Chapter 28 Reading Guide: the Liberal Era (1960-1968)

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Chapter 28 Reading Guide: the Liberal Era (1960-1968)

Chapter 28 Reading Guide: The Liberal Era (1960-1968)

See the Concept Outline handout for all of Period 8 (1945-1989)

Know all of these Key Terms and their Significance – these all should be in your outlines and highlighted, Try to add these where they belong in the Concept Outline

28.1 (875-887) 28.2 (887-903)

Election of 1960/Role of TV in politics Greensboro Sit-Ins “New Frontier” Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee Special Forces (SNCC) Clean Air Act Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) Peace Corps “Freedom rides” Space program Bull Connor Cuban revolution/Fidel Castro MLK, Jr/ “Letter from Birmingham Jail” Bay of Pigs Invasion Gov. George Wallace (AL) Berlin Wall March on Washington (1963) Cuban Missile Crisis Birmingham, Alabama “Limited Test Ban Treaty (1963) Freedom Summer Hot Line Selma to Montgomery march (1965) “Flexible response” Watts riots Kennedy Assassination de jure and de facto segregation Lee Harvey Oswald Nation of Islam/ Elijah Muhammed Jack Ruby Malcolm X Lyndon Baines Johnson Black Panthers “Great Society” Huey Newton and Bobby Seale War on Poverty “long hot summers” Election of 1964 “Black Power” / Stokely Carmichael Barry Goldwater and the start of the modern American Indian Movement (AIM)/Red Power conservative movement Wounded Knee occupation Great Society Programs Cesar Chavez - Civil Rights Act (1964) United Farm Workers/La Causa/La Raza - Econ Opp Act (Head Start, VISTA) Betty Friedan The Feminine Mystique - Voting Rights Act (1965) National Organization for Women (NOW) - Medicare/Medicaid Ngo Dinh Diem - Housing Act “Military advisers” - Immigration Act (1965) – undoes 1924 acts Ho Chi Minh - Environmental Programs VietCong Chief Justice Earl Warren Domino Effect (or Domino Theory) - Baker v. Carr (1962) Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964) - Griswold v. CT (1965) Operation Rolling Thunder - Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) Hawks and Doves - Miranda v. AZ (1966)

After reading the chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions.

Ch 28.1

1. What is liberalism? This term is in the Concept Outline. Use Chapter 28 to help you define it.

2. Characterize the “New Frontier”. How does it compare with Truman’s “Fair Deal”? What why is Kennedy’s (JFK) domestic policy considered lackluster? Include specific pieces of legislation.

3. What were the foreign policy successes and failures of JFK’s New Frontier? 4. Describe four major pieces of legislation or programs that made up President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society and war on poverty initiatives.

5. What were the significant events of the Civil Rights movement in the early 1960’s?

6. How did the Warren Court support the liberalism of the 1960’s?

Ch 28.2

7. Why are the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 called the most significant civil rights laws in US history?

8. How can you explain the riots of the mid-to-late 60’s after the passage of these laws? According to the Kerner Commission report, what caused the wave of race riots in the late sixties?

9. How was the Black Power movement fundamentally different than earlier attempts at civil rights? Who were the leaders of the Black Power movement?

10. How did liberal activism and the civil rights movement lead to other identify group movements in the 1960’s?

11. What is second wave feminism? How is it similar or different than earlier feminist movements?

12. How and why did President Kennedy deepen U.S. involvement in Vietnam?

13. How did President Johnson convince Congress to pass the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution? What did LBJ mean when he compared the resolution to "grandma's nightshirt--it covered everything"?

14. Why did Johnson expand US involvement in Vietnam?

15. Why in his second term did President Johnson go from electoral triumph to widespread rejection by the American people?

16. How did the Vietnam War affect the home front?

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