04-20 GR 31-Confidential Case Types
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Change in Handling Modifications in Paternity Cases
It has been a long standing practice of my office to file paternity modifications in the existing case. As you are all aware, final paternity orders are open to public inspection as well as subsequent modifications and enforcement. Maintaining these actions in the confidential paternity file has become problematic. You and the parties are unable to publicly view the documents in SCOMIS or Liberty or to purchase copies on our website.
The Washington State Clerk’s Association has developed a method to resolve the issue making modification and enforcement actions open to public inspection. This office has developed two methods, one for modifications in existing paternities without a Case Type 3 number, and one for modifications in paternities finalized March 5, 2010 and after.
As for modification or enforcement of existing paternity orders, a new Case Type 3 will be opened at the time of filing pleadings. Please include the paternity number on your pleadings; the new case number will be added to the pleadings (and conformed copies) at the time of filing. Future filings would only have the new Case Type 3 case number.
If the final orders were filed after March 5, 2010, a copy of those orders will be placed in a Case Type 3 action. Modifications, enforcement and all future pleadings will be filed in the new case. The new case number will be provided to you when the number has been assigned and should be placed on the client’s copy for future use as no further pleadings will be accepted in the paternity file.
The clients name will be searchable in SCOMIS under a Case Type 3 and documents will be available online.
The filing fee for your modification will continue to be $56. We hope that you will find the new method of handling paternity actions beneficial. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Betty J. Gould, Thurston County Clerk, D:\Docs\2018-05-11\0653fd57c5f67c8fbf15e26d6ba0d1de.doc 2000 Lakeridge Drive SW, Olympia, WA 98502 360-786-5549 Betty J. Gould BETTY J. GOULD
Betty J. Gould, Thurston County Clerk, D:\Docs\2018-05-11\0653fd57c5f67c8fbf15e26d6ba0d1de.doc 2000 Lakeridge Drive SW, Olympia, WA 98502 360-786-5549