John Douglas Glenton Watson

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John Douglas Glenton Watson


DATE OF BIRTH 27th April, 1955

MARITAL STATUS Married Four sons

UNIVERSITY EDUCATION 1973-83 M.B., B.S. Course, Sydney University 1975-76 B.Sc. research, Department of Physiology, University of Sydney, (Prof W Burke) 1977-81 D.Phil. research, Department of Physiology, Oxford University, (Prof PBC Matthews)

DEGREES AND DIPLOMAS 1977 B.Sc. (Hons I) Sydney University 1981 D.Phil. Oxford University 1984 M.B., B.S. (Hons I) Sydney University 1990 FRACP Royal Australasian College of Physicians

AWARDS 1974 National Heart Foundation Vacation Scholarship, Kanematsu Institute, Sydney Hospital 1977 Rhodes Scholarship for NSW 1983 Tapping Bequest Grant, School of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of NSW 1990 Norman Rose Travelling Scholarship, Sydney Hospital

MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES Royal Australasian College of Physicians Australian Association of Neurologists Stroke Society of Australasia Movement Disorder Society of Australia Epilepsy Society of Australia

PRESENT APPOINTMENTS Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Sydney Director, Neurology and Stroke Service, Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai Hospital, Sydney Neurologist, Sydney Adventist Hospital, Wahroonga, Sydney Visiting Fellow, Howard Florey Institute, University of Melbourne 1 Shaw Fellow, Trinity College, University of Melbourne

PREVIOUS PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS 1984-86 Intern, RMO I, RMO II, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital 1987-88 Medical Registrar, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital 1989-90 Neurology Registrar, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital 1990-91 Lecturer and Senior Registrar in Neurology, Institute of Neurology, Queen Square and Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital, London 1991-93 Postdoctoral Fellow, Wellcome Trust grant, Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, University College, London and the MRC Cyclotron Unit, Hammersmith Hospital 1991-93 Honorary Clinical Assistant, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London 1991-93 Honorary Senior Registrar, Neurology Unit, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital, London 1993-2004 Clinical Academic Neurologist; Director, Neuropsychology Unit, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney

EDITORIAL DUTIES Articles and manuscripts reviewed for Audiology and Neuro-Otology Blackwell Scientific Publications Brain Human Brain Mapping Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Journal of Clinical Neuroscience Journal of Neurology Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry Journal of Physiology Nature Neuroimage Neurology Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics Psychophysiology

GRANT AND RESEARCH APPLICATION REVIEWING National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia Australian Research Council Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists ANZAC Health and Medical Research Foundation New Zealand Neurological Foundation 2 Belgian National Research Council Clive and Vera Ramaciotti Foundations Apex Foundation for Research into Intellectual Disability Royal Children’s Hospital (Melbourne) Research Foundation Human Frontier Science Program Foundation Northern Medical Research Foundation, Sydney Sylvia & Charles Viertel Charitable Foundation Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Clinical Trial Sub-Committee

NATIONAL HEALTH AND MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 1997 Member, Regional Grants Interviewing Committee 1999 Member, Discipline Panel, Neurology and Psychiatry 2000 Member, Discipline Panel, Neurology 2005- Member, Post-coma Unresponsiveness (Persistent Vegetative State) Management Working Party

RESEARCH STUDENT SUPERVISION 1994.96 DV Nguyen: Outcomes after subarachnoid haemorrhage, MMed awarded, Sydney University 1994-97 D Caine: Neuropsychological effects of hypoxic brain damage, PhD awarded, Sydney University 1997-2001 N Breen: Misidentification syndromes, PhD awarded, Macquarie University (Associate Supervisor) 1998-2002 I Harris: Functional imaging and cognitive studies of the human parietal lobe, PhD awarded, Sydney University 1999-2003 N Walters: Functional imaging studies of the human occipital and parietal lobes, PhD awarded, Sydney University 1999-2004 K Podzebenko: Functional imaging studies of the human occipital and parietal lobes, PhD awarded, Sydney University

THESIS EXAMINING University of Sydney University of Melbourne

ACADEMIC VISITOR Royal Adelaide Hospital, Nimmo Visitor, November-December 1998

3 PUBLIC, MEDIA, MEDICOLEGAL AND CONSULTANCY ACTIVITIES 1993 Provision of House of Representatives briefing document on acquired brain injury (Hansard, 16 Dec 1993, pp. 4190-4193) 1994- Provision of general medicolegal opinion, particularly in cases of acquired cognitive dysfunction 1994-96 Appeared as expert witness for the Attorney-General of Hong Kong in R. v George Tan, Rais bin Saniman and others (a hearing on the principal defendant’s fitness to stand trial over the Carrian property companies crash) 1990- Provision of media briefings, comments and interviews on neurological topics 1997 Evidence to NSW Legislative Council Standing Committee on Social Issues, on proposed changes to the Guardianship Act 1998 International advisory panel for Prosynap (Lubeluzole), Janssen-Cilag 1998- Regular commentator on neurological topics, ABC Radio 2BL, Sydney 1998 Provision of a major commentary on the Australian Research Council’s discussion paper on a code of ethics for human research, and also comments on the NHMRC’s revised statements on human research 2000 Expert witness in Hong Kong in R v Lee Ming Tee (a major trial concerning the defendant's cognitive fitness to plead) 2005 Invited speaker, University of NSW, Centre for Continuing Legal Education: Wills and Testamentary Capacity

COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP AND OTHER ACTIVITIES SYDNEY UNIVERSITY Human Ethics Committee 1994-98 Member 1995-98 Chair 2004- Chair Academic Board 1975-77 Undergraduate Member 1975 Member, Standing Committee

Faculty of Medicine 1996-97 Chair, Medicine VI Curriculum Committee 1996-98 Member, Basic and Clinical Sciences Theme Committee, Graduate Medical Program (GMP) 1995-98 Co-chair, Neuroscience Vision and Behaviour Block, GMP 1993-95 Co-chair, Neuroscience Planning Committee, GMP 1975-77 Undergraduate Member

4 AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION OF NEUROLOGISTS 1994- Member, Behavioural Neurology Subcommittee 1996-1998 Chair, Behavioural Neurology Subcommittee 1998-2001 Member, Practice Guidelines Subcommittee

AUSTRALIAN BRAIN FOUNDATION 1998-2001 Scientific Committee Member, NSW Branch

RESEARCH Since 1990 my major research interest has been in the specialised functions of the human brain, particularly the visual system, and more recently language function and the functions of the parietal lobe. Most of this has been carried out by means of the functional imaging technique of positron emission tomography (PET), and high resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), in which I gained experience during a post-doctoral fellowship in London.

Since returning to Australia I have established collaborations with a number of researchers in Sydney and Melbourne, and have won grants to carry out PET and functional MRI scanning experiments and acquire the computers and software necessary to analyse the data. I oversaw the growth of the Neuropsychology Unit at RPAH so that it could undertake basic and clinical research on human brain function, in addition to its routine clinical commitments. I have successfully supervised six postgraduate students, five for a PhD and one for a MMed.

I also have a clinical research interest in stroke, and have participated in a number of international trials of agents that are designed to limit the amount of brain damage after a stroke, or to reduce the chances of subsequent strokes.

Current research interest Cerebral cortex structure and function: the use of high resolution MR scans, PET studies and histological methods to determine the structure-function of human cerebral cortex. Collaboration Dr GF Egan, Howard Florey Institute. Funded by the NHMRC and Australian Brain Foundation.

Previous research projects Frontal lobe function in health and schizophrenia: a PET, behavioural and event related potential study of attention and working memory. Collaborator on project with Dr BT O’Sullivan, Dr DK Kavanagh, University of Sydney and Associate Professor PT Michie, University of Western Australia. Funded principally by the NHMRC, with support from the Ramaciotti Foundations.

Hypoxic and hypotensive brain damage: Ms Caine’s PhD project examined the patterns of cognitive dysfunction after recovery from events such as cardiac arrests. Joint supervision with Professor Max Coltheart. Funded by Northern Sydney Area Health Service and University of Sydney Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme. 5 Outcome from subarachnoid haemorrhage: Dr DV Nguyen’s MMed. project evaluated the outcome of all patients treated for subarachnoid haemorrhage at RPAH in the 16 months from December 1994. Collaboration with Ms N Breen, Ms D Caine, Dr LA Miller and Mr M Besser, RPAH. Funded by AusAID Scholarship Scheme, and Postgraduate Research Support, Department of Medicine, University of Sydney.

Language processing in the brain: a PET study of cerebral areas involved in the recognition of written words. Principal collaborators are Prof Max Coltheart, Macquarie University, Dr BT O’Sullivan, RPAH, and Dr GF Egan, Austin and Repatriation Medical Centre, Melbourne. Funded principally by the NHMRC, with support from the Australian Brain Foundation, the Ramaciotti Foundations and the University of Sydney Research Grant Scheme.

Perception of visual motion and visual symmetry: PET studies of occipital cortex responses to complex patterns of visual motion, and of symmetrical visual stimuli. Collaboration with Professor P Wenderoth, Macquarie University and Dr GF Egan, Howard Florey Institute. Funded by the Macquarie University Research Grant Scheme and the Australian Research Council.

Visual motion processing in the human visual cortex: a PET study of the human brain areas that are involved in the processing of different types of motion stimuli constructed from patterns of small dots that have variable tendencies to move in register with each other, leading to the effect known as global motion. Collaboration with Professor D Badcock, University of Western Australia and Dr GF Egan, Howard Florey Institute. Funded by the Australian Research Council.

PUBLICATIONS Original articles 1 Matthews PBC and Watson JDG (1981) Action of vibration on the response of cat muscle spindle Ia afferents to low frequency sinusoidal stretching. J Physiol 317, 365-381

2 Matthews PBC and Watson JDG (1981) Effect of vibrating agonist or antagonist muscle on the reflex response to sinusoidal displacement of the human forearm. J Physiol 321, 297-316

3 Watson JDG, Colebatch JG, McCloskey DI (1984) Effect of externally imposed elastic loads on the ability to estimate position and force. Behav Brain Res 13, 267-271

4 Watson JDG, Gibson J, Joshua DE, Kronenberg H (1991) Aseptic meningitis associated with high dose intravenous immunoglobulin therapy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 54, 275-276

5 Zeki S, Watson JDG, Lueck CJ, Friston KJ, Kennard C, Frackowiak RSJ (1991) A direct 6 demonstration of functional specialization in human visual cortex. J Neurosci 11, 641-649

6 Burn DJ, Watson JDG, Roddie M, Chu AC, Legg NJ, Frackowiak RSJ (1992) Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis and the nervous system. J Neurol 239, 345-350

7 Watson JDG, Myers R, Frackowiak RSJ, Hajnal JV, Woods RP, Mazziotta JC, Shipp S, Zeki S (1993) Area V5 of the human brain: evidence from a combined study using positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Cerebral Cortex 3, 79-94

8 Watson JDG, Shnier RC, Seale JP (1993) Central nervous system tuberculosis in Australia: a report of 22 cases. Med J Aust 158, 408-413

9 Zeki S, Watson JDG, Frackowiak RSJ (1993) Going beyond the information given: the relationship of illusory visual motion to brain activity. Proc R Soc B 252, 215-222

10 Barbur JL, Watson JDG, Frackowiak RSJ, Zeki S (1993) Conscious visual perception without V1. Brain 116, 1293-1302

11 Derbyshire SWG, Jones AKP, Devani P, Friston KJ, Feinmann C, Harris M, Pearce S, Watson JDG, Frackowiak RSJ (1994) Cerebral responses to pain in patients with atypical facial pain measured by positron emission tomography. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 57, 1166-1172

12 Smith T, Tong C, Lammertsma AA, Butler KR, Schnorr L, Watson JDG, Ramsay S, Clark JC, Jones T (1994) Dosimetry of intravenously administered 15O-labelled water in man: a model based on experimental human data from 21 subjects. Eur J Nucl Med 21, 1126- 1134

13 Price CJ, Wise RJS, Watson JDG, Patterson K, Howard D, Frackowiak RSJ (1994) Brain activity during reading: the effects of exposure duration and task. Brain 117, 1255-1270

14 Corfield DR, Fink GR, Ramsay SC, Murphy K, Harty HR, Watson JDG, Adams L, Frackowiak RSJ, Guz A (1995) Evidence for limbic system activation during CO2- stimulated breathing in man. J Physiol 488.1, 77-84

15 Fink GR, Adams L, Watson JDG, Innes JA, Wuyam B, Kobayashi I, Corfield DR, Murphy K, Jones T, Frackowiak RSJ, Guz A (1995) Hyperpnoea during and immediately after exercise in man: evidence of motor cortical involvement. J Physiol 489.3, 663-675

16 Paulesu E, Harrison J, Baron-Cohen S, Watson JDG, Goldstein L, Heather J, Frackowiak RSJ, Frith CD (1995) The physiology of coloured hearing. A positron emission 7 tomography activation study of colour-word synaesthesia. Brain 118, 661-676

17 Shipp S, Watson JDG, Frackowiak RSJ, Zeki S (1995) Retinotopic maps in human prestriate visual cortex: the demarcation of areas V2 and V3. Neuroimage 2, 125-132

18 Holmes AP, Blair RC, Watson JDG, Ford I (1996) Non-parametric analysis of statistic images from functional mapping experiments. J cereb Blood Flow Metabol 16, 7-22

19 McKeefry DJ, Watson JDG, Frackowiak RSJ, Fong K, Zeki S (1997) The activity in human areas V1/V2, V3, and V5 during the perception of coherent and incoherent motion. Neuroimage 5, 1-12

20 Woods RP, Grafton ST, Watson JDG, Sicotte NL, Mazziotta JC (1998) Automated image registration: II Intersubject validation of linear and nonlinear models. J Computer Assisted Tomography 22, 155-165

21 The long-term intervention with pravastatin in ischaemic disease (LIPID) study group (1998) Prevention of cardiovascular events and death with pravastatin in patients with coronary heart disease and a broad range of initial cholesterol levels. N Engl J Med 339, 1349-1357

22 Holmes AP, Watson JDG, Nichols TE (1998) Holmes and Watson on ‘Sherlock.’ [Letter] J cereb Blood Flow Metabol 18, 697

23 Gandevia SC, Wright MM, McKeown T, Briody G, Watson JD (1998) Should there be an accredited ethics committee system for centralised review of multicentre clinical research? [letter] Med J Aust 169, 285

24 Wenderoth P, Watson JDG, Egan GF, Tochon-Danguy HJ, O’Keefe GJ (1999) Second order components of moving plaids activate extrastriate cortex: a positron emission tomography study. Neuroimage 9, 227-234

25 Harris IM, Egan GF, Sonkkila C, Tochon-Danguy HJ, Paxinos G, Watson JDG (2000) Selective right parietal lobe activation during mental rotation: a parametric PET study. Brain 123, 65-73

26 Caine D, Watson JDG (2000) Neuropsychological and neuropathological sequelae of cerebral anoxia: a critical review. J int Neuropsychological Soc 6, 86-99

27 Saw VPJ, Canty PA, Green CM, Briggs RJ, Cremer PD, Harrisberg B, McCluskey P, O’Day J, Paine M, Wakefield D, Watson JDG (2000) Susac syndrome: microangiopathy 8 of the retina, cochlea and brain. Clin Exptl Ophthalmol 28, 373-381

28 Cowell SF, Egan GF, Code C, Harasty J, Watson JDG (2000) The functional anatomy of simple calculation: a parametric PET activation study. Neuroimage 12, 565-573

29 White HD, Simes RJ, Anderson NE, Hankey GJ, Watson JD, Hunt D, Colquhoun DM, Glasziou P, MacMahon S, Kirby AC, West MJ, Tonkin AM Pravastatin therapy and the risk of stroke. New England Journal of Medicine 343, 317-326

30 Miller LA, Caine D, Harding A, Thompson EM, Large M, Watson JDG Right medial thalamic lesion causes isolated retrograde amnesia. Neuropsychologia 39, 1037-1046

31 PROGRESS Collaborative Group (2001) Randomised trial of a perindopril-based blood- pressure-lowering regimen among 6105 individuals with previous stroke or transient ischaemic attack. Lancet 358, 1033-1041

32 Podzebenko K, Egan GF, Watson JDG (2002) Widespread dorsal stream activation during a parametric mental rotation task, revealed with functional magnetic resonance imaging. Neuroimage 15, 547-558

33 Sader MA, Miller LA, Caine D, McCredie RJ, Corr MJ, Robertson M, Watson JDG, Celermajer DS (2002) Neuropsychological and psychiatric outcomes following coronary surgery or angioplasty: a comparative study. Heart, Lung and Circulation 11, 95-101

34 West MJ, White HD, Simes RJ, Kirby A, Watson JD, Anderson, NE, Hankey GJ (2002) Wonders S, Hunt D, Tonkin A. Risk factors for non-haemorrhagic stroke in patients with coronary heart disease and the effect of lipid modifying therapy with pravastatin. Journal of Hypertension 20, 2513-2517

35 Sutton IJ, Barnett MH, Watson JDG, Ell JJ, Dalmau J (2002) Paraneoplastic brainstem encephalitis and anti-Ri antibodies. Journal of Neurology 249, 1597-1598

36 Walters NB, Egan GF, Kril JJ, Kean M, Waley P, Jenkinson M, Watson JDG (2003) In vivo identification of human cortical areas using high-resolution MRI: An approach to cerebral structure–function correlation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 100, 2981-2986

37 Miller LA, Caine D, Watson JDG (2003) A role for the thalamus in memory for unique entities Neurocase 9, 504-514

38 Shaw ME, Strother SC, Gavrilescu M, Podzebenko K, Waites A, Watson J, Anderson J, 9 Jackson G, Egan G (2003) Evaluating subject specific preprocessing choices in multisubject fMRI data sets using data-driven performance metrics. Neuroimage 19, 988- 1001

39 Podzebenko K, Egan GF, Watson JD (2005) Real and imaginary rotary motion processing: functional parcellation of the human parietal lobe revealed by fMRI. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 17, 24-36

40 Eickhoff S, Walters NB, Schleicher A, Kril J, Egan GF, Zilles K, Watson JDG, Amunts K (2005) High-resolution MRI reflects myelo- and cytoarchitecture of human cerebral cortex. Human Brain Mapping 24, 206-215

41 Walters NB, Eickhoff S, Schleicher A, Zilles K, Amunts K, Egan GF, Watson JDG (2007) Observer-independent analysis of high-resolution MR images of the human cerebral cortex: in vivo delineation of cortical areas. Human Brain Mapping 28: 1-8

Book chapters 1 Watson JDG, Frackowiak RSJ, Zeki S (1993) Functional separation of colour and motion centres in human visual cortex. Wenner-Gren Center International Symposium 61, Functional organization of the human visual cortex, eds Gulyas B, Ottoson D, Roland PE. Oxford: Pergamon, pp. 317-328

2 Watson JDG (1994) Intersubject comparison of PET activation data by MRI matching. Functional neuroimaging: technical foundations, eds Thatcher RW, Hallett M, Zeffiro T, John ER, Huerta M. San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 191-199

3 Egan GF, O’Keefe GJ, Barnes DG, Watson JDG, O’Sullivan BT, Tochon-Danguy HJ, Meikle SR (1996) Dynamic imaging of a PET activation experiment: do rCBF changes persist after an activation paradigm? Quantification in brain function using PET, eds Jones T, Myers R, Cunningham VJ, Bailey DL. San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 415-420

4 Watson JDG (2000) The human visual system. Brain Mapping: The Systems, eds Toga A, Mazziotta, J. San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 263-289

5 Terpening Z, Watson JDG (2007) Higher Visuoperceptual Disorders and Disorders of Spatial Cognition. Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience, ed Schapira AH. Philadelphia: Elsevier, in press

Invited articles († refereed) 10 1 Watson JDG (1991) The current state of positron emission tomography. Br J Hosp Med 46, 163-166

2 Watson JDG, Kril JJ, Lennane KJ (1995) Neurological, neuropathological and psychiatric aspects of alcoholism. Medicine 22(3), 61-65

3 Watson JDG (1995) Functional imaging of the human visual system. Seminars in the Neurosciences 7, 149-156

4 Watson JDG (1996) Functional imaging studies of human visual cortex. Proc Aust Physiol Pharmacol Soc 27, 62-68

5† Watson JDG (1996) How to investigate the patient with ataxia. Modern Medicine of Australia 39(6), 139-142

6† Watson JDG (1996) Functional imaging studies of human visual cortex. Clinical Expl Pharmacol Physiol 23, 926-930

7† Watson JDG (1997) Images of the working brain: understanding human brain function with positron emission tomography. J Neurosci Methods 74, 245-256

8† Watson JDG (2001) How to treat ataxia. Australian Doctor 2 Feb, S1-8

9† Watson JDG (2001) Disorders of memory and intellect. Med J Aust 175, 433-439

Published abstracts 1 O’Sullivan BT, Watson JDG, Burke W (1976) Nerve pathways concerned with inhibition in the lateral geniculate nucleus. Proc Aust Physiol Pharmacol Soc 7, 47P

2 Matthews PBC, Muir RB, Watson JDG (1979) Effect of vibration on the mechanical resistance of the human forearm to small imposed sinusoidal movements. J Physiol 296, 16-17P

3 Watson JDG, Spies JM, McLeod JG (1990) Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. A review of 74 patients. Aust NZ J Med 21 (Suppl 1), 178

4 Spies JM, Watson JDG, McLeod JG (1990) Guillain-Barré syndrome. A review of 84 cases. Aust NZ J Med 21 (Suppl 1), 183

5 Watson JDG, Lueck CJ, Zeki S, Friston KJ, Kennard C, Frackowiak RSJ (1991) 11 Identification of the visual motion area (V5) in humans. Neurology 41 (Suppl 1), 186

6 Watson JDG, Lueck CJ, Zeki S, Friston KJ, Kennard C, Frackowiak RSJ (1991) Visual motion centres (V5) in man. J cereb Blood Flow Metabol 11 (Suppl 2), S4

7 Watson JDG, Shipp S, Frackowiak RSJ, Zeki S (1992) Area V5 of human visual cortex identified in individuals using PET and magnetic resonance imaging. Soc Neurosci Abstr 18, 1394

8 Jones T, Bailey DL, Watson JDG, Schnorr L, Frackowiak RSJ (1993) 3D PET rCBF 15 activation studies using H2 O. J cereb Blood Flow Metabol 13 (Suppl 1), S501

9 Watson JDG, Coltheart M, O’Keefe GJ, O’Sullivan BT, Egan GF, Tochon-Danguy HJ, Barrett NA, Large M, Berlangieri SU, Miekle SR (1995) A novel word recognition experiment performed identically in two PET centres. J cereb Blood Flow Metabol 15 (Suppl 1), S51

10 O’Sullivan BT, Barrett NA, Large M, Karayanidis F, Michie PT, Watson JDG (1995) The role of the human prefrontal cortex in working memory and attention - a study using positron emission tomography. J cereb Blood Flow Metabol 15 (Suppl 1), S844

11 Fink GR, Adams L, Watson JDG, Wuyam B, Innes JA, Kobayashi I, Corfield DR, Murphy K, Jones T, Guz A, Frackowiak RSJ (1995) Hyperpnoea after exercise: evidence for involvement of supra-brainstem structures in the control of breathing in man. J cereb Blood Flow Metabol 15 (Suppl 1), S869

12 Egan GF, O’Keefe GJ, Barnes DG, Watson JDG, O’Sullivan BT, Tochon-Danguy HJ, Meikle SR (1995) Dynamic imaging of a PET activation experiment: do rCBF changes persist after an activation paradigm? Neuroimage 2 (Suppl 1), S90

13 Watson JDG, Coltheart M, O’Keefe GJ, O’Sullivan BT, Egan GF, Tochon-Danguy HJ, Barrett NA, Large M, Berlangieri SU, Meikle SR (1995) An identical experiment performed in two PET centres: implications for the comparison of brain mapping results. Human Brain Mapping 1 (Suppl 1), S223

14 Egan GF, O’Keefe GJ, Sonkkila C, Watson JDG, Coltheart M (1996) Duration of rCBF changes in a PET activation experiment: when to re-infuse? Neuroimage 3 (Suppl 1), S20

15 McKeefry DJ, Watson JDG, Frackowiak RSJ, Zeki S (1996) Activity in human areas V1/V2, V3 and V5 during the perception of coherent and incoherent motion. Neuroimage 3 (Suppl 1), S289 12 16 Wenderoth P, Watson JDG, Egan GF, Tochon-Danguy HJ (1996) Mapping extrastriate motion processing using PET. Neuroimage 3 (Suppl 1), S301

17 O’Sullivan BT, Large MM, Woodham BL, Barrett NA, Smith GL, Karayanidis F, Michie PT, Watson JD, Kavanagh DJ (1996) The role of the human prefrontal cortex in working memory and attention - a study using positron emission tomography. Neuroimage 3 (Suppl 1), S503

18 O’Sullivan BT, Woodham BL, Large MM, Smith GL, Barrett NA, Michie PT, Watson JD (1997) Functional neuroanatomy of working memory and attention in health and schizophrenia. Neuroimage 5 (Suppl 2), S26

19 Woodham BL, O’Sullivan BT, Davey DF, Large MM, Smith GL, Kavanagh DJ, Watson JDG, Michie PT, Karayanidis F (1997) Patterns of brain activation are different in schizophrenia: a matched comparative PET study of attentional processes. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 23, 1406

20 White HD, Simes RJ, Watson J, Anderson N, Hankey G, Simes S, Tonkin A, on behalf of the LIPID Study Group (1998) The LIPID trial: impact of lipid lowering therapy with pravastatin on the risk of stroke. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 31 (Suppl A), 282A

21 Watson JDG, Harris IM, Sonkkila C, Tochon-Danguy HJ, Paxinos G, Egan GF (1998) Right parietal lobe activation in a mental rotation task: a positron emission tomography study. Neuroimage 7 (Suppl 2), S118

22 Egan GF, Badcock DR, Sonkkila C, Watson JDG, (1998) V3 activates proportionately with frontoparallel optic flow coherence level. Neuroimage 7 (Suppl 2), S317

23 Harris IM, Egan GF, Paxinos G, Watson JDG (1998) Functional activation in the right parietal lobe during mental rotation of letters. European Journal of Neuroscience 10 (Suppl 10), 256

24 Harris IM, Egan GF, Sonkkila C, Tochon-Danguy HJ, Paxinos G, Watson JDG (1998) Increased right parietal activation during mental rotation: a positron emission tomography study. Australian Journal of Psychology 50 (Suppl), 139

25 White HD, Simes RJ, Watson J, Anderson N, Hankey G, Simes S, Tonkin A, on behalf of the LIPID Study Group (1999) The LIPID trial: impact of lipid lowering therapy with pravastatin on the risk of stroke. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine 29, 168

13 26 Watson JDG, Cowell S, Egan GF, Harasty J, Code C (1999) Simple mental arithmetic: a positron emission tomography study. Neuroimage 9 (Suppl 2), S328

27 White H, Simes RJ, Kirby A, Watson J, Anderson N, Hankey G, Simes S, West M, for the LIPID Study Investigators (1999) Predictors of stroke over 6 years follow-up in a cohort of 9,014 patients with CHD in the LIPID study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine 30, 152

28 Prosser J, Barnett M, McGee-Collett M, Parker G, Watson J (2000) Delayed quadriparesis post coarctation repair. J clin Neuroscience


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