Course Title: Course Number s3
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COURSE DESCRIPTION (with prerequisites): This course is designed to present the nursing student with basic knowledge and skills related to care of a client from birth through childhood and adolescence. The course will present an introduction to the nursing role in supporting the health of ill children and their families. The nursing process provides a framework for planning care for clients on the wellness-illness continuum with inclusion of human growth and development, cultural diversity, community health concepts, pharmacology and administration of medications, nutrition, legal aspects of practice, interpersonal relationships, and current issues in nursing. Clinical experience is provided in both clinic and acute care settings. COREQUISITES / PREREQUISITES: NUR 1020C, Fundamentals; NUR 1280C, Geriatrics; NUR 1010, Professional Seminar; NUR 1141, Pharmacology; NUR 1422C, Basic Obstetrics.
NAME(S) OF INSTRUCTORS: Angela Dawkins ARNP, MSN Office: 850-718-2323 Cell: 334-714-5317 [email protected]
REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS AND INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES: 1. McKinney, E.S., James, S.R., Murray, S.S., & Ashwill, J.W. (2009). Maternal- child nursing, 3rd Ed. St. Louis: Elsevier.(ISBN: 978-1-4160-5896-0) 2. McKinney, E.S., James, S.R., Murray, S.S., & Ashwill, J.W. (2009). Virtual clinical excursions, 3rd Ed. St. Louis: Elsevier. (ISBN: 978-1-4160-6199-1) 3. All previously required textbooks will be utilized in this course.
Recommended Textbooks: 1. Betz, C. & Sowden, L. (2008). Pediatric nursing reference (6th Ed.). St. Louis: Mosby. (ISBN: 978-0-323-04496-7)
GRADING POLICY: The standing of a student in each course is expressed by one of the following letters and corresponding grading system: A – 100 – 93 B – 92 – 83 C – 82 – 75
1 D- 74- 60 F- 59- 0
PLEASE NOTE THAT AN UN-ROUNDED GRADE OF 75% OR ABOVE WILL BE REQUIRED TO CONTINUE PROGRESSION IN THE NURSING PROGRAM. Students must have an un-rounded unit exam average of 75% or above before they will be allowed to take the final exam. Quiz grades are added after a 75% average has been achieved on unit exams and the final.
The last day to withdraw from “a” class for Fall term A is November 2nd. The last day to resign from “all” classes for Fall term A is November 16th.
The Chipola Catalog provides specific information regarding other outcomes from the grading system. A student’s Grade Point Average is derived from the grading system/quality point scale.
ATTENDANCE AND WITHDRAWAL POLICIES: Chipola College expects regular attendance of all students. Students who are absent from classes for any reason other than official college activities must satisfy the instructor concerned that the absence was due to illness or other clearly unavoidable reasons. Otherwise, the student may suffer grade loss at the discretion of the instructor. Chipola policy allows each instructor to specify in the Instructor First Day Handout whether or not an absence is excusable and what affect the absence or tardy may have on the grade.
A student is allowed to repeat a course a maximum of three (3) times. On the third attempt a student (1) must bear the full cost of instruction (unless waived by Student Services), (2) cannot withdraw, and (3) must receive a grade.
MAKE-UP POLICY: Chipola allows each instructor to specify in the Instructor First Day Handout the makeup policy.
ACADEMIC HONOR CODE POLICY: Students are expected to uphold the Academic Honor Code. Chipola College’s Honor Code is based on the premise that each student has the responsibility to (1) uphold the highest standards of academic honesty in his/her own work; (2) refuse to tolerate academic dishonesty in the college community; and (3) foster a high sense of honor and social responsibility on the part of students. Further information regarding the Academic Honor Code may be found in the Chipola Catalog, Student Governance section.
STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES POLICY: Chipola College is committed to making all programs and facilities accessible to anyone with a disability. Chipola’s goal is for students to obtain maximum benefit from their educational experience and to effectively transition into the college environment. Students with disabilities are requested to voluntarily contact the Office of Students with
2 Disabilities to complete the intake process and determine their eligibility for reasonable accommodations.
LIBRARY AND ON-LINE REFERENCE MATERIALS: The library is a comprehensive learning resource center providing information in print, electronic, and multimedia format to support the educational objectives of the College. On-line catalogs, e-books and electronic databases can be accessed by using the LINCCWeb icon on the Chipola Library website at If you have questions about database usage consult the “How to Use the Chipola Databases” on the Library website or call the Library at 850/718-2274 during regular hours. Library hours are posted each semester at the building entrance and on the Library website. See your Instructor First Day Handout for individual instructor recommendations and resources.
TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES: The Information Technology Center, located in the library, is equipped with computer workstations. Lab hours are posted each semester at the building entrance and on the Library website. The ACE Lab, located in Building L, is available for tutoring and is equipped with computer workstations. Lab hours are posted each semester at the room entrance. The college’s learning management system is Desire 2 Learn (d2l). Classes become available on d2l on the first day of the semester. It is the student’s responsibility to log onto the d2l system the first day of class to establish the first day of attendance and to check announcements. For further information, contact your instructor or the Director of Online Learning.
ELECTRONIC DEVICE USAGE: All electronic devices such as cell phones, beepers, pagers, and related devices are to be silenced prior to entering classrooms and/or laboratories to avoid disruption. Should it become necessary for a student to leave his/her “device” on to send or receive an emergency call and/or text message, the student must inform the instructor prior to class. If the student finds it necessary to send and/or receive an emergency call and/or text message during class/lab time, he/she is instructed to take all books and belongings and step outside the classroom to deal with the situation. To minimize classroom disruption and the distraction to classmates, the student will not be permitted to reenter the classroom during that class period. Any time a test is being administered, all such devices must be turned off and put away. If a device is seen or heard during an exam, a score of zero will be given for that exam. Initial and repeated infractions may result in discipline action.
Discipline Specific Competencies N1. Demonstrate responsibility for professional development and practice, as well as patient confidentiality within the ethical and legal framework of nursing.
N2. Synthesize principles of the nursing process, critical thinking, and technology to assist individuals, families and communities to achieve positive adaptation to change in health or a peaceful death.
3 N3. Recognize principles of communication to effectively relate with individuals, families, groups and/or colleagues of diverse sociocultural backgrounds in various health-care settings.
N4. Apply principles of holistic nursing practice when providing nursing care for clients at various stages in their life span.
N5. Manage nursing care and empower individuals, families, and/or communities to develop healthy behavior through health promotion teaching in collaboration with the multidisciplinary team.
N6. Qualify for state licensure as a registered nurse by achieving a passing score on the NCLEX-RN.
4 MEANS OF ACCOMPLISHING STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Lecture, discussions, projects, selected readings, handouts, audio-visuals, skills lab, return demonstration, clinical lab, simulation lab, portfolios, and/or computer lab.
COURSE-LEVEL STUDENT ASSESSMENT METHODS FOR LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR COURSE LEVEL LEARNING NUR 1312C DISCIPLINE- STUDENT ARTIFACTS FOR SPECIFIC LEARNING PROGRAM COMPETENCIES OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT 1-Describe the basic anatomy and N1-N6, NS 1 T, pre/post, Port. pathophysiology of the body system UT, Q, CF, CS, for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, SP, Clin. school-age children, and adolescents.
2-Describe and demonstrate N1-N6, NS1, T, pre/post, Port physical assessment techniques T2, C8 for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, UT, Q, CF, CS, school-age children, and Clin. adolescents.
3-Discuss the role of the nurse in N1-N6, NS1, T, pre/post, Port. psychosocial support of both the C3, C4, SS11 UT, Q, CF, CS, patient and the family of any culture Clin. for the different types of abuse seen in families and different disease processes in the body system.
4-Discuss the function of the nurse N1-N6, NS1, T, pre/post, Port. in terms of basic nursing C3, C4 UT, Q, CF, CS, interventions for the disease PS, Clin. processes in the body system.
5-Identify the different types of abuse N1-N6, NS1, T, pre/post, Port. seen in families and the basic disease T2, C8 UT, Q, CF, CS, processes that can occur within the Clin. body system to include clinical manifestations, nursing interventions, complications, evaluations and management.
**Assessment Codes T = Tests RPT = Report/Presentation Proj. = Projects BO = Behavioral Observation Pre/Post = Pre- and Post-Tests SP = Skills Performance Exp. = Experiments Clin. = Clinicals OT = Objective Tests SD = Skills Demonstration Cap. Proj. = Capstone Project CS = Case Study UT = Unit Tests W = Writing Assignments Cap. Course = Capstone CP = Case Plan Q = Quizzes E = Essays Course Port. = Portfolio F = Final Examination DE = Documented Essays Prac. = Practicum Obs. = Teacher Observation5 CF = Cumulative Final RP = Research papers Intern. = Internship Sk. Check = Skills Check-off EX = Departmental Exam J = Jury H = Homework Curriculum Frameworks SE = Nat’l or State Standardized R = Recital PS = Problem Solving JP = Judged Exam DB = Discussion Board Performance/Exhibition ASSIGNMENT AND/OR COURSE OUTLINE A. Physical Assessment of Children: 1. Infant 2. Toddler 3. Pre-school 4. School-age 5. Adolescent B. Health Promotion for the Developing Child. C. Nursing care of the child with a respiratory alteration. D. Nursing care of the child with a cardiovascular alteration. E. Nursing care of the child with an infectious disease. F. Nursing care of the child with a hematologic alteration. G. Nursing care of the child with an integumentary alteration. H. Nursing care of the child with a sensory alteration. I. Nursing care of the child with a musculoskeletal alteration. J. Nursing care of the child with cancer. K. Nursing care of the child with a psychosocial disorder or cognitive impairment
See your Instructor First Day Handout for individual instructor assignment schedule.