Present: (GK), (JCAW), (GDH), (JM) (CW), (AG), (RW) (Jma)(MM)
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PRG Meeting
26 November 2015
Present: (GK), (JCAW), (GDH), (JM) (CW), (AG), (RW) (JMa)(MM)
Apologies: SW; EH
Note Taker: Lynne Bates
**Prior to commencement of the meeting the group passed on their very best wishes to RW who is moving away from the area. Dr Blackbourn presented RW with a gift (on behalf of the practice) and thanked RW for his many years of involvement and hard work in connection with the Patient Reference Group.
**MM – confusion over attendance – however group agreed she was welcome to stay on this occasion
1. Previous minutes and matters arising
Introductions were made and all welcomed JMa to the group. JMa is an active Practice Champion.
GK asked the group to contact LB if there were any amendments or matters arising from the previous minutes.
Item 8 – CW had raised concerns regarding the return of medication to Roos. JCAW reported that our policy on dealing with returned medication has been reviewed and that we have clarified to staff our protocol. Ideally medications not issued by SHMP should be returned to the issuing chemist for disposal. However, our dispensers have been requested to use their discretion when return of medication follows bereavement. This should prevent any patient difficulties.
2. Healthwatch Report
JCAW provided the group with copies of the recent report received from Healthwatch and a brief discussion on their findings took place. 3. CQC
JCAW advised the group that CQC were due to carry out their inspection on 30 November and 1 December and we were looking forward to welcoming them to the practice. CQC had asked if any of the PRG members could be available to meet on Tuesday 1 December at 2:00 pm.
Those able to attend are
GK and CW may have another commitment but will attend if possible. JM said he could not attend in person but would be happy for CQC to contact him by telephone should they wish to speak with him.
A further document entitled “Shared Weighted Data” was shared with the group which detailed where the practice is in comparison with the national average. In effect it is the “GP Survey” and the figures show we are improving on previous years.
Documents including analysis of the patient survey were shared and this showed the answers to outlier areas for the practice.
“ Intelligent Monitoring Analysis” was another document shared with the group. Figures contained within that document show that our flu uptake was low but showed a real improvement over previous years. JCAW reported that this year’s campaign was on track to match last years.
RW still had concerns about some same day appointments not being released until 1:00 pm. GDH explained the reasons why this had been done previously but advised that this had been reviewed recently and was no longer happening.
RW was also concerned that although he had been very happy with the same day service, when he tried to book an appointment with his preferred GP he had a 4 week wait for an appointment. JCAW explained that we have one salaried GP on maternity leave aswell as GP sickness . School holidays can also exacerbate the problem. JCAW said it should also be noted that the GPs have other duties besides holding surgery clinics such as gynae clinics, overseeing the acute service and minor surgery etc. which adds to the problem of obtaining a named GP pre-bookable appointment. In addition our GPs cover three sites. JCAW then shared an overview of the presentation we intended to show CQC. Contained within the presentation was a reference to WebGP and JCAW suggested the group google it and see how it works. It is a way of obtaining clinical advice online from your surgery.
Discussion around whether pre-ops can be done at Withernsea Hospital – JCAW advised that this is currently being queried by Withernsea Forward Group but there are difficulties and this needs input from secondary care, namely HEYH..
4. GK asked the group if they would like to nominate a Vice Chair, all agreed it was a good idea GK nominated JM and JCAW seconded the motion. JM happily accepted his new position.
5. Any other business
JMa advised that the first Diabetes Self Help Group Meeting will be taking place in February 2016
RW may still be in the area for the next meeting – if he is he would be delighted to attend on 14 January (LB to ensure invitation is sent).
It was agreed that meetings should continue on Thursdays at 6pm
Date of the next meeting Thursday 14th January 2016 at 6:00 pm