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Name of Unit s1

Incarnation: Is Peace The Most Important Message of Christmas? Christianity

Learning AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note Objectives Lesson 1 What Exactly Is Peace? Lesson 1: Isaiah foretold the coming of the Messiah 700 years before the birth of Pupils should: Introduction:  Christ. Teacher begins the lesson with peaceful music, with candle lit and Describe what a asking the children to be still, listen and meditate on the tranquil Christian might learn scenes, e.g. pictures from the book ‘Peace One Day’ displayed on RE Vocabulary: about peace from The the IWB. peace Bible; Allow pupils to experience a moment’s reflection and ask them to peaceful think of one word which connects to the stimulus provided. Shalom Ask important Messiah   questions about peace Main Part of Lesson: Prince of Peace and compare my ideas Explore ideas of peace, (display the word Shalom, meaning peace) Wonderful Counsellor with those of other The teacher should ensure that in the discussion about peace, two Mighty God people. elements are explored: Everlasting Father  External - being the absence of war, not arguing, peace with Harmony God (for people of some faiths) Old Testament scripture  Internal - forgiveness, inner harmony. Isaiah Give class bible passage Isaiah 9:6-7 to read in groups, encourage Prophecy pair talk to share their ideas and develop an understanding of the dove verses. Teacher to explain context of the passage, highlighting that the Old Resources: Testament scripture was a prophecy made 700 years before the Piece of meditation music, birth of Christ. tranquil scene, Question: Who do you think Isaiah is referring to in this passage? Candle, Why do you think He was called the Prince of Peace? Artefacts which represent How might the prophecy help us today? peace, What can we do to demonstrate our understanding of this religious Book: ‘Peace One Day’ by story? Jeremy Gilley.

Southwark Diocesan Board of Education Southwark Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education Incarnation: Is Peace The Most Important Message of Christmas? Christianity

Learning AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note Objectives Pupils to share their ideas about why they think Jesus is described as the Prince of Peace. How did he live this out?   Teacher to take feedback and record main ideas shared on IWB. Sensitivities: Please be mindful of children who have experienced Activity: turmoil through home life or Ask the pupils if they know a religious symbol of peace? (The dove political reasons. which is a symbol of peace across faiths) Pupils to have a card template of a dove, and to describe “Peace is. . .” through writing (and art)  Pupils to record their ideas of what peace is . . . onto template which can be used for display.

Plenary: Pupils to sit in a circle and whilst reflective music is played, read out their “Peace is. . .” thoughts as they add their dove to the class display.

Southwark Diocesan Board of Education Southwark Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education Incarnation: Is Peace The Most Important Message of Christmas? Christianity

Learning AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note Objectives Lesson 2 How Do We Find Peace Within Ourselves? Prior to this lesson, create a large map of the world Pupils should: Introduction: picture.  Teacher asks children to follow these directions with their eyes Investigate a question closed. Teacher can record or take such as “How do we Imagine these spots: photographs for evidence or find peace within One above your head, one above your feet, one either side of your next steps. ourselves?” elbows, one in the middle of your back and one near your navel. considering what is the Now join these dots to make an imaginary bubble around RE Vocabulary: same and different for yourselves. Imagine it has some sort of covering so that you can peace religious people; imagine yourselves being inside the bubble. . . peaceful Ask the pupils to be still and silent. conflict Suggest things people Let the feelings of peace flow over them as they are protected inside faith do to find peace within the bubble. prayer themselves. When ready, ask the pupils to open their eyes and to focus reflection themselves back in the classroom. harmony love   Main teaching: Allow pupils to share their ideas and feelings about this experience. Using questions and phrases to guide pupils to develop “peace of Resources: mind”. Discuss why. Picture of large bubble on Discuss examples of experiences which prevent us from being or IWB feeling peaceful. In small groups pupils can discuss various scenarios where they Sensitivities: have experienced conflict and come up with peaceful solutions. The To take account of children pupils can dramatise at the end of the lesson. who have experienced Teacher oversees the activities of each group encouraging them to turmoil through home life or maintain focus and facilitate with key words. political reasons.

Southwark Diocesan Board of Education Southwark Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education Incarnation: Is Peace The Most Important Message of Christmas? Christianity

Learning AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note Objectives Question: How do you seek to resolve conflict? How can the understanding of your faith, if you have one, help you? What would Jesus do? . . . As the prince of peace. Do any other faiths have key figures who promote and teach about peace?  Activity: Pupils to record how they find peace within themselves, how they try and keep peaceful and what helps them with this.  Plenary: Pupils to give sentence to describe how they find peace within themselves, (which can be used together with the photographs to create “A Class Recipe For Finding Peace” and for a display to match.) This will be written on water droplets which can be used for display to surround a picture or collage of the world.

Southwark Diocesan Board of Education Southwark Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education Incarnation: Is Peace The Most Important Message of Christmas? Christianity

Learning AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note Objectives Lesson 3 What Does The Bible Tell Us About Peace? RE Vocabulary: Peace Pupils should:  Begin lesson with a hymn / song about peace, e.g. ‘Peace is flowing Bible Like a River,’ ‘I’ve Got Peace Like a River,’ Jesus Describe what The Messiah Bible (Action song) Prince of Peace teaches us about Wonderful Counsellor peace; Teacher displays bible reading: Luke 2:8-20 and read together, Mighty God  generate discussion begin by linking the reading in Isaiah 9:6 - 7 Everlasting Father and the current Luke 2 reading. Prayer Express their ideas Question: Why do you think the angels appeared to the Shepherds? Reflection about peace with What was the most important part of the message that the angels harmony reference to The Bible. brought? Love (Jesus being light of the world, the Prince of Peace and also Incarnation bringing peace into the lives of people.) How is peace a gift? (Then and now?)

Group Task: Resources:  Give the class different bible readings about peace - readings all Bible verses, have reference to Jesus: IWB / YouTube link: Isaiah 9:6-7 Luke 2:14 tch?v=N2R4D6qhaD8 Numbers 6:24-26 Picture of the world; Romans 5:1 Template of raindrop; Isaiah 52:7 Ephesians 2:14 and 17 Philippians 4:7 Groups to discuss and record in books their understanding of peace

Southwark Diocesan Board of Education Southwark Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education Incarnation: Is Peace The Most Important Message of Christmas? Christianity

Learning AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note Objectives in relation to their assigned reading.   Make reference to this quote: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men on whom His favour rests.” Explain to the pupils the context and meaning of the use of the word men in the quote and ensure they understand how it he peace actually applies to all people. Question: How do Christians believe that Jesus as ‘The Prince of Peace’ brought God’s peace to the world? Include Incarnation: idea of Jesus is God in human form, so the bringer of God’s peace. How do pupils think we see God’s peace resting on our “broken and hurting world today?”

Plenary:  Pupils to write a sentence on a raindrop template in response to the free gifts of peace that the world has received because Jesus the Prince of Peace came into the world.

Southwark Diocesan Board of Education Southwark Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education Incarnation: Is Peace The Most Important Message of Christmas? Christianity

Learning AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note Objectives Lesson 4 How Does The Church Live Out Its Message of Peace, To stimulate ideas, use real resources where possible. Especially at Christmas Time? Pupils should: Introduction: RE Vocabulary:   Make a connection Teacher shakes the hand of a few pupils and says “Peace be with Peace between the Christmas you” and note their response. Christmas story and religious Thereafter explain to the pupils the purpose of the ritual of Sharing Christian values. of The Peace which takes place in church. church Teacher to then play following clip and ask pupils what does this Messiah Make links about things scene symbolise? Prince of Peace that are important to As a celebration what evidence of Christian values does it Wonderful Counsellor them and other people represent? (Joy, peace, happiness, sharing.) Mighty God in the way they think Everlasting Father and behave. prayer Main Activity: reflection   With reference to the previous lesson and the birth of the Prince of harmony Peace - how do you think Christians and the church should love celebrate this special day - Christmas? Light of the World Some prompts to help the children generate ideas on the charity importance of the church living its message of peace at Christmas: - sharing Jesus is the light of the World; joy Carol Singing, praise Charity Food Basket, Visiting the elderly and ‘shut ins,’ Visiting the Nativity scene in church, etc. Resources: In small pupils to discuss the above prompts and others that they Image of real bubble for display on the IWB (Google.)

Southwark Diocesan Board of Education Southwark Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education Incarnation: Is Peace The Most Important Message of Christmas? Christianity

Learning AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note Objectives have come up with. Song from You Tube: Reflect upon their own experiences of Christmas time. Pupils to create and present their own moral code (like a charter) for tch?v=ZYUAY6EN05Q Christmas in the Church / a Christian to demonstrate Jesus as the Image of scroll. e.g. from Prince of Peace. Primary Resources. For example: - You must shake hands with at least one stranger to . . . Sensitivities: Smile with each person you make eye contact with so that . . . Be aware of pupils whose Keep the doors open for longer periods of time which will . . . families may have financial etc. difficulties.   Plenary: Also of pupils and families Discuss peace being a key message of Christmas and central in the who may not have happy gift from God for the world at that first Christmas. experiences of celebrating From what they have considered and learnt, do the pupils think that Christmas. peace is the most important message at Christmas? Why? Complete this statement: “Because Christmas is about Jesus being the Prince of Peace, this Christmas I will . . .”

Southwark Diocesan Board of Education Southwark Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education

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