Additional Information on Crosscutting Issues Gender & Environment s3

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Additional Information on Crosscutting Issues Gender & Environment s3

LIVES Monthly Field Activities Update Month: July, 2014 Region: Oromia Region Activities on Capacity Development Observations/action required Oromia Region Oromia region

• Reviewed and submitted to LIVES HQ • The activities are approved by LIVES HQ training proposals on dairy and poultry and will be undertaken submitted by East Shoa zonal coordinator

• Expert, development agents and cooperative • Further follow up will be made leaders of the LUME TATESSA goat producers cooperative (Meta Robi woreda, West Shewa zone) were coached on livestock feed resources development, health interventions, market interventions and etc (Refer attached report and pictures)

• Supervision of MSc student on feed • Further supervision and support will be resources and supporting other students in made to students the identification of thesis topic and other issues

• Focal persons at Bora and Dugda districts • Further follow up will be made (2, one from each) of East Shoa Zone were coached and mentored in areas of vegetable seedling media preparation from locally available materials and improvement of traditional nursery bed using materials that modify soil structures and better support seedling growth

Jimma Zone Jimma zone

• Supervised LDHA and OIDA (zone and • ToT to SMS, DAs and farmers on commodities districts) staff targeted (HQ, region and zone)

• Assisted MSc students in selecting their • Assisting LIVES MSc fellowship in research titles research titles and assignment of co- selection supervisors • Facilitation of two MSc fellows (both males) selection for the coming academic year (September 2014)

East Shewa East Shewa • Still we are communicating with Zonal and • Capacity building for both farmers and Dugda Woreda IDA regarding the female development workers/extension workers MSc candidate selection

• Incorporated comments from HQ and regional staff on draft proposal for training of poultry and dairy farmers and service providers.

• Advised farmers, partners and other VC actors on poultry, dairy and vegetable production

• Trained farmers and Development agents on fodder development

West Shewa West Shewa

• Specialized training on Apiculture

Specialized training proposal for Apiculture (colony multiplication, wax extraction, economic bee hive construction) was prepared sent to the Holeta bee research center researchers for comment. Comments are incorporated and rewritten as per the LIVES capacity development guidelines and sent to further comments and action.

• summary of capacity need for the three months The summary of capacity need for the three months (until September 30, 2014) were prepared with its proposed budget and sent for regional team. Detailed Capacity development proposals preparation as per the new guidelines is being carried out for all commodities and will be ready soon for action.

The submitted capacity building proposals Refining work on the already submitted capacity building activities SMS training on the four commodities; small holders women dairy farmers training; small holders women irrigation farmers training being undergoing and finalized, will send soon. That of the pump maintenance& operation training and send to the relevant bodies for action

Attach updated Regional Annex 1 Attach summary reports of formal trainings including training evaluation Activities on Knowledge Management Observations/action required Oromia region Oromia region

• Meetings with Oromia irrigation • OIDA convinced that there should be a Development Authority (OIDA) to platform meeting on irrigated agriculture at establish platform on irrigated agriculture of Oromia regional level. Oromia • Identification of relevant actors is underway

• The establishment of the dairy platform was • Discussed and agreed with Oromia found by OLDHA to be important for the livestock Development and health agency development of the dairy industry. Further to establish the Oromia dairy platform discussion will be made on the plan to undertake its formation to coincide with the World School Milk Day (WSMD)

Jimma zone

Jimma zone • Facilitation of Internet connection for the Dedo & Seka Chekorsa AKCs (zone LIVES • Facilitated Internet connection of the staff and respective focal persons and districts AKCs. AKCs managers)

• Internet connection for the Kersa AKC • Provision of digital camera and tripod to completed Kersa AKC (HQ) • Internet connection for the other two LIVES districts underway (request summited to Jimma Telecommunication office from both districts and agreement East Shewa formats filled)

East Shewa

• Discussion under way with EthioTele for establishment of broad band internet connection to KC in Bora and Dugda districts. • Facilitated E-readers assessment meeting in Mojo for E-reader users in East Shoa

• Follow up of AKC managers from the three districts and zone trained on AKC management and basic skills of ICT

• Inspected Zonal and Woreda Knowledge centers on of ICT equipment and documentation. West Shewa

West Shewa

• Demonstration of Technologies The summary of technologies for the three months (until September 30, 2014) was prepared with its materials &proposed budget are sent for regional team. Detailed demonstration materials & budget request proposals preparation are being carried out for all commodities and will be ready soon for action. • Demonstration of chopper Demonstrations of Maize stalk chopping work undertaken at Maru-chebot PA of the Adea-Berga district, July10, 2014. There were about 200 (120 female & 80 male) small holder farmers attended the demonstration. The machine chopped the green maize stalk, and grinded the maze grain in to different sizes. On the demonstration a detailed familiarization of the machine (how it operates, its use as a tool to feed production, post-harvest; availability in the market, estimated cost, different options of procurement, the role of LIVES in linking the needy & micro-finance institutions, etc were raised and discussed to motivate the interest of the participants. Using the chopped maize materials, silage making was demonstrated. After 21 days of maturation the silage utilization demonstration by animals will be done.

• Demonstration of chopper Demonstrations of Maize grain chopping work undertaken at Ejere town in Ejere Livestock Agency Office of the Ejere district, July14, 2014. There were about 12 (8 male & 4 Female) small holder farmers & district SMS attended the demonstration. The machine grinded the maze grain in to different sizes. On the demonstration a detailed familiarization of the machine ( how it operates, its use as a tool to feed production, post-harvest; availability in the market, estimated cost, different options of procurement, the role of LIVES in linking the needy & available micro-finance institutions, etc were raised and discussed to raise the interest of the farmers.

• Demonstration of Silage utilization The already prepared silage was opened in front of farmers for its cleanness at its 21st day (July 10th, 2014 prepared and opened on 31st July, 2014). It was observed by farmers and DAs as well as Adea-Berga Livestock Agency experts. Discussion and elaboration of the silage utilization undertaken. Finally, using dairy cow demonstration of the silage utilization done. It was agreed that the participation farmers and DAs as well as experts agreed to scale up the work to different sites of the district. • Internet Connectivity to KCs Broad Band Internet connectivity for all knowledge centers (at zonal & the three districts) are working. Monthly payments undertaken.

Attach summary reports of study tours, field days, meetings, workshops Activities on Promotion Observations/action required Region Region

• One blog story developed and published on LIVES website entitled “Watermelons- a great opportunity for Ethiopian producers”

• Participation at the 6th financial fair organized in Bishoftu (Better access to finance for farmers) ● Further discussion will be made on finance access to farmers in a smaller groups • Displayed poster and distributed brochures about LIVES project in Afaan Oromo and English

• Presented a paper on “ LIVES Project in Oromia Region: Highlights of Progress, Future Plan & Areas of Collaboration)


• Rodhes grass seed distributed and planted on FTCs and farmers’ fields (two farmers’ fields) with the objectives of Jimma demonstration and future seed sources ● Close follow up to make sure that the improved • Cow pea, D. Lablab and few alfalfa forages are properly managed (seedlings from Jimma University) planted on one FTC in Seka Chekorsa

East Shoa

• Chopper and Shredder promoted to Dugda and Bora to extension staff and to trainees of fodder development in Bora and Dugda.

• Attended Agri-business finance fair organized in Bishoftu.

• Joined HQ staff came to East Shoa for monitoring Livestock Value chain

• Joined IWMI consultant that visited East Shoa for assessment in of Irrigation potential of the zone

Activities on Value Chain Development by Observations/action required commodity Oromia Region Oromia region

• Discussion with GREENLIFE PLC on GREENLIFE PLC started importing hybrid status and supply of hybrid tomato seeds in tomato seeds (Galilea variety) from Hazera Oromia region Genetics of Israel two years ago and its potential customers comes from Oromia region, mainly East Shoa

The company provides technical support to their client farmers

GREENLIFE PLC is planning to import more hybrid tomato varieties based on their merit towards disease resistance, high yield, and other traits

The Company is willing to be a member of the platform meeting to be organized at Oromia regional level

BECA will hand over the goat project activity to LIVES when it phases out

LIVES project will assistant the farmers in the development of feed resources and will give them training on the same subject

LIVES project will assist the farmers in with markets

• Discussed and agreed with the BECA goat The agreement to continue on community based project of ILRI to undertake value chainhealth workers will be discussed by both project activities (Feed, health and market● Both projects will be responsible to handle the interventions) together and LIVES today to day activities of the project continue with the project when BECA project phases out) ● A revised plan will be submitted by ILRI engineering department

• Discussed with the engineering department of ILRI about the revision to be made on the plan of market shed development of East Shoa

• Reviewed and submitted to LIVES HQ the proposal on “Introduction of hormone assisted mass insemination to the LIVES districts of Jimma zone” submitted by the zonal coordinator.

● Further communication will be made until the • Communicated different businessmaterial is acquired organizations for the acquisition of chicken transporting box

●The OLDHA has fully agreed on these • Discussed with the head, extension team activities and is willing to work with LIVES leader and experts of OLDHA about integrated sheep and goat improvement and the need to be involved in Estrus synchronization of sheep

Jimma Jimma zone

• Grafted Avocado seedlings purchased • Coaching and mentoring of these farmers from Butajira and distributed (7 – 8 (future Avocado seedling suppliers) and seedlings) to nine model farmers who other actors such as wax extractors (zone attended one day training at Gomma and focal persons)

• Collection of Avocado seeds underway • Demonstration of important vegetables (some of the farmers who attended the and livestock technologies (e.g. the study-tour to Gomma district) shredder/grinder

• Communicated with East Shoa LIVES staff to get our model farmers poly bags (Avocado seedling risers) East Shoa

East Shoa

• Updated regional LIVES staff on latest project intervention in east Shoa

• Coaching and mentoring of private fruit grafting operators and Meki Fruit Nursery. • . • Coaching and Mentoring of cattle fattening trainees

• Coaching and mentoring DAS and public sector staff on fodder agronomy and use of chopper and shredder

• Coaching and mentoring Focal persons on project goals and objectives

• Assisted Jimma Zone in Identification of Poly pots for grafting intervention in Jimma Zone

• Purchased Alfafal forage seeds from Eden PLC for multiplication on FTCs and farmers plots.

• Purchased cowpea and Napier grass from ILRI forage unit for multiplication on FTCs and farmers plots.

• Linked Ethio vege Dairy Farm to Eden PLC on forage seed marketing

• Coaching and Mentoring Negash Mojo Dairy Farm

West Shoa West Shoa

Distribution of seedling & Forage seed

• Discussion with Ejere Livestock and EIAR of Holeta Research Center

Ejere Livestock Agency and Holeta research center are the major sources for forage genetic material for the project intervention. In this regard discussion and first step request of the forage genetic resource was discussed with relevant departments.

It was agreed to get some amount of the forage genetic materials for the intervention districts so that farmers’ selection and land preparation were done. Accordingly, 15 pick-ups Elephant grass splits (10 pick-ups from Ejere livestock Agency and 5 pick-ups from Holeta Agricultural research center taken and distributed to Ejere (11 PAs), Adea- Berga (4 PAs) and Meta-Robi (3 PAs)thus, total of 15 pickups elephant grass splits (about 20,000) distributed to 18 PAs’ farmers (about 150 male & 50 female). • Sheep Breeding activity visited Visiting and coaching the sheep breeding activity at Suba-Gajo & Mendela PAs of Meta- Robi district.

Registration of the sheep flock and structure undertaken by the DAs of the respective areas. Among innovative farmers who want to develop grass seedlings, Elephant grass seedling was given and advised as to how they grow the seedling for their animals.

Activities on Documentation/Research Observations/action required

Oromia region Oromia region

● Reviewed proposal on “assessments of vegetable seedling media and nursery management in East Shoa Zone and submitted for approval

● Assessments on type vegetable seedling media● Vegetable production in East Shoa, one of the in East Shoa Zone conducted LIVES project Zones, advanced to the level of using hybrid tomato and pepper varieties. ● Raising seedlings of hybrid vegetable crops requires great care ● Farmers in East Shoa and other parts of the country engaged in contractual farming for raising seedlings of hybrid tomato and pepper varieties with Florensis Ethiopia.

● Farmers’ and investors’ have high demand to purchase hybrid tomato seedlings and this demand has been growing overtime. ● It is possible to raise seedlings of hybrid tomato using seedling media prepared from locally available materials. ● Participatory research needs to be conducted on suitable media preparation to replace the imported one.

● Contacted different organizations (Ethiopian● The list submitted to the study leader (348 feed association, OLDHA, LDHA and Trade andpotential participants) and the study will market offices around finfinee, Ethiopian Meatcontinue after the final selection of the and Dairy Industry Development Instituteparticipants is made. (EMDIDI) to collect the lists of potential organizations that are going to be involved in Alfa toxin study (all Commercial dairy feed producers, commercial dairy feed processors, commercial dairy feed distributers/traders, commercial dairy farmers owning at least 10 milking cows and major milk collection centers/milk traders) (refer attached report)

● Communicated and acquired data on estrus● Further communications will be made to synchronization from OLDHA acquire more data and to refine the data acquired

● Prepared pps on experience sharing on value chain development Oromia region to be presented at the LIVES retreat program ● The nursery management practice for OPVs of ● Assessments on nursery management in Eastvegetables is backward and needs improvement. Shoa Zone conducted ● The traditional way of nursery management greatly affects the quality of seedlings on ● nursery bed which in turn significantly affect the performance of seedlings at the main field after transplanting. ● The nursery soil needs to be amended with locally available materials which can support better growth of the seedlings. ●Pertinent action research is required to identify suitable local materials to be used for improving the traditional nursery bed.

Jimma zone

Jimma zone • Each activity undertaken by LIVES staff will be recorded, documented & • Recorded and documented activities using communicated as much as possible. pictures • Facilitation for implementation of the AI in • Reviewed an article for the ESAP the three districts

• Submitted a proposal on hormone assisted mass insemination to HQ through the regional coordinator East Shoa

East Shoa

• Recorded and documented activities using pictures

West Shewa

West Shewa

• Project internal monitoring and evaluation

Project internal monitoring and evaluation work undertaken from July 16 to 22, 2014. Accordingly, discussion was held with key partners from the three project districts and zone. Actual Field visits were also undertaken and discussion made with intervention farmers, Knowledge centers beneficiaries at the three districts & zone.

• AKC and E-reader Assessment

Agriculture Knowledge Centers and E-reader assessment work was undertaken by the HQ knowledge expert at the three project districts and the zone. All the knowledge centers at this time are internet network connected; additional books and DVD were brought from ILRI library distribution so the numbers of users are increasing. updated Regional Annex 3B Activities on Project Management Observation/action required

Oromia region Oromia region

● Communicated and organized the two months. plan of the three zones and the Oromia coordination unit

● Organized different trip reports (attached reports)

● Discussed with OARI officials about internet and telephone access for IVES regional office

● Undertook routine management activities of the project

Jimma zone Jimma zone

• Undertaking of routine project activities • Keep on the smooth relationship created (coaching/mentoring and strengthening among the different partners relationship with relevant stakeholders) finance and activities reporting • Undertaking the planned activities provided that necessary support is given • Submitted three months (July to from the HQ September, 2014) of the zone

• Made arrangements with zonal and district focal persons and farmers for supervisors from the HQ (Dr. Solomon Gizaw and Peter Hooper) who did supervision on activities undertaken on livestock commodities from July 21 – 23, 2014 East Shewa East Shewa ● Prepared Three month action plan

● Prepared monthly report

West shewa West Shewa • Discussion on proposed activities with partners • Detailed discussions on proposed activities of this working season (June to September, 2014) with partners were undertaken. Tasks of the partners’ and the project clearly understood for proper implementation of the proposed interventions. Accordingly, outlined activities and their action plans shared among the implementers (partners & Zonal coordinator). • Preparation of the first draft action plans of coming three months completed and sent for comments and negotiation, give immediate action before the time pass by,

Additional information on crosscutting issues – gender & environment:

In all project undertakings, gender and environment seen as a cross cutting issues and given due consideration.

Any other relevant update not captured above:

Report prepared by: Abule Ebro Pictures 1 and 2. Staff of LIVES, ILRI BecA, enumerators and leaders of the goat cooperative discussing issues regarding the Goat Project Picture 2. Picture 3. Rearing kids need improvement in feed resources

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