Personal/Social Development s1

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Personal/Social Development s1

Objective 1.02

UNIT:A Personal/Social Development

Competency Evaluate individual characteristics,/traits, interests/preferences, ability CM01.00 levels, skill acquisition, talents/aptitudes, and values in relation to setting and achieving personal, social, lifestyle, educational and career goals

Objective Critique individual characteristics/traits, interests/preferences, ability levels, skill acquisition, talents/aptitudes, learning styles/learning preferences and CM01.02 values in terms of a variety of personal, social, lifestyle and career goals. (Refer to findings in Objective 1.01) Journal How are my individual characteristics related to my ability to achieve my Prompt(s) personal, social, educational and career goals?


Objective 1.02: Critique individual characteristics/traits, interests/preferences, ability levels, skill acquisition, talents/aptitudes, learning styles/learning preferences and values in terms of a variety of personal, social, lifestyle and career goals. (Refer to findings in Objective 1.01) A. Generalize tentative personal, social, lifestyle and career goals. B. Analyze individual characteristics/traits, interests/preferences, ability levels, skill acquisition, talents/aptitudes, learning styles/learning preferences and values to determine areas of relevance to personal, social, lifestyle and career goals. C. Critique compatibility of individual characteristic/traits, interests/preferences, ability levels, skill acquisition, talents/aptitudes, learning styles/learning preferences and values with tentative personal, social, educational, career and lifestyle goals.


Resources 1Complete Appendix 1.02 (1) – SCANS Skills/Competencies, listing one of your currents strengths and also one aspect of your current competency level that needs to be improved. Information Evaluate your SCANS competence using Appendix 1.02 (2) – SCANS Competencies Visit to complete the Assessment Matching Module – Self Assessment Scores or Skills Modules. Create a flowchart illustrating both the positive and the negative influence of personal behavior on others. Some behaviors to explore are manners/etiquette, dress/appearance, attitude displays, personal actions, ethical choices, habits, and peer pressure. Interpersonal Divide the class into pairs. Have each pair choose two (2) jobs and create a person to fill each job. Have students write a description of each person that includes name, gender, personality type, special aptitude and skills, career, lifestyle, marital status, number of children, area of residence, and hobbies. Each team will read its descriptions to the class and discuss why they chose such images.

Career Management 66 Summer 2006 Objective 1.02


Host an ability/talent show. Each student will present one of their abilities/talents to the class. Keep a list on the board of all the abilities/talents presented. At the completion of the ability/talent show, discuss how these abilities/talents can be used in career selection. Discussion Prompts  How can these abilities/talents be used to obtain a career?  What are the benefits of making a career choice based on an individual’s abilities/talents?  Identify possible career options for each ability/talent presented. Why were these careers selected?

Conduct a “Personal Characteristic Pollyanna” exchange of gifts with your classmates. Place all class members’ names into a hat. Draw a name. Think of an outstanding trait that he/she possesses. Place a slip of paper identifying the trait inside a gift box. Wrap the gift box and label it with the recipient’s name. NOTE: Be sure to have the trait approved by that teacher. Present the “gift” to the honoree, explaining the reasoning behind your selection of the trait. (Example: Polly, I present this gift to you in honor of your frequent display of kindness because you have helped me on so many occasions.) Each individual should take a turn presenting his/her gift after he/she has received one. NOTE: Be sure that everyone has an opportunity to present and receive a “gift”. Discussion prompts: How did it make you feel to present the gift? How did presenting the gift impact your self-concept/self-esteem? How did presenting the gift impact the recipient’s self-esteem/self-concept? How did it make you feel to receive the gift? How did receiving the gift impact your self-esteem/self-concept?

As a group, brainstorm characteristics of a person who is conceited, a person with a good self- concept, and a person with a poor self-concept.

As a group, brainstorm characteristics of a person with a good attitude and a person with a bad attitude.

Technology Using individual results from Appendix 1.01 (6) Work Values, collect data regarding each individual’s results. Create a computer generated graph to organize the data. What are the 3 most important work values to the class? What are the 3 least important? Why do you think this is so? Did the results surprise you? Why or why not?

Basic Skills Write an essay about a successful individual. Discuss how the person’s interests, aptitudes, attitude, and personality have contributed to his/her success.

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Thinking Skills Using the list of personality traits in Appendix 1.02 (3), Identifying My Personality Traits, identify traits that describe you by circling them. Place a + sign in front of the traits that are positive. Place a – sign in front of traits that are negative. Discuss whether or not the traits can be both positive and negative.

Using Appendix 1.02 (4), Attitude/Behavior Connection, examine the impact of your behavior and attitude on the job.

1Create a self-portrait which represents your attitude, personality, self-concept/self-esteem, and other personal characteristics. You may use magazines, pictures, or drawings to create their portrait.

1Reflecting upon the information that you discovered about yourself throughout Competency 1.0, use Appendix 1.02 (5), Self Portrait, to put together a brief, written portrait of yourself. This information can be used to help you formulate your Letter of Introduction for your Career Portfolio.

List ten (10) adjectives that describe your personality and match these traits to career interests.

1Create a collage identifying the various forces that have impacted the development of your self- concept. Present the collage to the class summarizing the following issues: 1. What events have impacted the development of my self-concept? How? Was the impact positive or negative? 2. What individuals/groups have impacted the development of my self- concept? How? Was the impact positive or negative?

1Choose an object that represents your perception of your self-concept. (Example: plant – growing; Frosted Flakes – GREAT!) Create a poem, rap, or descriptive essay justifying your choice.

1Using General Job Skills Inventory – Appendix 1.02 (7), read the list of skills and rank your skill level. Then read through the list again and mark each of the skills that can transfer to your next job or future career.

Explore how your values are related to career choices through completing Work Values – Appendix 1.02 (6)

Personal Qualities/Responsibility 1Using Appendix 1.02 (8), All of Me, create a collage that illustrates how your personal characteristics that will impact reaching personal, social, career and educational goals.

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1Follow the steps below to create your Life Map. Step One: Gather magazines and catalogues. Step Two: Go through the magazines and catalogues and pull out images, words and phrases that speak to you or evoke feelings. Step Three: Cut out these images and words. Step Four: Place your words and images on a large piece of poster board in a way that feels right to you. Step Five: Paste the images on the board. Step Six: Review your Life Map and ask yourself the following questions. Use a computer and key the answers to your questions to turn in with your poster.  What have I learned about myself from looking at my Life Map?  Do I see any patterns?  Does anything on my Life Map surprise me?  If I knew that all of the images and this Life Map would come in to my life, would I be OK with that?  Who do I need to become in order to fulfill the intentions on my Life Map?  Based on my Life Map, what quality will I commit to developing this year?

Using Character Traits – Appendix 1.02 (9), identify two different ways that you demonstrate the following character traits at home, school, community and work.

Using Rating Your Personal Traits – Appendix 1.02 (10), rate your personal characteristics by placing a check mark in the appropriate box.

1Using Self-Improvement Plan – Appendix 1.02 (11), create a Self Improvement Plan.

Career Management 69 Summer 2006 Objective 1.02


Primary Resources Kimbrell, Grady & Vineyard, Ben S. (2003). Succeeding in the World of Work. (7th Edition). New York, NY. Glencoe/McGraw Hill. pp. 31-41, 194-198.

Bailey, Larry J. (2003). Working, Career Success for the 21 st Century. (3rd Edition). Mason, OH. Thompson/South-Western. pp. 172-177, 179.

Littrell, J.J., Clayson, Annie H. & Pearson, Peggy. (2004). From School to Work – Student Activity Guide. Tinley Park, IL. The Goodheart-Willcox Company. pp. 24-25, 209-216.

Carter, Carol, Izumo, Gary, Kravits, Sarah L. & Reeves, Diane L. (2001). The Career Tool Kit for High School Students; Making the Transition from School to Work. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Prentice Hall. pp. 6-12, 17-18, 44-51.

Workbook Resources Kimbrell, Grady & Vineyard, Ben S. (2003). Succeeding in the World of Work - Student Activity Book (7th Edition). New York, NY. Glencoe/McGraw Hill. pp. 121-122.

Littrell, J.J., Clasen, Annie H. & Pearson, Peggy. (2004). From School to Work – Student Activity Guide. Tinley Park, IL. The Goodheart-Willcox Company. pp. 3-15, 86.

Supplementary Resources (7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens-Instructor’s Guide/Workbook)

Web-Site Resources (Do You Have a Bad Attitude?, Attitude Fixers, Look within to Find Your Calling) (Match, Compare, Why Not? Modules) (SCANS Activity)

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Career Management 71 Summer 2006 Objective 1.02

SCANS Skills/Competence – Appendix 1.02 (1)

SCANS SKILLS/COMPETENCIES Resource(s) needed for Strengths Weaknesses implementation 1. Workplace Competencies a. Resources b. Interpersonal skills c. Information d. Systems e. Technology

2. Foundation Skills a. Basic Skills

1. Reading

2. Writing

3. Math

4. Speaking

5. Listening b. Thinking Skills

1. Creativity

2. Decision-making

3. Problem solving

4. Reasoning c. Personal qualities

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SCANS Competencies – Appendix 1.02 (2)

Compare your skills with five competencies from the SCANS report. Are you well prepared for the future in the following areas? Rank them from 1 to 5 with 1 being "not prepared at all" and 5 representing "well prepared

_____1. Ability to identify, organize, plan and allocate resources such as time, money, materials and facilities. They must also be able to assess human resources in terms of skills, evaluation, and feedback

_____2. Excellent interpersonal skills with co-workers and clients: teaching, persuading, selling, negotiating, responsibly challenging procedures.

_____3. Ability to identify, assimilate and integrate information; ability to interpret quantitative and qualitative records; ability to convert information of one form to another.

_____4. Ability to understand your work in the context of those around you, to understand how parts of the systems are connected, anticipate consequences, identify trends and anomalies in system performance, integrate multiple displays of data and link symbols.

_____5. Demonstrates high levels of competence in selecting and using appropriate technology. Use of technology to monitor tasks; ability to maintain and troubleshoot complex equipment.

If ranking yourself on the SCANS Competencies makes you think of some additional gaps in your skills, list them in the space with your other training needs.

Career Management 73 Summer 2006 Objective 1.02

Identifying My Personality Traits – Appendix 1.02 (3)

Directions: Circle the traits that describe your personality. Place a + sign in the blank beside each of your personality traits that you view as positive. Place a – sign in the blank beside each of your personality traits that you view as negative.

_____ Cooperative _____ Agreeable _____ Stubborn _____ Self-disciplined _____ Friendly _____ Shy _____ Intelligent _____ Thoughtful _____ Impulsive _____ Energetic _____ Ambitious _____ Generous _____ Greedy _____ aggressive _____ Assertive _____ Independent _____ Dependent _____ Talkative _____ Loyal _____ Honest _____ Dishonest _____ Pleasant _____ Enthusiastic _____ Outgoing _____ Quiet _____ Confident _____ Happy _____ Sad _____ Funny _____ Witty _____ Boring _____ Dependable _____ Unreliable _____ Tolerant _____ Critical _____ Jealous _____ Capable _____ Lazy _____ Moody _____ Nervous _____ Patient _____ Kind _____ Religious _____ Polite _____ Respectful _____ Sarcastic _____ Helpful _____ Selfish

Which of the traits above can be both positive and negative? Explain your answer.

How does understanding your personality traits help you perform better in school?

How does understanding your personality traits help you choose a career that will be suited for you?

Which of your personality traits might cause trouble for you in the future? How does awareness of your personality traits prevent future problems in school and work?

Which of you traits are you most proud of? Why?

If we polled your friends and family, would they describe your personality as you have through the list above? Why or why not?

Career Management 74 Summer 2006 Objective 1.02

Attitude/Behavior Connection – Appendix 1.02 (4)

Retrieved from: (Plain Black Software)

1. List good work habits that you have shown (e.g., being punctual, using good judgment, completing tasks, etc.) and give examples of you may use them on the job.

Work Habit: ______Example: ______

Work Habit: ______Example: ______

2. List work habits you would like to improve (e.g., evading responsibility, rarely going the “extra mile”, tardiness, etc.) and give examples.

Behavior: ______Example: ______

Behavior: ______Example: ______

3. List behaviors which show that you have emotional intelligence and social maturity (e.g., listening attentively, being open-minded, considering other’s feelings, etc.) and give examples of how they might be used in the workplace.

Behavior: ______Example: ______

Behavior: ______Example: ______

Career Management 75 Summer 2006 Objective 1.02

Appendix 1.02 (4): Attitude/Behavior Connection Continued

4. List social behaviors which you would like to improve (e.g., acting bored, not admitting you’re wrong, refusing to accept a mistake, etc.) and give examples.

Behavior: ______Example: ______

Behavior: ______Example: ______

5. List behaviors that show your ability to adjust to different situations (e.g., not getting discouraged easily, working well under pressure, etc.) and give examples of how they might be used in the workplace.

Behavior: ______Example: ______

Behavior: ______Example: ______

6. List behaviors you show that make it difficult for you to adjust to new situations (e.g., reacting negatively to criticism, losing your temper, etc.) and give examples.

Behavior: ______Example: ______

Behavior: ______Example: ______

Career Management 76 Summer 2006 Objective 1.02

Self Portrait – Appendix 1.02 (5) Directions: Using the information that you discovered about yourself throughout Competency 1.0, put together a brief, written portrait of yourself. This information can be used to help you formulate your Letter of Introduction for your Career Portfolio.

Work Values – Appendix 1.02 (6)

Rank the following work values in order of importance to you:


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Top 3 Values Lowest 3 Values 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3.

What do your top 3 ranked values suggest about a career choice?

What do you lowest 3 ranked values suggest about a career choices? General Job Skills Inventory – Appendix 1.02(7)

Directions: Read the list of skills and rank your skill level. Then read through the list again and mark each of the skills that can transfer to your next job or future career.

Skill Strong Needs Transferable

Career Management 78 Summer 2006 Objective 1.02

Improvement General Job Skills Meeting deadlines Planning Public speaking Budgeting/money management Supervision Instructing others Accepting responsibility Managing people Meeting the public Teamwork Organizing projects Taking risks Self-control Self-motivation Detail oriented Computer skills/knowledge Explaining things to others Problem-solving Writing Math Working with Things Dexterity Assembling things Building things Constructing/repairing buildings Making things Observing/inspecting things Driving/operating vehicles Using equipment Working with Data Analyzing facts Auditing records Investigating Using the Internet Sending and receiving electronic communication Researching and locating information Calculating, computing Classifying data Counting/Inventory Observing Working with People Patient

Career Management 79 Summer 2006 Objective 1.02

Sensitive Outgoing Tactful Teaching Interviewing Listening Tolerant Understanding Kind Diplomatic/Fair Counseling Trusting Firmness Using Words and Ideas Logical Public speaking Designing Editing Remembering information Writing clearly Correspondence Creativity Using Leadership Ability Arranging social functions Competitive Motivating others Decisive Running meetings Delegating Working out agreements Planning Creativity/Artistic Ability Dancing/Movement Drawing Performing/Acting Playing musical instruments Presenting artistic ideas Music appreciation Expressive Other

Career Management 80 Summer 2006 Objective 1.02

List your top job skills. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

List the job skills that you wish to improve. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Create a Plan of Action: Strategy Target Evidence of Completion Date

Adapted from: Mendlin, et al. (2000). Being Job Ready; Identify Your Skills, Strengths, and Career Goals. Jist Publishing.

All of Me – Appendix 1.02 (8)

Directions: Include illustrations and text in the boxes below summarizing how your personal characteristics will impact your ability to achieve personal, social, career and educational goals.

Personal Goals Social Goals

Career Management 81 Summer 2006 Objective 1.02

Career Goals Educational Goals

Character Traits – Appendix 1.02 (9)

Directions: Using the space provided below, identify two different ways that you demonstrate the following character traits at home, school, community and work.

Character Trait Home School Community Work Positive Attitude 1. 1. 1. 1.

Career Management 82 Summer 2006 Objective 1.02

2. 2. 2. 2.

Dependability 1. 1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2. 2.

Friendliness 1. 1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2. 2.

Honesty 1. 1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2. 2.

Initiative 1. 1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2. 2.

Loyalty 1. 1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2. 2.

Open- 1. 1. 1. 1. Mindedness

2. 2. 2. 2.

Career Management 83 Summer 2006 Objective 1.02

Self-confidence 1. 1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2. 2.

Self-control 1. 1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2. 2.

Sense of humor 1. 1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2. 2.

Rating Your Personal Traits – Appendix 1.02 (10) Directions: Rate your personal characteristics by placing a check mark in the appropriate box.

Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor Attitude

Career Management 84 Summer 2006 Objective 1.02

Common Sense Courtesy Dependability Enthusiasm Foresight Friendliness Health Honesty Initiative Loyalty Motivation Neatness Open-Mindedness Punctuality Self-Control Sense of Humor Tact Voice

For each trait that you checked a rating of poor or very poor, develop a strategy to improve your rating.

Trait 1 ______Strategy ______

Trait 2 ______Strategy ______

Trait 3 ______Strategy ______

Trait 4 ______Strategy ______

Trait 5 ______Strategy ______

Self-Improvement Plan – Appendix 1.02 (11)

DIRECTIONS: Choose one personal trait you wish to improve. Then answer the questions and follow the directions below.

Make a Plan

Career Management 85 Summer 2006 Objective 1.02

1. Which personal trait do you wish to improve?

2. Why did you choose this trait over the other personal traits?

3. What do you plan to do to improve this trait?

Check Your Progress

For a week, track your progress in breaking bad habits connected with the personal trait you chose to improve. Use the scale below to check your progress each day of the week.

How satisfied were you with each day’s progress? (Check one)

Day 4 2 1 0 Very Satisfied Somewhat Not Satisfied satisfied Satisfied Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Write a paragraph in which you tell what you learned about yourself from your week of trying to improve your personal trait. Will you need to spend more time trying to correct bad habits?

Career Management 86 Summer 2006

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