Week 4 Assignment: Model Classroom

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Week 4 Assignment: Model Classroom

EDLD 5362 Informational Systems Management Kristin Bryan ET8039

Week 4 Assignment: Model Classroom

Overview In this assignment, after reading the Horizons Report 2011 K-12 Edition and watching a video, you will create a blueprint for a model classroom that should exist in five years. This paper must be uploaded to EPIC so it can be graded.

This paper also MUST be uploaded to TK20 in order to receive full credit for this course.

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Rubric Use the following rubric to guide your work.

Tasks Exemplary Satisfactory Needs Unsatisfact ê Improvement ory

Academic Ample evidence is Some evidence is Little evidence is No evidence. Rigor presented presented presented (0 points) demonstrating how demonstrating how demonstrating the technological the technological how the components (i.e. components (i.e. technological software) of this software) of this components (i.e. model classroom model classroom software) of this challenges will somewhat model classroom students through academically academically use of all of the challenge students, challenges following: using only one of students, and scaffolding, the following: does not use research-based scaffolding, scaffolding, inquiry methods, research-based research-based pacing, high-order inquiry methods, inquiry methods, thinking skills, and pacing, high-order pacing, high-order differentiated thinking skills, and thinking skills, or instruction. differentiated differentiated (Max. of 4 pts) instruction. instruction. (Max. of 3 pts) (Max. of 2 pts)

Interopera Ample evidence is Some evidence is Little evidence is No evidence. bility of presented presented presented Software/ demonstrating the demonstrating the demonstrating the Hardware model classroom’s model classroom’s model classroom’s technological technological technological equipment is equipment is equipment is standardized, will standardized, will standardized, will operate on the operate on the local operate on the local network, and network, and will local network, and will comply with comply with will comply with network standards. network standards. network (Max. of 4 pts) (Max. of 3 pts) standards. (Max. of 2 pts)

Alignment Ample evidence is Some evidence is Little evidence is No evidence. with presented presented presented (0 points) Standards, demonstrating how demonstrating how demonstrating Objectives the technological the technological how the & components of this components of this technological Academic model classroom model classroom components of Disciplines directly target marginally target this model 2009 Lamar University Page 2 of 11 EDLD 5362 Informational Systems Management Kristin Bryan ET8039

identified learning identified learning classroom target goal(s) aligned with goal(s) aligned with identified learning the grade level the grade level goal(s) aligned content standards, content standards, with the grade objectives, and objectives, and level content academic academic standards, disciplines. disciplines. objectives, and (Max. of 4 pts) (Max. of 3 pts) academic disciplines. (Max. of 2 pts)

Alignment Ample evidence is Some evidence is Little evidence is No evidence. with presented presented presented (0 points) District & demonstrating that demonstrating that demonstrating Campus the technological the technological that the Technology components of this components of this technological Plans and model classroom model classroom components of Goals directly align with align with district this model district and campus and campus classroom align technology plans technology plans with district and and goals. and goals. campus (Max. of 4 pts) (Max. of 3 pts) technology plans goals. (Max. of 2 pts)

Authenticit Ample evidence is Some evidence is Little evidence is No evidence. y presented presented presented (0 points) demonstrating the demonstrating the demonstrating the technological technological technological components of this components of this components of model classroom model classroom this model were selected were selected classroom were based on both the based on either the selected based on authentic needs of authentic needs of the authentic the students and the students or the needs of the the authentic teacher, but not students and/or needs of the with consideration the teacher. teachers. for both parties. (Max. of 2 pts) (Max. of 4 pts) (Max. of 3 pts)

Writing Response Response Response No Elements: demonstrates an demonstrates a demonstrates a examination Content in-depth sound examination limited or examination and and adequate examination and understandin thorough understanding of understanding of g of the understanding of the assignment the assignment. assignment. the assignment through the Response is (0 points) through the inclusion of some missing some 2009 Lamar University Page 3 of 11 EDLD 5362 Informational Systems Management Kristin Bryan ET8039

inclusion of all components, and components components, and meets all and/or does not meets or exceeds requirements fully meet the all requirements indicated in the requirements indicated in the instructions. Each indicated in the instructions. Each part of the instructions. part of the assignment is (Max. of 2 pts) assignment is addressed. addressed (Max. of 3 pts) thoroughly. (Max. of 4 pts)

Writing The paper adheres The paper adheres The paper does Does not use Elements: to APA stylistic loosely to APA not adhere to APA APA Style, guidelines. Writing stylistic guidelines. stylistic guidelines. Mechanics, Writing is mostly is clear, concise, guidelines. Writing No thesis. & Grammar and well organized. clear, concise, and is unclear and/or The paper has well organized. The disorganized. The (0 points) sound organization paper has a thesis thesis is weak, and excellent and good sentence/ and sentence/ paragraph sentence/paragrap paragraph construction. h construction is construction. Thoughts are poor. Thoughts Thoughts are expressed in a are not expressed expressed in a coherent and in a logical coherent and logical manner. manner. There are logical manner. There are no more more than five There are no more than five spelling, spelling, grammar, than three spelling, grammar, or syntax or syntax errors grammar, or syntax errors per page of per page of errors per page of writing. writing. writing. (Max. of 3 pts) (Max. of 2 pts) (Max. of 4 pts)

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Directions Read or view the following Web links that you will use as the basis for this assignment: The Horizons Report 2011 K-12 Edition http://www.nmc.org/publications/horizon-report-2011-k- 12-edition Possible Classroom of the Future: http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=QcXEznPXj8k&feature=PlayList&p=4DAA0739CBF70FBC&index=11&playnext=2&playnext_f rom=PL After you have viewed both links, create a blueprint for a model classroom that should exist in five years. Address each of the areas in the Horizons Report – Cloud Computing, Open Content, Game Based Learning, Mobiles, Learning Analytics, and Personal Learning Environments. Your blueprint should be in the form of a discussion paper. Use the following guidelines:  Use the APA Style Guide.  Give your paper a title. Whatever title you choose, it should clearly and concretely reflect the content of your paper.  Double-space your paper and use one-inch margins. Use a 12-point font. Use Times New Roman type. When complete, your review should be at least 500 to 700 words in length. You should have a cover page (APA format) and references page (APA format). Neither of these pages should be used in the word count for your paper.  Include a list of references, on its own page, at the end of the review. Use APA documentation for in-text citations and for the bibliographic citations in the references.  Use a minimum of four research articles, chapters, or books to support your discussion paper.

Your paper is due no later than 11:59 p.m. on the seventh day of Week 4.

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Workspace Write your paper in the expandable box provided.


Model Classroom of the Future: Advancing

Technology in Klein ISD

Kristin S. Bryan

Lamar University

MODEL CLASSROOM OF THE FUTURE 2 2009 Lamar University Page 7 of 11 EDLD 5362 Informational Systems Management Kristin Bryan ET8039

Public education faces more challenges today than ever before but with the advancement in technology we have many new ways to meet those challenges. With the integration of computers into the classroom we are better able to facilitate learning that meets that needs of various learning styles and accommodate numerous special needs. Technology in education can prepare students of today for the world that they will work and live in tomorrow. Our classrooms must change to exemplify the advancements in technology and empower our kids to meet the demands of their future.

This five year goal for Klein ISD stems from the long range goal put into place by the district’s Technology Baseline Standard Initiative (TBSL) of 2004. (Klein ISD, 2004)The TBSL placed Starboard interactive whiteboards, eInstruction student response systems (SRS), document cameras, projectors, and four student networked computers in every elementary classes and secondary core curriculum classes by 2008. The initiative also implemented a one-to- one student to computer program beginning with Vistas High School and Krimmel Intermediate


The model classroom for the future will include multiple interactive whiteboards for group activities, collaborations and interactions. The whiteboards as well as the furniture will be on wheels so that it can be easily moved and regroups for different projects and activities. The whiteboards will also be use in conjunction with the eInstruction SRS. In regards to the SRS,

University of Minnesota (nd) claims, “The benefit for students is an increase in interactivity and


2009 Lamar University Page 8 of 11 EDLD 5362 Informational Systems Management Kristin Bryan ET8039 class participation.” Comfortable seating and moveable tables are important for flexibility in the classroom enabling students to work in various groups and settings.

Students will all be assigned their own tablet computer to use in and out of school for educational purposes. The computers will be touch screen capable and have video camera built in for producing innovative projects. The tablet will come with a stylus and will be have handwriting converters to turn script into typewritten works.

WiFi will be available at all campuses to provide continuous internet access for cloud computing. Li, Lau, Shish and Li (2008) say, “Distributed learning and collaborative learning apply computer and communication technologies to allow students and instructors to participate in learning activities anytime and anywhere.” Software such as an open source learning management system will give the students easy access to their personal calendar that includes all of their classes to view assignments, retrieve and turn in assignments, and check their grades.

Internet access will also allow students research topics and to create new, original works to publish. Game based learning will be incorporated to appropriately engage students in topics of interest. Stimulating and innovative software such as Gizmos for science and math will give students the opportunity to actively use simulations to gain knowledge about many topics.

Other equipment found in the model classroom will include a projector, and documents camera that can be use to view not only documents but also specimens in science and other samples to share with the class. The classroom will be equipped with a sound system that connects to the teacher’s media station for optimal sound throughout the room. The media station


will also be mobile to accommodate various arrangements for working on different projects.

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Maximum flexibility is vital for optimizing course work and content. Video equipment will be set up in the classroom to facilitate distant learning and videoconferencing in addition to the traditional face-to-face classroom setting. Anderson, (2008) says, “it allows teachers and students to engage in the types of classroom teaching and learning activities to which they are accustomed” (p.112).

Most importantly the model classroom will have the infrastructure, technical support, administrative support, network manager support, and professional development training to utilize all of the technology that is available in the classroom.



Anderson, T. (2008). Is videoconferencing the killer app for K-12 distance education? Journal of

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Distance Education, 22(2), 109 – 123.

Klein ISD. (2004) Technology Bond. Retrieved from http://www.kleinisd.net/docs/kisd.techbb.pdf.

Li, Q, Lau, R. , Shih, T., & Li, F. (2008, February). Technology supports for distributed

and collaborative learning over the internet. ACM Trans, International Tech., 8(2), p. 2.

University of Minnesota. (nd). Student response systems. The University of Minnesota Office

of Information Technology. retrieved from

http://www.classroom.umn.edu/support/ support- srs.html.

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