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A closed lottery will be held promptly at 7:15 pm on Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at St. John’s Nursery School.
There is one morning class and one afternoon class, all of which meet four days a week (M, T, W, Th). The morning class meets from 8:40 am to 12:30 pm. The afternoon class meets from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
To be eligible to attend these classes children must be four by September 1st, 2016 and may not turn six before May 1st of the year of enrollment. All other potential students will be taken on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us if you have any questions.
LOTTERY PRIORITY Priority of lottery drawing is as follows:
1. Current students, who are age eligible and desire an additional year of the same program, will receive the highest priority in the class of their choice.
2. Children of Clapboardtree and St. John’s Executive Board Members who have served a two-year term in the past or are in the process of serving a two-year term.
3. Current St. John’s student with a sibling that has already gone through the SJNS program
4. Current St. John’s student (in 3 y/o program)
5. Sibling of former St. John’s or Clapboardtree students.
6. New families.
LOTTERY PROCESS . Separate piles will be provided for each of the above priority categories and then each pile divided into boys and girls. 1 . Names will be pulled from pile 1 first and alternating between boys and girls. We will then continue the same process for priorities 2 through 5 until the classes are filled. . Consideration will be given to gender and age balance in each class. Consideration for maintaining this balance will also be given when names are taken from the waiting list. . The School reserves the right to draw from the next priority level pile if necessary to maintain balance.
FILLING OUT YOUR LOTTERY FORM . Please indicate your preference using 1 as your first choice and 2 for your second choice. If you indicate more than one choice and do not receive your first choice you will automatically be placed on the waiting list for your first choice and/or second choice. o If you indicate only one preference and do not receive a spot in the lottery for that class, then you will be placed on the waiting list for that class only. You must indicate a preference number next to any class you would like your child to be placed in should your first/and or second choice be unavailable, or else your child will not be placed in or placed on the waitlist for those classes.
. Parents of twins (or other multiples) need to submit one lottery form for each child. These lottery forms will be stapled together and given consecutive lottery numbers when they are pulled in the lottery. o An exception will occur if a form for a multiple is pulled for the last available spot in a class. In that case, the parent will be given the option (i) to put one child in the available spot and one child in a difference class if available. (ii) to place only one child in the available class and to put the sibling(s) on a waitlist for that class, or (iii) put both children in a second or third preference class if available. o An exception will also occur if a form is pulled for a class and the consecutive lottery numbers will significantly change the gender balance of the class. In that case again, the parent will be given the option (i) to put one child in the available spot and one child in a difference class if available; (ii) to place only one child in the available class and to put the sibling(s) on a waitlist for that class, or (iii) put both children in a second or third preference class if available. o Please speak to a registrar and also note on your forms whether you would prefer that your children remain in the same class even if a spot for one child would be available in a class for which you had a higher preference, should the circumstances described above occur during the lottery process. We will assume that children are to remain together unless you indicate otherwise.