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Replace This Text with the Title of Your Learning Experience s24

Kay Gustafson

Summer 2006

Johnny Appleseed Legend or Real Person

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Students will tell why they think Johnny Appleseed was a real person or only a legend. They will reflect on how he affects our lives today.

Overview/ Materials/LOC Resources/Standards/ Procedures/Evaluation/Rubric/Handouts/Extension

Overview Back to Navigation Bar Objectives Students will:  tell historical events of Johnny Chapman’s (Johnny Appleseed) life.  tell some of the legends that evolved about that character  sequence the life of an apple from flower to fruit Recommended time frame 30 minutes a day for 5 days Grade level kindergarten Curriculum fit Language arts, social science, science Materials  Johnny Appleseed, The Story of a Legend Will Moses Philomel Books, New York 2001 ISBN 0- 399-23153-6  Johnny Appleseed, A Tall Tale Retold and Illustrated by Steven Kellogg Morrow Junior Books, New York 1988 ISBN 0-688-06418-3  Johnny Appleseed by Marianne Johnston PowerKids Press, New York 2001 ISBN 0-8239-5577-x  Resource Table  Handouts

An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Illinois State Learning Standards Back to Navigation Bar Science Goal 12: Understand the fundamental concepts, principles and interconnections of the life, physical and earth/space sciences. 12 B. Know and apply concepts that describe how living things interact with each other and with their environment.

Social Science Goal 16: Understand events, trends, individuals and movements shaping the history of Illinois, the United States and other nations. 16 A. Apply the skills of historical analysis and interpretation.

Language Arts Goal 2: Read and understand literature representative of various societies, eras and ideas. 2 B. Read and interpret a variety of literary works. Procedures Back to Navigation Bar Day One:  Set the stage by teaching about the way of life for pioneers.  Use ble.htm the image table to show several images of what life was like during that time period.

Day Two:  Show the drawing of Johnny Appleseed from Harper’s Magazine 1871 bin/query/r? ammem/ncpsbib:@field(DOCID+@lit(ABK4014- 0043-116_bib)) and read parts of the article to the class.  Use Will Moses’ book Johnny Appleseed, The Story of a Legend to introduce the class to the life of Johnny Appleseed. Project the map of the Ohio River ammem/gmd:@field(NUMBER+@band(g4084p+ct 001213))  And zoom in on the boats on the river.

An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Day Three:  Review Will Moses’ book and show the pictures of Chippewa canoes  ammem/hawp:@field(NUMBER+@band(codhawp+ 10032639))  Have the students analyze the photo using the Photo Analysis sheet.  Show the Ohio River map again ammem/gmd:@field(NUMBER+@band(g4084p+ct 001213))  Have the students tell what they see using a sense chart (what do you think you see, would hear, smell, feel, and taste)

Day Four:  Introduce the word legend. Talk about how people become legends.  Read Steven Kellogg’s Johnny Appleseed. Show pictures of real bears and compare to the illustrations in the book. Bears

Day Five:  Use the site on Massachusetts Agriculture to teach the students about apple tree growth. Show the photograph of an apple orchard in Massachusetts after a mn%201999.htm#2  Hurricane ammem/fsaall:@field(NUMBER+@band(fsa+8c022 75))

Evaluation Back to Navigation Bar See Rubric

Extension Back to Navigation Bar  Study the First American West: The Ohio River Valley 1750 -1820 Page will open up on Lewis and Clark scroll down to find the link to the Ohio River valley.  Click on several things in the map or in the text to explore.

An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University ark.html  Many activities about Johnny Appleseed nyamr.html

An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Primary Resources from the Library of Congress Back to Navigation Bar

Image/Resource Description Citation URL Centuries of http://aam.govst.e survival Image du/projects/rnewc s/rnewcomb/imagetable.htm table omb/index.htm

John’s birth http://www.lostin certificate from tml/crown_hill__johnny_ap 1774 own_hill__johnn pleseed.html y_appleseed.html

Johnny AUTHOR Appleseed - A W. D. Haley bin/query/r? Pioneer Hero. ammem/ncpsbib:@field(DO [Harper's CID+@lit(ABK4014-0043- new monthly 116_bib)) magazine. / Volume 43, Issue 258, November 1871] [Map of the Library of Ohio River Congress, bin/query/r? from Fort Geography and ammem/gmd:@field(NUM Pitt. Map Division. BER+@band(g3707o+ar07 8800))

[A trader's Library of map of the Congress, bin/query/r? Ohio country Geography and ammem/gmd:@field(NUM before 1753. Map Division BER+@band(g3707o+ar07 7200))

Ms. pictorial Library of map showing Congress, bin/query/r? troop positions Geography and ammem/gmd:@field(NUM during the Map Division BER+@band(g4084p+ct001

An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Siege of Fort 213)) Meigs, Perrysburg (Ohio), 1813. So, what do you Hunt for created by Mrs. think? What Johnny Darlene Mazurik wired/fil/pages/huntjohnnya makes you think Chapman mr.html he was a real an Internet person? How did Treasure he affect our lives Hunt on today? Johnny Appleseed

Francis Johnny Bailey Hall Appleseed eseed.htm Society 937-484-1303 or 800-7 URBANA

Photos of http://www.finda memorials cgi-bin/fg.cgi? for Johnny bin/fg.cgi? page=gr&GRid=1848&pt=J Appleseed page=gr&GRid= ohn%20Chapman 1848&pt=John %20Chapman

Massachusetts Chart of Massachusetts Agriculture in the Apples from Agriculture in t/mac/Newsletters/Autumn classroom flowers to the classroom %201999.setthtm#2 fruit List of apple books New England Library of hurricane. Congress, Prints bin/query/r? Apple orchard & Photographs ammem/fsaall:@field(NUM near North Division, FSA- BER+@band(fsa+8c02275) Brookfield, OWI Collection, ) Massachusetts. [LC-USF34- This orchard 040311-D DLC has seven (b&w film neg.)] thousand trees and eighty-

An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University five percent of them went down.

Hand colored Western view of two History/Genealog bin/query/r? Native y Department, ammem/hawp:@field(NUM American Denver Public BER+@band(codhawp+100 (Chippewa) Library 32639)) men constructing a Birch bark canoe in Minnesota. One completed canoe rests on the ground near the men, and a child stands in the doorway of a Birch bark wigwam Canoeist. Library of Man in canoe Congress, Prints bin/query/r? on water. and Photographs ammem/horyd:@field(NUM Division, BER+@band(thc+5a47550) Theodor ) Horydczak Collection [LC- H822-T-2072 DLC (interpositive)].

An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Rubric Back to Navigation Bar

Category Criteria Points 1 2 3 Tell Tells no details Remembers Tells three details of historical and attempts to John Chapman’s life events of tell something John learned about Chapman’s his life life Retell Relates no legends or Can correctly Tells two legend some of retells them tell about at attributed to Johnny the legends incorrectly least one of the Appleseed that legend of evolved Johnny about Appleseed Johnny Appleseed Sequence Can not sequence Gets at least Can sequence flower to the one of the steps apple to seed to tree to growing in the proper flower correctly sequence order of an apple from flower to fruit Class Does not participate. Tell what he or Makes an inference discussions Has poor behavior she sees. about what they see about during project Photo Analysis Total Teacher Comments

An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Handouts Back to Navigation Bar Photo Analysis Worksheet Step 1. Observation

A. Study the photograph for 2 minutes. Form an overall impression of the photograph and then examine individual items. Next, divide the photo into quadrantes and study each section to see what new details become visible.

B. Use the chart below to list people, objects, and activities in the photograph.




Step 2. Inference Based on what you have observed above, list three things you might predict could happen from this photograph

Step 3. Questions A. What questions do you have about this photograph?

B. Where might we find answers to them?

An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Image/Resourc Descriptio Citation URL e n Home Fred sweet Hultstrand ammem/ngp:@field(NUMBER+@band home : Be History in (ndfahult+b016)) it ever so Pictures humble, Collection, there's no NDIRS- place like NDSU, Fargo. home.

Irkutsk Library of (?) - boy Congress, ammem/wtc:@field(NUMBER+@band on small Prints and (wtc+4a03411)) sledge Photographs pulled by Division, 3 bear World's cubs. Transportation Commission Photograph Collection, [reproduction number, wtc 4a03411 http://hdl.loc.g ov/loc.pnp/wtc. 4a03411 Animals. Library of Polar Congress, ammem/horyd:@field(NUMBER+@ba bear. Prints and nd(thc+5a36339)) Photographs Division, Theodor Horydczak Collection [please give the reproduction number, LC- H813-2202 DLC (b&w film neg.)

An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Bear, City Western Park, History/Geneal ammem/hawp:@field(NUMBER+@ban Denver / ogy d(codhawp+00070879)) photo. by Department, L.C. Denver Public McClure. Library

An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University

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