The regular meeting of the Palmer Township Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Palmer Township Hall, with Supervisors Ganz, Demeules and Larson present. Also present were Roger Johnson, Treasurer and Kelly McCann, Township Clerk. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Chairman Ganz informed the audience that copies of the March minutes were posted on the website for their review and asked to state any additions or corrections before the end of the meeting in which a motion would be made for approval.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Johnson read the balances from the Treasurer's report. Chairman Ganz made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Supervisor Larson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Sheriff’s Report:

Officer Bob Stangler reported that there had been 104 calls for service in March this year as compared to 73 in 2016 and 60 in 2015. There were 57 traffic violations with 16 offenses charged by citations. There were no burglaries, one theft, no crashes with injury and no crashes with property damage. There was one property damage of slashed tires and cut radiator. There was one call for an empty canoe with floatations on the lake which was investigated due to the cold water.

Officer Stangler reported that traffic fatalities county wide has decreased by 55% and by 80% on Highway 10 from Becker through Elk River. This may be due to the distracted driving campaign efforts done in 2016 by the Minnesota State Patrol, Sherburne County Sheriffs office and County Attorney's office.

Fire Department:

No report from the Fire Department. Roger Johnson reported that the infloor heat has been turned off in both the Fire Station and the Town Hall for the season.

Road Maintenance / Signs:

Mitch Hoefer reported he has the majority of the fire signs installed and will complete them when the final signs come in. There are approximately 8 left to complete.

P.E.C. / Park Report:

Roger Johnson reported the Earth Day cleanup is scheduled for May 20th, 2017 from 7:00am - 1:00 pm. Page #2, April 10, 2017

Mitch received three bids on putting in a sprinkler system at the Park. The bids came out between $5600-$5800. After discussion Chairman Ganz made a motion to have Traut Wells put in the sprinkler system with a bid of 5765.00. They are available to start after May 8th. The sprinklers will be placed on the edge of the law. Depending on rainfall, it is estimated that the sprinklers will be turned on 2-3 times per week. Mitch will contact Traut Wells to schedule installation. Supervisor Demeules seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Harry Ernzer reported that the Clear Lake Lions generously donated another $20,000 towards playground equipment in 2017. The Park Committee is currently looking at a piece of equipment through Miracle Recreation Company that is approximately $42,000. It can be bought in stages starting with the center piece and adding additional apparatus as money allows. Harry will get further details and report at the May meeting.

Harry also reported that there have been 3 picnic tables that have been stolen. He is currently going to get 6 more picnic table which will be slide in style. Harry requested we get some type of brand to label the tables Property of Palmer Park.

Lake Association

Rosalie Musachio introduced herself at the interim President for the Briggs Lake Chain Association as Wayne Smith has stepped down. Charlene Langowski will serve as the Vice President. Social Events that are currently being planned are:

Annual Garage Sales - May 11-14 7:00am-7:00pm Boat Safety meeting given by Sherburne County Sheriff - June 10th Boat Parade and Fireworks - July 3rd Palmer Day Brat Sale

Water quality testing will begin again in May and continue through October on all 4 lakes. The BCLA is currently working on a getting sign to put in the channel between Rush Lake and Briggs Lake reminding boaters to clean their engines of weeds prior to entering the next lake. This is in effort to eliminate the spread of Eurasian milfoil found in Rush Lake to Briggs Lake. BLCA is currently accepting donations for weed spraying and fireworks.

New projects: The BLCA is working with Sherburne County to investigate failing septic systems around the lakes. They are in communication with Clear Lake Township to find an alternative to the removal of the dumpster on Elk Lake.

Legal Comments:

Nothing to report Page #3, April 10, 2017

Approval of Minutes

Supervisor Larson made a motion for approval of the March 13, 2017 minutes. Supervisor Demeules seconded and motion was carried.


Nothing to Report



Selection of Chairman 2017 - Supervisor Demeules made a motion to reinstate Mike Ganz as the Chairman. Supervisor Larson Seconded and motion carried.

PEC: Roger Johnson recommended keeping the prices the same as last year for Earth Day in 2017. Chairman Ganz made a motion to continue with the same pricing. Supervisor Larson seconded and the motion carried.

Road and Bridge: The spring road trip has been scheduled for April 26th at 4:00 pm leaving from the Town Hall going northwest.

Gopher Bounty: Supervisor Larson made a motion to continue the gopher bounty at $2.00 per pair. Supervisor Demeules seconded and the motion carried.

Park: Harry Ernzer recommended getting a sign made for the park acknowledging the Clear Lake Lions for their generous donations to the playground equipment. Mike Ganz recommended getting in touch with Cliff Perkins to get ideas for a sign.

Tax Levy: Supervisors had been contacted by Palmer citizens regarding the proposed tax levy of 12% at the annual meeting. Chairman Ganz stated that if a petition was submitted by the public a special meeting could be held to lower the tax levy for 2018. The final decision would have to be made submitted to the county by September 2017. Alan Peterson recommended continuing with the proposed tax levy of 12% with the consideration of averaging out the next couple years with a lower percentage rate. The supervisors wanted to clarify that the 12% increase would be disbursed throughout all 6 funds and would not be allocated just to the road and bridge fund.

Library: Supervisor Larson made a motion to discontinue the $100.00 donation to the Clearwater library as we now have our own township library which our citizens use. Supervisor Demeules seconded and the motion carried. Page #4, April 10, 2017

History Center: Supervisor Demeules made a motion to donate $500.00 to the Sherburne County History Center. Supervisor Larson seconded and the motion carried.

Official Bank: Chairman Ganz made a motion to keep the Sherburne State Bank as Palmer Township's official bank. Supervisor Larson seconded and motion carried.

Official Newspaper: Chairman Ganz made a motion to keep the Sherburne County Citizen as Palmer Township's official newspaper. Supervisor Demeules seconded and motion carried.


Supervisor Larson requested that if the representative from the Sherburne County Citizen Newspaper is unable to attend the monthly meeting, information regarding the meeting should be taken from the clerks minutes to be published for the public. This information will be available on the website in draft form shortly after the meeting has been held.


It was recommended by the Township Attorney David Meyers, to revisit the current wages paid to the supervisors, election judges and township employees. Current wages across the board are $12.00 per hour. Chairmain Ganz read the current wages of Haven Township for comparison which are at $30.00 per hour across the board. It was recommended that we call around to other townships to get an average of what their employees are making and what duties are contracted out versus performed by a maintenance employee. Chairman Ganz recommended keeping the meeting rate the same at $75.00 per meeting but increasing the wages to $15.00. Supervisor Larson disagreed and recommended that only the maintenance employee's wage be increased to $15.00 per hour at this time. After contacting other townships we would then revisit the possible increase of the supervisors, election judges, treasurer and clerks. Discussion continued with the majority of the constituents recommending raising all wages to $15.00 per hour. Supervisor Demeules then made a motion to increase the wages of employees and election judges to $15.00 per hour and keeping the supervisors at the current rate of $12.00 per hour. Chairmain Ganz seconded it and the motion carried.


Roger Johnson requested to move the May meeting to the 15th instead of the 8th due to the time frame of approving the incoming accounts payable. All agreed that May 15th would work. Kelly will post the new date on the website and the town hall.

Supervisor Demeules made a motion to approve claims #17071 - 17092 plus payroll, Connexus and advanced disposal for a total of $13665.92. Supervisor Larson seconded and motion was carried.

Chairman Ganz made a motion to adjourn. Supervisor Demeules seconded. Motion was carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm. Kelly McCann Palmer Township Clerk Approved as reviewed May 15, 2017