Time and Talent Survey
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Epworth United Methodist Church 2009 Time and Talent Survey & Pledge for Giving to Operational Fund 1. Prayerfully consider where God is leading you to serve in the coming year. 2. Indicate with a checkmark 2 -3 areas where you feel led to commit your time and talents. 3. If you elect to check off more than 2 -3 jobs, please circle your top THREE choices. 4. Bring this form back to the church for the service of dedication on Sunday, Nov. 16th. Or return this form to the church office. Hospitality Serve on the church directory team. Fellowship Host or hostess the coffee time on Sun am, Organize “Dinner Clubs” designed to foster making sure visitors are greeted and fellowship and new friendships among church introduced to others. members who might not otherwise know each Assist or serve at the coffee and donut time other. on Sunday mornings. Serve food in the walk-through at a church Provide food and/or drink for coffee and fellowship meal, such as Wednesday donut time. Connections. Serve as an official greeter 8:30 am service Help on the clean-up team for after church Serve as an official greeter 9:45 am service fellowship meals. Serve as an official greeter 11 am service Lead a ministry for older adults. Serve as a parking lot attendant/security. Assist in a ministry for older adults. Coordinate teams of parking lot Lead a ministry for young adults. attendants/security. Assist in a ministry for young adults. Assist in decorating the church for special Lead a women’s or men’s group. occasions. Coordinate or lead a book club. Serve as a wedding coordinator. Plan outings and trips for seniors and/or the Coordinate baby showers. whole congregation. Coordinate bridal showers. Lead a ministry for young couples. Serve as an official greeter when outside Drive the church bus for outings and trips. groups meet at the church. (CDL license required—we can tell you Organize church decorations and how!) individuals to assist in decorating the Youth Ministry church for special occasions. Serve as a high school youth leader. Coordinate the new baby ministry. Serve as a junior high youth leader. Serve on the new baby ministry team. Chaperone a group of junior high or high Coordinate the production of a church school youth. directory. Provide your swimming pool for a youth Organize funeral meals at the church. gathering. Help prepare or serve a funeral meal at the Drive the bus for a youth trip. church. Provide refreshments or meals for youth Building security patrol events. Church Office Administration and Stewardship Property Maintenance Lead a stewardship drive. Make repairs or perform other maintenance of the church building. Participate in carrying out a stewardship drive. Coordinate those who maintain the church building. Speak during morning worship services about stewardship, “Stewardship Help maintain the church grounds. Moments.” Coordinate those who maintain the church Write a personal testimony about your own grounds. practice of stewardship for the newsletter. Help in the church office with answering phones, making copies, preparing items to be mailed. 1 Technical Operations Children Ministry Maintain or work with the church’s Serve as assistant for Wednesday night computer system. children’s activities. Serve as a sound system and recording Collect and/or shop for items needed for operator. musicals and children's parties Lead a sound system and recording Lead Wee Worship (4 yrs – Kinder) on a operators team. rotational basis. (Children’s Church 11am) Serve as a visual system operator- Lead Kids Praise (1st grade -3rd grade) on a projection rotational basis. (Children’s Church 11am) Lead a visual system and recording Coordinate a team for special children’s operators team. events, such as Easter Egg Hunt, Harvest Teach or tutor church members in computer Festival, and Happy Birthday Jesus Party. operation and software. Serve on a team for special children’s Create media presentations for the worship events. service. Serve on a team for visioning and planning Run the computer and media software for children’s ministries. the worship service. Refill and restock children activity bags for Serve as a video camera operator for the sanctuary. recording the services. Assist occasionally with Cherub Choir (K-3 thru K-5) for rehearsals and/or Communication performances. Write articles for the newsletter. Lead or coordinate a puppet ministry. Write press releases for newspapers. Serve as a performer in the puppet ministry. Develop advertising for our church. Lead or coordinate a stage management Assist with the church web page. team, for sets, props, lighting and costumes. Caring Ministries Coordinate a Snack Supper team for Participate in a Sunday devotion and Sunday evenings. singing time at the Nursing home. Help prepare and serve Snack Supper on Coordinate Nursing home devotion and Sunday evenings. singing visits. Lead or coordinate the Elementary Choir st th Serve as a visitor of the homebound or (Grades 1 – 5 ) nursing home residents. Serve as an assistant for Elementary Choir st th Serve as a hospital visitor. (Grades 1 - 5 ) Work in the nursery at 8:30 am on Sundays Help with lighting, sound, costumes, Work in the nursery at 9:45 am on Sundays scenery, multimedia, or decorating for a Work in the nursery at 11 am on Sundays children's musical Work in the nursery Sunday evenings Wipe, clean toys in the nursery once a Work in the nursery on Wednesday week. evenings Coordinate those who assist in the nursery. Fun Fest Serve as a Stephen Leader Serve as a greeter at the Fun Fest welcome (training required) tent. Serve as a Stephen Minister Serve in a refreshments booth at Fun Fest. (training required) Serve on the Fun Fest clean up team. Coordinate a worship tape ministry, Serve on the Fun Fest parking team. overseeing equipment, volunteers, and Serve on the Fun Fest set-up team. delivery. Supervise children on rides during Fun Deliver videos of the church service to the Fest. homebound or nursing home residents. Serve as a face-painter at Fun Fest Lead a ministry that sends caring cards to individuals. Serve in a ministry that sends caring cards to individuals. 2 Vacation Bible School (VBS) Missions & Outreach Ministries Serve as an assistant VBS director. Coordinate church participation in Open Teach a grade school (1-6) VBS class. Door Walk Classic. Teach a preschool or kindergarten VBS Coordinate church participation in Habitat class for Humanity. Coordinate craft activities for children. Coordinate assembly of flood buckets, i.e. Coordinate games for children. cleaning and recovery supplies for victims Serve as a helper for a VBS class. of flooding or hurricane damage. Coordinate snacks and meals for children in Assemble flood buckets. VBS. Coordinate church participation in a foreign Serve as a song leader for VBS. mission trip. Coordinate rides and outdoor activities for Serve as a member of a foreign mission trip VBS. team. Drive shuttle van for VBS Coordinate church participation in Alabama Coordinate enrollment for VBS. Rural Ministry (A.R.M.), a local organization Coordinate follow-up contacts after VBS. that assists in home repairs and clean-up for those in need. Worship Serve as a home repair worker for A.R.M. Deliver a sermon, message, or devotion as or other ministries. needed. (Lay Speaker—training required) Coordinate church participation in a blood Deliver a children’s message during drive. worship. Serve a helper for a blood drive. Sing in a choir Assist in serving communion. Prayer Coordinate individuals who prepare the Lead a prayer vigil sanctuary, altar, or Lord’s table area for Serve as member of the Epworth prayer worship services. team. Prepare the sanctuary, altar, or Lord’s table Coordinate or lead a team of people who area for worship services. pray during the worship service. Serve as a fill-in piano/organ/keyboard Pray in the chapel during the 8:30 am player when staff has to be out. service Serve as an usher at the 8:30 am service. Pray in the chapel during the 9:45 am Serve as an usher at the 9:45 am service. service Serve as an usher at the 11 am service. Pray in the chapel during the 11 am . Play in a band or instrumental ensemble for Type and email daily prayer devotions. worship. Play an instrumental solo for worship. Evangelism Sing a vocal solo in worship. Participate in evangelism meetings and Read Scripture for Advent readings. help implement new ideas and ways our Train and coordinate Acolytes, the children church can spread Christianity to our who serve in worship as candle lighters and community. assistants. Call on those who have visited the worship Reader during worship, as needed. services for the first time. Restock pews with sharpened pencils, Coordinate those who call on worship prayer request cards, and offertory service visitors envelopes. Manage and monitor visitor-packet materials/assembly. Coordinate Information table and visitor materials/handouts. Collect attendance registration sheets from the pews on Sunday morning.
3 Christian Education If you are interested in a ministry that is not Teach an adult Sunday school class on a described above, please write it in the space rotational basis. provided below. Serve as an assistant Sunday school Other superintendent. Lead or coordinate a church library. Other Assist in a church library. Teach a grade school (1-6) Sunday school class on a rotational basis. Teach a high school Sunday school class on a rotational basis. Teach a junior high or middle school Sunday school class on a rotational basis. Teach a preschool or kindergarten Sunday school class on a rotational basis. Serve as a helper for a Sunday school class. Serve as a Sunday school superintendent. Teach a men’s or women’s bible study Lead a Disciple Bible Study small group. Lead a short-term study on Wed nights. Teach a Wednesday PM Bible study with fun activities for 4 yrs. – 5 th grade
Q: What is the operational fund?
A: The operational fund supports the daily ministries of Epworth UMC. It is how the church is able to plan and implement life-changing ministries such as Sunday school classes, Bible studies and fellowship groups, as well as keep the water and electricity turned on. Dependent upon our congregation’s tithes and special giving, without the operational fund, the ministries of Epworth UMC would not take place. Your signed pledge to this fund (pg. 5) is our church’s planning tool. Note: The operational fund does not include special designated giving, such as the recent campaign for the electronic sign or other special projects, such as the proposed building project. When funds are designated for specific projects that is considered above-and-beyond giving, supplemental to your pledge to give monthly to the operational fund.
4 Return all pages of this form to the church on Sunday, Nov. 16th A.D. 2008 Time and Talent Dedication.
Name (Print): ______
Address: ______
Telephone: ______
Email: ______
What Will You Commit To In 2009? (please check one of the following three options) Tithing In faith, I/we seek the blessings of tithing (giving at least 10% of my/our income to God through Epworth UMC). I/we will give $______per month for 2009. I/we estimate giving a total of $______to the Operational Fund during 2009.
A Step Toward Tithing I/we will take a step toward tithing by increasing the percentage of my/our financial giving to God through Epworth UMC. I/we will give $______per month for 2009. I/we estimate giving a total of $______to the Operational Fund during 2009.
Pledge to Operational Fund I/we will offer God through Epworth UMC $______to the Operating Fund per month for 2009. I/we estimate giving a total of $______to the Operational Fund during 2009.
My Faith Commitment After prayerful consideration, I plan to live out my commitment to Christ and His church in 2008-2009 by serving Christ as indicated above, praying daily for our church, and attending faithfully our church’s worship services.
Signature: ______
Please cut out the card below and place it in your checkbook or wallet as a monthly reminder of your pledge. ------Epworth UMC 2009 Stewardship Pledge for the Operating Fund January 1 – December 31, 2009
I have committed $______per month to God through the growing ministries of Epworth UMC.
I have pledged my time and talent for the following servant roles/ministries/tasks: 1. ______2.______3.______
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