taken from the lectures that you will use going forward. c.iii. Ways this class has helped you form your goals for the future. d. Bibliography of references cited
5. SUGGESTED REFERENCES: a. You may include each of the five guest lectures as references in your paper. b. Use the UCSB library for research using online journals & online periodicals c. Google Scholar searches will also yield access to online academic journals d. Basic internet searches will yield important target information (media articles, press releases, corporate websites, etc) about our guest speakers. e. Be sure to follow appropriate formatting standard (e.g. MLA, APA, Chicago) for your citations and bibliography. e.i. See https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/ for reference How to Write a Better Paper A. Prepare Your Assignment in Advance In order to write a high quality paper, be sure to take the time to write: 1. Anoutlineofyourmajorpointsthatdistillsalogicalflowofinformation 2. A rough draft of your paper that you can reread and have another person read for you. A second reader always helps, no matter what your level of writing expertise is. 3. A final draft that you can carefully spell check and review for grammar, content and style. If you allow time between the first and final draft, you will think of new content and deeper understanding that will improve the quality of your work. B. Follow the Triple A’s – AAA = Absorption, Analysis, Application Include proof of the following, placing emphasis on Analysis and Application: 1. Absorption: quickly summarize the data you have reviewed for the assignment, avoid lengthy repetition. Assume I am already familiar with the material and simply show me that you are as well. Demonstrate mastery of the material by referring to the main points in reading and in class notes. 2. Analysis: give an explanation of what effect the material has on your existing views of business, the meaning of current business concepts and how they might change as a result, and what resonance there is on your other courses. Feel free to use concepts from your other classes here and create connections between them. 3. Application: take this new knowledge and use it as a frame of reference to interpret part of your world. For example, demonstrate how it might change your personal business plans and/or business practices. Following are some questions that may inspire you to create original content: Do you have a viewpoint upon which most people would disagree? What is one main idea you can focus upon to explain this subject? How can you assert your conclusions about this subject? Here is a good place to use the rule of 3 (elucidate your thoughts into 3 clear points). Brainstorm about your interests on the assignment and some of your ideas on the class discussions and readings. Reflect on how you see this content as an Entrepreneur. What is your unique point of view? What have you learned? C. General Flow of your paper: Have a Point of View and Prove it Begin with an overview of the existing information on the subject – cite quotes from class, the reading, and your independent research. Demonstrate your familiarity with the existing body of knowledge, showing that you are an informed voice on the subject. Your paper should be focused, organized and well-researched to be successful. Format for all writing assignments: All papers must be titled to identify the assignment File format: Microsoft Word or PDF Include a page header with your name, date and assignment, and a page footer with page number Margins: 1” Type face: Arial 11pt or similar Double-spaced Document outline: Include a ~1 page outline at the start of the paper to demonstrate the organizational structure of your paper. The outline page does not count toward the length of your paper Pictures and Graphics: Pictures and graphics should only be presented in an Appendix and do not count towards the length of your paper. Bibliography: Include inline citations in MLA (or similar) style and attach a bibliography page Alphabetize your bibliographic entries The bibliography page does not count toward the length of your paper Some pointers: 1. Consider your paper as part of your business-writing portfolio and be sure that your work is high enough quality to include as a writing sample with a job application. 2. Do basic research on the speaker before the lecture sessions. You will be better prepared to understand the speaker’s point of view, ask compelling questions, and have a head start on your independent research for the final paper. 3. Make sure to begin each paragraph with a topic sentence to introduce the evidence to be examined within the paragraph 4. Vary your language; in other words, don’t begin each sentence in the same fashion and make sure to utilize varying sentence lengths 5. Pose questions and answer them 6. Write in the active voice (present tense, first person) 7. Eliminate unnecessary words-they dilute the impact of your writing 8. Incorporate quotes into your own words (always cite them even if you are paraphrasing) 9. Do not use slang or casual language 10. SPELLCHECK! Please do not misspell a speaker’s name. Imagine that you are sending this paper to all of the speakers as part of a professional job inquiry. 11. Make sure to have another student review your paper before submitting. 12. Read your paper out loud. You will immediately discover awkward sentences, verbs that do not agree with their subjects and run-on sentences. Hearing your own writing out loud also helps you to discover if your arguments make sense. 13. Don’t wait until the last minute. From rough draft to final draft, you should have time to perfect your thoughts, the format, and the flow of your paper. 14. DOUBLE-CHECK TO MAKE SURE THAT YOUR PAPER IS SUCCESSFULLY UPLOADED TO GAUCHOSPACE BEFORE THE DEADLINE. Previous students have failed to pass the class because they thought they uploaded the paper, but for some unexplained reason, did not check to make sure it was properly uploaded. D. Conclusion Synthesize all of your research to declare your position on the topic. Summarize how you have proven your position. This should demonstrate your mastery of the information presented as well as your ability to go beyond ideas presented in class and in the readings. Important Reminders: You will be marked down for typos, spelling errors, and improper grammar and syntax. You are being graded on the Triple A’s – AAA = Absorption, Analysis, Application. ALL WRITING ASSIGNMENTS MUST BE TURNED IN ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE.