Clerk to Flamstead Parish Council

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Clerk to Flamstead Parish Council


Clerk to the Council Caroline Freer Bridgford End 127 Trowley Hill Road phone: 01582 841346 Flamstead e mail: [email protected] Herts AL3 8DS website:


Number: 2008/1 PRESENT: Clrs: Wright, Taunton, Campbell, Bines, Bates, Morrice Also present: Clerk - Caroline Freer; Ted Alford for Luton Airport APOLOGIES: Clrs Gibson, Cadman, Burke, Humphreys ELECTION OF COUNCILLORS and Responsible Financial Officer: Clr Wright was proposed as Chairman by Clr Campbell and seconded by Clr Bines, all agreed and thanks were given to Clr Wright for all his work; Clr Wright proposed Clr Gibson as vice chairman (in his absence) seconded by Clr Taunton; Clr Wright proposed Caroline Freer as RFO, seconded by Clr Bines. Working Groups were voted in as the same as last year. DECLARATION OF INTEREST ON AGENDA ITEMS: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The March minutes having been previously circulated were agreed by all to be a true record. POLICE REPORT: 12 Mar – 12 Apr 08: 2 thefts from motor vehicle - petrol from truck at truck stop 1 Apr, computer equipment stolen from truck at truck stop 28 Mar; 1 attempted theft at truck stop – petrol from lorry on 3 Apr; 4 traffic accidents: Trowley Hill Rd – 2 vehicles involved, 1 failed to stop, slight injury, 1vehicle left road and was blocking road in Hollybush Lane on 26 Mar, vehicle and motorbike on A5, slight injuries on 9 Apr; 1 antisocial behaviour: Holiday Inn Express – male knocking on doors 28 Mar; 2 criminal damage – smashed windscreen on 15 Mar, door frame on 25 Mar; 3 burglaries – theft of 2 excavators from London Rd on 31 Mar, theft of painted soldiers from dwelling on Chapel Rd, offender possibly known by reporting person on 12 Mar, theft of bread and milk from village shop on 19 Mar; 1 attempted break in at Majestic Trees, nothing stolen; 3 suspicious incidents – truck at truck stop attempting to buy diesel 15 Mar, fire at Grove Farm next to barn on 8 Apr, suspicious van being driven around the truck stop on 11 Apr. POLICE REPORT: 12 April – 12 May 08: 1 theft from motor vehicle – tools from van at Trowley Bottom 16 Apr, drove off in yellow van; 1 traffic accident London Rd, Flamstead no injury, 28 Apr; 2 quad bikes in Friendless Lane and Pickford Rd 26 Apr; 5 burglaries – 2 males with Irish accents stole over £200 in distraction burglary in Trowley Hill Rd on 6 May, £1000 stolen from College Clo on 2 May, theft of scrap metal from Trowley Hill Rd on 30 Apr, theft of painting from house in Chapel Rd on 26 Apr, tools stolen from vehicle parked on drive in Trowley Hill Rd on 17 Apr; 1 attempted break in at a barn on A5, nothing taken 2 May; 1 suspicious incident – 3 males driving around in white Cavalier 7 May, 3 arrests – staged accident on 24 Apr; 1 alarm in Parsons Clo 7 May. Please also be aware that there have been distraction burglaries in Trowley Hill Road, where houses have been ransacked while householder kept talking at front door. You are urged to lock back doors. Consideration given to having a no cold calling zone. MATTERS ARISING: NATS (re implication of changes to flight paths in Hertfordshire) – the consultation period is extended to 19 June. Discussion as to how to encourage electorate to respond to the NATS changes and to set up a petition to support the new proposals. John King to start petition. Clr Taunton said that Parish Council should support it strongly and that we should make our response electronically. Establish if NATS will except a petition as well as signed forms. Action: Ted to contact NATS GULLIES – Highways have reported that the gullies have been cleaned and the broken drain in Singlets Lane will be repaired during summer (not during the scarecrow festival) as road closure applications have to be made. Clerk has been ‘hounding’ Highways to get Friendless Lane repaired, various potholes have been filled but road will be properly refurbished during this financial year. TENNIS COURT: Acrylic surface and line painting to be done shortly, now weather is improving. It will be out of action for 3 weeks. Request made not to wear studs on court and to wipe boots prior to playing on court. Astro turf for outside the court – defer for summer as Pete has put the boot scraper in place and situation will be monitored. Lighting on court – previous costings were over £3,000 and thoughts given to environmental light and noise pollution. Principal users would need to contribute as PC could not fund it all; defer to next meeting. YOUTH PARISH COUNCIL: signatories still need to be established so a financial officer can be appointed to put finances in order. Action: Sam Bray to sort with Rob Gibson. CARE OF ELDERLY: Plan to invite over 50s, plus those with elderly relations in September to a forum where all organisations can come to provide information on services available to the elderly, eg Help the Aged. Clr Taunton suggested contacting County and to invite Markyate and Great Gaddesden. Clr Taunton also suggested that 2 – 8 pm would be a good time. INSURANCE AND ASSET REGISTER: Proposal to use Norwich Union policy for insurance by Clr Taunton, seconded by Clr Campbell. Agreed to put SID on insurance policy. PLAYGROUND: Safety inspection report with Clr Humphreys; defer to next mtg. Action: Clr Humphreys to read report and make recommendations. LOCAL WORKING: Clr Wright discussed minutes from latest Local Working meeting. Key points – Markyate surgery and patient group under Dr Sepai – he wants surgery enlarged although the Trust turned him down. Needs to be reconsidered by NHS trust. Clr Taunton mentioned subject of doctor’s surgery returning to village hall. Clr Bates who has been contacting the various societies and clubs in Flamstead said that this subject is frequently mentioned as a service that they want to see reinstated. Action: Clr Taunton/Wright to raise subject with relevant authority. WORKING GROUPS REPORTS: FIRST RESPONDER – suggested that extra equipment required should be funded was discussed. Await request for financial assistance from Tina Sauvage (who is responsible for the service). ENVIRONMENT/ Verges: We had a healthy response from letters sent to houses which had verges in need of repair. Some people claimed verges damaged by utilities’ vehicles or other neighbours and some people are taking on board the responsibility to repair their verges which is greatly appreciated. ENVIRONMENT/Bollards: The situation in the High Street and Priory Orchard will be monitored during the summer. ENVIRONMENT/Biodiversity: The council would like to acknowledge its responsibility towards biodiversity following receipt of literature on this subject. LIGHTING: 2 lights repaired (Hollybush Lane and Church Rd). Report of light working intermittently on Chapel Rd. Action: Clr Bines to investigate and report to Clerk. COMMUNICATIONS: E mail news list to go in parish magazine and website. Action: Clerk to send advert to Julian Taunton (magazine editor). PARISH PLAN: Meeting to be set for 2 June, Clrs Wright, Taunton, Gibson, Campbell and Cadman. CONCURRENT (SHORTFALL IN FUNDS FROM DBC): Clr Taunton proposed that we strongly complain to Director of Finance as funds from DBC have not increased at all for this financial year and this will have an adverse affect on the village. Anticipated increase was £685. Action: Clerk to write to Director of Finance. CPRE LITTER CAMPAIGN: One way to assist with reduction of fly tipping was suggested and that is to ask builders to provide a certificate of rubbish disposal when they are ‘redistributing’ your rubbish. TRUCK STOP: Manager of truck stop has agreed to put a sign up reminding drivers to secure their brakes to avoid a repeat of the incident when a truck was left unattended and the brakes were released and the truck ended up in the front of the house opposite. Action: Clr Bates to check signs are in place. AFFORDABLE HOUSING: Report still being circulated so defer to next meeting. Action: Clr Wright to ask for DBC’s view on affordable housing and this particular proposal. ACCOUNTS: Read out by Clerk. PLANNING: Ref: 4/00127/08/FHA Old Hall Farm, Gills Hill, Markyate for a first floor extension above existing entrance hall – withdrawn; Ref 4/00420/08/RET Pound Farm, 30 Trowley Hill Rd for a garden wall - refused; Ref 4/01764/07/FUL at land opposite School House Farm, Old Watling St, Markyate for demolition of existing sheds/barns and construction of bungalow and double garage - granted. CORRESPONDENCE: Community Action Dacorum sub for renewal - £22 – proposed by Clr Wright, all agreed. Scout group has made a request for financial help to purchase tents and indoor sports equipment to the value of £1100. Has the scout leader considered hiring the equipment or borrowing it from other scout groups? Clr Taunton made a suggestion that they raise money towards the equipment and the parish council will then match it up to £550. Could the children offer to do odd jobs? Action: Clr Wright to make suggestion to Scout Leader. Letter from Miss Barwell re access in Old Watling Street. Action: Warden to clear path so pedestrians can get past if gate is locked. Also issues regarding planning permission and the state of the repairs to River Hill mentioned. Meeting ended 9.58 pm Chairman 12 May 2008

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