Root Hairs Are Developed from The

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Root Hairs Are Developed from The

Biology 1983- 200 4 JAMB Questions Biology 1983 • The main function of 6 Root hairs are is to developed separate 5 from the … from 7 B. A. root apex produce more of 5 B. epidermis and 7. of roots produce cork C. vascular D. bundles translocate water and D. mineral salt endodermis conduct E. pericycle carbon dioxide to Use Fig. 1 to the other answer parts. questions 2- 4 • The main F function of 4 i is to g surround the 1 inner tissues B. produce cork C. produce root hairs D. produce lateral roots E. produce more of 3.

• I Fig 1 n repres ents a a cross- section d of a i part of c a dicot o plant. t • Which of the l followin e g a features f can be , used to identify g Fig 1? u A. Position of a 7 B. Its circular nature r C. Number of d 5 D. Presence c of 3 e l E. Width of 2. l s differ surroundin from g water other lose all of its epiderm water to al cells the because surroundin they g water reproduce by A. have no binary definite fission D. shape become more B. lack nuclei turgid. C. are smaller D. die due to contain chloroplasts excess E. lack water. vacuole. • If an organic • Which of compound the has its following structures Hydrogen: is NOT Oxygen ratio found in as 2:1, it is the female likely to be agama lizard? A. Pre-anal pads D. Nasal scale

• Herbs differ from shrubs because they A. do not produce fruits

B. are useful to herbalists do not becom e woody D. are only annual s E. are only perenn ials.

• If an isolated living cell is left in distilled water for two hours, it is likely to lose some of its water to the A. a protein B. a carbohydrate, w D. a fatty acid and glycerol when looke Which of the d at followin singly g C. element They s are are necessar disc- y for the shape formatio d n of The cells are more chlorop numerous hyll in a than plant? leucocytes A. They have Magnesi nuclei at um and maturity. iron B. Calcium In woody and p potassiu l m C. a Calcium n and t sulphur s D. , Potassiu g m and a sulphur s E. e Phospho s rus and a potassiu n m. d w Which of the a foll t owi e ng r state v men a ts is p NO o T u true r of a ma r mm e alia t n r eryt a hroc n ytes s ? p A. They o have haem r oglob t in B. e They d appea a r c yello r o plasma s constant s regulate osmotic t processes h C. Control e the volume of s blood t entering e the m kidneys D. s decrease the osmotic b pressure y of blood

E. t increase h the e osmotic xylem fibres pressure B. of blood. medullary fibres C. The movement medullary of part rays of a phloem fibres E. phloem plant in parenchym respons a. e to external Which of the stimulu follow s of no ing particul substa ar nces is directio NOT n is found taxism B. in tropism C urine? haptotropic Water B. movement Sodium D nastic chloride C. movement E. Nitrogenous phototropism compounds Calcium The part of the chloride E. mamma Nitrogeno lian us salts. brain responsi The kidneys of ble for all maintai vertebr ning ates balance act as is the osmo A. medulla regulat oblongata B. ors. This olfactory lobe means C. that cerebellum, they D. cerebrum keep the compositio E. frontal lobe. n of the 17. Fig vertical section of onion bulb.

Which of the labelled parts in Fig 2 will develop into a new bulb? A. 1 B. 4 C. 2 D. 3 E. 5.

In the onion bulb, food is stored in the A. stem B. lateral buds C. cotyledons D. outer scale leaves E. leaf bases. Groundnut is not C. Newcastle really a disease ‘nut’ in D. Swine fever E. the Cassava biologic mosaic al sense disease. because A. it is A centipede differs harvested from a from inside millipede by the ground its B. its A. colour B. pericarp is numerous not hard abdominal and tough. segments C. the fruit C. paired legs is succulent on each E. it is an abdominal achene. segment D. poison What type of fruit claws is formed E. cylindrical from a body. single flower An organism having having one pair of several identical free genes is carpels? a heterozygote A. multiple fruit B. a hybrid D. Dehiscent fruit C. an allelomorp h A 28g soil sample a homozygote was heated E. a diploid to a constant Plants which can weight of survive in 24g. When places further where the heated to red water supply hot and is limited cooled, it are weighed .bryophytes 18g. What is B.mesophyt the es C. percentage xerophytes of hurmus in D.hydrophyte s E. the soil? A. 22.2 B. pteridophytes. 55.6 C. Banana, plantain 75.0 D. 25.9 and E. 35.7. pineapple Which of the can be followin grouped g together diseases because is NOT they caused A. produce by a small seeds B. are multiple virus? fruits A. Rinderpest C. produce suckers D. B. Maize rust have runners E. have pollination. C. bulbils. They can grow in soils One disease NOT poor in caused nitrogenous directly by salts. D. They bacteria is can A.malaria B. supplement tuberculosis the nitrogen C. pneumonia supply by D. tetanus feeding on E. cholera. insects E. In what order do the Examples following include structures develop butterworts, during the sundews and metamorph pitcher plants. osis of the toad? 1. Which of these worms is beneficial External to man? gills 2. Internal A. Hookworm gills 3. Forelimbs B. Tapeworm 4. C. Hindlimbs Roundworm 5. Mouth. D. Earthworm A. 1 2 3 4 5 B.1 5 2 4 3 C. E. Guniea 1 3 4 5 worm.

D. 5 3 4 1 2 E. 5 4 3 2 1. The dental formular i 3/3: c 1/1: pm4/4: m2/3 = 42 represent s that of a A. rabbit B. full grown man C. young child dog E. sheep. Which of the following statements is NOT true of insectivoro us plants? They obtain part of their food by trapping and feeding on insects B. They attract insects simply because of Starting from so the cia skull ted end, wi the th verte a brae riv are er arran ba ged sin in ? the A. Malaria B. Syphilis C. Onchocerciasis follo D. Cholera E. Poliomyelitis. wing order Which of the : following axis, atlas, represents cervical, the thoracic evolutionary and limbar sequence in atlas, these plants? cervical, 1. Flowering axis, plants, 2. thoracic Ferns, 3. and Mosses, 4. lumbar Algae, 5. atlas, axis, Conifers. thoracic, A. cervical 2143 and 5 B. lumbar 5432 atlas, axis, cervical, 1 C. thoracic 2451 and 3 D. lumbar 3245 atlas, 1 E. thoracic, 4325 cervical 1 axis and lumbar. Which of the following Which of will NOT th allow e osmosis to fol take place? lo A. pig’s wi bladder B. ng Cellophane di C. se Parchment as paper D. es Transparen co t polythene ul E. Cow’s d bladder. be ex Which of the cl foll us owi iv ng el stat y em as ent s larger on than the veins. ma E. m Fibrin ma helps lia in the n format cir ion of cul blood ato clot. In a positive ry phototropi sys c response te of a m coleoptile, is the region No of greatest t curvature tru is brought e? about by Blood in the A. the movement pulm of auxins onary away artery from the is region of richer curvatu in re, B. oxyg even en distribu conte tion of nt auxins than in all blood parts of in the the pulm coleopti onary le, C. vein inhibiti The blood on of in the growth hepati by c auxins portal in the vein is region the of richest smaller in curvatu food re substa concetratio nces. nn of C. auxins Blood in the flow is contro region lled by of valves curvatu in the re E. veins absenc D. e of Arteri auxins es are in the gener coleptil ally e. thicke r and The tuber of cassava is t of NOT a stem the tuber because inn it er A. is distended with food reserveear shoot portion maintenance could be called roots of balance E. has a bark during over its stored motion food. secretion of oil. The function of the Which of the ossicles followi (maleus, ng incus instrum and ents is stapes) used for in the determi mamma ning lian ear turbidit is the y of A. water? tran A. smi Thermometer ssio n of B. Secchi vib Disc C. Rain rati gauge ons D. B. Hygrometer reg ulat E. Wind vane. ion of Which of the pre following ssu is NOT a res characteri C. stic of sup monocot por plants? A. occur rence of secon dary thicke ning B. Parall el 47. When a Spirogyra cell is immersed in a salt solution C. Scatter ed vascula ve r nat bundle ion s more concentrated than its cell sap, it D. Floral E. parts Pe A. arran ri remai ged in at ns threes h uncha , is nged B. takes up water and burst usu all y ins C. ign absor ifdi bs a can little t water D. loses water and shrivel Whic h seque nce repres nts the E. correc beco t mes order turgid 42. of . organ ism in a food chain ? 1. Toad, 2.Mu cuna, 3. Grass hoppe r, Urea 4.Sna is ke, produ 5.Ha ced in wk. 48. the 2 B. 1 A. liver, B. Ladder, C. spleen, D. kidneys. E. A. 5 4 1 3 2 3 45 gall bladder C. 2 1 3 4 5 D. 2 3 1 5 4 What is the genetic ration of the F2 generation if E. 2 3 1 4 5 49. members In Rhizo pus, carbo nhydr ate is stored in the form 43. of of F generation are allowed to self-pollinate? B. A. paramylo D. A. gluco n C. starch 1tall: se glycogen E. oil 3short B. 3 tall:1 short C. 1 tall: 1 short Whic h of the follo wing state ments D. 4 about shorts the : 0 44. rate tall E. 4 tall:0 short

of transpiration is INCORRECT? It is 50. The path taken by glucose from the ileum to the heart is A. dependent on temperature B. affected by changes in A. ileum hepatic portal vein hepatic artery vena light intensity C. unaffected by humidity cava heart. B. ileum hepatic portal D. dependent on air movement E. affected by artery hepatic artery venacave heart. availability of water. C. ileum hepatic portalvein vena cava heart 45. ‘Jointed skeleton’ is absent in the D. ileum hepatic vein vena cava heart. A. cockroach B. spider C. millipede D. snail E. ileum hepatic portal vein hepatic vein vena cava E. dragon fly. heart.

Which of the following statements about the definition of man is Incorrect? Man has A. more molars than incisors B. no diastema C. the same number of teeth on upper and lower jaws D. a total of thirty-two teeth E. a total of six molars.

Biology 1984 Spirogyra and Mucor can be grouped together as Thallophyta because. The mouth part of the housefly are adapted for A. lapping A. they are unicellular organism B. their spores and sponging. B. sucking and chewing. C. could be dispersed by wind C. they are capable piercing and sucking. D. chewing and lapping. of living independent lives D. they reproduce E. biting and chewing. sexually only E. their bodies are made up of thallus and filaments alternatively. The male toad differs from the female by having A. vocal sacs. B. shorter hind limbs. Which of the following invertebrates does NOT possess antennae? C. longer fore limbs. D. bulging eyes. A. Centipede B. Crustacean C.Millipede nictating membrane. D. Insect E. Spider Mosses, liverworts and ferns can be grouped together because they are all equatic plants. B. all grow in deserts. are seedless plants. D. have undifferentiated plant bodies. E. all produce colourless flowers. Which of the following is INCORRECT? The prothallus of a fern is a flattened heart-shaped structure. is green because its cells contain chloroplasts C. is the dominant plant D. bears the sexual organs is attached to the ground by numerous rhizoids.

Which of the following cell constituents is NOT common in both plants and animals? Mitochondria B. Chloroplasts C. Ribosomes D. Golgi apparatus Vacoules.

The character-producing factors in living organisms are chromomeres B. alleles C. chromatids D. chromosomes E. genes.

A mixture of mercurous and mercuric nitrates is added to a food substance. A white precipitate is formed which on gentle heating turns red. The food substance is A. protein B. oil C. Carbohydrate D. Fat E.Fatty acid.

The mammalian organ through which nourishment and oxygen diffuse into a developing embryo is called A. amnion B. chorion C. umbilical cord D. oviduct E. placenta Fig 1 represents a quill concentratio feather. The n to high structure concentratio labelled n E. water “M” is the across a A. quill B. semi- rachis C. permeable superior membrane umbilicus from D. inferior solution of umbilicus E. high aftershaft concentratio n to low concentrati on

Which of the followi ng stateme nts is NOT true of Osmosis can be enzym define es? d as They the A. are move proteins ment of A. B.need molecu cofactors to activate them les are sensitive from to solutio hydrogen n of ion high concentr concen ation tration are specific to low in their concentrati action on B. can withstand molecules high from temperat solution of ures. low concentrati The dorsal and anal on to ]high fins of fish concentrati are used for on upward C. water from move solution of ment high s B. concentrati contr on to low olling concentrati rollin on D. g Water move across a ment semi- s C. permeable down membrane ward from move solution of ment low s D. steering A man with a E. normal haemoglob buoyancy. in (AA) marries a Exoskeleton is NOT woman found in the who has A. maggot sickle-cell haemoglob B. in (SS). They have mosquito a child who larva has sickle- C. earthworm cell trait. caterpillar F. Which of termite the following Blood clotting is genotypes initiated by could be A. associated leucocytes with the child’s B. platelets haemoglob C. in ? haemolymph A. AA B. OO C. AO haemoglobin D. AS E. SS E. erythroc In a Biuret test, some ytes protein was mixed with Pepsin is a digestive sodium enzyme hydroxide which solution. breaks Which of the cellulose following into chemicals glucose should be molecule s added to the carbohydrate mixture for a s into positive simple result? sugars A. Mercurous nitrate B. Copper sulphate C. protein into peptones C. Mercuric nitrate D. Sodium carbonate and fatty acids E. E. fructose. Ammonium Anaerobic respiration hydroxide in yeast produces The removal of A. carbondioxide and ethanol a water C. carbondioxide andman’s oxygen D. carbondioxide and glucose pancr eas Underground by stems surgic which al grow operat horizo ion ntally can throug affect h the only soil the are digest A. blubs B. rhizomes C. runnersion of D. corms E. stolons A. starch B. A. 3 B. 3 and 4 C. 1,3 and 5 D. 2 E. 4 starch, protein and Which parts provide fats food for the C. oils and developing fats chick? A. 2 and 3 D. proteins carbohydrate B. 4 and and fats. C. 3 and 4 The parts used by D. 2 and 5 E. tapeworm 1 and 2 to fasten itself to Which of the the host’s following intestine types of are the vertebrate neck and occur in suckers equal B. hooks numbers and in the suckers rabbit, rat rostellum and man? and A. Caudal suckers young B. Thoracic pr og C. Lumbar lot D. Cervical tis E. Sacral an d Which of the ne following statements ck is NOT E. true of the ro piliferous ste layer of a llu root? It m, A. has a very thin cuticle B. is the outermost layer of the cortex C. may bear root hairs ho breaks down ok as the s root ages an is replaced by d cork in su old roots. ck A flowering plant is ers monoecious . if the Use Fig 2 to androeciu answer m is questions 24 found on - 25 one plant the gynoeciu m is monocar pous

Fig 2. transverse section of a fowl’s egg

24. The young chick is formed from C. it produces essential organs D. the gynoecium and androecium are on the same plant E. the flowers are unisexual How many nuclei are The transect method can found in a be used in pollen tube ecology to during show the fertilization? number of A. 2 B. 3 plants and C. 5 animals in D. 6 a habitant E. 7 population of a plant Which of the following is species NOT a waste product of distribution of plants? organisms A. Tannis B. along a line D. Sap E. Alkaloids heights of If an animal is very trees in a section of active and a forest has good number of muscular young control, it plants is likely to across a have well- forest. developed A. olfactory Asexual reproduction lobes B. does NOT cerebral occur in hemispheres Mucor, C. optic Spirogyra lobes and Parameciu D. m cerebellum Penicillium, Parameciu E. spinal cord m and Amoeba Which of the Mucor, follo Rhizopus wing and adap penicilliu tatio m ns is Amoeba, NOT spirogyra conc and Mucor erne Rhizopus, Ascaris d and with Amoeba. the fligh Fehling’s solution t of will readily birds change ? colour from A. blue to a Streamlined reddish shape colour B. Presence of when it is powerful mixed with muscles sugar Reduced solution in body the cold weight D. warmed or Broad heated by sternum itself Webbed feet. mixed with Fibrin forms reducing a network of sugar in threads 2 the cold Red blood warmed or cells are heated caught and a with a clot is complex formed 3. solution Fibrinogen in warmed with plasma a solution changes into of solube fibrin reducing 4. Blood is sugar. exposed to Normally the flow of air. blood is A. NEVER from 4,3,2,1 A. artery to B. arterioles B. 4,3,1,2 arterioles to C. capillaries 3,1,4,2 C. capillaries D. to venules D. 1,2,3,4 arterioles to E. the artery 3,1,2,4. venules to the vein

Heat produced in tissue respiration in plants is a chemical from of energy B. the only form of energy C. the main form of energy D. a useful form of energy E. a waste from of energy.

The axial skeleton of a mammal does not include the bones of the A. skull B. tail C. limbs D. back E. neck.

Which of the following sequences represents the process of blood clotting? 1. Green plants of are fact imp ors orta is nt in com the plete ecos ly yste abio m tic? beca salinity, tide, use plankton, they turbidity are Temperature, A. primary pH, soil consumers insect Wind, B. producers altitude, C. humidity, decomposers light Conifers, D. secondary winds, pH, consumers rainfall scavengers. Soil, water, bacteria, An anenometer is an salinity instrument for measuring Which of the relative follow humidity ing B. altitude lists of C. wind diseas speed es, turbidity E. their salinity. causes and Which of the transm follo ission wing is is CORR NOT ECT? regar Cholera, ded virus, as a severe pollut diarrhoea, ant infected on water. land Malaria, protozoan, or in high fever, the contact with air? infected Noise B. person C. Smoke C. Syphilis, Sulphur virus, dioxide veneral Carbon disease, monoxide sexual E. intercourse Nitrogen D. Which of the Smallpox, foll virus, skin owi with ng blister, gro close contact ups with in infecte nature d liberate person. gaseous E. nitrogen Sleepin directly g from A. ammonium salts B. soil nitrates sicknes C. thunderstorms D. soil nitrites s, plant and bacteri animal a, proteins. tiredne ss, Leaching is headac washing away hes and of humus dozing, from the tsetse soil fly bite surface reduction of Erosion can be soil reduced aeration along a slope by pressure by soil erosion A. ridging across slope by means C. ridging down slope other than E. bush rainfall fallowing loss of system. organic matter due to If a handful of soil exposure is shaken to with water direct and left to sunlight E. settle, the washing soil out of chalk particles and will settle limestone from light from upper to heavy layers of particles as soil by follows: A. humus, clay, silt, sand, stonesheavy rains silt, clay, sand, stones The process of soil stones, sand erosion is E. clay, usually from humus, silt, A. rill sheet gully B. gully rill sheet sand, stones. C. sheet gully rill D. sheet rill gully Denitrifying E. rill gully sheet bacteria Biology 1985 movements in the In Spirogyra, the water are pryrenoid located A. excrete within the waste A. gills B. products operculum C. nostrils D. B. median fins E. lateral is suspended by line. cytoplasmi c strands Euglena is an autotrophic C. is mainly organism used for because it respiration A. has flagella B. has plant and animal features C. is found in water D. can manufacture its food D. usually moves fast. contains starch Which of the E. makes the following is plant slimly NOT true of to touch. Mucor? It contains In which of the chlorophy following ll B. groups of grows animals saprophyt are ically flagella bears spores and cilia in found? sporangiu A. Flatworms B. m consists of D. Protozoa E. hyphae Which of the reproduces following is by seed bearing? conjugati on A. Mosses Byrophytes are B. Whistling different pine from flower Algal because they filaments D. A. live in Livewort moist habitats Fern fronds. B. are small Each of the following plants is an arthropod reproduce EXCEPT the sexually and a crab B. spider sexually C. snail D. have small millipede leaves E. cockroach have no vascular In fish the sense tissues. organs which At what stage in detect the life history of a toad A group of is its similar mode of cells breathin perfor g similar ming to that of the a fish? same A. Tadpole functio stage n is A. an organ B. a system C. a tissue B. External gill stage D. an organelle E. an enzyme. C. Adult Which of the stage following is D. Internal common to a gill stage dicotyledono E. Larval us stem and a stage. monocotyled onous root? In lower plants like A. Medullary mosses, the rays B. structure Central pith which C. Wide performs the cortex functions of roots of higher D. Narrow plants is called cortex Pericyclic A. root hairs fibres. D. rhizoids Which of the In an angiosperm leaf, following the xylem is represents A. beside the the phloem B. sequence surrounde of protein d by the hydrolysis? phloem C. 1.Polypepti above the des phloem D. 2.Amino around the acids 3. phloem Proteins 4. E. in separate Peptones bundles from 3124 the phloem. B. 324 1 C. 342 1 D. 3412 E. 3142

A food substance which produces red colouration with Sudan III contains A. protein B. sugar C. produ C. starch ce D. cellulose antib E. fat. odies D. digest If calcium is deficient harmful in food this bacteria may cause E. A. anaemia release C. sterility thrombi n for Partially digested food blood ready to leave clotting. the stomach is referred to If a child can as receive A. chyme B. blood curd C. from all glycogen donors, D. paste he E. roughage belongs to the The function of lymph blood nodes is to group A. supply oxygen A. O B. C. form red blood A C. B E. supply D. simple sugars AB E. AS. The vein which returns Which of the blood from following the head events and arms to does NOT the heart is occur called during A. aorta anaerobic respiration B. inferior vena cava C. of superior vena cava glucose? D. pulmonary A. Muscle vein E. cell produce pulmonary lactic acid B. artery. Carbon dioxide is Blood platelets are produced important C. Milk because they bacteria A. are produce amoe lactic acid boid D. Energy and is not nucle produced ated E. B. Germinating produ seeds ce produce antito alcohol. xins 23. Identify which of the following arethe characteristics part the vertebrate respiratory surface 1.labelled Moist 2. Vascularized 3. Semipermeable 4. Freely permeableA. 1 5.B. Dry 2 A. 1,2,3 B. 1,2,5 C. 2,3,5 D. 2,4,5 E.C. 3 D. 4 In mammals, the E. 5 function of F. 6 the sebaceous gland is to Re-absorption of A. produce useful sweat materials takes B. secrete place in sodium the parts C. secrete labeled. water A. 1 and 3 B. 3 and 5 C. 5 and 6 D. 6 and 7 E. 2 and 4 D. produce an oily Movements and substance positions of E. the head in manufacture man are vitamin detected by the D for the skin. A. cochlea B. malleus C. utriculus D. semicircular canals E. outer Which of the following The appendicular skeleton is organs made up of regulates the the A. limbs B. amount of skull and amino limbs C. acids and phalanges glucose in ulna and the body? radius E. A. Kidney B. girdles Liver and limbs.

C. Pancreas The maize grain is a fruit and not a D. Spleen seed because E. Stomach. it has a large Use the endosperm diagram B. is below to formed answer from an questions 26 ovary and 27 is a monocotyle don D. has no plumule and radicle has a hypogeal germinatio n.

Fig. If a flower is 1 protandrous then it Bowman’s capsules must be are located in unisexual B. has an undevelo The characters by ped which an anroeci organism um C. is has no recognize anroeci d are um D. termed its must be A. phenotype insect B. genotype pollinat C. ed E. morphology can D. anatomy prevent E. self- physiology. pollinat ion. The hereditary material in a For pollen to be cell is known released in as Crotalaria A. ADP B. CNS C. the insect RNA D. ATP E. must DNA. depress the A young plant A. wing B. keel C. showing standard D. yellow antepetalous leaves is stamen E. likely to antesepalo be us stamen. deficient in Irish potato is a A. calcium A. bulb B. B. tap magnesium root C. C. potassium rhizome D. boron E. D. root molybdenum. tuber E. stem Germination which tuber. results in the cotyledons being brought above ground is called A. hypocotyls B. epicotyl C. epigeal D. hypogeal E. plumule.

The mammalian endocrine system is responsibl e for A. transmittin g impulses B. regulating body temperatur e C. regulating osmotic pressure of blood D. ms which chemical is of co- mutual ordinatio benefit is n E. the A. parasitism B. saprophytism C. ecosystem manufact D. symbiosis E. commensalisms. ure of blood. Which of the following An old man is food chains likely is in the to be correct long- sequence? sighted A. Weeds Tadpoles Beetles Fish Man becaus B. Weeds Tadpoles Fish Beetles Man. e age C.Tadpoles Beetles Weeds Man Fish effects D. Man Fish Beetles Tadpoles Weeds the E. Fish A. optic nerves Beetles D. cornea Tadpoles Weeds In a mammal, Tadpoles. stimulu The primary and s is secondar transfer y hosts red respectiv from ely of the bilharzia recepto r are A. fish and man B. man and dog C. snail and man muscle to the D. man and snail E. fish and snail central Which of the nervou followin s g is system NOT throug caused h the by A. motor bacteria? neuron A. s B. Cholera effector B. muscle Gonorrh s oea C. C. dendrites Tubercul D. sensory osis D. neurons Onchoce rciasis E. E. Typhoid.

synapses. Tsetse fly is harmful to man A relationship because it is between associated living with the organis spread of A. river blindness B. malaria C. sleeping sickness D. leprosy E. dysentery. Soil erosion Atmospheric CANNOT nitroge be n is controlled directly by replenis A. planting hed in cover crops nature B. through contouring the activities of of sloping ground denitrifyi D. laying of mulch ng bacteria Water retention is the highest in breakdo soils which wn of are rich in ammoniu sand, poor m salts in in the soil humus the activities and of devoid nitrifying of clay bacteria clay and the activities of sand, nitrogen- but fixing poor in bacteria in humus root nodules clay and egestion, humus, death but and poor in decay sand clay, poor The initial volume in of water humus and poured devoid into a of sand bag of Sand and dry soil humus, was 50ml but poor and the in clay amount that The origin of drained mineral through particles in was the soil is 35ml. humus B. The water percentag C. e water micro- content organis of the ms fully D. soaked weathered soil is rock therefore 46.7 B. 25.0 E. organic C. 20.0 matter D. 30.0 E. 58.3.

Biology 1986 For effective functionin Viruses are regarded g of a as non-living bird’s because they quill can neither feather, reproduce hooks fit asexually on the nor ridges of sexually the cannot vane B. survive in rachis C. their barbules respective D. barbs. environme nts Which of the do not following is possess NOT true of characteri Spirogyra? stics to Reproduces the next by can neither conjugatio respire n B. nor Reproduc excrete. es by fragmentati Which of the on C. following Consists of pairs are branched fully filaments adapted to Consists of terrestrial unbranche life? d Ferns and filaments algae B. Ferns and Which of the mosses followin Bryophyte g lacks and chaetae, flowering tentacles plants. and Flowering antennae plants and ? conifers. Snail B. Which of these Crab C. animals is Millipede radically D. symmetrical? Earthwor m. Squid B. Hydra C. Incomplete Snail D. metamorphos Cockroac is in the h. butterfly B. Which of the grasshopp following has er C. cones? mosquito D. housefly Angiosperm B. Fishes are Gymnosp cold- erm C. blood Pteridoph ed yte becau Bryophyte . se their body tempe When the original rature king and is queen of A. constantly low B. termites constantly die, they high are dependent on replaced by that of the king and their queen of surroundi another ngs colony regulated at some adult will reproducti ves from the same colony some adult workers which are specially fed to breed. Dev el o pi n g n y m p hs n ur tu re d as se co n da ry re pr o d uc ti ve s.

The male cockroach differs from the female by having

mandibles B. a pair of styles C. spiracles a pair of cerci. The main organic The fins making up substances the limbs of found in the bony fish the human are body are caudal and carbohydrates ventral B. , proteins ventral and salts and pelvic B. salts, C. pelvic and fats pectoral D. and pectoral and protein dorsal. s C. The stem differs fats, from the carboh root in ydrates having the and xylem and protein phloem s D. strands salts, A. on the fats same radii B. and scattered C. carboh on alternate ydrates radii . towards the pith. Which of the Oxygen liberated following during elements photosynthe is sis has been essential demonstrate for the d to come formation from of carbon haemoglo dioxide B. bin? air C. Sodium B. water D. Potassium chlorophy C. ll. Calcium D. Iron. Which of these is a trace The severe deficiency element? of vitamin C Iron B. leads to Copper C. kwashiorkor Calcium B. D. beriberi Sulphur. C. pellagra D. scurvy In addition to the Evidence high that calories a derived toot from fats h is and oils, a they are livi A. used in producing new ng cells B. part necessary for of enzyme the formation ma C. used as mm insulators alia from cold n D. required for bod growth y The extract from a can food be substance fou reacting nd with wit sodium hin hydroxide the and copper gum B. pulp sulphate cavity C. solutions cement D. enamel. will produce Blood circulation in violet to a mammal purple is said to coloration be double if because A. fats are it passes present B. twice carbohydrate through is present the heart protein is in the present D. complete reducing circuit sugar is present. B. it moves in The three important both organs that arteries are situated and veins close to the it circulates stomach are in both kidney, liver the heart and gall and other bladder B. organs pancreas, the heart liver and contains kidney auricles C. liver, and kidney ventricles and spleen D. Which is the correct gall order of bladder, water loss pancreas from the and leaf? 1 Mesophyll 2 spleen. Veins 3 Substomatal Which of the cavity 4 Stomata following A. 3 2 1 4 statement C. 2 1 3 4 s is not correct The aperture with between respect to the left inhalation auricle and in the left mammals ventricle is ? guarded by intercostal the muscles A. auricular contract B. valve diaphragm is raised B. tricuspid ribs are valve raise C. ventricular d D. valve press ure D. bicuspid of valve. the A major limitation thora in the use cic of the cavit potometer y for decr measuring eases the rate of . transpirati The equation that on is that can be it is made of used to breakable glass summari material ze the it measures process the rate of of water anaerobi intake c it measures the breakdo rate of wn of water loss sugar is through the stem C6H12O6+2C2 only H5OH + 2CO D. 2 the 6CO2 + 6H O ’! move 2 C H O ment 6 12 6 + 6O of 2 C H O + the 6 12 6 6O ’! air 2 6CO + bubbl 2 6H2O+ e in energy the C6H12O6 ’! poto 2C2H5O meter H + cann 2CO2 + ot be energy. timed accur If a person is ately. bitten by a snake on A. keep the leg, moving so that the venom will it is ooze out with advisabl bleeding B. wash the wound with water containing e for the antiseptic C. bandage the wound so that germs do person not get in throu gh it D. keep still and apply a tourn iquet abov e the woun d.

Deamination occurs in the kidney B. pancreas C. spleen D. liver.

In the mammalian skin, melanin and keratin are contained in the sebaceous gland B. sweat gland C. subcutaneous layer

D. malpighian layer.

Two main distinguishi ng features of the cervical vertebra are the presence of short neural spine and vertebrate rial canal prezygapoph ysis and cervical ribs large centrum labelled 2 is and to cervical protect the ribs inner vertebraterial parts of canal and the seed large nourish the centrum embryo and the Nastic movement is growing response to parts light keep the stimulus inner B. non- parts directional moist directional D. maintain the response to shape of internal the seed. stimulus Gestation in mammals Use the figure below is the period to answer questions required for 34 to 36 growth after birth between the formation of the foetus and birth of developm ent from zygote to birth Vertical before the section of a formation maize grain of the zygote. Which of the labelled If a woman who is a parts will carrier of develop sickle cell into a new trait (AS) maize married a plant? man who is a A. 2 B. 3 sickler (SS) C. 4 and they had D. 5. four children how many of The structure labelled 1 them would is the be normal plumule B. A. Three radicle C. cell B. Two membrane seed coat C. One

The main function of D. None the structure Which of t An instrument that h can be e used to f demonstr o ate ll phototrop o ism and geotropis w m in i plants is n the g A. is auxanometer a n B. potometer e x C. klinostat a photometer. m p In an ecosystem, le animals o which f feed d directly is on plants c are called o secondary n consumer ti s B. n primary consumer u s o producers D. u predators s v In an agricultural a ecosystem, ri the biotic at component i consists of o A. crops, pest n and ? beneficial A. Skin coloration insects B. C. Body weight crops, temperatur The hormone e and which humidity regula C. pests, tes the beneficial amoun insects and t of water D. glucos crops, e in water and the soil. blood is Which of these called diseases A. adrenalin CANNOT be B. auxin prevented by C. insulin D. thyroxine. immunizati Which of the on? following A. Poliomyelitis. ecological C. Cholera factors are common to both terrestrial and aquatic habitats? Rainfall, temperatu re, light and wind Salinity, rainfall temperatu re and light Tides, wind, rainfall and altitude Ph, salinity, rainfall and humidity

In a community, bacteria and fungi are referred to as producers B. decompos ers C. scavenger s consumers

The swollen shoot disease of cocoa tree is caused by a virus B. fungus C. bacterium D. protozoan

A large percent age of tropical soils tend to be acidic because they contain large quantities of potash B. contain large quantitie s of lime C. lose a C. contour high ploughing proportio n of their D. mixed organic grazing matter to Samples of different running soil types water D. are packed lose lime in glass and tubes whose potash lower ends from the are plugged top soil with cotton through wool. If rain these tubes action are suspended The following are methods of soil in a trough conservation of water, EXCEPT water will A. contour rise highest terracing after a few hours in B. strip A. sand B. cropping loam C. clay D. humus.

Biology 1987 B. Flagellum C. Pellicle The function of D. Pyrenoid. endoplasmic reticulum is An organism protein synthesis B. found on intracellular a bare transport of rock materials surface digestion and has destructio features n of of algae foreign and bodies fungi. production of The energy from organis glucose. m is A. an Which of the empiphyte B. followi a lichen ng C. a bryophyte features D. a fern. of Euglena In a plant is found exhibitin only in g animals alternatio ? n of Paramylum generatio granules. ns, the diploid multicell A good example of a uar stage diploblastic is known organism is as A. Amoeba gametophyte B. Hydra C. B. Earthworm spermato phyte C. D. holophyte Roundworm. sporophyte. The function of the A characteristic clitellum in that the distingui earthworm is shes to bryophyt aid es from digestion flowerin B. prevent g plants desiccatio is the n C. assist possession locomotio of true n D. stems secrete and cocoon. leaves B. The crayfish is an ability to arthropod reproduc because e its body asexuall consists of a y C. cephalothor ax and an absence abdomen of it has a pair vascular each of tissues D. antennae ability to and grow in antennules moist every segment habitats. of its body carries a pair of appendages its body is cover ed with an exosk eleto n made of chitin .

The hypha of Rhizopus is said to be coenocyt ic because oil it globules. does not contain In most true ferns chlorophyll sporangia are B. has no grouped into cross walls indusium B. is vacuolated fonds C. D. stores prothalli D. sari. In the reproduction of excretory mosses, water duct D. is essential sperm because duct and A. they live the genital in moist pore. habitats Which of the following is B. they cannot NOT a reproduce without characteristic water C. of snails? the male gametes A. Bilaleral m symmetry B. us Chitinous t exoskeleton s C. Muscular foot D. Soft w unsegmented i body in a m mantle. to fe In the life rti history li of a ze butterfl th y, e destruct o ion of v crops is u caused m by the D A. maggot . th B. nymph C. e caterpillar y D. pupa. pr o The correct d sequence of u tissues in ce the sp anatomy of or a young es dicotlydono . us stem from the In tapeworm, the inside to two the outside structures is that run A. pith, through phloem, the length cambium, of the xylem, body are parenchyma, the colle A. nerve cord ncym and the a and excretory epide duct B. rmis sperm duct B. and the xyle nerve cord m, C. genital phloe pore and m, the camb ium, d in a corte dicotyl x, edonou endo s stem dermi by the s, A. xylem parenchyma B. secondary phloem colle C. endodermis D. cambium. nchy ma In demonstrating the and importance epide of mineral rmis elements in C. the plants, pith, the culture xyle bottle must m, be darkened camb to ium, phloe prevent algal m, growth in colle culture nchy solution allow root ma, growth C. paren prevent chym breakdown a and of mineral epide elements rmis D. prevent D. photosynth phl esis in the oe root. m, The vitamin which is xyl important em in the , formation ca of the retina mb pigments is iu A. vitamin A m, cor B. vitamin B tex , C. vitamin C en vitamin D. do Which of the der following mi lists of s, organs is col directly len involved ch in ym nutrition? a Oesophagu an s, d bronch epi us, der stomac mi h, pancre s. as and Secondary anus B. thicken Spleen, ing is pharyn x, initiate duoden One cubic um, centimet jejunu er of m and lymph is rectum, richer C. than an Teeth, equal oesoph volume agus, of blood ileum erythrocytes lungs B. and leucocytes large C. amino intestin acid e, D. glucose. Salivar y The oxidative part of gland, the liver, respiration stomac process h, villi takes place and in the colon. mitocho ndria In the standard B. experiment riboso to show that mes oxygen is C. given off endop during lasmic photosynthe reticul sis, sodium um D. bicarbonate golgil is used to bodies A. neutralize the acid in . water B. supply mineral salts to Fatigue of leg muscles water may occur plant, after riding many C. supply kilometers on carbondioxi a bicycle de for because of photosynt insufficient hesis glucose B. D. Kill excess micro- carbon organism dioxide in water. excess protein D. insufficient oxygen.

The function of the loop of Henle is to increase the flow of urine B. concent rate amino acids in the kidney h tissue C. e concentr ates v sodium c o h l l u o m r e i d o e f i u n r i t n h e e . U m s e e d u t l h l e a i o n f f o t r h m e a t k i i o d n n e i y n

t D h . e

i g n r c a r p e h a s b e e l t o w zed food C. t conduct water o and salt

protect the a plant from n injury. s w The pineapple fruit is best e described as r aggregate, q succulent u and e indehiscen s t t aggregate, succulent i and o indehiscen n t multiple, 2 succulent and 5 indehiscent multiple, a succulent n and d dehiscent.

2 6

The flower shown above is complete, regular, Which of the plants is hermaphrod likely to itic with have broad inferior leaves with ovary thin cuticle? incomplete, regular, A R. B. S staminate with 26. Which of the plants is likely to be inferiora desert species? A. U B.T ovary complete Sclerenchyma cells are regular, lignified to hermaphrodi strengthen tic with and inferior ovary support incomplete, the irregular, plant B. pistillate transpor with t superior synthesi ovary. D. dry A flower showing weight of radial the symmetry organism. is said to be A. Most cells in higher pentamer animals ous B. retain their protandro power of us C. division protogyno EXCEPT us D. A. actinomor lymphocytes phic. B. nerve cells C. A samara differs from malpighian a cypsela by cells having germ cells. A. an exended A severe deficiency of pericarp thyroxin results in B. a hard diabetes pericarp mellitus B. a pericarp sexual fused underdeve with the lopment seed coat cretinism D. some hairy gigantism. outgrowth s on the The growth of a pericarp. coleopti le The plantain towards reproduces unilater asexually by al light A. suckers source is due to B. buds A. rapid rate of C. fragments photosy D. spores. nthesis Growth can best be B. unequal determined distribut in a ion of population auxin of C. the Spirogyra effect of by geotropi measuring sm the the effect of A. total photolysis lengths of . the filaments The sequence of ear B. total ossicles from widths of the fenestra ovalis is the filaments malleus, incus and C. rate of stapes B. photosynt malleus, hesis in stapes and the population incus C. us stapes, co incus and ndi mallcus tio D. stapes, n is malleus a mutant B. and incus. dominant C. The centre for recessive controlli D. lethal. ng body temperat An example of ure in monohybrid the brain inheritance in man is is the astigmatism A. cerebrum B. cretinism B. C. cerebellum hyperthyro idism C. medulla albinism. hypothalamu s. If a plant, Unlike auxins, homozyg gibberellins ous for induce the round formation and of yellow adventitio (RR;YY) us roots , is do not affect crossed leaf and with a fruit wrinkled abscissio green n type cannot (rr;yy) all stimulate of the stem resulting elongatio seed will n be are quite A. blue and wrinkled B. round and yellow effective as C. wrinkled and yellow D. round and greenish-yellow. herbicide s.

A gene wh ich ex pre sse s its elf onl y in the ho mo zy go The ratio of carriers to ce B. sicklers in The the F1 influe generation nce derived from of a parental living cross of two organ carriers of isms haemoglobin on S gene is each A.3:1 B. other. 1:3 C. Temperature, 2:1 D. rainfall 1:2 and humidity In which of The influence the of soils on follo plants and wing animals. cross es Epiphytes growing will on the all branches the of trees femal provide an e example offspr of the ing relationshi be p known colou as r parasitism B. blind commensa ? lisms C. colour blind aprophytis mother x m colour holophytism. blind father. Poliomyelitis is an colour blind infectious mother x disease normal caused by father virus B. carrier protozoan mother x C. colour bacterium blind D. fungus. father. carrier One of the functions mother x of UNICEF is normal to father. prevent and Which of the control following major relates to diseases edaphic B. factors? prevent The disease struct outbrea ure k by of adminis the tering earth vaccine ’s s surfa C. improve ammoni the a with health nitrogen and D. nutrition oxidize of ammoni children um salts and to nursing nitrates. mothers D. The process by monitor which lime environ is added to ment clay soils pollution is known . as . sedimentation Nitrifying bacteria are B. important flocculati because they on C. A. release nitrogen to the atmosphereleaching Atmosphere nitrogen to ammoniaD. manuring Biology 1988 characteristics EXCEPT A. nutrition B. The function of reproduction ribosomes in C. mobility cells is irritability. A. protein synthesis The prothallus of B. starch synthesis a fern is C. transport of equivale materials nt to the gemaeto D. lipid storage. phyte Which of the generati following on of a structures moss is because common it to is Euglena, inconspic white uous B. blood cell has and rhizoids Amoeba? C. bears A. Vacuole B. sexual Cell wall C. organs D. Cilia D. Cell is membrane. multicellu lar. The term ‘Thallophyta’ refers to What is the function A. ferns and of trichocyst in mosses B. algae Paramecium? A. and fungi C. Movement B. mosses and Defence C. liverworts D. Excretion D. fungi and ferns. Reproduction.

The following organisms Use the diagram are below to answer hermaphrodites quetions 10 and 11 EXCEPT A. snail B. taenia C. schistosoma D. earthworm.

Parasitic forms are NOT found among A. platyhelminthes B. nematodes D. annelids.

6. Which of the following sets of organism the correct trend from simple to complex structural organization? 1 Mollusca 2 Platyhelminthes 3 Nematoda 4 Protozoa A. 4 1 2 3 C. 4 2 1 3 At which stage in this Spirogyra, Euglena and cycle can man be infected? Chlamydomon as share many A. 2 B.4 C. 5 D.6. Which stage is found in the muscle of an infected pig? A. 3 B.4 C.5 D.6

The long and coiled intestine of a young tadpole is an adaptation to its A. herbivoro us diet B. carnivoro us diet C. aquatic habitat D. insectivor ous habit.

Lung hooks are used for respiration in A. spiders B. insects

C. millipedes

D. snails.

Insects and millipede have many features in common EXCEPT A. exoskeleton B. jointed, appendages Compound eyes D. segmented body

The major function of the swim- bladder in fishes is breathing B. buoyancy C. swimming D. diving

Which of the following statement gives the BEST description of bark? A. Tissues outside the first digested if vascular cambium ingested at the B. Cork- same time? like A. tissues Cooked found beans B. only in Cooked stems C. rice C. Brown Cod tissues liver oil never D. found in Roasted primary beef. growth D. Cork-like tissues of If the phloem of a old trees. healthy plant is killed by heat In the transverse treatment the section of the leaf of A. upward movement maize vascular bundles of salts will cease B. are arranged in food manufacture in A. a row B. one circle the leaves will C. alternate positions D. two circles. accumulate C. whole plant will die If an animal has immediately D. leaves diastema, it would of the plant will become yellow. NOT possess A. incisors B. cannines In the mammalian C. premolars D. respiratory system, molars exchange of gases occurs in the If the gall bladder of a A. lungs B. bronchi C. mammal is damaged, bronchioles D. alveoli. which of the following will be most seriously The main waste affected? products A. Glycolysis B. formed in Digestion of starch C. plant are Digestion of fats and A. alkaloids, tannins and resins B. water, alkaloids oils D. Digestion of and carbondioxide proteins. C. water, carbondioxide and 20. Which of the oxygen. following will be 24. In the kidney the explosive malpighian corpuscle is mechanism. located in the In vegetative propagatio A medulla B. helium C. cortex D. pelvis. n, which of the 25. The skin, following through the sweat requires glads, functions as part of A an excretory another organ B. a plant to respiratory organ develop? C. a sensory A. Scion B. organ D. a Bulb C. Rhizome D. protective organ. Sucker Parenchyma cells Which of serve as supporting the tissue when they A. se contain chloroplasts pla B. have crystals C. nt become flaccid D. gr become turgid. ou ps Taxism differs from are tropism because no rm A. the whole organism is affected all B. it is a directional y movement C. it is a pr response to multi- op directional stimuli ag D. part of the ate organism is d affected. by ase xu A dry dehiscent al fruit me which an breaks s? up into A Banana, one yam, seeded pineappl parts is e and a cassava A. schizocarp B. Yam, B. capsule cassava , rubber C. follicle D. and legume. banana C. Yam, Airspaces are cassava, characteristic orange of seeds or and fruits banana, D. dispersed A. Banana, birds B. water cassava, C. wind D. coffee and pineappl What part of the e. central nervous In a mammal, the system is placenta concerned performs with functions answering an similar to examination those of the question? A. lungs, Cerebrum B. kidneys Cerebellum and C. Medulla digestive oblongata system B. D. Spinal lungs, cord. heart and nervous If a dark-skinned system C. woman (Bb) liver, marries an intestines albino man and (bb) and they reproducti have four ve system children, how D. many of the intestines, children will heart and be dark- digestive skinned? system. A. 3 B. 2 C.1 The radicle of a bean D.0. seedling grows most rapidly in the region of the root tip B. just above the root tip C. just around the root tip D. just below the root tip.

The main function of the choroid is protection of the eye ball B. transmissio n of light supply of nutrients to tissues of the eye converging light. A red - coloured haus flower when toria crossed with , it a white- is coloured said one to produced be pink holophytic B. flowers. heterophyti This is an c C. example of Saprophyti A. complete c dominance B. Parasitic. blending inheritance Which of the interaction of following genes D. relationship back involves crossing. only one organism? The turbidity of a Saprophytism pond can be B. measured using the Commensa A. anaemometer B. lism C. secchi disc C. Parasitism theodolite Symbiosis. D. hydrometer. Which of the The most important following substances has the necessary greatest for the influence maintenanc on the e of life are distribution carbon , of animals oxygen in marine hydrogen , and fresh soil and water enzyme habitats? s B. A. pH. B. hydroge Salinity C. n, salt Water current and D. Turbidity water C. 43. Which of these nitrogen groups of , salt animals is and soil likely to nitrogen, salt be found and water. in fresh water? A. Blood If an worm, pond orga skater and nism scorpion B. obta Blood worm, ins pond skater its and food dragonfly by larva C. Pond mea skates ns scorpion and of dragonfly larva. D. Pond skater, Elephant blood worm iasis C. and ant-lion. Syphilis D. Onchoce rciasis. One of the characteristics 46. Which of the of plant in the following causes savanna is the pollution? possession Consumption of thin, of canned smooth drinks. B. barks B. The possessio addition of n of large fertilizer to tap roots farmland C. C. Respiration productio of living n of organisms seedlings D. Burning on of refuse. mother plant D. The mineral nutrient possession that is most of thick, bound to the flaky barks. soil is Which of the phosphorus B. calcium C. following iron D. disease can potassium. be contracted The mineral nutrient areas with that easily fast gets leached flowing out of the rivers? soil is A. phosphorus B. Schistos calcium C. omiasis magnesium B. D. nitrate. Most commercial Dead plants and fertilizers are animals are rich in salts of decomposed A. Sodium, by bacteria iron and and fungi into calcium B. A. butterfly nitrogen, B. phosphorus and grasshopper potassium C. mosquito C. iron, D. housefly. copper and nitrogen D. calcium, sodium and phosphoru s.

Biology 1989 A. 6 B. 5 C. 4 Use the figure below D. 3 to answer questions 1 to 3 When a virus is placed in a non- living medium it A. becomes dehydrate d B. forms spores C. forms The structure labelled flagella D. 5 is the becomes A. neucleolus crystallized. B. Golgi body C. A characteristic of the mitochondrion phylum vacuole coelenterate is that Which of the A. most of them are marine B. they possess a gut labelled with a single opening C. they possess parts of numerous pores on their body D. they are the cell bilaterally symmetrical. contains ribonucl 6. A multinucleate body without internal cell eic acid? boundaries is characteristic of A. 1 B. 2 A. bryophytes B. fungi C. algae D. gymnosperms. C. 3 D. 5 Double fertilization is a unique Which structure is feature of known as A. angiosperms the power house of B. bryophytes C. the cell? pteridophytes algae. Which of the Which of the following is following a common phyla have characteristi members c of with both crustaceans? internal and Possession of external a segmentati pair on? of Platyhelminth ante es B. nnae Nematoda Possession of C. Algae two D. Mollusca pairs of Mineral salts can be ante absorbed into nnae the roots by . A. osmosis C Each only B. segment has a osmosis and pair of diffusion walking legs C. diffusion Four and active p transport a i D. imbibition only. r s

o f

w a l k i n g

l e g s

o n

t h e

c e p h a l o t h o The structure labelled r 2 is the a A. compound eye B. x ocellus C. antenna D. . labial palp.

The pedipalpi in In a dicotyledonous spiders are stem, each used for companiosn grasping B. cells is Walking C. found feeling D. beside the Web A. spinning. endodermal cell The body of a snail is divided into B. xylem head vessel thorax and C. sieve tube abdomen B. visceral D. pericyclic mass and fibre. abdomen C. thorax and Use the foot D. diagram visceral mass below to and foot. answer questions 16 to 17 Use the diagram below to answer questions 13 to 14 Which of the structure’s is the molar? A.1 B.2 C. 3 D.4

What is the function of 3? A. Cutting off Which of the labelled large pieces parts is used of food. for feeling? Seizure and tearing of prey A.1 B.2 Grinding of food D. C.3 Tearing of D.4 flesh only If a healthy potted n plant is B continuou . sly kept r e in dim of n light n A. the i rate n of a respir n ation d may s equal t that e of a photo p synth s esis i B. n more C carbo . n s dioxi t de e and a water are p taken in C. s respiration i may be halted n D. the volume a of oxygen n released d increases. tr y The s panc i reati n c o juice g cont e n ains steapsin and the ptyalin. enzy mes Aged erythrocytes are amyl destroyed in opsi the n, pancreas B. A. liver C. p lymph e nodes D. p kidney. si n The seedlings in a a rice field n were d found to tr have thin y lanky p growth si with n reddish o leaves and g poor root e developme heat nt. This is uniformly because round the the soil body D. lacks Conveys sulphur B. aminoacid phosphorus s and C. glucose potassium from the D. iron. small intestine to There will be the liver. agglutination when the The type of joint Group A at the serum point mixes with labelled Group A 5 is the erythrocyte A. pivot s Group A serum joint B. mixes with gliding Group B joint C. erythrocyte ball and s socket D. Group AB hinge serum joint. mixes with Group O Which of the labelled erythrocyte bones is the s ulna? Group B serum mixes with A. 1 B. 3 Group B C.4 erythrocytes D.5 . What is the name of Use the figure the structure below to labelled 2? answer A. Odontoid questions 24 process B. to 26 Olecranon

B. Process Patella D. Condyle.

The lumbar vert ebra whe Which of the following n is the function com of lymph? pare A. Carries d hormones with round the a body B. thor Transport acic nutrient vert and oxygen ebra from has blood, a capillaries longer neural to the cells. spine B. C. wider Distributes neural The components of canal castor oil thicker seed and centrum D. the maize shorter grain are transverse similar process. EXCEPT Wind-pollinated for the flowers number of usually have cotyledons B. location rough of the pollen embryo grains number of B. radicles D. sticky number of stigma plumules. s C. small A corm differs from a and bulb in that short its stem is the stigma main food s D. storage long organ styles. it has a flattened disc- shaped stem buds are absent in the axils of the leaves adventitious roots are present

Exponential increa se in the popul ation of an organi sm is a charac teristi c featur e of binary fission B. sexual reproducti on C. budding

D. vegetative propagation.

The irreversible life process by which new protoplasm is added to unconscious increase the processes of size and a weight of an mammalian organism can body is the be termed cerebellum B. A. anabolism cerebrum B. catabolism C. spinal C. growth cord development. medulla oblongata. Fruit enlargement can be During cell induced division, by the two spraying strands of young chromoso ovary mes are with joined at a cytokinin, point abscisic called acid and spindle B. ethylene chromatid gibberellin, C. ethylene centromere and D. aster. abscisic acid When the two auxin, abscisic alleles acid and present in ethylene an auxin, organism cytokinin are of the and same type, gibberellin. the genotype A fundamental is similarity described between as nervous heterozygous and B. hormonal heterogam system is ous C. that both homozygo involve us chemical homologous. transmis sion B. If parents with blood have groups AB widespre and OO ad produce six effects children C. shed three of them chemical will have s into the group B blood two of them stream will have D. evoke group A rapid all the response offspring s. will h ave group O The region that none of them controls most will have of the group A. Tongue Which of the following rolling C. is a sex-linked Skin colour character? Colour Sickle-cell blindness anaemia B. In an ecosystem, o the p LEAST h y efficien ti t c energy o transfer r link is g from a A. producers n to is primary m consumer s B. sun B to . producer a s C. s primary y consumer m s to b secondar i y o c ti o c n a s s u s m o er ci s at D i se o c n o C . n a d n ar e y p c i o p n h s y u ti m c er p s la to n d t e a c carnivoro o us m plants . p A o phys se iolog rs ical . adap Lichen is an example tatio of n of A. a plant sa s to pr the probl caused em of by a exces bacteriu sive m? water ringworm B. loss poliomyel is itis C. reduction in malaria D. syphilis. the number Which of the of stomata following is reversal of a dangerous the product of normal coal stomatal buming? rhythm sulphur possession of dioxide shallow B. roots carbondio possession of xide C. waxy carbon cuticle. nitrogen.

Which of the ways 5g of oven dried soil of was heated controllin in a furnace g bilharzia for 24hours, can result after in cooling, it pollution? weighed Clearing 4.8g what is water the amount weeds on of humus in which the the soil? snails 40.0g per feed. 100g dry Treating soil infected B.4.4g people per 100g with dry soil drugs C. 4.0g per Preventin 100g dry soil g D. 0.4g per conta 100g dry soil. minati on of water by infecte d urine and faeces D. Applyi ng chemic al to kill the snails.

Which of the following diseases can be Most irrigated lands often become unproductive in later years because of A. loss of fertility B. increase in salinity C. soil In which of the erosion habitant will the D. loss of water plants show Farmers practices xeromor crop phic rotation features because it most A. helps promine to prevent ntly? soil A.X B.R erosion B. C.P allows D.Q two Which crops to ecolog be planted at the ical same time factor helps to exerts conserve the soil greates fertility t is an influen alternative ce on to shifting the cultivatio structu n re of the profile s? A. topographic B. edaphic C. biotic D. climatic.

B i o l o g y 1 9 9 0

1. Viruses are considered to be living organisms 4. Which of the following groups of invertebrates because they reproduces by budding A. possess transmittable characters B. move from A. Arthropoda B. Annelida one place to another C. respond to stimulation D. Coelenterata. D. ingest food materials 5. The algae, bryophytes and pteriodophytes are 2. Which of the following characteristics is common to similar in that they Amoeba and Paramecium? A. are sea weeds B. have no vascular tissues A. Oral groove B. Trichoyst C. Contractile vacuole C. require moisture for fertilization D. Cilia D. are microscopic plants. 3. Hydra removes undigested food by A. passing it through the anus B. passing it through 6. The spores of ferns are dispersed by the mouth C. means of a contractile vacuole A. wind B. water C. insects D. egesting it through the body surface. mechanism. In bryophytes, sex A. Toad B. organs are Lizard C. produced in Bird D. the Cockroach. A. gametophyte In the tapeworm, B. rhizoid C. the protonema suckers D. sporophyte on the scolex Use the are used figure below for to answer A. sucking the questions 8 blood of the and 9 host

B. holding fast to the host C. reproduction D. locomotion

A feature which adapts birds to flight is the posses sion of The part labelled 3 is scally legs B. the light bones A. leaf scar B. C. two lenticel C. walking auxiliary bud legs D. girdle scar a pointed beak. Which part of the twig produces The nephridia in the auxins? earthworm A.4 B.3 form part of C.2 the D.1 reproductive Which of the system B. followi respiratory ng system. animals circulatory has system D. homod excretory ont system. dentitio n? 15. Which of the following diseases is rarely spread A. Rat B. by a housefly? Man C. A. Yellow fever B. Dysentery C. Typhoid fever Lizard D. Poliomyelitis Pigeon. Which of the In which of the followin following g cells does is thin- external walled fertilization and take place? living at maturit The first step in the y? process of Collenchyma photosynthesi B. Sieve s is the tube C. A. activation Xylem of the vessel chlorophyll Sclerenchyma . B. photolysis of water The mode of reduction of nutriti carbondiox on in ide D. formation which of sugar. digesti on is Which of the following extrac food elluar substances is will produce holophytic B. a brick-red parasitic colour when C. warmed with holozoic Benedicts’s D. solution saprophytic. Glucose B. Starch C. Egg white D. Maltose.

The organ which secretes digestive enzymes as well as hormone is the A. liver B. salivary gland

C. pancreas

D. spleen.

The villus in the small intestine is significant because it A. increases the surface area for absorption B. increases the surface area for digestion C. assists in mixing digested food D. assists in filtering undigested food.

If a ring of bark and phloem is removed from Muscles are indirectly a stem, the attached to plant dies bones by immediatel means of y B. plant ligaments B. dies after membranes two days C. tendons movement of D. sultures. food is not affected D. Use the figure movement below to answer of mineral questions 27 salts is and 28. hardly affected.

Transpiration can be measured with a photometer B. hygromete r C. potometer barometer. Which structure is the Excretory products glomerulus? responsible A. 5 B.3 for the red, C. 2 D.1. purple and blue colours If the blood is too of flowers are concentrated, called more water is alkaloids B. absorbed from tannims C. 5 B.4 C.3 D.1 anthocyani ns D. During mammalian resins. embryo development, 25. Etiolation is large amount caused by the of oestrogen influence of and mineral salts progesterone B. water are produced C. in the carbondiox umbilical cord ide D. B. amnion C. light. placenta D. amniotic fluid. 30. In a reflex action, impulse flows from A. 1 to 2 B. 2 to 1 C. 4 to 1 D. 4 to 2

The part of the ear that is concerned with balance is the A. semi-cirular The type of canals B. incus placentation C. malleus D. shown in the Bastachian tube. figure above is A. parietal B. In an organism where marginal C. the 2nd axile D. free- number of central. chromosomes is 16, the Fruits which develop number of without chromosomes fertilization are in each gamete will described as A. be simple B. A. 32 B. 16 pathenocarpic C.8 C. aggregate D. D. 4 compound What would be the The elephant grass result of the is first filial propagated generation (F1) vegetativel and the second y by means filial of generation (F2) A. corms B. of a mono- bulbs C. hydrid cross suckers D. between pure solons. line normal- winged Use the figure Disophila? below to flies and pure answer line short- questions 27 winged flies of and 28. the gene for the normal wing is dominant?

F1 flies all short – winged and

F2 flies all normal – winged.

F1 flies all normal – winged and All the cell bodies in F2 flies all the spinal cord short-winged. are found in F1 flies all A.1 B.2 short- C.3 winged D.4 and three- quarters of F2 flies are 38. short- winged

F1 flies all normal – winged and three – quarters of F2 flies are normal – winged.

What stage during cell division is represented in the figure above prophase B. metaphase C. anaphase D. telophase

An individual in the AB blood group is a universal recipient for blood conation because all the red blood cells do not carry antigen all the red blood cells carry antigen A all the red blood cell carry antigen B there are no anti-A and anti-B antibodies in the serum.

Haemophilia results from the mutation of the genes in the sex chromosom es B. which control skin colour which control the mechanism for blood – clotting which control the formation Grasshopper of . haemoglobi n. Which of the organims will have the In a savanna lowest ecosystem, the population in abiotic factors an ecosystem? include Hawk. B. legumes, Cowpea C. temperature Praying and sandy mantis D. soil Mouse. water, temperatur The salinity of a e and soil brackish C. environment. minerals, increases oxygen immediatel and reptile y after rain D. water, B. increases soil and at the grasses. end of the rainy season Use the figure C. decreases below to with increase answer in micro- questions 42 organisms D. and 43. increases during the dry season.

Physiological adaptation to very dry condition in animals is called A. hibernation

Which organism is an B. aestivation omnivore? Praying mantis C. B. Hawk C. rejuvenation Mouse D. D. xeromophism Which set of diseases is What do bacteria in root spread mainly nodules derive from the host by insect plant? vectors? cholera, tenia A. Protection and minerals and gonorrhoea. B. Water and B. minerals. poliomyeliti C. s, Carbohydrates tuberculosis and water D. and sypillis. Protection and C. cholera, carbohydrat malaria and es. tuberculosis D. malaria, Free nitrogen is cholera and released to the atmosphere by river blindness.

Which of the following constitutes pollution? A. Droppings from birds

B. Loud disco music C. A pack of cigarettes

D. Refuse in an incinerator.

An acidic soil can be improved upon by A. Sedimentation

B. Leaching C. Flocculation D. Watering. A. nitrogen fixing bacteria B. nitrifying bacteria C. denitrifying bacteria D. saprophytic bacteria.

Biology 1991

Sting cells are normally Use the figure found in below to A. flatworms answer B. hydra C. questions 1 snails D. and 2. paramecium. Which of the following are differentia ted into true roots, stems and leaves? A. Algae B. Schizophyta

C. Pteridophyta Which of the Bryophyta following structures is To facilitate gaseous exchange, associated breathing roots with aerobic have respiration? tomata B. A.1 B.2 mitochondr C. 3 ia C. D.4 cuticle D. lenticels. The structure labelled 5 is used for A. protein synthesis

B. energy production C. secretion

D. excretion.

Angiosperms and gymnosperm s belong to the plant group known as A. schizophyta B. bryophyta C. pteridopyta D. spermatophyta .

4 Which of the following are non-green plants? A Euglena B. Fungi C. 8 The annulus of fern sporangium helps in A. spore dispersal The B. conduction structure labelled of mineral 4 salt is for C. trapping of light energy D. water retention. A. feeding B. One of the features attachment C. which excretion D. respiration. adopts paramecium As the tadpoles to its develops, the environment structure is the labelled 5 possession grows longer of B. becomes A. a regular shorter C. shape B. two becomes nuclei C. cilia the hind D. a pellicle. legs D. In the earthworm, remains the unchanged. cocoon is The gill rakers of fishes secreted take part in by the A. feeding B. chaeta B. respiration prostomiu C. m swimming C.peristo D. mium diffusion. clitellum. A wide pith The function of with a maxillipeds in ring of crayfish is to conduc aid ting walking B. tissue swimming is C. feeding charact D. eristic respiration. of the The respiratory organ root of in the land A. sunflower snail is the B. maize radula B,. C. bean mantle C. tentacle D. D. okra. foot. Which of the following Use the figure is formed below to immediately answer after the questions 13 and 14. first product of photosynthesis ? A. Lipid B. Starch C. Oxygen D. Sugar Use the figure The crown of the below to mammalian answer tooth is questions 18 covered with and 19. A. cement B. dentine C. caries D. enamel.

In living cells, insuffici ent oxygen may cause a breakdo wn of glucose Dissection into showing the A. fatty acids B. lactic acids C. glycogen Abdominal . D. carbondioxide. Cavity of a rat Which of the following In the digestive can bring system, about the absorption of greatest nutrients into increase in the the blood rate of takes places transpiration? in the part A. Increased labeled humidity B. A.1 B.2 Reduced C.3 temperature D.4 C. Reduced wind speed D. The gland which Reduced produces humidity. trypsin, amylase and Use the figure lipase is below to labelLed answer questions 25 A. 6 B.4 and 26. C.2 D.1

One of the accessory organs of the digestive system is the A. kidney B. spleen

C. liver After 30 minutes, the D. lung. level of sugar solution the The element common to above figure protein, will carbohydrate A. rise in X and lipid is A. only B. rise hydrogen B. in Y only C. sulphur C. be the same in X and Y nitrogen D D. fall in Y. phosphorus. The process by which Fibriongen and water moves prothrombin from X to Y play important through the roles in the semi- A. permeable deamination of proteins B. membrane is clotting of called blood A. diffusion C. B. osmosis C. detoxication of active substances diffusion osmoregulatio D. storage of n. vitamins.

Deoxygenated blood flows into the right and left lungs through the pulmonary vein B. vena cava C. pulmonary artery subclavian vein .

Which of the following is a plant excretory product? Oil B. Cytokinin C. Resin D. Amino acids.

The movement of the whole organism to an external stimulus is termed tropism B. a taxis C. a nastic movement a phototrophic movement.

Which of the following vertebrate lays a centrum? Atlas B. Axis C. Thoracic D. Lumbar

The function of the epididymis in mammals is the expulsion of urine B. storage of sorghum B. sperms maize C. circulation of millet D. blood D. groundnut. activation of sperms. A dwarf plant can be A collection of achenes stimulated formed from to grow to several carpels normal of a flower is height by a multiple fruit the B. an application aggregate of fruit thyroxin B. a schizocarp gibberellin D. a simple C. insulin fruit. D. kinin.

Vegetative The greatest contribution propaga to genetic tion is studies was describ made by ed as Thomas asexual Morgan B. reprodu Gregor ction Mendel because C. Charles reproductive Darwin D. organs are Robert Hooke. not The exchange involved B. of new individuals genes are not betwee formed C. n many new homol plants are ogous produ chrom ced D. osomes there is is no called exchan A. test cross ge of B. back cross geneti C. crossing – c over materi D. mutation. als. When two Epigeal germination heterozygotes can be found in mate, the dominant trait will appear in A. the F1 generation only B. the F2 generation only C. both the F1 and F2 generations D. neither the F1 nor

F2 generation. 40. Which of the following characters is NOT sex-linked? A. River blindness B. Baldness. C. Haemophilia D. Colour Blindness The most The above importa diagram nt represents a factors competitive which interaction influen between ce an organisms in organis communities I m’s and II. Which of the way of following life in statement is its CORRECT? habitat The are population of A. the I was higher physical and than II at the biotic beginning of environmen the t B. food experiment. and water B. II was availability wiped out C. from the temperature, environment water, light at the end of and the predator- experiment. prey The population relationship of II was D. always competition lower than for food and that of I space. The populati Organisms in an on of I ecosyste was m are lower at usually the end grouped of the accordin experime g to their nt than at tropic the level as beginnin A. carnivores g. and epiphytes B. consumers and A food web is more parasites C. stable than a food chain producers and because. consumers D. it contains producers and more saprophytes. organisms B. it has 43. greater energy source C. it is not easy to destroy D. every organism has an alternative food Which of the following source. is likely to occur in a deciduous forest during the dry season? A. New leaves are formed B . The trees die off. The und ergr owt h incr ease s D. The gro und bec ome s bare .

Which of these is NOT an adaptive feature for arboreal life? A. Possession of a long tail

B. Possession of claws C. Possession of teeth

D. Counter shading in coat colour.

Which of the following diseases can be prevented by innoculation? A. Symphilis B. Malaria fever

C. Tuberculosis Acquired immuned Deficiency Syndrome.

Sources of air pollutants are industrial chimneys, burning fossil oils undergrou and river nd dams B. seepages sulphur and run- dioxide, off acid rain sheet erosion, and gully pesticides erosion sulphur mines, and wind vehicle erosion exhausts wind erosion and and heavy aerosols rainfall. sewage, smoke and Nitrogen –fixing micro- old organisms in vehicles. leguminous plants live Fertilizers are lost from symbiotically the soil in the through sheet erosion root nodules and B. tap evaporatio roots C. n B. branch leaching, roots D. root hairs.

B i o l o g y 1 9 9 2

1. The organelle involved in tissue respiration is the 4. A major difference between platyhelminthes and A. endoplasmic reticulum B. ribosome C. golgi body coelenterates is that platyhelminthes D. mitochondrion. A. are multicellular B. have developed a mesoderm C. reproduce sexually D. reproduce asexually. A tissue can best be defined as. A. an aggregate of similar cells B. an aggregate of cells 5. The essential structural difference between performing a similar function C. an aggregate of tapeworm is that while Hydra similar cells performing the same function A. has tentacles, tapeworm is parasitic D. a mixture of different cell types performing the same function. B. is diploblastic, tapeworm is triploblastic C. has a mouth, tapeworm feeds by suckers 3. Which of the following correctly summarizes the life D. has mesoderm, tapeworm has mesogloea. cycle of a fern plant? A. Spore prothallus thalluss porangium. B. Male and 6. The flowering period of plants in a habitat is determined female gamentangia zygospore sporangium by the spores. C. Spore thallus spermatozoa + A. duration of sunlight B. intensity and duration of ovumsporangium D. Prothallus spermatozoid + egg cell rainfall. C. relative humidity of the atmosphere leafy plant sporangium spore. D. temperature of the habitat. Use the figure below to The flow of air and answer water in or question 7 out of the and 8. mesophyll layer of a leaf is controlled by the A. stomata B. lenticels

C. air spaces D. guard cells.

The structure labeled X Fungi are heterotrophic because they is used by the organism in A. have no the same way leaves B. as man uses lack roots his C. are A. oesophagus filamentou B. trachea C. s D. lack of stomach D. chlorophyll intestine. .

The structure labelled 13. The major site of photosynthesis in the leaf is the Y is the A. palisade parenchyma B. mesophyll parenchyma A. food C. upper vacuole epidermis D. lower B. nucleolus epidermis. C. marcronucleus 5cm3 dilute sodium hydroxide D. contractile solution and vacuole. 5cm3 one percent copper Which of the following sulphate insects solution are undergoes added to a incomplete solution of metamorphosi food s? specimen. The A. mosquito purple colour B. Termite which is observed C. Housefly shows the presence of D. Moth. A. glucose

An onion is a bulb B. starch because it A. has a C. fat tuberous stem B. has D. protein. a reduced stem and The blood vessel thick fleshy which leaves C. carries has blood adventitiou from s roots D. the bears many aliment buds at the ary nodes. canal to the liver Use the figure is the below to A. hepatic answer artery B. questions19 hepatic vein C. and 20. hepatic portal vein mesenteric artery.

Gaseous exchange in Aves occurs in the tracheoles B. bronchi C. air sacs D. trachea. The structure labelled 5 In the absence of is the oxygen, the A. sweat gland pyruvic acid produced B. sebaceous during gland C. blood glycolysis is vessel converted to nerve fibre. Co2 and water B Melanin and kerantin are glycerol C. produced in ethanol D. the part citric acid. labelled A.2 B.3 The excretory organ in C.4 insect is the D5. kidney B. malpighian The bone of the neck on tubule C. which the skull flame cell rests is known as D. the nephirdium. odontoid process B. axis C. atlas D. occipital condyle.

Which enzymes are contained in the pancreatic juice? Ptyalin, lipase and pepsin B. Maltase, erepsin and trypsin. C. Rennin, surcrase and lipase D. Amylase., lipase and trypsin.

Use the figure below to answer questions 23 and 24. A. formation of a fertile embryo B. formation of a fertile embryo and the endosperm C. development of the seed The part labeled 3 is development the of the fruit. A. cartilage B. In mammalian ligament C. development, synovial fluid the function of D. bone. the yolk is to supply The function of the part nutrients to labeled 1 is to the embryo A. secrete B. acts as a fluid the shock- which absorber to lubricate the foetus s the C. supply joint B. air to the attach embryo muscles facilitate the to the process of bones at excretion in the joint the foetus. C. bend the Hydrogeal germination bones at scharacterized the joint by the D. hold emergence of the joint the plumule in place. out of the ground Double provision of fertilizati nourishmen on in t by the higher endosperm plant is elongation of the significa hypocotyl nt elongation of because the it epicotyl. ensures the Fruits which develop or climate without changes. fertilization of It changes the ovule are drastically A. false B. from one multiple C. year to the aggregate D. next parthenocarpic It is the first . stage in succession. Use the figure D. It is made below to up of the answer tallest trees question 29 and the and 30 smallest animals.

A population is defined as a collectio n of similar organism s that Which part of the curve behave in the represents the same way fastest rate of B. growth? interbreed A. K B. L freely C. M. are found in D. N. the same habitat D. The grand period of eat the growth is same food. represented by A. N B. M In typical predator C. L. food chain D. K. involving secondary Neurons that receive and tertiary stimuli from consumers, the body or the internal organisms organs are become called progressivel A. sensory y neurons smaller and B. efferent more neurons numerou C. motor neurons s along the food D. relay chain B. neurons. equal in number Which of the following and size is true of a along climax the food community? chain It persists until C. larger and fewer along the food chain D. parasitized the along the food chain as consumers get bigger. environment Use the figure Mangrove swamp can below to be found answer on a sea questions 35 shore and 36. with flat terrain B. where a river meets the sea C. on a mud flat Which level of the pyramid has the least total near the stored energy? sea. A. E B. F D. where two C. G rivers meet. D. H. Soil with the finest Which organism in the particles is pyramid called functions as a A. silt B. tertiary clay C. sand D. consumer? gravel. A. Algae. B. Shark. C. Malaria symptoms are Tadpole. D. caused by Tilapia. A. toxins release d into the blood as a result of the destruc tion of red blood cells B. the multipl ication of the malarial sporozoites in the liver. C. the invasion of the red blood cells by the trophozoite rs the developmen t of merozoiters into gametocyte s. Which of the A mammal with red fur following and long ears is true of was crossed the with another children having white of a fur and short haemophil ears. If the ic man offspring had who red fur and marries a short ears, woman then the that is not A. characters haemophil are linked ic and does not B. characters carry the are not linked trait? C. parents are related All their sons will be D. parents are haemophilic. not related. B. All their daughter will Pawpaw seeds be collected from haemophilic. a tree with C. All their many daughters desirable will be agronomic carriers. D. qualities did All theirs not give rise to sons will be plants of carriers. desirable characters as A child with blood the parent group because genotype seeds are not different from reliable for those of both propagating parents and plants with a mother uncontrolled of genotype out- OO, can only crossing have a father can of genotype introduce A. A B. B unwanted C. variability AB D. C. OO. vegetataive propagation If R and r denote the is the best genes for a form of character, the reproducion offspring of for all crops the cross D. seeds between RR were not and Rr are physiologica A. RR, 2Rr,rr lly mature at B. 2RR,2rr harvest.

C. 2RR, 2Rr Women do not suffer from colour D. 4Rr. blindness A. because the carbohydrat trait is sex- e . linked B. only men An example of plant are colour adaptation blind C. the to a genes are xerophytic recessive environmen and sex- t is linked represented the genes occur by the on both the developme X and Y nt of chromosom es. A. fleshy tissues and reduced leaves B. broad canopy and extensive surface root system C. thick barks The hereditary material and broad leaves of the cell is D. rough the R N A B. leaves and protein C. shallow root the DNA D. system. Which of the Fossil records found in following sedimentary factors is rocks offer LEAST some likely to explanation affect the for the theory of evolution animals because living in a the fresh water d habitat? A. e Turbidity B. p Temperature o C. pH. D. s Salinity. i t The theory of natural s selection was h developed a by v A. Lamarck and Darwin e C. Wallace and Mendel r e m a i n s

o f

o r g a n i s m s

c h a r a c t e r i s t i c

o f

w h e n only the organisms y with we strong re parts are for fossilized me D. most d animals different and plant strata fossils have bear little remains of resemblan organis ce to ms of present the day living same specimens kind C. .

Biology 1993 Presence of a vascular system. On what structures are the units of Which of the following inheritance organs or cell situated? A. components Golgi bodies B. are common to Ribosomes C. both the Chromosomes sporophyte D. and the Endoplasmic gametophyte reticulum. of a fern? Rhizoids B. Production of naked Roots C. seeds is a Chloroplast distinctive s D. feature of the Leaves. group of plant called? In which of the A. grasses B. following conifers organisms does a single C. legumes D. cell perform palms. all the function of In which of these movement , features do nutrition, bryophytes growth, differ from excretion and pteridophytes photosynthesis ? ? Absence of Paramecium B. flower B. Euglena C. Alternation Amoeba. D. of Spirogyra. generation Dependence In which of the on water following for organisms reproductio would n glycogen be stored? Use the figures Spirogyra. B. below to Chlamydo answer monas. C. questions 10 Rattus and 11 Magnifera.

The most successful group of animals in terms of diversity of species is mollusca B. arthropoda Which of the C. following mammalia is the playthehelmint correct hes. order of Flame cells are the the developme excretory nt stages? system of A. 1 worms B. excretory and 234 respiratory 5 system of B. flatworms C. excretory 5132 system of 4 flatworms D. C. excretory 2134 system of 5 flatworms. D. The spores of mucus 5321 are dispersed 4. by water B. wind Stage 3 breathes C. insects with the lungs D. B. with the explosive external mechanism. gills C. with the internal gills D. through the skin.

The butterfly is of great economic importance because of its use in scientifi c studies B. it sucks nectar from flowers C. it Interveinal chlorosis adds to is normally the associated beauty with the of the deficiency of environ magnesium B. ment potassium D. it pollinates C. iron D. flower of calcium. crops and other plants. Osmic acid boiled with a solution of Manufactured food in the food substance plants is transported gave a black through the precipitate . A. xylem B. This indicated phoem C. the presence of cambium D. fats and oils B. cortex. proteins C. amino acids D. starch.

Which of the labeled parts is the diastema? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 6. The lower jaw is A. 1 B. 3 typical of a C 5 A. sheep B. D. 6. rabbit After circulation in the C. dog lungs, the blood returns D. cat. to the left auricle The end products of through the digestion A. 1 B. 4 of fats and C. 5 oils in D. 6 mammals are The main function of A. maltose and blood in fatty acids B. mammals is to amino acids transport and glucose C. excretory fatty acids and materials fructose D. from fatty acids and tissues B. glycerin. carbondio xide from Use the lungs to diagram below tissues C. to answer digested questions 19 and 20 food from all the body tissues. D. oxygen to the lungs.

Members of the phylum Protozoa use the contractile vacuole The A. to remove ma excess food mm alia B. for n movement hea C. for rt digestion

Blood is D. to remove excess water. pumpe d into The response shown the by the tips of right the root and ventric shoot of a le by plant to the the stimulus of contra gravity is ction A. haptropism of the B. auricle phototropism wall C. throug hydrotropism h geotropism. Which of the peacock followin are for g is the A. sex correct differentiation order of B. beauty C. the courtship vertebrae D. defence. along the spinal column? 4 Axis atlas thoracic lumbar ce rvical sacral Atlas cervical axis tho racic lum bar sacral. Atlas axis cervical thoracic lumbar sacral Axis cervica l thoraci c sacral lumbar.

Which of the following is TRUE of the process of conjugati on in Parameci um? Micronucleu s disintegra tes. B. Each ex- conjugant divides only once. C. Macronu cleus undergoe s division D. Each micronucle us divides twice.

The bright colours of the comb and feathers in the The main function of both grow at the petal of a the same flower is to rate attract the epicotyls pollination out grows agents. B. the radicle. protect the flower The function of the while still structure in bud C. labelled G is serve as to landing carry out stage for initial insects photosynth protect the esis for the inner parts seedling from protect the desiccation young . leaves from In the mammal, the mechanical automonic damage nervous system protect the consists of young sympathetic leaves and form parasympa sunlight. thetic protect the systems. young brain and leaves spinal form nerves C. insect. brain and cranial When it is cold, the nerves blood vessels spinal cord of the skin and spinal dilate to nerves. increase the amount Use the of blood diagram below flowing to to answer questions 29 the skin B. and 30 constrict to reduce the amount of blood flowing to the skin. C. dilate to reduce the amount of blood flowing to In H, the cotyledons are the skin D. carried above constrict to the soil increase because A. the the amount epicotyl grows of blood faster than the flowing to hypocotyl the skin. B the Which path does sound hypocotyl entering the grows faster human ear than the follow? epicotyl A. Oval window ossicles ear drum B. ear drum oval window ossicles. C. Ear drumwhich are window. D. Ossicles deficient in nitrate B. What would happen to which are a man whose deficient pancreas has in oxygen been C. with surgically low pH removed? where insects The level of are blood abundant. sugar would What is the term increase. used to The glycogen describe the content of sum total of the liver biotic and would increase. abiotic His blood factors in pressure the would environmen decrease. 4 t of the His weight organism? would Habitat. B. increase Biome. C. appreciabl Ecosystem y. D. Ecological niche. Carnivorous plants are usually found in area Important abiotic parasites B. factors commensal s C. which affect symbiots D. all plants autorophs and animals . in the Which of the habitat are following A. temperature instruments and turbidity is NOT B.rainfall and used in relative measuring humidity abiotic C. salinity factors in and wind any habitat? direction Microscope B. temperature Thermometer and C. rainfall. Hygrometer D. Wind vane. The most important physical factor Plants adapted for life which affects in salty marsh an organism are called living in the hydrophytes intertidal zone B. xerophytes of the seashore B. is halophytes pH B. salinity epiphytes. C. wave action D. Which group plants temperature would be the . first colonizers At which trophic level in an would the ecological highest succession accumulation changing of a non- rocks to soil? biodegrable Mosses. B. Ferns C. substance Lichens D. occur? Grasses. Primary producers. Soil fertility can be B. Tertiary conserved and consumers. renewed by C. Primary yearly mono consumers. cropping B. D. crop Secondary rotation and consumers. cover crops C. bush Two organisms of burning to different remove species, unwanted living in debris close avoiding association artificial but not manures. dependent on each What ecological condition favors the other are breeding of black referred to flies? as Fresh water habitat B. Water in Carbon monoxide ponds and poison tissues swamps by Water in small A. constricting containers the blood D. Fast vessels B. flowing killing the stream. cells C. combining with haemoglobi n D. rupturing the blood vessels.

Which of the following is an example of discontinuous variation observed in man? A. Skin colours B. Tongue rolling C. Body weight Height.

During blood transfusion, agglutination may occur when Contras ting antig ens react with cont rasti ng antib odie s B. Simi lar antig ens react with two different antigens react with each other two different antibodies react with each other. 48. ous smooth 1 wrinkled 2 homozygous smooth : 2 wrinkled 3 heterozygo us smoo th In the : 1 illustra wrinkled tion Cold blooded animals above, are referred to the as genoty poikilothermic pes of B. the homoiother offspri mic ngs are C. polythermic A. 1 heterozyg D. ous homeostatic smooth : 2 Which of the homozyg organism has ous lost the smooth: 1 pentadactyl wrinkled limb B. 1 structure? homozyg A. Bat B. ous Fish C. smooth : Frog D. 2 Pigeon. heterozyg

B i o l o g y 1 9 9 4 4. The soil swallowed by the earthworm to form the worm 1. The membrane surrounding the vacuole in a plant cell cast is ground up in the is called the A. clitellium B. prostosium C. mouth D. gizzard. A. plasmalemma B. tonoplast C. nuclear membrane D. endoplasmic reticulum. 5. Which is the correct order in an evolutionary sequence for the following plant groups? 2. The smallest living organisms which share the A. Bacteria ferns algae mosses characteristics of both living and non-living matter are B. Bacteria ferns mosses A. bacteria B. fungi C. viruses D. protozoa. C. Bacteria algae mosses D. Bacteria mosses algae Green plants are distinguished from other living organisms by their ability to 6. In Amoeba, osmoregulation is carried out by the A. make use of water B. make use of oxygen A. pseudopodium B. food vacuole C. contractile C. respond to sunlight D. manufacture their own food. vacuole D. nucleus. Use the Possession of diagram dorso ventrally below to compressed answer body questions A. I,II and II.

7 and 8. B. I, III and IV.

C. II, III and IV. II, III and V.

Which is the most important adaptation of a bony fish to life in water? The possession of a streamlined shape The presence of Head overlapping of a scales cockr The covering oach of the body by thin film The part used for of shine. feeling is labelled The possession A. 1 B. J of a C. K caudalfin. D. L. Use the diagram The mouth part of the below to answer insect is questions 11 and 12 adapted for A. biting and chewing B. suckling and chewing C. biting and sucking

D. piercing and sucking.

Which of the following combinations differentiates a bony fish from Which of the labeled a cartilaginous part allows for fish? I efficient Presence of absorption of gills. II water and Absence of mineral? gill slits III A. I. B. II Possession of C. III. bony skeleton D. IV. IV Possession of laterally Starch is usually stored compressed in the part body V labelled A. I. B. II. 13. The failure of C. III. transport and D. IV. respiratory systems in plants as well as the presence of reddish colour in stems and leaves result from the deficiency of A. magnesium B. nitrogen C. potassium D. phosphorus.

14. The dental formula 3 1 4 m2 is that of a pm I 3 C 1 4 3 A. goat B. rabbit C. man D. dog

The nitrifying bacteria, Nitrosomonas, convert ammonia to A. nitrites B. nitric acid C. nitrates D. nitrous oxide.

The activity of ptyalin of ptyalin is likely to decrease with an increase in the concentration of A. oxygen

B. starch

C. protein

D. acid.

The phloem parenchyma is sometimes used for A. food storage B. supporting the stem C. production of the sieve tube D. transporting water.

The process by which a red blood cell placed in i distilled water s absorbs until it m bursts and s releases its contents into C the . surrounding is known as c A. osmosis B. o plasmolysis C. m turgidity D. p haemolysis. a r Use the i diagram below s to answer o questions 19 n and 20.

b e t w e e n

p h o t o The most appropriate s title for the set y up is n A. t quantit h ative e measur s ement i of s respirat ion in a plants n and d animals B. r measur e ement s of p respirat i ory r rates in a li t v o i r n y g comparison of respiratory o rates in r plants and g animals. a n The part labeled J is open B. called haemocoeli porosimeter B. c C. single porometer D. closed. C. manometer Which of the auxanometer. following waste A circulatory system that products does not in plant is allow excreted mixing of through oxygenated the and de- stomata oxygenated and blood in lenticels? mammalian Carbondioxide heart is B. referred to Alkaloids. as C. Tannins D. Anthocyanins. Use the the image is diagram below formed to answer on the retina B. questions 23 in front of and 24. the retina C. behind the retina on the blind spot.


The vertebra illustrated is A. lumbar B. thoracic C. caudal

D. cervical. The graph The neural arch is shows the labelled relationship A. I. B. II between the C. III body and D. IV. atmospheric temperatures In animals, meiosis for dog and comes lizard. What is A. after the most fertilization appropriate deduction that B. after every could be made mitotic division form the before graph? fertilization D. before Lizards are every more likely mitotic to survive division. hazards than dogs. The fleshy base of a Both animals maintain a flower to constant which the body different floral temperature parts are The dog’s attached is body known as temperatur calyx B. e is sepals C. independen thalamus t of the D. external hypothalam temperatur us. e. D. The lizard’s When a short-sighted body person views temperatur a distant e varies object with that of without the dog. spectacles, The part of the Use the list of brain that ecological controls constituents heart beat below to and answer breathing questions 30 is the A. olfactory and 31 lobe 1. Mango 2. Speargrass 3. Goat 4. Sheep B. cerebellum 5. Temperature 6. Beans 7. Rock 8. Water. C. cerebral hemisphere 3 0. Items 1-4 can be regarded as A. a D. medulla population B. oblongata. a community C. an ecosystem D. a niche.

The physical factors are represented by A.1,5,6, B. 4,5,7, C. 5,7,8, D. 6,7,8.

Which of the following sets is made up of decomposers? Rhizopus, earthworm and protozoa Mushroom, rhizopus and bacteria Bacteria, earthworm and nematodes Earthworm, sedges and platyhelmin thes.

The correct order in a food chain involving the organism s (1) Grasses, (2) Hawks, (3) Snakes, (4) Grasshop per, (5) Lizards is A. 1 2 3 4 5 B. 5 4 3 2 1 for long C. 1 4 5 3 2 periods is A. 1 B. 2 D. 3 2 4 5 1. C. 3. D. 4 The organisms with the least number Ecological sucession of individuals ends with in a pyramid the of numbers formation are the of a stable A. secondary A. nich B. consumers B. population tertiary C. pioneer consumers community C. primary D. climax producers D. community primary consumers. In a drought situation, Use the list of plants suffer blomes below from water toanswer stress which questions 35 could result in and 36. A. reduced biochemical 1. activities B. Dese enhanced rt 2. chemical Rain activities C. forest enhanced 3. microbial activities Sout reduced hern phototropic Guin activities. ea savan The water-retention nah capacity of a 4. soil indicates its Nort fertility B. hern capillarity Guin C. aeration ea level D. pH savan level. nah. People who suck petrol A biome with a low with their annual mouths run rainfall, few the risk of scattered trees increasing in within dense their blood the layer of concentration grasses and of found in Kano A. iron B. and Katsina lead States is A. 1 B. 2 C. calcium D. C. 3. magnesium. D. 4 The differences and A biom where small similarities mammals among undergo living things aestivation account for A. diversity B. competition D. stability C. evolution. People with sickle-cell their anaemia have father has haemoglobin brown A. S and are eyes. homozygous recessive If a woman’s genotype B. A and are is Tt Qq Rr, heterozygous what would be recessive the gene S and are content of her heterozygo eggs? us A. TQr tqr B. recessive TQR, tqr C. A and are TqR, tQr D. homozygou tQr, TQR. s recessive. The sex-linked defect In the gene locus for in which very eye colour in slight cut humans, the produces allele for severe brown eyes bleeding is is dominant known as over the A. anaemia B. allele for anorexia C. blue eyes. If haemophilia D. a haemolysis homozygous . brown-eyed girl has a brother with blue eyes , what are the likely phenotypes of their parents’ eye colour? (Eye colour is not a sex-linked trait).

Both parents have blue eyes. B. Their father has blue eyes and their mother has brown eyes. Both parents have brown eyes. D. Their mother has blue eyes and A man who has the trait for colour blindness marries a normal woman. What percentage of their children would be sufferers, carriers and normal respectively? A. 25% and 50% B. 25%, 50% and 25% 50%, 25% and 25%D. 25%, 37.5% and 37.5%.

Breathing root is an adaptation for survival in the mangrove swamp B. desert C. arboreal habitat D. savanna.

Red coloration on the head of a male lizard helps it to mark its territory B. camouflage in the environment secure its mate D. defend itself.

A phenomenon by which an animal goes into a state of dormancy during the dry season is called hibernation B. aestivation C. incubation deactivation. 50. The anatomical evidence usually used in support of all evolutionary relationship among whales, humans, birds and dogs is the possession of A. thick skin B. pentadactyl limb C. tail D. epidermal structures.

Biology 1995 C. produce spores that are Which of the dispersed following D. possess does a virus chlorophyll have in II in their common with tissues. animal cells? A. Nucleus B. Use the DNA C. diagram Glycogen D. below to Cytoplasm. answer question 4 Which of the following and 5 organelles are likely to be present in cells that are actively respiring and photosynthesi zing? A. Nucleolus and centrioles B. Mitochondria and chloroplast . C. Lysosomes and ribosomes Golgi apparatus and endoplasmi c reticulum.

One common characteristic of fungi, algae, mosses and ferns is that they show alternation of generations B. reproduce sexually by conjugation function as a Protein-like bodies are respiratory borne on the surface? part labelled A. Rat. B. A. II B. III Lizard. C. C. IV Fish D. Frog. D. V. Birds maintain their body The sexual temperature reproductive with the help of their functions is performed by blood which the part maintains constant labelled temperatur A. I B. II e C. IV feathers which D. V cover the Which of the following is body C. transmitted skin which through mosquito conserves bite? moisture Filariasis. B. D. veins Typhus. C. which Plague. D. transport Schistosomi fluid of asis. constant Which of the following temperatur insects lays its e to all eggs in horny, body purse-like tissues. cases? Secondary Mosquito. B. thickening Butterfly. in C. Termite. D. dicotyledo Cockroach. nous stem is In which of the controlled following by the A. vertebrates xylem B. does the phloem C. skin cambium pericycle. substances in 2H20 -2H2 + O2(g). The equation the body? above A. Lymph B. represents a Plasma C. part of the Leucocytes D. light stage of Erythrocytes. photosynthesis . Which of the The end product of following glycolysis in plants and must be animals is present for this reaction to A. pyruvic occur? acid Enzyme and light energy. B. citric acid C. aspartic B. acid carbondioxide D. malic acid. and light energy. C. During respiration, air Light energy circulates round and plant tissues via chlorophyll II. the Chlorophyll A. lenticels and enzyme. B. stomata

In an experiment to C. guard cells investigate intercellular the effect of spaces. nitrogen on the growth of The excretory structure plants, the in the substrate earthworm is should be a the medium of malpighian washed and tubule B. sand B. saw flame cell dust C. cow C. dung D. clay nephridium soil. kidney. During the bending of Which vitamin plays an the arm, the important role biceps muscle in blood contracts and clotting? the triceps Vitamin A B. Vitamin K C. muscle relaxes Vitamin B12. D. Vitamin C. relaxes and the triceps The mammalian organ muscle which acts contracts both as a C. and the digestive and triceps as an muscle endocrine contract D. organ is the and the oesophagus B. triceps liver C. muscle pancreas D. relax. spleen. When a healthy shoot Which of the following of a flowering is NOT plant is involved in the illuminated transport of from one side, auxins The term caryopsis is used accumulate on to describe a the fruit in which the A. non- illuminated A. testa and side of the pericarp are shoot separate B. B. illuminated seed and side of the endocarp shoot are fused C. testa and C. upper side pericarp are of fused D. the shoot seed coat and fruit D. lower wall are side of the impermeabl shoot. e.

Use the The sex of a foetus is diagram below determined to answer questions 21 during and 22. A. meiosis B. copulation C. fertilization D. placentation.

Biological growth refers strictly to an increase in the A. protoplasm of an organism B. number of The type of organisms C. placentation size of an shown is organism D. A. axial B. development of marginal C. form. parietal D. central The process of walking is under the An example of a plant control of the having the part of the placentation brain called shown is A. optic lobe A allamander B. hibiscus D. pride of Barbados. B. olfactory lobe

C. cerebellum D. medulla oblongata.

The gland directly affecting metabolic rate, growth and development is known as A. adrenal gland

B. thyroid gland C. mammary gland The depth of illuminati D. parathyroid on in a gland. water body can Use the be diagram below measured to answer questions 28 with a and 29 A. photometer B. secchi disc C. hydrometer anemometer.

In a food chain involving a primary producer, a primary consumer as well as a secondary The diagram represents consumer, the A. sensory sharing of neurone trophic energy is in the form B. relay that the neurone primary C. afferent consumer neurone has more energy than D. motor the primary neurone. producer B. The part labelled X is secondary the consumer A. axon B. cell takes up body C. all the terminal energy dendrites D. contents of synapse. the primary Which of the consumer followi energy is ng ions shared is equally involv between the ed in three the groups of conduc organism. tion of D. the secondary nerve consumer impuls gets only a e? small A. C a2+ B. portion of K+ the energy contained C. H+ in the primary D. Mg2+. producer. In spite of the removal Application of of molluscicid carbondioxide es in water bodies from the Screening atmosphere, windows its amount and doors remains more with or less mosquito constant nets. because Application of A. it is herbicides produced by in water green plants bodies. during photosynthe Some of the diseases sis. B. it is caused by produced bacteria are during tu respiration be by animals rc C. it is ul absorbed in os ocean water is, D. green go plants release no it during the rr day. ho ea In a tropical rain an forest, non- d epiphytic sy ferns and ph fern allies ill occur as s A. middle B. storey species tu be B. upper rc storey species ul C. shade- os loving species is, go D. emergent no species. rr ho Colonization of a bare ea rock surface is an termed d evolution B. A speciation I C. primary D succession S secondary C. succession Poliomyelitis, . syphilis and Which of the following gonorrhoea is a measure D. AIDS, for the control cholera and of bilharzias? tuberculosis. Cutting low bushes Environmental around pollutants homes which can work through The DNA molecules is the media of a chain of water, soil and repeating air include A. nucleosides A. carbon monoxide B. nitrogenous bases B. noise sugar C. sulphur Sphosphate (IV) oxide s D. nucleotides D. smoke. .

Human height is an The specific number of example of a chromosomes feature which in each depends on somatic cell is both represented by A. genotype A. 2N B. 23 and phenotype C. 2N B. genetic and D N. environmental factors C. A man with blood group mother’s A is married to a genotype and woman with environmental blood group A. factors. D. Which of the phenotipic and following group environmental combinations is factors. possible if the family has three A person with type O children? blood can A. B, A, donate to a AB. B. patient with O.A,B. type A C. B, because the AB, AB. donor’s D. A,O,A. blood The F, of a cross A. lacks between a tall antigens and a dwarf plant was tall B. lacks anti-A The F was antibodies advanced to C. lacks F . How many anti-B 2 antibodi of 120F2 plant es D. will be dwarf? has both A. 30 B. 60 C. 90 anti-A D. and 120. anti-B antibodi The sons of a colour- \s. bind woman will be colour blind regardless of the state of the father because the egg determines the phenotype of the son sons inherit on for the sex moment chromosom B. an es of their adaptati mothers on for the father’s camoufl sex age C. chromosom for e is weaker attractin in sons g mates sex-linked for regulating traits body express temperature dominance . in females. The least The slender, long and eviden slightly curved ce in beak of the support sun-bird is an of the adaptation for theory feeding on of A. nectar B. evoluti small seeds C. on is big seeds D. provid insects. ed by Scales on reptiles are a the feature for study conserving of water B. anatomy B. conserving ecology C. geology D. food C. embryolog protecting y.8 the skin D. locomotion. From which group of animals are The colour of the the mammals ventral generally surface of a believed to fish is have most lighter than recently that of the evolved? dorsal. This Reptiles. B. is mainly Fishes. C. A. an Amphibian adaptati s. D. Birds.

B i o l o g y 1 9 9 7

Use the diagram below to answer questions 1 and 2. 1. The structure labelled I is the A. Golgi body B. mitochondrion C. endoplasmic reticulum D. vacuole.

2. Protein is synthesized in the part labelled A. I B. II C. III D. IV.

3. Which of the following is the youngest plants tissue? A. Meristem. B. Phloem C. Epidermis. D. Xylem. Virus differ from all develops from forms of life a haploid because they zygote B. A have a thick cell wall reproduces sexually of other organisms diseases to produce spores C. D. require is haploid other living and cells to dependent multiply. on the gametoph The endoblast cells yte D. is found in diploid Hydra are and used for independe A. nt of the reproduction gametoph B. offence and y. defence locomotion The group of and insects nutrition D. that food underg collection. oes comple Annelids differ from nematodes in te that they metam exhibit orphosi bilateral s is symmetry A. houseflies, B. are beetles and triploblasti cockroaches c B. are cockroaches metamerica , lly grasshopper segmented s and bees D. possess C. complete houseflies, beetles and digestive butterflies system. D. aphids, Which of the following grasshopper perform s and similar butterflies functions? . Ascospores The nitrogenous and substance that ascocarp is excreted by . B. birds in order antheroz to conserve oids and water is rhizoid. A. ammonia C. Sorus and B. urea indusium . D. C. uric acid D. Strobili nitric acid. and infloresc In mammals, the ence. exchange of nutrients and In ferns, the saprophyte metabolic products A food substance was occurs in the treated with a A. lymph B. few drops of lungs C. heart Sudan D. liver. III solution and a red The part of the stomach coloration nearer the was gullet is called obtained. the A. The food epiglottis B. contained cardiac A. protein B. sphincter C. starch C. duodenum fat D. mineral salt. pyloric sphincter. Oozing out of water Trace elements are from the required by leaves of plants mainly plants in a for the humid formation of environment is pigments known as and transpiration B. enzymes osmosis C. B . production pinocytosis of energy and D. guttation hormones manufacture The element that is of essential carbohydrat for the es coagulation manufacture of blood is of proteins. potassium B. calcium C. Use the phosphorus diagram below D. iron. to answer questions 14 Anaerobic respiration and 15. differs aerobic respiration by the production of A. less amount of energy and water B. greater amount of energy and alcohol C. less amount of energy and alchohol. D. Greater amount of energy water.

Stomata pores open when there is an increase in the sugar content of A. pelvic guard cells girdle, fore a decrease in and hind the osmotic limbs B concentrati pelvic girdle on of guard and fore cells C. a limbs C. decrease in lumbar the sugar vertebrae content of and pelvic mesophyll girdle D. cells d. an lumbar increase in vertebrae, the sugar fore and content of hind limbs. mesophyll cells. The companion cells are part of the The process of A. pericycle deamination is essential for B. phloem C. the pith A. digestion of protein C. formation of urea D. xylem

A band of In which of the connective following tissue groups of linking two vertebrates bones in a would the joint is largest amount known as of yolk be A. tendon B. found in the cartilage C. egg? synovial A. Mammals membrane B. Fishes. C. D. ligament. Amphibians. D. Reptiles. The appendicular skeleton is composed of Use the the pectoral diagram below girdle to answer questions 26 and 27. The parts labelled I and II constitute the A. crown

B. neck

C. root The part that is D. gum simila r to bone is labell ed A. IV



D. I. us B. air, water and pollen nucleus C. The function air, of the antipodal part cells and labele ovum d V is D. for synergids the and egg passa cell. ge of The female gamete A. is pollen represente tube d by and A. I B. pollen II C. nucle III D. IV. A. image formation

B. refraction

C. hypermetropia accommodatio n. The type of The speed of wind can be vegetable measured with an reproduction instrument called illustrated in hydrometer B. the diagram secchi disc above is C. A. grafting anemomete r B. D. wind vane. adventitious bud 34.

C. sucker aerial layering.

Coconut and oil palm fruits can be grouped as Which berry B. organism in legume C. the food-web Capsule D. illustrated drupe. above is an The substance that is omnivore? responsible for A. Weevils. B. Rat. C. Hawk. apical D. Praying dominance in mantis. plants is known as Toads and lizards in an A. gibberellin ecosystem B. tannin depend on a limited C. auxin D. kinin. quantity of food. This is The part of the brain an example of that A. parasitism regulates B. intraspecific competition C. most predation biological interspecific cycles in competition humans is . A. olfactory lobe B. optic Adaptive features of lobe C. plants to desert medulla conditions oblongata D. include pineal body. thick barks, succulent The ability of the eye to stems and focus on both sunken near and stomata B. distant objects thin barks, is termed succulent stems and sunken After a heavy rainfall stomata and the thin barks, air formation of a floats on large pond, the stems and most likely sunken sequence of stomata changes in the air spaces in vegetation of tissues, adventitious the pond is roots and A. Euglena- water lily – thick barks. Spirogyra-grass B. water lily The Southern Guinea – Spirogyra grass – Euglena C. Spirogyra – Savanna Euglena – grass – water lily D. Euglena – differs from Spirogyra – water lily – grass. the Northern Guinea In a soil sample, the Savanna in relative that it has amounts of the A. lower different soil rainfall and particles can shorter best be grasses B. determined by less grasses the process of and A. filtration B. scattered centrifugation trees C. C. more precipitation rainfall and D. taller sedimentation. grasses D. less Which is the most arboreal important and pollutant of burrowing the marine animals. environment in Nigeria? A. Insecticides

B. Sewage C. Oil D. Inorganic fertilizers.

One of the most effective ways of controlling guinea worm is by A. treating the disease B. public enlighten men campaigns.

C. accelerating rural developmen t provision of portable drinking A. Albinism B. Baldness. C. Haemophilia water. C. Colour blindness.

During binary fission 46. Water loss is regulated in plants and animals by both the in lower A. scales and the skin B. scales and the hair organisms, the C. thick leaves and the feathers D. leathery curticle nucleus is and the feathers. known to undergo What combination of mitosis B. characters meiosis C. should a prey fragmentati develop to on D. survive in the mutation. environment of its One reason for the success of predator? Mendel’s work A. is that he Camoufla was the first to ge, well carry out develople research d limbs work on and modern effective genetics B. vision. B. introduced Showy quantitative colour, and qualitative big body elements into and well his work C. developed selected two limbs. C. characteristics Camoufla only at a time ge, big for study D. body and drew up his effective laws of vision. D. inheritance Show based on his colour, knowledge of well chromosomes. developed muscles The homozygo and an condition Hbs acute Hbs results in sense of sickle cell smell. anaemia A whereas Hb The three classes in a s Hb has the termitarium sickling trait. are What is the A. soldiers, probability queen and that a couple workers B. with the sickling trait workers, will give birth soldiers to one normal and child? reproducti A. ½ B. ¼ ves C. C. 1/8 soldiers, D. 0. workers and kings Which of the following D. kings, characters is queen and NOT sex- soldiers. linked? A. use and disuse explanation B. origin of species for the theory C. origin of life D. of evolution natural selection. because A. the deposits have remains of organisms characteristic of when they were formed B. different strata have remains of organisms of the same kind of only organisms with strong parts are fossilized D. most animal and plant fossils bear little resemblance to present day living specimens.

Biology 1998 poorly defined . B. The nucleus is localization considered of differ the control regions of the cell into organelle of a tissues. C. cell because collection of it organelles A. contains the and genetic material B. macromol contains the ecular nuclear complexe sap C. is s D. bounded simple by the cytoplasm nuclear with well- membrane defined is located at regions. the centre of the cell. The natural tendency of organism as The procaryotic cell they evolve is type is to characterized decrease in by a size B. complex increase in cytoplasm number C. in which develop different specialize regions are d structures possessio D. feed n of indiscrimi A. wings and segmented body B. compound eyes nately. C. claws on the legs D. dorso-ventrally flattened body.

In snails, the hard The case of termites calcareous that lacks shells are pigmentation secreted by the is the A. radula B. A. king B. ctendium C. worker pneumostome D. mantle C. solder

Use the D. queen. diagram below to answer questions 5 and 6.

The structure labelled I is formed as a result of the fusion of A. two pairs of nuclei

B. several pairs of nucleis C. a pair of nuclei

D. two pairs of nucleoli.

The special name of the part labelled II is A. gemetangium

B. hypha C. suspensor D. zygospore

The ability of the cockroac h to live in cracks and crevices is enhanced by the In a water culture experiment, a The structures plant showed that poor growth prevent and yellowing food of the leaves. particle These may be s from due to escapin deficiency of g A. copper B. through iron C. the fish magnesium gills are D. called calcium. gill A. arches In million’s test, when B. the reagent is filament added to a s C. protein food rakers item, a white D. precipitate is lamella produced e. which turns A blue on heating B. yellow on heating A distinguishing feature C. green on heating D. red on heating. of mammals is the possession Regulation of blood of sugar level A. skin B. takes place in scale C. nail the A. pancreas D. hair. B. ileum

Which of the C. liver. following structures is D. kidney. capable of producing Unicellular organisms more tissues transport in the stem essential of a nutrients herbaceous directly to all flowing parts of their plant? bodies by the A. Epidermis process of B. Pericycle C. diffusion Xylem D. because, they Cambium. have A. a large The manufacture of volume to carbohydrat surface area es by plants ratio B. a takes place large s only in urface area A. the leaves to volume B. the ratio C. green stems their bodies C. immersed chlorophylo in the us parts D. nutrients D. flowering their outer plants. membrane made of ventiricle cellulose. B. one auricle and The heat of the adult one frog consists ventricle of C. two A. two ventricles auricles and one and two auricles ventricles D. one B. one ventricle auricle and and two one auricles. In adult mammalian blood, scorpions the cells which D. lack nucleus are Earthworm the s, The roundwor diaphragm ms and and flatworms. intercostals muscles Which of the relax followi The thoracic ng is cavity not a increases in volume functio The n of the diaphragm mamm and alian intercostal skeleto s muscles n? contract A. The Protection diaphr B. agm Respiration contra C. cts and Transportat the ion D. interco Support. stals muscl Use the es to diagram below to relax. answer question 23 Which of the and 22. followin g moveme nt occur during exhalati on? the diaphragm contracts and the intercostals muscles relax. The ovary represented In which of the is following A. half- groups of superior B. animals is inferior C. the superior D. Malpighia half-inferior. n tubule The corolla is partly found? represented by Lizards, snakes and A. I B. II frogs B. C. III Crickets, D. IV . houseflies and The most reliable grasshoppe estimate of rs C. growth is by Millipedes, measuring centipedes changes in and A. length B. A. An increase volume C. in biomass surface area D. B. A dry weight. decrease in the A dry fruit formed from efficiency two or more of energy carpels conversion containing C. An several seeds increase in is a the A. follicle B. numbers of legume C. resulting capsule individuals A decrease in D. schizocarp. the The outermost embryonic resulting membrane in biomass. the mammal is the The condition that A. amnion B. encourages chorion C. denitrification allantois. D. is yolk sac. low soil oxygen B. The small masses of high soil nervous nitrogen C. tissues in absence of which many soil bacteria neurons have D. lightning their nuclei and are called thunderstor A. dorsal roots m. B. ventral roots C. A freshwater plant ganglia such as synapses. water lily can solve A group of organisms the of different problem species of living in a buoyanc particular y by the area is possessio described as n of a A. colony B. aerench community ymarous C. tissues population B. D. niche. dissecte d leaves Which of the following C.. thin is the direct cell consequence walls of of the transferring energy epiderm from one trophic level is to another? D. water- repelling epidermis. The sequence of s II the Schistosomiasi biomes in s III. Nigeria Dracunculiasis from Port IV. Harcourt Elephantiasis to V. Taeniasis. Damaturu A. I,II and III is estuarine ’! B. II, IV and rain forest ’! V Guinea C. II, III and IV savannah ’! I, II and V. Sahel One of the ways in savannah B. which body rain forest ’! cells differ Guinea from gamete savannah ’! cells is in the estuarine ’! type of desert C. centrom estuarine ’! eres Guinea they savannah contain ’! rain B. forest ’! number Sahel of savanna chromo h D. some rain pairs forest ’! they estuarin contain e ’! C. type Guinea of savanna chromat h ’! ids they desert. contain D. Soil micro-organisms number are of beneficial chromo because of somes their they involvement contain. in A. In blood transfusion, photosynt agglutination hesis B. occurs when translocat white blood ion C. cells from cycling of two nutrients individuals D. meet respiratio two n using differe nt soil air. antibod Which of the following ies groups of meet diseases are C. two associated differe with water? I nt Onchocerciasi antigen s meet D. contras ting antigen s and antibod ies meet. The alternate depletion patterns of mineral Use the resources over time. diagram below The unrestricted pattern to answer question 37 is presented by and 38. A. I B. II C. III D. IV. The line that chromosome represents DNA efficient nucleus gene recycling DNA Gene combined chromo with stringent some n conservation ucleus is Chromosome A. IV B. III C. II nucleus D. I. DNA gene After one week of life, DNA gene the weights of nucleu five chicks of s the same sex chromoso hatched me. simultaneousl y from the A sex-linked character eggs the same cannot be hen and fed on passed on the same diet directly were 45g, 40g from 35g, 33, and father to son 30g. This is an B. mother example of to A. growth rate daughter C. mother B. natural to son D. selection C. father to variation daughter. D. mutation. The biological The phenotype of an association individual can that be summed up contributes as the directly to A. totality of succession in a the expressed community is traits B. competition B. individual’s predation physical C. appearance C. parasitism individual’s commensalism entire . genetical make-up D. The group of insects physiological that have traits of the mouth parts individual. adapted for both piercing The correct and sucking increasi is ng cockroaches, order aphids and of size mosquitoes for the B. aphids, cell houseflies compo and moths C. ents mosquitoes, respons tsetse flies ible for and heredit aphids D. y is aphids, beetles and Use the grasshoppers. diagram below to answer questions 45 and 46.

The bird’s bill adapted for fishing is labeled A I B. II C. III D. IV.

Toes of the feet ending in a sharp, curved hook suitable for holding and tearing are most likely to belong to the bird with the bill in A. I B. II C. III D. IV.

In the honey bee colony, the drones are A sterile males with reduced mouth parts B. sterile ales with well- developed mouth parts C. fertile males with reduced mouth parts D. fertile males with well- developed mouth parts.

In the whistling pine leaves are reduced to brown scale and young stems are green. This is an adaptation varying for capacities A. obtaining for survival food B. in their conserving habitats C. nutrients C. organisms storing compete or water D. resources reducing and better transpiratio competitors n. survive and thrive D. The best habitats explanatio allow only n for the organisms theories of that will not natural have to selection is complete that for survival. A all The basic point of organisms have equal impact by capacity for changes which survival in produce their mutation is the habitats B. A. gametes B. organisms chromosomes have C. phenotype D. zygote. Biology 1999 The group of Arthropods The habitat of the that has no cysticercus of antennae is Taenia solium the A. is crustacca B. chilopoda C. A. alimentary canal of cattlearachnida B. C. alimentary canal of pig D.D. diplopoda The organism that has a hydrostatic skeleton is A. Tilapia


Hydra C. Mosquito larva D. Earthworm

These possession of scales, laying of eggs with shells and bony structure of the head are characteristics s hared by A. birds and reptiles C. reptiles and fishes C. nucleus The structure that is most D. ribosome commonly Which of the following identified in is an organ? all living A. guard cell cells under B. liver C. the light xylem bundle microscope D. blood is the A. Use the mitochondrion diagram below B. chloroplast to answer questions 7 and 8 The structure labelled II is used for In woody stems, gaseous exchange take A. tasting B. place through feeling C. the biting A. micropyles

D. sucking B. stomata

The structure labelled C. III represents the lenticels A. mandible D. vessels

B. palp C. Substances proboscis manufactured by the leaves D. labium are transported The division of a body to other parts into two equal of the plant halves along a through the l ongitudinal A. xylem B. plane is called A. bilateral companion symmetry B. cells transverse C. section sieve tubes C. radial D. cambium symmetry D. After a meal of yam longitudinal has been section digested In which of the the highest following concentrati organisms on of does each cell glucose is combine the to be found function of in the nutrition, A. hepatic artery B. pulmonary vein reproduction C. hepatic portal vein D. posterior vena cava and growth? The dark reaction of A. Rhizopus photosynthesis B. Dryopteris involves C. fixation of Brachymeniu carbon (IV) m D. oxide to Spirogyra give a six- carbon The key event in the sugar transition of fixation of carbon (IV) the oxide with amphibians the help of from water to oxygen land is the C . use of carbon A. replacement of the(IV) gills oxide with to lungsproduce B. possession of webbed limbsglucose using ATP C. limbs. uhfixation of carbon (IV) oxide on membrane chlorophyll using hydrogen In plant cells, the chloroplasts Mammals are located acclimatize A. inside the cell wall to reduced C. within the vacuole oxygen and content at holozoic high altitudes by

A. the stimulation of marrow to reduce the amount of erythrocyt es produced B. increasing the rate at which erythrocyt es are destroyed C. the stimulation of marrow to produce more erythrocyte s D. increasing the breakdown of the protein portion of the erythrocyte s

The modes of nutrition in Nitrobacteri Ascaris and Homo sapiens respectively are A. photosynthetic B. chemosyntheti c, parasitic and holozoic

C. photosynth etic, parasitic and heterophyt ic

D. chemosynt hetic, holophytic The richest sources of C. sulphur, vitamin A are phosphorus A. palm oil and iron and groundnut D. oil B. palm oil magnesium, and carrots nitrogen and C. rice and iron groundnut oil D. The lymphatic system oranges and of mammals carrots rejoins the blood The force that holds circulatory water system at the together in A. hepatic the form of vein a stream within the B. subclavian xylem tube vein is the A. cohesion C. renal vein of water D. common molecules to iliac vein one another by hydrogen In dissection, the rib bonds B. cage of a force of mammal has gravity to be opened attracting in order to the water expose the molecules A. diaphragm through the B. liver hydrogen bonds C. heated attraction between the D. sternum water and xylem by Fertilization in humans osmotic force usually takes place in the normal flow of water A. lower part from the of the uterus B. upper part ground of the uterus with the C. lower part help of of the oviduct gravitatio D. upper part nal force. of the oviduct Yellowing of leaves is a Insects visit flowers in symptom order to associated A. feed on the nectar B. deposit pollen on the stigma with C. pollinate the flowers D. transfer pollen from anthers deficiency of In epigeal germination, A. iron, the cotyledons calcium are and carried above magnesium the ground B. by the nitrogen, elongating hypocotyls sulphur and pulled undergrou potassium nd by the chemicals elongating olfactory hypocotyls nerve pulled endings undergrou brain nd by the dissolved elongating chemicals epicotyl  nasal carried above sensory the ground cell by the brain elongating chemicals epicotyl mucus membrane Bacteria multiply  sensory rapidly by cells  means of brain A. budding B. dissolved chemicals fragmentation  sensory cells C. olfactory nerve binary fission brain spore Use the formation diagram below to answer The correct sequence for questions 29 the operation of and 30 smell in mammals is 29. The part labelled III is for Use the diagram below to answer questions 40 and 41 A. protection B. insulation C. lubrication D. growth

30. The structure labelled II is known as A. sweat gland B. lymph vessel C. blood vessel D. nerve ending

31. In mammals, the organ which performs digestive and endocrine functions is the A. liver B. pancreas C. gastric gland D. salivary gland

32. The chitin in the exoskeleton of many arthropod is strengthened by 40. Primary consumers are found in A. calcium compounds B. organic salts A. 1,2,and 3 B. 1,3 and 7 C. 2,3 and 7 D. 2,4 and 5 C. lipids D. proteins 41. The biomass is likely to increase in the sequence Use the diagram below to answer questions 33 and 34 A. 1 245 B. 1345 C. 3567 D. 5431 Which of the following characterized the white mangrove? A. prop roots B. buttress roots C. breathing roots D. stilt roots

If the offspring of a cross between brown mouse (bb) and a black mouse (BB) are allowed to interbreed, how many different genotypes would result? The structure labelled II articulates with III to form a A. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 sliding joint B. hinge joint C. pivot joint ball-and-socket joint The biological factor that is unique to each individual is the A. DNA B. eye colour C. blood group E. RNA Which of the bones is the radius? I B. II C. III D. IV From an evolutionary standpoint, the older a fossil-bearing rock is the more likely it is to contain The construction of dams may lead to an increase in the aves as opposed to amphibians prevalence of invertebrates as opposed vertebrates typhoid fever, measles and yellow fever angiosperms as opposed to algae tuberculosis, leprosy and typanosomiasis vertebrates as opposed to invertebrates. guinea worm, malaria and tuberculosis malaria, bilharziasis and onchocerciasis The very bright colours in some types of mushroom are a warning that they may be poisonous Floating microscopic heterotrophs are mostly grouped as indicate that they are very tasty phytoplankton B. zooplankton C. microbes attract potential transporters of their spores nekton perform the same function as bright colours in flowers

Vaccination is carried out in order to The least adaptive feature for arboreal life is that check the production of poison possession of four limbs B. possession of claws increase the activity of white blood cells development of a long tail D. counter shading of increase the number of red blood cell coat colour stimulate the production of antibodies Which of the following is one of Lamarck’s theories? A soil consisting of alumina and iron (II) oxide is known as some variations are more favorable to existence in a A. loamy soil B. clayey soil C. laterite D. podzol. given environment than others all living organisms are constantly involved in a struggle The sign + is used to indicate an association where an for existence C.the size of a given population organism gains, while 0 is used where an organism is remains fairly constant unaffected. An association indicated as + 0 is known D. new species originate through the inheritance of as A. predation B. commensalism C. parasitism acquired traits. D. competition The loud cry made by a brooding hen when a predator is around is meant to alert the poultry The most important attendants environmental attract cocks to come factor which and fight the epiphytes in the predator rain forest advertise the boundaries compete for is of its territory to A. water B. intruders nutrient C. warn its chicks and other light D. space chickens of impending danger

Biology 2000 leaf, petals in threes or Use the diagram groups of below to answer threes and questions 1 and 2 parallel venation of leaves One seed leaf, net- veined leaves and petals in three or multiples The part that will develop of three into an organ for feeling is The set of fins that labelled controls A. IV B. III steering, C. II balancing D. I and change The part labelled II is of direction the and pitch in A. silk thread fish is B. thorax C. dorsal and fore wing D. anal B. anchor pectoral and pelvic Which of the following caudal and features are all dorsal D. associated anal and pelvic with monocots? The most recently A. Fibrous root evolved system, structure in branched animals is the network of hair B. cilium veins and C. scale D. one seed leaf feather B. Fibrous root system, Coelom is absent in the two seed class of leaves and f animals loral parts in termed threes C. mollusca B. One seed reptilia C. arthropoda D. coelenterat In which part of the a human body does the A characteristic of secretion of vertebrates that the growth is unique to hormone mammals is occur? the presence A. head region of B. waist pentadacty region C. neck l limbs region parental care D. gonads C. the possession Use the of scrotum diagram below pulmonary to answer circulation questions 10 and 11 The order in which organic evolution has progressed in plants is thallophyta, schizophyt a, bryophyta, pteridophyt a and spermatoph yta B. schizophyt a, The parts thallophyta l , a bryophyta, b pteridophyt e a and spermatoph l yta l C. e pterido d phyata, sperma I tophyt a, a thallop n hyta, schizo d phyta and I bryoph I yta D. bryoph m yta, a pterido k phyta, sperma e tophyt a, u thallop p hyta and t schizo h phyta. e

A The part of the brain . that controls g body l posture in o mammals m is the e thalamus B. r cerebrum u C. spinal l cord D. u cerebrum s Peripheral arrangement

of vascular B tissues in . dicots is a

characteristic c of the internal o structure of n the v leaf B. petiole o C. steam l D. root u t Use the e diagram below d to answer questions 14 and 15 t u b u l e s malpighian body D. bowman’s capsule The substance labelled In mammals, re- II originates absorption of from salt takes place in A. III only B. IV only C. I IV B. III C. and IV D. III II D. I and IV The gas occupying the food storages space labelled must be I is low A. carbon (IV) catabolism oxide B. must nitrogen exceed that hydrogen of D.oxygen anabolism anabolism The scapula and the must ischium are exceed that part of the of catabolism pectoral girdle food storage B. pelvic must be girdle high appendicular skeleton D. The production of hind limb violet Bacteria in the large colouration, intestine of man when dilute are important in Na0H solution the is added to a synthesis of solution of vitamins K food and B2 substance, digestion of followed by vegetables. drops of 1 % C. CUSO4 synthesis solution while of vitamins making A and D D. indicates the absorption presence of of water. protein B. carbohydra Short-sightedness can be tes C. fats corrected by reducing sugar lenses which are The greatest amount of convex B. energy will be biconvex obtained by C. plano- the oxidation convex of 100kg of conoave meat B. butter C. sugar D. The inner ear contains biscuits two main organs, The chamber of the namely, the mammalian eardrum and heart with the eustachina thickest wall n tube B. is the cochlea right ventricle and B. left semi- auricle C. circular right canals C. auricle oval D. left window ventricle and ossicles pinna and Use the graph cochlea below to answer For growth to occur in questions 25 organisms, the and 26. rate of Serum differs from The part labelled II is blood plasma the because it. mesocarp B. contains blood pericarp C. cell and endocarp fibrinogen epicarp contains soluble The fruit represented is food and mainly mineral dispersed by salts animals B. lacks the water C. blood wind D. protein birds fibrinogen lacks blood In an experiment to cells and estimate the albumin volume of air in a soil sample using a measuring cylinder, it was found that: Initial volume of water = p cm3 Volume of soil before mixing with water = q cm 3 Final volume of water after adding soil=r cm3. From the data above, which of the following deductions is correct? A. r=p+q B. r>p+q C. q=r- p D. r

An ecological succession often leads to A. an increase in species diversity B. a decrease in species diversity C. an unstable communit y the dispersal of species

Atmospheric nitrogen is converted to soil nitrogen for plant use by nitrification and combustion B. putrefaction and lighting The soil becomes toxic lighting and to plants when nitrification the D. concentration of combustion its essential and elements is in the putrefaction range labelled I High birth rate and IV B. III C. II high D. I immigration rate II Low The range at which soil birth rate and essential high element immigration concentration is rate III Low recorded for mortality rate optimal plant and low growth is emigration marked rate IV High IV B. III C. II mortality rate D. I and high emigration Which of the rate. following Which growth combination activities in of the above plants is can cause brought rapid about by overcrowding gibberellins? in climaxbiotic A. Rapid cell communities division B. Tropic and human response settlements? Cell A. II and III elongation D. Main B. I and III C. stem I and IV elongation D. I and II Which of the Use the graph following are below to adaptations of answer animals to questions 31 aquatic and 32. habitats? Gills streamline d bodies and lateral line Lateral line, streamlined bodies and lungs Gills, scaly heron skin and because they lungs both feed on Gills, fishes B. streamline are both d bodies birds and C. occupy spiracles similar niche D. occupy the same trophic level Which of the following is an adaptation of forest species? The factors that Few stomata determine the B. Thick distribution of bark C. vegetable Buttress zones are roots A. Reduced temperature, leaves light, rain and humidity In a food chain, each B. light, succeeding humidity, level in a air and mist forward C. direction, temperature, represent? light, air an increase in and the number humidity D. of humidity, individuals snow, frost a decrease in and dew the number of A cross between an individuals albino an increase in female and the a biomass of genetically individuals normal male a gain in the will result total energy in offspring being that are transferred. A. all albino B. all The disaster that phenotypically would normal have the C. all genetically least normally D. half destructive albino and half impact on normal animal life and The pollutants that balance in contribute to nature is the depletion chemical of the ozone pollution layer in the B. forest atmosphere fires are oil spillage D. A. radioactive grasshoppe materials B. r pests oxides of sulphur The legs and beak of oxides of an egret carbon D. resemble chlorofluor those of the ocarbons Blood grouping in The surest way to human combine the beings is best qualities derived of both from parents and combinat the offspring ion of is by two different cross-breeding alleles B. B. four inbreeding different C. selective alleles breeding three different pure breeding alleles D. two different genes.

The older fossil- bearing rocks, in contras to the more recent ones, are more likely to contain animals rather than plant remains B. invertebrate s rather than birds C. flowering plants rather than mosses D. reptiles rather that fishes

In a group of male Agama lizards, the one brightest head colour is the A. dominant

B. youngest

C. oldest D. largest

Examples of water- borne and sex- linked disease are A. taeniasis an malaria B. cholera and gonorrhoea typhoid and syphilis D. dracunculias is and environment haemophilia temperatur e is The mutation changing theory grasshopper is of avoiding organi predation c grasshopper is evoluti frequently on was moulting propou nded Complex social by behaviou Gregor and Mendel B. organization Hugo Vries are found Jean Lamarck mostly in D. Charles insects B. Darwin birds C. reptiles D. A certain savanna mammals grasshopper changes colour Which of the following from green structural during the features are rainy season to adapted for brown during uses other than the dry season water bush fires. The conservation? reason for Succulent these colour stems B. changes is that Scales in a the annals grasshopper is C. Spines in getting plants D. older Feathers in birds

B i o l o g y

2 0 0 1

1. An association between the root nodule of a 4. The jointed structure in insects that bears organs which leguminous plants and rhizobium sp is known as are sensitive to touch, smell and vibration is the A. commensalism B. mycorrhiza C. parasitism A. maxilla B. labium C. antenna D. abdomen D. symbiosis 5. Which of the following groups is the most advanced? 2. Amphibians are normally found A. Pteridophytes B. Bryophytes A. on dry land and in water B. in water and on moist land C. Thallophytes D. Gymnosperms C. on moist land D. in water 6. Most monocots are easily recognized by their 3. Viviparity occurs mainly in the A. short leaves with petioles B. long and sword-like A. mammals B. reptiles C. aves D. amphibians leaves C. long and palm-like leaves D. short leaves with many veinlets Water fleas, wood lice and The enzyme invertase barnacles will hydrolyze belong to the sucrose to give group maltose and arachnida B. glucose B. crustacea glycerol C. insecta and fatty D. acid chilopoda glucose and fructose D. The mode of feeding in mannose Amoeba and and Hydra is galactose heterotrophic B. When yeast respires holophytic anaerobically, C. it converts autotrophic simple sugar symbiotic to carbon (IV) oxide and Which of the following oxygen B. acid organisms C. alcohol does not exist D. water as a single free living The transportation of cell? oxygen and Paramecium carbon (IV) B. Volvox oxide in C. Amoeba mammals is D. carried out by Chlamydomon leucocytes B. as thrombocy tes C. Use the diagram phagocyte below to answer s questions 10 and 11 erythrocytes

The veins of the leaf are formed by the vascular bundles B. cambium cells C. palisade tissue D. spongy mesophyll

Use the diagram below to answer questions 22 and 23 rhizoid C. sporophyte and sori D. annulus and stalk of The structures labelled sporangiu II and III m respectively are In ferns, the structure female organs above is and rhizoid equivalent to B. male the organs and zygote of a moss B. gametophyt e generation of a moss sporophyte generation of a moss sporophyte of a moss The parts which The centre for learning and function memory in the together human brain is the to bring medulla about oblongata hearing B. are cerebellum labelled. C. cerebrum IV, V and VI B. I, II, IV D. olfactory and VI C. lobe I, II, III and IV Urea formation occurs I, II and IV in the A. heart B. The part labelled II is liver C. lung the D. kidney fenestra ovalis B. middle Use the ear canal diagram below internal to answer auditory questions 14 meatus D. and 15 ear ossicles

When specimen X is mixed with few drops of iodine solution, the appearance of a blue-black colour confirms that X is Galactose B. Starch C. Sucrose D. Glucose

Use the diagram below to answer question 25 and 26 II B. I C. IV D. III

The part labelled IV is the albumen B. germinal The structure that holds disc C. the yolk in sturdy D. position is stunted labelled The gas produced during tissue respiration can be identified by using calcium hydroxide B. copper sulphate The structure above calcium represents a carbonate caudal D. sodium vertebra B. hydroxide lumbar vertebra A seedling grown in the thoracic dark is likely vertebra to be D. cervical etiolated B. vertebra dormant C. sturdy D. Blood vessels usually stunted pass through the structure labelled III B. II C. V D. IV

Salts and water are absorbe d in the roots and transpor ted to the leaves by mixed- A. diffusion cropping through the D. drought xylem tissues B. The epiphytic habitat osmosis can best be through the described as phloem arboreal B. tissues C. estuarine diffusion C. aquatic through the D. phloem terrestrial tissues D. The highest osmosis percentage through the of energy xylem in an tissues ecosystem The number of plant occurs at species the level of obtained from a the population secondary study of a consumers B. garden is as decompose follows: rs Guinea grass producers D. (15), Ipomoeas primary SSP, (5), sida consumers spp (7) and Imperata spp The greatest influence (23) What is on a stable the percentage ecosystem in of occurrence nature is of Imperat, q exerted by spp? man B. pollution 35% B. 16% C. animals C. 46% D. D. rainfall 23% A freshwater pond may Carbon (IV) oxide contain content of tadpole, water the boatman, atmosphere leeches is least and crab affected by water beetle, shrimps, cutting down water snail and and water clearing of bug forest B. forest fires water lily, burning of fossil fish, water fuels D. scorpion plant and and animal dragontly respiration larva pond skater, The factor that least water lily, affects food shark and shortages in mosquito sub- larva Saharan Africa is The hygrometer is used for measuring flooding B. pests C. relative humidity B. specific group A gravity only rainfall D. Group AB is salinity the universal The distribution of recipient plants in a Group B can donate to rain forest in group B governed onl mainly by vegetation B. soil types C. amount of sunlight rainfall pattern

Both recessive and dominant characters are found on different chromoso mes in the cell at the same locus of a homologou s chromoso me mother’s sex cell D. mother’s X chromosom e

The probability of a baby being a boy or a girl depends on the condition of the father’s sex cell B. father’s somatic chromoso me mother’s sex cell D. mother’s X chromosom e

Which of the following statements is true of blood groups and blood transfusion ? Group O is the universal recipient Group A can donate to 41. Which of the The role of the male following is likely to adult honey encourage inbreeding bee is to in plants clean the hive Dioecious B. B. ventilate Protandrou the hive s C. mate with the Manoeciou queen D. s care for the Hermaphrodit young e The ability of an A tall plant crossed organism to with a dwarf live on produces successfully offspring of in an which half are environment tall and half is known as are dwarf resistance B. what are the competitio genotypes of n C. the parents? succession TT, TT B. Tt, adaptation Tt C. TT, tt D. Tt, Tt The most important adaptation In man, the ability of to roll the xerophytes tongue is is the ability a variation of the classified protoplasm as to anatomical B. resist being physiologi damaged cal C. by loss of structural water morphological store sugar and Darwin is considered minerals in the first the scientist who vacuoles correctly absorb water explained the and swell theory of shrink from special the cell creation B. wall spontaneo us A green snake in green generation grass is able use and disuse to escape D. organic notice from evolution predators because of its The stem of a typical disruptive aquatic plant colouration usually has B. many countershi air cavities B. ping intercellula warning r spaces colouratio water cavities n D. D. water- cryptic conducting colouratio cells. n For heterotrophic the inadequacy organisms, of competition is mates B. space leas caused by C. light D. nutrients Biology 2002 When oil is poured into the breeding An Amoeba and an site of unlaid chicken mosquitoes, it eggs are A. deprives animal tissues the larvae of B. water B. kills organelles the adults C. C. single suffocates the cell pupae D. organisms slows down egg In corns food is usually developme stored in the nt. leaves B. stems C. Use the roots D. diagram below buds to answer questions 7 The animals that move and 8 by means of flagella include Chlamydomo nas and Euglena B. Planaria and Amoeba C. Amoeba and Hydra D. The correct Parameciu evolutionary m a sequence of nd Planaria the organisms The structures found represented is only in plant IIIIIIIV cells are B. A. cell IIIIIIV membran I C. e and IIIIIIV cytoplas IV m B. IVIIIIII chromati n and Ovoviparity is the type nucleolus of fertilization C. cell exhibited by wall and the organism chloropla labelled st I B. II C. III D. cell membrane IV and lysosome Use the diagram below A flower that has both to answer stamens and questions 9 pistil is said to and 10 be staminate B. pistillate C. perfect D. imperfect Example of competitors are A. lizard and mouse B. snake and lizard grasshopper In the diagram, the and mouse hawk is D. rabbit A. an and snake omnivore B. a primary One of the adaptations consumer to life on trees C. a tertiary by a monkey consumer D. a is its scavenger possession of digits which are extensible B. big C. opposable D. long

The community of plants in which the same species occur from year to year is the annual species B. pioneer vegetation perennial species D. climax vegetation

The most common means of transmitting Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is from mother to child B. through blood transfusion through sexual intercourse D. through the sharing of needles

Plants tend to prevent overcrowding by means of efficient water uptake B. seed germinatio n C. 4.8per m2 pollination D. 9.6per m2 seed dispersal The supporting tissue The physical and of climatic xylem factors of a is most region poorly primarily develo determine the ped in kinds of mangrove animals swamp inhabiting plants B. the area B. grassland types of plants plants submerged found in the water area C. plants D. nature of desert the soil in plants the region D. The addition of lime to community clay soil serve to of organisms aid water retention in the B. close up region the texture prevent water- A step in the logging D. moveme improve nt of capillary energy action through an The excessive use of ecosyste agro- m is a chemicals descripti could lead to on that the pollution best fits of the term the lithosphere A. food chain B. the B. trophic atmospher level C. e pyramid of C. fresh water numbers D. D. space food web In a population study In a field experiment using the the frequency transect of waterleaf method, a was observed student is to be 48 after likely to 20 tosses of a record the 2m2 highest quadrant. number of What is the species in density of the A. a tropical plant in the rain forest B. a field? guinea A. 1.2per m2 savanna C. a sahel 2 B. 2.4per m savanna D. an estuarine swamp In his theory of evolution, A feature of the caste systems of bees Darwin and termites is implied that that the struggled the workers for are sterile existence B. the among kings are living bigger than organisms the queens is sporadic C. only the the most worker successful perform organisms duties are those nuptial fight is that best performed adapt to by all their members environme nt The structure that is organs of the common in body which the embryos are not of mammals, regularly, amphibians, used by an birds, fishes organism and reptiles will and which is disappear an evidence ny traits of their acquired common by an ancestry is the organism eye B. chorion during its C. allantois lifetime B. gillslits can e passed on Animals are restive to its when the offspring environmen t in which The carnassial teeth of a they live carnivorous becomes animal consists hot and dry B. of the cold and last upper wet C. premolar warm and and the humid first lower windy and molar snowy last upper molar and Birds which are large the last with long lower straight molar pointed beaks, first upper premolar long necks and and the long legs are first lower likely to be molar insect eaters first upper B. fish molar and catchers C the first nectar lower feeders molar fruit eaters of nutrition Examples of organisms termed in which A. autotraphic extracellular B. digestion heterotrophic occurs are C Fungus, chemosyntheti Loranthus c D. and saprophytic housefly B. Rhizopus, sponges and earthworm C. Roundwor m, tapeworm and Hydra Rhizopus, housefly and Hydra

The mammalian erythrocytes differ from erythrocytes are discoid and nucleated B. discoid and enucleated amoeb oid and nucl eate d D. amo eboi d and enu clea ted

The presence of endoskeleton is characteristic of invertebrata B. vertebrata C. insecta D. coelenterata

The capture and digestion of insects by a pitcher plant is a special form Use the photosynth diagram below esis to answer questions 32 When a marine fish and 33 was taken from the ocean and put in a tank of fresh water, it died after a short period because the tank was too small compared to the large ocean Which of the following the body statements is cells of correct about the fish the swelled experiment? and burst The flask must as a be of the result of conical the type hypotoni Caustic soda c fresh can be water replaced the body with cells of distilled the fish water shrank as The enclosed their sap leaf will was lose its hypertoni green c to be colour fresh The leaves outside the water flask serve there was no as control food in the tank, so The experimental set-up the fish can be used to starved demonstrate that Which of the following light is pairs of organs necessary is located in for the anterior photosynth half of the esis mammalian oxygen is body cavity? necessary Kidneys and for lungs B. photosynth Heart and esis ovary photosynthesis Lungs and occurs in hearts D. the leaves Kidneys of plants and heart carbon (IV) oxide is The mode of nutrition necessary exhibited by a for tapeworm is symbiotic B. saprophyti A person that is obese c C must avoid parasitic D. meals holozoic containing carrots and The organ located oranges B. within the margarine duodental and butter loop in the beef and beans mammal is D. rice and the yam spleen B. pancreas Tissue respiration is C. liver D. important for gall the bladder absorption of oxygen In which of the into the following alveoli groups of release of fruits is the carbon (IV) pericarp oxide into the lungs inseparable release of from the seed energy for coat? body use Nut B. exhalation of Follicle C. carbon (IV) Cypsela D. oxide from Cryopsis lungs. Use the raise the level diagram of calcium below to ions in the answer blood question 41 lower blood and 42 glucose level make the body react to emergencie s

The function of absorpti on is perform ed by the structur e labelled A.I B. II C. III D. IV

The structure labelled I represents the A. phloem

B. xylem

C. cortex D. pericycle

Use the diagram below to answer questions 43 and 44

The gland usually found in the position labelled is the adrenal B. thyroid C. pancreatic D. pituitary

A hormone secreted at IV serves to facilitate the developme nt of facial hairs To select and retain boy with the the desirable genotype YXn trait of large will body size A. have with farmer normal vision has observed B. be colour- in his herd, blind the farmer be totally needs to blind D. be a carrier of feed the colour- animals in blindness the herd with more The first four children food of a couple cross-breed his animals were all with a girls. The different probability herd that the fifth inbreed the will also be a animals in girl is his herd 1/5 B. ¼ C. prevent 1/3 D. ½ diseases in his herd Genetic counselling is important In a population of when a living things, marriage is the parameters planned of size, height, between a weight and Rh woman and colour are Rh man B. example of Rh woman discontinuous and Rh man variations Rh woman and B. Rh man D. continuous Rh woman variations and Rh man C. physiological What proportion of variations D. the offspring non-heritable of a cross variations between two heterozygous If XN is the dominant parents will allele for exhibit the normal vision recessive n and X the condition recessive phenotypicall allele for y? colour- ¼ B. ½ C. ¾ blindness, a D. 4/4

B i o l o g y 2 0 0 3

1. The umbrella-shaped fruiting body of a fully developed 3. A noticeable adaptation of the animal to its aquatic mushroom is the habitat is the possession of A. mycelium B. basidium C. pileus D. stipe A. webbed digits B. four limbs C. a wide mouth D. large eyes

4. The similarity among organisms belonging to the same group will be least within each A. order B. family C. species D. kingdom Hermaphroditic 5. reproduction can be found among the A. annelids and molluscs B. pisces Use the diagram and amphibians above to answer coelenterates and question 2 and 3. platyhelminthes D. arthropods and nematodes One distinctive feature The processes of in the life water loss history of and intake liverworts is indicated by that they the arrows exhibit labelled I A. vegetative and II are reproduction B. respectively alternation of A. evaporation generation C. and osmosis B. sexual exhalation and reproduction D. osmosis C. asexual osmosis and reproduction diffusion D. urination and diffusion Use the answer diagram question 12 above to and 13. answer questions 7 and 8

The experiment is used Food is stored in the to demonstrate structure that labelled A. IIII B. IV C. I transpiration D. II occurs through the leaves B. The structures that are plants common to lose water both plant and through animal cell are guttation labelled C. leaves II and III B. III are and IV C. important to IV and I D. photosynthesis D. I and II water is necessary for The cell component that is photosynthe present in a sis prokaryotic cell is the In the experiment, ribosome B. the layer of mitochondr oil serves ion C. to prevent chloroplast water loss nuclear by envelope A. Osmosis B. Transpiration In the egg of a bird, the C. embryo is Evaporation located in the Guttation yolk B. embryo If water that has been disc C. coloured red is chalaza D. poured at the albumen base of a An insect whose wilting plant, economic it will appear importance is as a red stain both harmful in the cells of and benefit is the the phloem B. parenchym butterfly B. a C. xylem mosquito D. C. blackfly epidermis D. tsetsefly

Use the The stunted growth diagram of a below to leguminous plant Organisms I, II, III and suffering IV have from surface/volum nitrogen e ratios of 1:2. deficiency 1:3, 1:4 and may be 1:5 corrected by respectively. inoculating The organism the soil with that is likely to saprophytic have the most bacteria B. complex rhizobium transport C. denitrifying system is A. bacteria D. III B. IV C. II nitrosomonas D. I

Use the diagram below to answer questions 17 and 18

The aim of the experiment is to demonstrate the presence of carbon (IV) oxide in exhaled air that in mammals gaseous exchange take place in the lungs the part played by the pleural cavity and diaphragm in respiration D. that a large amount of oxygen is absorbed by the lungs.

In the experimental set- up, the rubber sheet acetic acid represents the C. organ called Ethylene diaphragm B. Gibberellin lungs C. intercostal Metabolic production D. pleural of urea is cavity carried out in the The part of the urinary mammalian bladder digestive and kidney system B. where pancreas absorption kidney and malphigian of nutrients tubule D. takes place liver is the duodenum B. In mammalian males, colon C. the excretory ileum D. and oesophagu reproductive s system share The dark reaction of the photosynthesis ureter B. testes involves the C. vas release of deferens D. oxygen and urethra the splitting of The best method of water propagating sugarcane is photolysis of by water and the stem cuttings production B. seed of starch sowing C. reduction of layering carbon (IV) grafting oxide to organic The response of compounds plants to splitting of external water into stimuli in a hydrogen non- ions directional manner is The most important known as hormone that nastic induces the movement ripening of B. fruit is photropism Cytokinin B. C. tactic Indole D. geotropism Use the factory is diagram likely to be below to A. humidity answerquestio ns 26 and 27 B. pH

C. wind D. light

The pioneer organisms in ecological succession are usually The structure can be the found in the A. lichens B. peripheral and algae C. central ferns D. nervous mosses systems peripheral Mycorrhiza is an nervous association system only between fungi sympathetic and and roots of higher parasymapat plants B. hetic ilamentous nervous algae systems bacteria D. central protozoans nervous system A density- only depend ent The point marked I is factor referred to as that myelin sheath B. regulat dendrites es the C. node of popula Ranvier tion axon size of organis Homologous pairs of ms is chromosomes sudden flood separate B. disease during C. fire meiosis B. outbreak cytolysis drought C. mitosis D. The most cleavage effective method An example of a of caryopsis is dealing coconut B. with tomato C. non- guava D. biodegra maize dable grain pollutio A limiting factor in a n is by plant burying B. population dumping C. near a incineratio chemical n recycling One example of fossil fuels is Soil fertility can best be coral B. conserved and limestone renewed by C. the activities firewood of D. coal microbes B. earthworm If the pair of sv C. man allelels for D. rodents baldness is given as The correct Bb, a sequence female of biomes carrier from will be northern denoted to by southern XBXb B. Nigeria is XBXB C. estuarine  XbY D. tropical XBY rain forest  guinea An organism that has savanna been sahel extensively savanna used to test the B. sahel chromosome savanna theory of su dansav heredity is anna Homo sapiens guinea B. Drosophila savanna melanogast  er tropical Zea Mays D. rainforest Musea estuarine domestica C. sahel savanna  A feature associated with tropical rain the Y- forest  chromosome in estuarine humans is guinea facial hairs B. savanna D. prominent guinea fingernails savanna  C. long sudan eyelashes D. savanna  enlarged breast tropical rainforest A man and his wife are  sahel both savanna  heterozygous estuarine for the sickle- cell trait. The likely percentage of their offspring that will be either carriers or sicklers is A. 50% B. 25% C. 75% D. 100% pathogens The type of B. prevent reproducti guttation on that C. remove leeds to excess water variation in animal D. reduce and plant water loss population Spines and shells on s is animals are A. budding B. adaptations vegetative for A. C. asexual physical defence B. D. sexual camouflage C. chemical If a DNA strand defence D. has a mimicry base sequen The inactive state ce exhibited by TCA, an animal its during hot comple dry seasons mentar is termed y A. aestivation strand B. dormancy must C. resting D. hibernation be A. ATG B. An insect with a GAT C. mandibulate AGT D. TAG mouth part will obtain its Which of the food by following A. chewing B. requires chewing and the use of sucking C. carbon sucking dating to D. biting and chewing prove that evolution An example of has cryptic occurred? colourat biochemical ion is similarities the B. molecular A.bright records marks fossil records on a D. poisono comparativ us e anatomy tropical frog on The presence of variegated sunken leaves B. stomata and bright the folding colour of an of leaves insect- are pollinated adaptations flower to C. mottled prevent entry of colours on .acquired traits moths that cannot be rest on passed onto lichens D. the offspring green colour disuse of body of a plant part cannot weaken the 50. An argument part against disused part is Lamarck’s dropped heory of off in the evolution is offspring that A D. traits cannot be acquired through constant use of body parts. Biology 2004

The bones labelled II The gall bladder of a are called mammal has a A. thoracic duct connected to the vertebrae A. duodenum B. lumbar vertebrae B. liver C. pancreas D. C. cervical small intestine vertebrae D. sacral The opening of the vertebrae. stoma is controlled by The breakdown of fats the and oils into A. presence simpler of guard absorbable cells B. compounds is decrease catalyzed by in solute the group of concentr ation in enzymes called the guard A. peptidases cells C. B. amylases C. increase lipases D. in solute hydrolases concentr ation in The two key cations the guard involved in the cells action D. presence of potential of a pore. nervous transmissions Use the are diagram A. Mg2 and below to + + answer K B. Na and Fe2+ C. questions 3 2+ and 4 Fe and Mg2+ D. Na+ and K + Use the diagram below to answer questions 12 and 13

Which of the following results is to be expected If the set-up is left for several Yam is used in this set- hours? up because it Movement of A. act as a semi- water from permeable the salt membrane B. solution act as a storage B. Decrease in the size of the yam C. Movement of the organ C. salt solution into the water D. Decrease in is the volume permeable of water to the salt inside the solution yam. is a plant material The eggs of birds contain relatively larger quantities of The type of joint yolk than between those of adjacent amphibians bones in the and reptiles part labelled because A. II is the embryonic A. hinge joint development is longer in B. suture joint birds C. sliding joint D. ball-and- B. birds lay socket joint shelled eggs C. birds are generally bigger in size D. those of birds are fertilized internally.

In the internal structure of plants, a wide pith in the centre is common to A. dicot root and monocot stems B. dicot stems and monocot stems C. dicot stem and monocot roots dicot roots and monocot roots.

If a nursing mother is not producing enough milk, her hormonal system is probably deficient in testosterone B. thyroxin C. insulin D. prolactin

Use the diagram below to answer questions 8 and 9 alcohol

B. 38 ATP molecules C. water and carbon (IV) oxide D. 2ATP molecules and alcohol

Use the diagram below to answer questions 15 and 16

The part labelled II is the A. anther

B. style

C. filament

D. stigma The function of the part The process of labelled III is pollination to involves A. produce oil the transfer for the skin B. of pollens carry blood from and A. III to IV nitrogenou s waste C. B. IV to I contract to pull the C. II to III hair erect D. conduct D. I to II nervous impulses The anaerobic fermentati The sweat gland is the on of a structure glucose labelled molecule A. IV B. III yields C. II A. pyruvic D. I acid and The type of is a medium reproduction for all metabolic that is reactions. common to both Hydra The surface of an and yeast is alveolus in a A. grafting B. mammals is budding C. well supplied conjugation D. binary fission with tiny blood vessels Epigeal germination known as of a seed is A. capillaries characteriz B. arteries C. ed by A. arterioles D. lack of venules growth of Nervous control differs the from hypocotyls hormonal B. more control in that rapid the former elongation A. is a of the slower hypocotyls process than the B. epicotyl involves more only rapid chemica elonga l tion of transmis the sion C. epicot has no yl than specific the pathway hypoc produces otyl D. short-term equal changes growth rate of Identical twins inherit both their genes the from hypoc one egg and otyl two sperms and B. two eggs epicot and a sperm yl. C. the same egg and sperm All living cells require D. different water because eggs and it sperms is a medium Paternity disputes that neutralizes can most acids in accurately cells be resolved is the main through the source of use of energy for DNA analysis the cells B. prevents the fingerprinti developme ng C. nt of tongue- diseases in rolling cell blood group typing Y- Sex-linked genes are chromosom located on e. X- a In a Mendelian cross of n red and white d varieties of the four Y o’clock plant, - the F1 c generation h expresses r incomplete o dominance by m having o flowers which s are o multicoloured m B. pink C. e red D. s white

B Insects are considered . the most successful h among the o invertebrates m because they o survive in l various o environmen g tal o conditions u possess the s ability to change their c forms C. h possess r exoskeletons o D. have wing m for flight o s The absence of o special food m and water- e conducting s systems restricts the C body size in . the bryophytes and the X pteridophye - s the c thallophytes h and the r pteridophytes o m C. liverworts, o mosses and s ferns D. o algae, m liverworts e and mosses. s A peculiar The rods in the retina of characteristic the eye are of mammals is examples of that they organs B. cells have C. systems sebaceous D. tissues glands B. have teeth The larval stage of a C. are mosquito is warm- called blooded D. caterpillar B. have lungs. maggot C.wriggler D. grub

The most common characteristic of the fungal hyphae is the possession of cell-like partitions formed by cross-walls cell-like compartme nts with one nucleus each a multicellular mycelium in the substrate cell walls that are both rigid and chitinous

Use the diagram below to answer question 32 and 33.

The part labelled II is responsible for A respiratio n B. protein synthesis C. excretion D. photosyn The spots and thesis stripes of the The endoplasmic leopard reticulum is and tiger represented are by the part examples labelled of A. III B. VI warning C. I colouration D. II B. countersha The function of the ding C. long-winged cryptic reproductive colouration s in a D. termite disruptive colony is to colouration A. protect the young B. Rodents gnaw on food participate in with their swarming strong jaws feed the young D. disperse B. flat- the ridged teeth population C. chisel- like front A plant- teeth D. likefeaturei molar teeth. n Euglena is An evidence of the the large vacuole relations B. gullet C. pellicle D. hip pigment between spot living organism Which of the following s and is an example their of intraspecific extinct competition? relatives A. Yam and can best potato shoots be growing out obtained through the from same window palaeonto B. A lizard and logy B. an ant-eater embryo chasing an i logy C. nsect C. A compar worker termite and a soldier in ative a limited space anatom A hawk and an y D. eagle compar targeting ative the same physiol chicken ogy. level D. an Plants survive hot dry increase in conditions by biomass at A. producing each numerous successive leaves B. level having numerous The soil type that will stomata C. be most having difficult to evergreen plough in a leave D. wet season is storing one that is water in A. sandy large parenchym B. loamy a cells. C. silty D. A caterpillar and an clayey aphid living in different Use the table parts of the below to same plant answer can be said to questions 44 A. be in and 45 similar microhabitats B. occupy different ecological niches C. occupy the same ecological niche D. be in different habitats

The progressive loss of energy at each level in a food chain leads to a decrease in biomass at each successive level an increase in the number of organisms at each successive level C. an increase in the total weight of living matter at each successive decreasing the Which of the zones is reproductiv likely to be a e rate desert? A. III B. IV The association C. I between D. II termites and the High relative humidity cellulose- will be digesting expected in protozoan in zones their guts is A. II and III an example B. II and IV of C. I and IV D. mutualism B. I and III saprophytis One adaptation of reptiles m C. to water loss is commensali the presence of sm long tails B. D. parasitism long sticky tongues C. A state in Nigeria keratinous that is most scales susceptible claws on to desert limbs. encroachme nt is The scarcity of A. Kaduna food causes a B. Kastina sudden decrease C. Kwara in population D. Taraba size by minimizing A farm practice that the rate results in the of loss of soil competiti fertility is A. on B. continuous raising cropping B. the mixed farming mortality C. bush rate C. fallowing bringing about D shifting immigrati cultivation. on

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