1. What Is Cottage Industry and Where Does It Take Place?
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World History Final Exam Study Guide
Chapter 12
1. What is Cottage industry and where does it take place?
2. Where did the industrial revolution begin and why did it start there?
3. What term means the growth and spread of cities?
4. What was the goal of the Congress of Vienna?
5. Identify those countries that attended the Congress of Vienna
6. What is the principal of legitimacy?
7. What people played an important role in unifying Italy?
8. What are some of the means of transportation that improved out of industrialization?
9. Who wrote Frankenstein?
10. Who was the first Kaiser of Germany?
11. Who will play a major role in unifying Germany?
12. What great composer bridged the gap between classical music and Romanticism music?
13. Who developed the theory of evolution?
14. What did Charles Dickens write?
15. What was the compromise of 1867 and do ?
16. What is universal male suffrage?
17. Which scientist published On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection ?
Chapter 13 18. What term means voting rights for women?
19. According to Karl Marx who owned the means of production?
20. Name the 3 amendments to the constitution that affected slaves
21. Who did the U.S. Depose in order to annex Hawaii?
22. What 3 territories did the U.S. Gain During the Spanish American war?
23. Which artist created a new style of painting called cubism ?
Chapter 14
24. What is imperialism?
25. What are at least 4 factors promoting European countries to imperialize?
26. Explain the difference in direct rule and indirect rule.
a. Give British example countries for each type of rule.
27. What did European powers decide at the Berlin Conference?
28. What was the major exception to imperialism in Asia?
29. What European country will gain control of the Dutch East Indies?
30. What European country will take control of Burma? And why?
31. What does the word indigenous mean?
32. Who was David Livingstone?
33. What are the 2 African countries than remained independent during colonization of Africa?
34. What 2 European countries controlled the majorities of Africa during imperialism?
35. What does it mean to annex something?
36. What was the Sepoy Mutiny?
37. What are the two religious groups in India?
38. Who was Mohandas Gandhi and what role did he play in independence?
39. Why does America put the Monroe doctrine into place? Chapter 15
40. What Way John Hay’s Proposal to ensure equal access to Chinese markets in the late 1890’s?
41. What uprising attempted to destroy all foreigners and their influence in China?
42. Whose fleet pressured the Japanese into opening trade relations with the U.S.?
43. How did Japan respond to the foreign pressures in the 1850’s?
44. What did the Meiji Restoration lead to in Japan?
Chapter 16
45. What are the 4 major Causes of WWI?
46. What was the Spark or excuse that began WWI?
47. Identify the two group of countries that fought in the war ( what were they called)
a. What countries were in each group?
48. What important event took place in Sarajevo? Why did it occur here?
49. Why is Russia Loyal to Serbia?
50. How does Germany plan to approach this war on two fronts?
51. What is propaganda?
52. What does conscription mean?
53. What is a Stalemate?
54. Explain trench warfare.
55. What was life like for those who lived in the trenches?
56. What is a war of Attrition?
57. What role did planes and airships play in the early years of war? 58. What is the name for the German Airships?
59. What role did the US have during the first 2 years of WWI?
60. Explain the events that led to the US entry into the war.
61. What are U-boats and what do they use them for?
62. How does unrestricted submarine warfare play into the war?
63. What was the Lusitania and what happened to it?
64. Explain some of the new roles that women had because of WWI
65. Who were the Bolsheviks?
66. What role did V.I Lenin play in the Russian revolution?
67. What is the importance of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?
68. Who was Leon Trotsky?
69. What is an armistice?
70. When was an armistice signed in Germany?
b. What events led to this being signed?
71. What was Woodrow Wilson's Proposal and what was it called?
72. Identify those present at the Paris Peace Conference?
73. Who was forced to pay reparations?
74. Who were the big 3? ( countries and people)
75. What was the League of Nations? 76. What weakened the League of Nations?
77. What was the final peace settlement called after WWI?
78. What is the War Guilt Clause?
79. Name some of the new nation states that come from the changes that occurred after WWI?
80. What new fear spread in Europe especially in France?
Chapter 17
81. Explain what the French intend to do with the Ruhr Valley?
82. What does the Dawes Plan try to?
83. Explain some of the causes of the great depression?
84. What did the Locarno Treaties, the Kellogg-Briand Pact and the League of Nations all work to do?
85. What happened Oct 29th 1929? And what was it called?
86. Who is John Maynard Keynes and why is he important?
87. What is deficit spending?
88. Who is FDR? Why is he important?
89. Explain the New deal.
90. What are 2 important programs that come out of the New Deal?
91. What is Fascism?
92. Who founded the fascist party in Italy?
93. What was the new state created by Lenin and the communists in 1922? 94. Who will gain complete control of the Soviet Union after Lenin’s death?
95. What was the goal of the 5 year plan?
96. Who is Adolph Hitler?
97. What is the National Socialist German Workers Party?
98. Who were the SS?
99. What did Hitler do while in prison?
100. What is Reichstag mean?
101. How it was possible to pass the enabling act and how will that give Hitler even more power?
102. What are concentration camps?
103. Who was Heinrich Himmler?
104. What did the Nuremburg Laws do?
105. What even happened on November 9 1938?
a. What was it called and what did it mean?
106. What did the Enabling act allow Hitler and the Nazis to do?
Chapter 19
107. Be able to explain the German series of event that lead to WWII ( The time line)
108. Which country invaded Manchuria in 1931?
109. Who famously proclaimed “peace in our time” after the Munich Conference?
110. Explain appeasement 111. What were the terms of the Nazi Soviet Non-aggression pact?
112. What event began WWII? What was the Date?
113. What term means “lighting war”?
114. What term means Italian resistance fighters?
115. What occurred during the nine months of the Battle of Brittan?
116. What was operation Barbarossa? Why was this seen as Hitler’s biggest mistake?
117. Where did the Japanese attack the U.S. Pacific Naval Fleet? What was the date?
118. Who were the Axis Powers?
119. Who were the three main allied powers during the war?
120. What term is used to refer to the slaughter of European Jews and other civilians by the Nazis?
121. What term means the deliberate mass murder of a particular group of people?
122. What was the name of Hitler’s largest “Death Camp” which is located in Poland?
123. Who was the prime minister of Japan during WWII?
124. What was the major turning point of the war in the pacific?
125. Which battle in the Soviet Union turned out to be a major turning point for the war in Europe?
126. What did Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill Agree to at the Tehran Conference?
127. What does D-Day refer to?
128. Which U.S. General commanded the allied forces that landed at Normandy, France in June 1944?
129. What did the Big three powers agree to at the Yalta conference? 130. What did President Truman demand throughout Eastern Europe while at the Potsdam conference?
131. Which U.S. president made the final decisions to drop the atomic bomb on japan rather than an
132. On which 2 Japanese cities were atomic bombs dropped to end WWII?
133. Where in Germany were Nazi Leaders Tried and Condemned as War Criminals in 1945 & 1946?
134. Was Hitler Tried? Why or why not?
135. Name the period of political tension that developed between the US & USSR Following WWII.
136. What international Organization was created at the end of WWII to help maintain peace and promote
development throughout the world?
137. What did the iron curtain refer to?