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Union Grove High School Introduction to Business & Technology Course Syllabus
INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Guined ROOM #: 407 YEAR: 2015 – 2016
TEACHER EMAIL: [email protected] ** Best method of contact!
COURSE NAME: Introduction to Business & Technology
TEXTBOOKS USED: Introduction to Business (class set – stays in classroom)
TEACHER WEBSITE: http://schoolwires.henry.k12.ga.us/Domain/8457
MATERIALS NEEDED: Pen or pencil Flash Drive ~ at least 2 GB (not a San Disk Cruzer) Notebook (to keep graded Headphones work in)
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Introduction to Business & Technology is the foundational course for the Entrepreneurship pathway. The course provides an overview of business and technology skills required for today's business environment. Knowledge of business principles, the impact of financial decisions, and technology proficiencies demanded by business combine to establish the elements of this course. Emphasis is placed on developing proficient fundamental computer skills required for all career pathways. Students will learn essentials for working in a business environment, managing a business, and owning a business. The intention of this course is to prepare students to be successful both personally and professionally in an information-based society. Students will not only understand the concepts, but apply their knowledge to situations and defend their actions/decisions/choices through the knowledge and skills acquired in this course. Employability skills are integrated into activities, tasks, and projects throughout the course standards to demonstrate the skills required by business and industry. Competencies in the co-curricular student organization, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), are integral components of both the employability skills standards and content standards for this course.
Various forms of technologies will be highlighted to expose students to the emerging technologies impacting the business world. Professional communication skills and practices, problem-solving, ethical and legal issues, and the impact of effective presentation skills are taught in this course as a foundational knowledge to prepare students to be college and career ready. Introduction to Business & Technology is a course that is appropriate for all high school students.
TOPICS COVERED: Accounting Insurance Career Exploration and Job Acquisition Process Introduction to Technology Economics Introduction to the World of Marketing Effective Communication Skills Leadership and Management Entrepreneurship and Business Ownership Money Management Basics Ethics Personal Finances Human Resources Risk Management Word Processing Applications
FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS OF AMERICA (FBLA): FBLA is a co-curricular student organization in business that promotes leadership, career planning, community service, and social networking. Dues are $28. Membership includes local, state, and national dues, a club t-shirt, and Tomorrow’s Business Leader (quarterly publication). Membership is strongly encouraged for all students enrolled in this course.
DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES: Behavior detrimental to learning will not be tolerated. This includes outbursts in class, inappropriate comments toward anyone, or any behavior, which the instructor deems as inappropriate. Please review both the Classroom Rules Handout, as well as the Code of Ethics Handout. Students should also abide by all rules stated in the Henry County Schools Student Handbook.
4-STEP DISCIPLINE PLAN: 1. First Offense- Teacher initiates the write-up form. The offense is documented, and the teacher confers with the student to correct the behavior. 2. Second Offense- Teacher documents the offense and calls the parent, documenting the date, time, and brief review of the call on the write-up form. 3. Third Offense- Teacher assigns a school detention or optional assignment. The detention is held by the individual teacher, lasting no more than one hour. 4. Fourth Offense- Teacher refers the student to the assistant principal.
MAKE-UP WORK POLICY: It is the student’s responsibility, not the teacher’s, to make arrangements for make-up work. Students are allowed to make up work for excused absences only, and it is their responsibility to get make-up work the first day they return. For each day that a student is absent, he or she has the same number of days to complete make up work. Assignments missed due to unexcused absences will result in a zero (0). Any student receiving out of school suspension (OSS) will have the same number of days they were assigned to make up their missed work from being out due to their suspension. Those days will start the day they return from their suspension. The only difference is if a student was assigned two days of OSS, they will have three days to complete the work. NO EXCEPTIONS, unless a disciplinary hearing is pending. Make-up work can be found for all students on the “make-up work calendar”; this calendar’s link is located on the left side of the teacher web page. ** After two weeks, work will not be accepted! Please be ready to expect penalties on all late work!
INTERNET USAGE IN CLASS SETTING: In order to enhance student learning, students will use the Internet almost daily as a resource tool for this class. While in a business lab, students will comply with all Henry County Schools guidelines. Failure to follow county mandated guidelines will result in punishment that ranges from loss of privileges to an administrative referral. All students and parents are required to sign the Computer Code of Ethics prior to a student using the Internet. Students should not play “games” or watch “videos” online or try to attempt to get on any form of social media site(s), unless instructed to do so. If you attempt this, please be prepared to pay the consequences!
ELECTRONIC DEVICE USAGE IN CLASS SETTING: Students should turn off and put away ALL electronics when crossing the threshold into the classroom. There will be times that we will use cell phones/electronics in the classroom for educational purposes; the instructor will let the students know when that is. (There will be a sign on the board each day letting the students know whether we will be using technology for that day or not.) Unless the instructor specifically states to get out cell phones/electronics, students should assume there will be no cell phone/electronic use for that day and these items should be put away completely (in backpack, purse, etc.). If a student is using cell phones/electronics without instructor permission, the student will face consequences as stated in the Union Grove Student Handbook. GRADING (All grades are calculated through Infinite Campus):
Cumulative Average 80% Formative Assessments (Daily work, quizzes, practice and application) 40% The midterm, formative and summative Summative Assessments assessments equal 100%, but fall under the (Major tests and projects) 50% category of “Cumulative Average” which is 80% of the Course Final Average. Midterm (given in December) 10%
Final Exam (given in May) 20%
Course Final Average 100%
COMMUNICATION WITH THE TEACHER: If you have academic or behavior concerns/questions regarding your student, please contact Courtney Guined at [email protected]. The best way to get in touch with Mrs. Guined (and the quickest way to get a response) is through email.
EXPECTATIONS FOR ACADEMIC SUCCESS: 1) Complete daily classwork assignments 6) Check your grades on Infinite Campus – daily! 2) Participate in class discussions / ask questions 7) Keep on top of work missed from absences – 3) Participate constructively as a team member check the makeup work calendar (online) as soon as 4) Problem solve and accept challenges you can! 5) Challenge yourself to continuously improve ______TEACHERStudent Printed COMMENTS: Name Student Signature Date Students in this class will be taking part in the Mock Interviews/ Career Unit held in November.
______Parent Printed Name Parent Signature Date Return only this bottom portion to Mrs. Guined. The rest ______of the syllabus needs to go in the front______of your notebook! Parent E-Mail Address Best Contact Number
I have read and understand all of the objectives, requirements, and expectations for ClassIntroduction Period: ______to Business and Technology.
**Please feel free to email me anytime, even if you just want to introduce yourselves! [email protected]