CIVICS Issues Summative Assignment

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CIVICS Issues Summative Assignment

CHV 2O Period 3 CIVICS Issues Summative Assignment

Your summative portfolio for Civics should demonstrate that you are an Informed Citizen, a Purposeful Citizen and an Active Citizen. For this summative assignment, you are to choose an issue of concern to our community that is of interest to you. The issue is in regard to making our world, our community, a better place to live. Our community can be defined locally, nationally or globally.

Having chosen an issue which must be approved by me at a later date, more to come, you are then to identify an interest group for example an NGO, that acts on behalf of that issue. I have included a list of some Canadian based non-governmental organizations and others to get you thinking and starting your research today in the library

Part 1: Informed Citizen

You have to write, in approximately 500 words, a description of the issue and the NGO’s efforts to address the issue.

Part 2: Purposeful Citizen

You then, also in approximately 500 words, have to take a position, state your opinion, on the issue and demonstrate support for your position. You may also include in this section a reflection describing your values and beliefs for a community living harmoniously together.

Part 3: Active Citizen

The final section of your summative shall demonstrate that not only are you informed about the issue and that you have taken a position on the issue, but that you are also prepared to be part of the solution. You will demonstrate that you have taken action. This can be by way of a letter, a petition, etc. The choice is your own. You must include evidence or proof of your action. Just saying that you did something, writing a letter or petition without proof of sending it to someone who can help change the situation isn’t enough. Summative NGO Research Report/Presentation Rubric

Categories Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 (50 - 59%) (60 - 69%) (70 - 79%) (80 - 100%)

Knowledge/ Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Understanding limited some considerable thorough knowledge/ knowledge/ knowledge/ knowledge/ Demonstrates understanding understanding understanding understanding knowledge of of the NGO of the NGO and of the NGO of the NGO and the NGO and its and its its mandate. and its its mandate. mandate. mandate. mandate.

Thinking/ Collects, Collects, Collects, Collects, Inquiry/ organizes and organizes and organizes and organizes and synthesizes synthesizes synthesizes synthesizes Collects, information information information information organizes and about the NGO about the NGO about the NGO about the NGO synthesizes with limited with moderate with with a high information effectiveness. effectiveness. considerable degree of from effectiveness. effectiveness. appropriate sources.

Communication Uses written Uses written Uses written Uses written and oral and oral and oral and oral Communicates language with language with language with language with a ideas limited some considerable high degree of effectively both effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness in the written and and and and report and oral understanding. understanding.. understanding. understanding. presentation

Application Explains an Explains few Explains some Explains a wide implication of implications of implications of range of Making what selected what selected what selected implications connections actions can actions can actions can that selected (e.g., what a accomplish. accomplish. accomplish. actions can student can do accomplish. to affect awareness)

Your Issues/NGO written report is due on Thursday, October 23, 2014 and is worth 25% of your final mark. We will start the oral presentations the next day; presentations should be approximately five minutes in length, no longer unless you are showing a brief video clip. Please hand in a hard copy to me and a copy to Our Class ID is 8575656 and the Enrollment password is three.

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