EDUC 1101 Form a Exam 1 Spring 2007

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EDUC 1101 Form a Exam 1 Spring 2007

EDUC 1101 Form A Exam 1 Spring 2007

Please read all of these directions. Prior to starting your exam please write your NAME and STUDENT ID number on the answer sheet. Also please put either Form A OR Form B on the top by your name. Answer all of the questions to the best of your abilities. If you have any questions feel free to raise your hand and Jamie or Professor Guldbrandsen will gladly help you.

1. Who established the first state-supported normal school in Massachusetts in 1839? a. Benjamin Franklin b. George Washington c. Reverend Samuel Hall d. Horace Mann

2. In the colonial era, teachers a. Earned as much as farmers, and even a bit more than merchants, enjoying relatively high status. b. At the elementary level, typically had not even attended secondary school. c. Were trained in teaching academies and focused particularly on maintaining good discipline and promoting Christian values. d. Attended "normal schools" whose rising status enabled them to compete successfully for the scarce teaching positions.

3. Which of the following BEST DESCRIBES the status of teaching? a. Teaching today is finally accepted as a true profession by teachers, the public, and the media. b. Many people believe that teaching has not reached the status of a profession. c. While the public views teaching as a profession, the media continue to cast doubt on its professional status. d. Teachers have abandoned the effort to be treated as professionals and have focused their energies almost entirely on improving their salaries.

4. “Tomorrow's Teachers” and “A Nation Prepared” both called for a. Higher standards for teachers in the U.S. b. Merit pay systems and career ladders to reward competent teachers. c. Establishing "normal schools" to standardize teacher preparation. d. Lengthening teacher training programs to four years.

5. Margaret Haley contributed to education by a. teaching the U.S. approach to education in Ireland during the 1800s. b. being the first Headmistress at the first all girls high school in Boston. c. building an advanced placement calculus program at a struggling school. d. fighting for the working rights of Chicago teachers.

6. Which of the following statements is TRUE? a. Dean Henry Holmes of Massachusetts is known for his early yet unsuccessful efforts to establish normal schools. b. Teach for America recruits individuals to teaching and grants its graduates a Masters degree in Education or Teaching. c. The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards administers yearly minimum competency tests to aspiring teachers to weed out unqualified teaching candidates. d. "Fast track" training programs, such as Teach for America, provide short- term but controversial fixes for teacher shortages.

7. True or False: Pedagogy is defined as the science of teaching. a. True b. False 8. Teachers in colonial times a. were highly regarded for their public service. b. belonged to one of two professional teaching organizations: one labor-oriented, the other more professional in nature. c. often had no formal preparation for teaching. d. worked hard to earn their teaching credentials.

9. The affective domain refers to: a. academic development. b. physiological factors. c. information processing. d. attitudes and motivation.

10. Someone who assumes responsibility for his or her performance on a test has a. an external locus of control. b. an internal locus of control. c. an under developed emotional intelligence. d. a visual learning style.

11. Kinesthetic learners learn best a. by doing. b. in calm, quiet surroundings. c. by using texts and watching videos. d. by hearing.

12. The name most closely associated with EQ, or emotional intelligence theory, is a. Howard Gardner. b. James Banks. c. Mary Budd Rowe. d. Daniel Goldman.

13. Howard Gardner is closely associated with a. the development of IQ tests. b. emotional intelligence. c. multiple intelligences theory. d. moral intelligence.

14. Which of the following is a recommended approach to teaching a culturally diverse group of learners? a. Help Americanize your students by immersing them in American ways of learning in the classroom: Promote competition as a way to increase achievement; offer praise and criticism in front of the group, rather than in private; and reinforce the curriculum with readings from western classics. b. Recognize that generalizations about groups are destructive, and treat all students in the same way. c. Help your students more easily fit into the American society by creating common and familiar American sounding names and nicknames for them. d. Build on individual learning styles: Give your students a learning style assessment (or observe them doing their work) and then adapt your instruction accordingly.

15. Four approaches to multicultural education are: a. cognitive, affective, physiological, psychological. b. contributions, additive, transformation, social action. c. pull-out, mainstreaming, regular, inclusion. d. cognitive, affective, physiological, psychological. 16. In Lau v. Nichols, the Supreme Court held that a. an Individualized Education Program must be written for bilingual students. b. maintenance programs are unconstitutional. c. school districts cannot prevent gifted students from accelerating through grades. d. teaching students in a language they did not understand was not an appropriate education.

17. An IEP is an a. Individually Educated Pupil. b. Independent Education Proposal. c. Individualized Education Program. d. Interim Evaluation Plan.

18. Philip Jackson found that school classrooms typically featured a. passive teachers and active students. b. active teachers and students. c. active teachers and passive students. d. passive teachers and students.

19. According to John Goodlad's study of schools, about how much time in schools is devoted to instruction? a. 75 percent b. 55 percent c. 95 percent d. 15 percent

20. When low-ability students are grouped together, research finds that a. there are fewer classroom management problems. b. students talk more about social rather than academic matters. c. eachers hold lower expectations but offer more constructive comments. d. all of the above.

21. As "gatekeepers," what do teachers do? a. determine who will talk, when, and for how long b. control who enters and leaves the classroom c. control who is assigned to which track or ability group d. keep accurate records of student progress

22. Which of the following best defines tracking? a. grouping students in class by ability, for instance in "honors" or remedial groups b. monitoring student location in schools using checkpoints and sophisticated ID technology c. monitoring student progress on tests, homework, and classroom participation d. assigning students to different programs of study based on ability

23. Raphaela Best studied elementary schoolchildren and found a. in the first grade, children look to teachers and the principal for security. b. by third grade, girls abandon their role as "teacher's helper" and openly challenge teacher authority. c. teachers consistently separated boys and girls despite their interest in working together. d. there is more cross-sex than cross-race communication in elementary school.

24. True or False: NBPTS stands for the National Board for Public Training Systems. e. True f. False 25. How do you spell the Professor’s last name? a. Frank b. Guldbrandsen c. Goldmember d. Goldbrindson

26. Which of the following terms is NOT associated with students' affective needs? a. norm-referenced tests b. Turning Points: Preparing American Youth for the Twenty-First Century c. creating "learning communities" d. Frances Ianni's youth charter network

27. True or False: Heterogeneous and Homogenous grouping of students are the same thing. a. True b. False

28. Tracking is defined as: a. Running children like horses to “educate” them on competition and other life lessons. b. The method of placing students according to their ability level in homogeneous classes or learning experiences. Once a student is placed, it may be very difficult to move up from one track to another. The placements may reflect racism, classism, or sexism. c. Being able to run long distances and have a high endurance. d. Has nothing to do with education.

29. What does NBPTS stand for? a. National Bill for the Profession of Teaching Success b. National Bill Promoting Teaching Success c. Nation, Bond, Profession, Teaching, Standard d. National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

30. What does the concept of merit pay entail? a. A teacher’s salary is linked to the tenure they have and how poorly they teach. b. A teacher’s salary is linked to periodic evaluations of teacher performance compiled over time. c. The salary of a professional teacher in regards to their status over teacher candidates. d. A teacher’s salary is dependent on how much a teacher candidate “sucks up” to the principal during their interview.

31. True or False: Teachers are paid, on average, 25 percent less than people with the same amount of education (in years) and professions. a. True b. False

32. Which of the following definitions is best used to describe tenure? a. The science of teaching. b. A teacher’s salary is based on the evaluations taken of the effectiveness of their teaching over time. c. A System of employment in which teachers, having served a probationary period, acquire an expectancy of continued employment. d. provides an essential service to the community over time. 33. Which of the following is NOT a criterion for determining a profession? a. unique body of knowledge b. provide an essential service c. professional associations control the work e. all of the above

34. Who created the first normal school in Concord, Vermont in 1823? a. Benjamin Franklin b. Horace Mann c. Paul Revere d. Reverend Samuel Hall

35. True or False: Before UMD existed, it was known as Duluth Normal School and Duluth State Teachers’ College. a. True b. False

36. There were three different waves of development throughout the world. Which of the following was NOT one of the three waves? a. Hunters and gatherers b. Agriculture c. Postmodern or Postindustrial d. All of the above

37. Many states have a separate of NEA and AFT. Minnesota does not. What is the name of the association in Minnesota? a. Teach Across America b. National Education Association c. American Federation of Teachers d. Education Minnesota (EM)

38. In The Fight for Teachers’ Rights it discussed early teacher contracts being more about ______rather than ______. a. Personal life; professional conduct b. Professional demeanor; Professional dress c. Professional conduct; personal affairs d. None of the above

39. There are several categories affecting one’s learning style. These categories are: a. Affective, Cognitive, Physiological b. Naturalist, Spiritual, Anarchist c. Open, closed, semi-open d. All of the above

40. Howard Gardner is linked to multiple intelligences. Which of the following is not one of the MI’s stated by Gardner? a. Logical mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, linguistic b. Musical, spatial, interpersonal c. Intrapersonal, naturalist, existential d. All of the above are Gardener’s MI’s

41. True or False: In class Professor Guldbrandsen said “thoughts only have power when you believe them.” a. True b. False

42. James Banks discussed multicultural education in several different approaches. Which of the following is NOT one of Banks’ approaches? a. The Contributions Approach b. The Transformation Approach c. The Social Action Approach d. The Tracking Approach

43. True or False: Schools, as a social system, begin college selection in elementary school, virtually sealed by the end of 8th grade. a. True b. False

44. True or False: 75 percent of available time for learning is lost on other activities. a. True b. False; 25- 50 percent

45. What are the three R’s in school culture? a. Read, Rest, Relax b. Reach, Run, Roll c. Rules, Rituals, Routines d. Run, Run, Run

46. True or False: Two-thirds of classroom time is talk, two-thirds of this is done by students. a. True b. False

47. This person discovered, in the 1970’s, that by the eighth day of class most teachers have separated children into the “fast learners” and the “slow learners.” a. Horace Mann b. Bob Marley c. Howard Gardner d. Ray Rist

48. True or False: Racial walls are greater than gender walls in grade schools.\ a. True b. False

49. The TA’s name for this class is: a. Jamie b. Hubert c. Goldie d. Bartholomew

50. What are your portfolio entries based off of? a. the INTASC standards b. the NBPTS principals c. the EA alignment standards d. all of the above

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