Part 2 - Madura Pass to Port Augusta
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The Global Poverty Walk
Commencing on 2 February 2013, MPH supporter Matt Napier will walk from Perth to Sydney bouncing an AFL football to raise awareness of the urgent need for action to halve global poverty by 2015. Part 2 - Madura Pass to Port Augusta Friday 1 March to Sunday 31 March
Friday 1 March - End of Day 28
Today's Distance: 48.2 km
Total Distance: 1305.2 km
Cold wet and windy today don’t really associate that with the Nullabor this time of year.
Rest area 48km East of Madura Pass.
Saturday 2 March - End of Day 29
Today's Distance: 59.8 km
Total Distance: 1365 km
Windy, windy, windy and a few storms about. Hard days walk, but I had a great incentive as we had arranged to meet up with our friends John & Judy from Woolgoolga (near Coffs Harbour). We met them in Mildura last year while we were doing the Long Ride. Thanks for treating us to a sensational campfire dinner and bringing our extra supplied (two jars of peanut butter!!).
Jilbah Rockhole Rest area 10km West of Mundrabilla.
Sunday 3 March - End of Day 30
Today's Distance: 47 km
Total Distance: 1412 km
Tough day, after a long day yesterday and a late night it was hard going today. Still battling a head wind but the sun also came out this afternoon and temps got back into the 30's. There are no easy days on this walk but this was a particularly challenging one.
Staying in rest area about 42km west of the WA/SA border.
Monday 4 March - Day 31
Today's Distance: 41 km
Total Distance: 1453
Made it to the border but unfortunately Wendy was involved in a car accident (no one hurt, minor damages to our car, other car written off) so I walked to the border and hitched a ride back to Eucla with a truckie. Once everything was settled we drove back to the border and stayed overnight at the Border Village caravan park.
Tuesday 5 March - Day 32 ** HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT **
Today's Distance: 51.5 km
Total Distance: 1405.5 km
Spent the day walking along the Great Australian Bight - awesome! Unfortunately though, blisters are back and flies were the worst they have been so far.
Stayed at a rest area 51km east of Border Village.
Wednesday 6 March - Day 33
Today's Distance: 52.5 km
Total Distance: 1557 km
Good day today felt pretty good all day. Views over the bight the last few days have been awesome.
Stayed at rest area 81km west of Nullarbor roadhouse.
Thursday 7 March - Day 34
Today's Distance: 60.5 km
Total Distance: 1617.5 km
Weather was good, nice sea breeze today which kept things cool. Few light showers about. Got to about 50km and still felt good so decided to keep going to a better rest area a bit closer to the Nullarbor Roadhouse.
Rest area 20km west of Nullarbor Roadhouse.
Friday 8 March - Day 35
Today's Distance: 48 km
Total Distance: 1665.5 km
Rain in the morning. Got to Nullarbor Roadhouse where we had a shower and something to eat before heading off again.
Stayed at a rest area about 28 km east of Nullarbor.
Saturday 9 March - Day 36
Today's Distance: 45 km
Total Distance: 1710.5 km
Felt pretty flat all day. Blisters are giving me grief but no new ones developed today which is good. Mind you there isnt much room on my feet for new blisters to develop. Ha Ha.
Rest area 21 West of Yalata (256km peg)
Sunday 10 Mar - Day 37
Today's Distance: 55 km
Total Distance: 1765.5 km It can get very lonely out here lucky to speak to a couple of people a day. A truck lost his load and needed a crane to put it back on. Spoke to the police a couple of times today who are always good to have a chat to. The Nullarbor plain around here gets quiet hilly so that broke up the day a bit.
Kidnippy Rest Area - 19km west of Nundroo (311km peg)
Monday 11 Mar - Day 38
Today's Distance: 50.5 km
Total Distance: 1816 km
Pretty good day really, the day just flew by. Temps warmed up again today was forecast for 37 and felt every bit of it.
Rest area 31km east of Nundroo (361km peg).
Tuesday 12 Mar - Day 39
Today's Distance: 32.5 km
Total Distance: 1848.5 km
Easier day today. We met 2 guys from UK cycling around the world to raise money for Brain Tumour UK and an Aussie couple from Wollongong cycling around Australia. Temps hit 40 degrees before a cool change came through.
Stayed at a rest area 16 km West of Penong.
Wednesday 13 Mar - Day 40
Today's Distance: 41.5 km
Total Distance: 1890 km
We are only about 50km or so from Ceduna and really looking forward to a few days rest the feet can really do with it. The weather today was a lot more pleasant than yesterday’s 40 degree day.
Rest area 25km East of Penong.
Thursday 14 Mar - Day 41
Today's Distance: 34.5km
Total Distance: 1924.5 km
Walked about 29km and then drove back a bit to visit the Koonibba Aboriginal Community and talk to students at the school. Then walked another 5.5 km before heading into Ceduna to get to pre-season training for the Koonibba Roosters - the oldest surviving Aboriginal football club.
Stayed at the Ceduna Big 4 Caravan Park.
Friday 15 Mar - Day 42
Today's Distance: 13.2 km
Total Distance: 1937.7 km
Drove back out to the 12km mark and Wendy dropped me off to walk the final distance into Ceduna. After taking care of the washing and showers we drove down to the pub for lunch and to watch the cricket (it is walking distance but no way was I putting my shoes back on!)
Stayed at the Ceduna Big 4 Caravan Park.
Saturday 16 Mar to Monday 18 Mar – Day 43-45 No walking – rested, did washing and shopping to restock for next section of walk. Spent a bit of time down at the Foreshore Pub watching sport and chatting to locals. Took a drive out to Denial Bay.
Tuesday 19 March - Day 46
Today's Distance: 44.6 km
Total Distance: 1982.3 km
Tough day. Rest days are good but gee it’s hard to get back into it. Glad to get that day out of the road hopefully tomorrow will be a little easier.
Rest area 45 km east of Ceduna.
Wednesday 20 March - Day 47
Today's Distance: 48 km
Total Distance: 2030.3 km
Better day today, weather got to the mid 30s, bit cooler tomorrow. Went past 2000km today Woo hoo. Had a great night at the Wirrulla Pub and met some of the locals who made us very welcome and were really interested in the walk.
Staying at Wirrulla Caravan Park (total of 4 powered sites!!)
Thursday 21 March - Day 48
Today's Distance: 45.2 km
Total Distance: 2075.5 km
Starting to get back in the swing of it now after the rest days. Had a bit of a storm last night that has cooled things down a bit. A bit windy but other than that it was a perfect day for walking.
Rest area approx 3km West of Poochera.
Friday 22 March - Day 49
Today's Distance: 35.6 km
Total Distance: 2111.1 km
Just another day of walking. Crossed paths with the couple from Wollongong who are cycling across Oz as they had taken a detour to Streaky Bay and swam with dolphins and seals - lucky buggers!
Stayed at the Minnipa Caravan Park.
Saturday 23 March - Day 50
Today's Distance: 50.6 km
Total Distance: 2161.7 km
Caught up with my truckie mate, fantastic to see him again. Saw him at the WA SA border when he gave me a lift back to Eucla and then again 21 days later 670km down the road. Top bloke. Also met a guy who had been homeless for 6 years and has now turned his life around. Fantastic story and wish him all the best. He insisted on donating his last $5 in his wallet to go to the needy - what an inspiration!
Polkdinny Rest Area in Kyancutta
Sunday 24 March - Day 51
Today's Distance: 41 km Total Distance: 2206.7 km
Felt flat all day but managed to get where we wanted to get to, half way between Kyancutta and Kimba. Finding out my footy team at home beat our arch rivals put an extra spring in my step this afternoon and got me over the line.
Rest area 45km West of Kimba
Monday 25 March - Day 52
Today's Distance: 44.4 km
Total Distance: 2251.1 km
Fantastic to get half way, bring on the second half! It rained this morning so I had a slightly later start and even then it rained on and off for the first few hours. Stopped raining and was pleasant walking weather until it started to warm up at midday and ended up a big muggy. But in all not a bad day.
Stayed at the Kimba Roadhouse Motel Caravan Park - thanks to Charlie & Jan for putting us up for the night.
Tuesday 26 March - Day 53
Today's Distance: 21.7 km
Total Distance: 2272.8 km
Walked a few kilometres out of Kimba today just so I stay a bit ahead of schedule and in case the forecasted rain for tomorrow causes any delays. Did an interview on ABC Radio first thing and then after walking we returned to Kimba to talk to two groups of students at the Kimba Area School and then to attend footy training at the Kimba Football Club.
Rest area 21km East of Kimba
Wednesday 27 March - Day 54
Today's Distance: 29.7 km
Total Distance: 2302.5 km
Retired my third football today which was just as well as I accidentally left the old footy at the Kimba Football Club last night so Wendy had to drive back in the morning to pick it up. Slow day today as we got a fair bit of rain over the day so I had a few longer breaks. Hope to get to Iron Knob tomorrow.
Parking area 37km West of Iron Knob
Thursday 28 March - Day 55
Today's Distance: 37.8 km
Total Distance: 2340.3 km
Long day today but only because we took it easy and had several longer breaks than usual. Got internet & phone coverage for first time in several days so gradually making head way on plans for events from Port Pirie to Adelaide.
Parking bay at Iron Knob
Friday 29 March (Good Friday) - Day 56
Today's Distance: 43.1 km
Total Distance: 2383.4 km
Thought we had finished the Eyre Highway today but apparently it continues after you turn North at the junction and ends at Port Augusta! It’s still the end of the one road that runs West to East from Norseman to the Junction to we celebrated its end anyway. Sort of sad in a way to have finished. It was a great challenge both mentally and physically. Shortish day tomorrow, only a 26km walk into Port Augusta. Rest area at junction of Eyre Highway and Lincoln Highway, 26km South/West of Port Augusta.
Saturday 30 March – Day 57
Today's Distance: 23.6 km
Total Distance: 2407 km
Just a pretty easy stroll into Port Augusta today. Stopped for an interview with the Transcontinental Newspaper and then got to the Caravan Park just before the rain hit.
Caravan Park at Port Augusta - thanks to the Port Augusta Lions Club for paying our park fee for us.
Sunday 31 March – Day 58
Today's Distance: 22.6 km
Total Distance: 2429.6 km
Simple day today. Decided to finish early for Easter and to take advantage of where we can find rest areas. Have three days to make it to Port Pirie so no rush! Hope the Easter Bunny was good to you all.
Parking area 22.6km South East of Port Augusta