Newsletter for Week Beginning s2
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PilgrimsPilgrims WayWay Congregational & Methodist Church
Minister: Rev Nicola Vidamour Telephone: 020 8548 4945 [email protected] Nicola’s day off each week is Friday. Church Office: 020 8552 5030 e-mail: [email protected] Visit our Website @ Newsletter for week beginning 12th June 2016
A Church meeting will follow immediately after this morning’s service.
Worship Today 10:30am Revd Nicola Vidamour – All-Age Worship & Baptism 6.30pm Revd Sara Coggin – Holy Communion Dates for Your Diary Wed 15th June 10am-12 noon Coffee Morning and Nearly New Wed 15th June 11am-12 noon Prayer Meeting in the Chapel Wed 15th June 2:00pm Wednesday Fellowship – Visit to the Friary Pastoral Care If you know of anyone who would like a pastoral visit, please let Nicola, or one of the Elders or the church office know. See Nicola’s and the Church telephone numbers above. Prayer Requests The Elders are available to pray with you after the service today and also pray during the week for any needs and concerns which have been brought to them. Text for the Week – Keeping Faith Without faith it is impossible to please God.....Hebrews 11:6
After Worship, We are invited to place prayer requests TEA & COFFEE on the board near the main door. These in Myrtle Hall. Join us requests are taken to our Wednesday – it’s free morning prayer meeting. Baptism of Abbynes We are delighted to welcome Pushpavalli and Archunan and their family and friends this morning as they bring their son Abbynes for baptism. Where is Nicola? Nicola will not be available from June 13th - 20th as she will be in the Holy Land. Pilgrims Way Church Away Day Pilgrims Way Church is planning an Away Day trip to Bradwell (St Peter’s Chapel) - The date is Sunday 17th July 2016. A coach has been arranged for a 12:30pm pick up (after the morning service). We intend to stay in Bradwell for Evensong before returning to London at 7:00pm. The cost of the trip is affordable and everyone is invited to join in. We have a fares structure to accommodate children and family groups. The coach is a 51 Seater and any spaces not taken up will be made available to church members in our circuit. Future Birthday Offertory Dates Listed below are the future Birthday Offertory dates for this and next year. Remember to keep these dates in your diary and come well prepared. 21st August 2016, 20th November 2016, 22nd January 2017 and 11th June 2017. Curry, Coffee & Cake Café The next Curry Café will be held on Saturday, June 25th. We encourage more people to get involved and we welcome voluntary donations to buy ingredients - make a donation to Eric/Dorothy. Doors open at 11am until 2pm. Nearly New Sale Please do not bring anything else for sale as we can’t keep up with it! Diane. Weekly Offertory Last Sunday’s Church Offertory amount to £496.36 – thank you. Sunday Morning Service CDs The Worship Service is recorded and CDs are available after the service. Please contact Paul. Please give notices to Mary King. All submissions to be received before Wednesday evening for inclusion in the next issue. Leave a message or e-mail: [email protected]
This week I have found myself thinking about what it means to be community.
Last Sunday evening I watched a wonderful BBC4 documentary about the ballet Swan Lake. There is a famous scene where all the swans dance in perfect formation together around Odette, the Swan Princess. Tamara Rojo – the ballerina who was narrating the programme – said that these swans were not there to frame the princess. They were there to reflect her. In other words, they were there to mirror her emotions and inner life. That made me think about our Christian community. Part of our role is certainly to put Christ in the centre and make him look amazing! But we are also called to reflect his life in our own.
On Tuesday morning I wrote to a Muslim friend to assure her that I had been praying for her on Monday when the Ramadan fast began. I said that it must have felt an incredibly long and hot day. She wrote back to say that the feeling of being in something together really makes it that much easier. I have heard other Muslims say that part of what attracts them to Islam is that deep sense of community – that standing shoulder to shoulder as they pray – that bond with Muslims around the world who are turning towards Mecca five times each day. How can we develop that sense of community in Christianity? How can we make it easier for people by standing alongside them and sharing their hunger and thirst?
On Tuesday evening, we had our Circuit Meeting which included a presentation from TELCO (The East London Community Organisation) who have campaigned for the living wage and affordable housing. Eric, from Bryant Street, shared about how powerful he had found it to be part of a large group of people and to realise what a difference you can make when you work together. The impossible becomes possible.
How do you experience community?
Grace and peace,
Daily Bible Readings Justice and Judgement Psalm Sun 12th Luke 7 v 36-8:3 32 Mon 13th 1 Kings 18 v 20-39 102 v 1-11 Tue 14th 1 Kings 18 v 41-46 102 v 12-28 Wed 15th 1 Kings 19 v 1-16 103 Thurs 16th 1 Kings 19 v 19-21 104 v 1-23 Fri 17th 1 Kings 21 v 1-16 104 v 24-35 Sat 18th 1 Kings 21 v 17-29 105 v 1-15
Sunday Worship Next Week 19th June 2016 10:30am Revd Norman Grigg – Holy Communion 6:30pm Own Arrangement Rotas for next Week 19th June 2016 Vestry a.m. - Rosetta & Handinetti Vestry p.m. - Gillian Elder - Sarah Welcome - Ben Door/Books Emy & Volunteer Flowers - Dorothy Coffee - Mike, Emmanuel & Richard Organ a.m. - Charles Organ p.m. - Sue Readers - Kelechi & Judith Holy Communion - am - Julian, Eric, Debbie & Mary K Sunday Collection Cashiers - Olu & Joan D
For Our Prayers Briony and family Briony - unwell in hospital Iris Mourning the death of her sister (in New Zealand) Alan Carter Has difficulty walking after breaking his ankle. Ruth Din Now at home after being in hospital Chris English’s brother, Ken Diagnosed with cancer Raymond Now at home after being in hospital Geoff English Finding life difficult Mr & Mrs William Husband and wife both ill (husband recovering from an operation). Terence Baptist In his nineties and paralysed. Unemployed people seeking work All those suffering from cancer All those who are housebound or in Care Homes Those receiving ongoing medical treatment or awaiting/ receiving/recovering from surgery All those finding life stressful The situations in Iraq/Afghanistan/Syria/Israel/Gaza/Sudan/Nigeria Churches/Christians throughout the world.