Codebook ECHR Datasets
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Codebook ECHR datasets
1. Case information
Includes basic information on all 7,319 cases until 2006. All information comes from the ECHR’s Hudoc system. The following variables are included: case Unique case identifier Title Title of case Appnr Application Number Importance Importance Level SepOp Is there a separate opinion? Datejudge Date of Judgment RespCount Respondent country, numerical Respondent Respondent State OrigBody Originating Body Docttype Document Type Source External Sources Keywords Keywords Language Language Law Law at Issue Applicability Applicability Published Published in Referred Referred by Represented Represented by Rules Rules of Court Separate Separate Opinions Dateintro Date of Introduction Refdate1 Date of Reference 2. Case Conclusions
Generally there are multiple conclusions within a case. This dataset has the conclusion as the unit of analysis. case Casenumber Index1 Number of conclusion within case Conclusion Conclusion, string outcome Outcome, coded progov Was judgment for the government? Title Title of the case viol Finding of a violation noviol Finding of no violation art2 Does the conclusion involve article 2? art3 Does the conclusion involve article 3? art4 Does the conclusion involve article 4? art5 Does the conclusion involve article 5? art6 Does the conclusion involve article 6, other than 6-1? art61 Does the conclusion involve article 6-1? art7 Does the conclusion involve article 7? art8 Does the conclusion involve article 8? art9 Does the conclusion involve article 9 art10 Does the conclusion involve article 10? art11 Does the conclusion involve article 11? art12 Does the conclusion involve article 12? art13 Does the conclusion involve article 13? art14 Does the conclusion involve article 14? art25 Does the conclusion involve article 25? artP1 Does the conclusion involve article P1? artP4 Does the conclusion involve article P4? artP7 Does the conclusion involve article P7? Distribution of the Outcome variable
Outcome, coded
Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid .00 Missing 5080 18.6 18.6 18.6 1.00 No violation 1612 5.9 5.9 24.5 2.00 Violation 7729 28.3 28.3 52.8 3.00 Government objections to dismiss 743 2.7 2.7 55.5 rejected 4.00 Part of case dismissed 2029 7.4 7.4 62.9 5.00 Just satisfaction 6009 22.0 22.0 84.9 6.00 Just satisfaction rejected 4133 15.1 15.1 100.0 Total 27335 100.0 100.0 Replication data for IO article “The Politics of Judicial Appointments” judgeid2 Proper ID for judges judgecntr Country Name Judge name ifs WorldBankID aspirant Aspirant Member? EU Member EU? independence A. Judicial independence: the judiciary is independent and not subject to interference by the government or parties in disputes. impartial B. Impartial courts: A trusted legal framework exists for private businesses to challenge the legality of government actions or regulation. year year elected Constitutionalreview1995 Constitutional review (1995) Judicialindependence1995 Judicial independence (1995) EUsupport % support-opposition to EU membership lrideo combined left-right ideology score civil Civil Liberties Index Freedom House EUYRS Years member EU weight Regression weight polity Combined Polity Score yearsdem Years Democracy stabdem Stable democracy nodem No democracy transdem Transitionary Democracy leg_origin Legal origin british British legal origin social Socialist legal origin gersca german-Scandinavian legal origin french French legal origin Nvotes Number of contested votes activism MCMC Estimate Activism position Government position towards EU integration, expert surveys lrgen Government left-right position, expert surveys judindVoigt Judicial Independence, Feld and Voigt Data for “What Motivates International Judges?”
This data includes all unanimous and non-unanimous decisions by judges on importance level 1 judgments and all non-identical non-unanimous decisions by judges on importance. The unit of analysis is the judge per issue. Please read the corresponding paper carefully if you wish to work with this data. Please e-mail me with any remaining questions. judgeid2 Proper ID for judges judgenam judgename, as in other datasets Importance Importance Level Datejudge Date of Judgment case Casenumber (links to case documentation) issue Unique issue number Rissue RANK of issue by case Dissent Did judge dissent? govvot Did judge vote in favor of government? progov Majority favors government aq Issue ID (links to dissent file) ifs worldbankid judge ccode cow code judge judgecnt country, judge RespCount respondent country IFSR WorldBankID Respondent ccodeR ccodeRespondent home Whether judge is national and ad hoc judge match Is judge a national? adhoc Is judge an adhoc judge? elected First election date electedn election date, new court elecye_a election year, new court birth birth date elecyear Year of first election biryear Year of birth aspirant aspirant member? euyear year eu membership position government position towards eu integration, expert surveys lrgen government left-right position, expert surveys lrideo combined left-right ideology score reelec1 first reelection year, new court judindvo judicial independence, feld and voigt judind imputed judindvo legor_uk legor_fr legor_so legor_ge legor_sc polity xconst Executive constraints function Main position before access to court academic diplomat judge politici bar independ a. judicial independence: the judiciary is independent and not subject to interf impartia b. impartial courts: a trusted legal framework exists for private businesses to monism monism, feld and voigt constitu constitutional review (1995) judicial judicial independence (1995) formalis formalism scale executiv executive constraints (1960-2000) fh_pr freedom house political rights, 1972-2004 (freedom house 2005) fh_cl freedom house civil liberties, 1972-2004 (freedom house 2005) fhrate freedom house 7-pt rating, 1972-2004 (freedom house 2005) gdp_ppp gdp per capita, ppp (constant 2000 international $) (world bank, wdi 2005) Title Appnr Application Number SepOp Is there a separate opinion? Respondent Respondent State OrigBody Originating Body progovca Is the finding for the government? (in the case as a whole) Nviol Number of violations Nnoviol Number of non-violation findings viol Is there a finding of a violation noviol Is there a finding of no violation govrej Was a government prliminary objection rejected? govacc Was part or all of the case thrown out? article6 Was a determination made on an article 6 violation? article8 article10 article13 article3 P1 Decision other Proportion of non-nationals that voted for government reyear Reelection year judge redate Approximate reelection date redays firstterm lastyear year year pf judgment time Activism Latest Estimate Activism nonatdis s3uni AFFINITY - s3un, with 1964 values interpolated tradeper Trade percentage with with respondent government COUNTRY Country scode Country string code FH_PRR Freedom House Political Rights, 1972-2004 (Freedom House 2005) FH_CLR Freedom House Civil Liberties, 1972-2004 (Freedom House 2005) fhrateR Freedom House 7-pt Rating, 1972-2004 (Freedom House 2005) GDP_PPPR GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2000 international $) (World Bank, WDI 2005) legor_ukR legor_frR legor_soR legor_geR legor_scR Ngovvot Number of votes for government NTOTAL Number of total votes otherv Proportion of votes for government Case law
For each case, has the case-law that is cited in the judgment. Usually, each case has multiple entries. The case identification number