Rat Monoclonal Antibodies

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Rat Monoclonal Antibodies

Prices for peptide synthesis

Absea provides antigenic peptides prediction from existing protein sequences free of charge. However, customers need to make the final decision. In addition, we do not guarantee that the peptide predicted will be immunogenic and antibodies raised against a peptide will recognize the native predicted protein.

Absea subcontracts peptide synthesis to peptide companies in China. The quality of peptide is judged by HPLC and mass spectroscopy. Synthesis will take 2-3 weeks for peptides less than 20 residues and 3-4 weeks for peptides having 21 to 30 residues.

Please see Table 1 and Table 2 below for peptide prices. Please see Table 3 below for additional charges for modified residues. To make monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies, we suggest you make 10 mg peptide at 90% purity. If you want to affinity purify antibodies using the peptide cross-linked beads, we suggest you make 20 mg peptide.

Discounts for multiple orders: 10-40 peptides (10% discount), 41 to 70 peptides (15% discount), 71 to 100 peptides (20% discount).

Table 1. Price (in US dollars) for 5-10 mg peptide Residue Purity numbers 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 98% 7 64 75 82 97 111 157 8 73 86 94 111 127 180 9 82 96 106 125 142 202 10 91 107 118 139 158 224 11 100 118 129 153 174 247 12 109 128 141 167 190 269 13 118 139 153 181 206 292 14 127 150 165 194 221 314 15 136 160 176 208 237 337 16 145 171 188 222 253 359 17 154 182 200 236 269 381 18 163 192 212 250 285 404 19 173 203 223 264 301 426 20 182 214 235 278 316 449 21 191 224 247 292 332 471 22 200 235 259 306 348 494 23 209 246 270 319 364 516 24 218 257 282 333 380 539 25 227 267 294 347 396 561 26 236 278 306 361 411 583 27 245 289 318 375 427 606 28 254 299 329 389 443 628 29 263 310 341 403 459 651 30 272 321 353 417 475 673 Table 2. Price (in US dollars) for 15-20 mg peptide Residue Purity numbers 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 98% 7 79 94 104 122 141 197 8 90 108 119 140 161 225 9 101 121 134 157 181 253 10 112 134 149 175 202 281 11 124 148 163 192 222 309 12 135 161 178 210 242 337 13 146 175 193 227 262 365 14 157 188 208 245 282 393 15 169 202 223 262 302 421 16 180 215 238 280 322 449 17 191 228 253 297 343 478 18 202 242 267 314 363 506 19 214 255 282 332 383 534 20 225 269 297 349 403 562 21 236 282 312 367 423 590 22 247 296 327 384 443 618 23 259 309 342 402 463 646 24 270 323 357 419 484 674 25 281 336 372 437 504 702 26 292 349 386 454 524 730 27 303 363 401 472 544 758 28 315 376 416 489 564 787 29 326 390 431 507 584 815 30 337 403 446 524 605 843

Table 3. Additional charges (in US dollars) for a modified amino acid Modified residues For peptide less than 20 mg Lys (me) 206

Lys (me2) 258

Lys (me3) 206 Lys (ac) 68 Arg (me) 310

Arg (me2) symetrical 258

Arg (me2) asymetrical 206 Phospho-serine 129 Phospho-tyrosine 129 Phospho-threonine 129 Acetylation at N-terminus of a peptide free Amidation at C-terminus of a peptide free

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