Multi-Dimensional Brain Syndicate

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Multi-Dimensional Brain Syndicate

LeadU Referral ISIS SWOT

Strengths:  Committed group  Multi-dimensional brain syndicate  Unique process for actionable items  Knowledge of the referral process  Quality product to be promoted  Trial and error with feedback  Variety of offerings  Strengths to generate referrals and LeadU in general  Unique opportunity to engage people globally large network  Low cost solution  Offerings for different type of learners  Supportive infrastructure  Asynchronous communications and products  Tried and proven method  A structure being developed to track development; true learning community  Globally positioned  Willingness to be open  Affiliate program  Good payment compensation  Tool for listening at multiple levels in any circumstance  Ways for people to have a voice  Multiple payment plans  Leading edge products/topics that are applicable now  Way for people to direct money to support their ideals  Networking opportunities  WII-FM  Model what we promote  Ability to engage people in conversation about what’s important  System of self-directed learning  Attractive to learning world-views  Utility for those with utilitarian view  Ability to make money  Resilient program as part of modeled system  Expanding skills for connection, clarification, commitment  Solutions  Resiliency awareness  Vision of LeadU is that the vision of the visionaries emerge as a whole  Each market maker ties us all together and rises the tide for all boats  Each visionary is a potential market maker  Model productive/proactive business/leadership models  Alternatives with long term appeal  Promote feelings of belonging  Leading edge/indicator focus  Available via web to anyone, anywhere, anytime  Affiliate program is mechanism for tracking  Can design & create own learning agenda  Candy store for theoreticals  Financial compensation  Affiliate critical lynchpin  Do good, help others, make money  Each school has a unique offering/target audience  Help others by empowering themselves  Long term vision  Time horizon  JIT-Just in Time learning  Flexible payment structure=strength  High barrier to entry because hard to duplicate variety of approaches

Weaknesses:  Hard to know what’s going on  Too many things to know  Confusing  Offerings may appear confusing if you’re not in the know  Competition from similar orgs  No steps to referrals laid out  Unique definitions to common words  Have to make decisions  Mixed messages about what LeadU is and does  Community doesn’t understand what LeadU is  Too many choices  Virtual community skills new to many  People do not know how to articulate the scope of the LeadU program  Need to be led through to know the value  Persuading people that the complexities we use for analysis really simplify and optimize  Budgetary constraints for promotion  Need easier way of getting info to people who need it  Confusion over LeadU vs B-Coach  Dollar value is not clear  Lifetime access is not clear  Not packaged (B-Coach intro) in terms to show relevance to people in other professions  Don’t have professional sales copy writers  Distinction unclear between graduate/undergraduate programs  Self designed programs may scare some  Disjointed emails from multiple sources  Not structured enough approach  Too much self responsibility in the beginning adds to confusion  Confusion over difference between TeleDevelop, LeadU, B-Coach  Confusing multiple sources of information  Not enough leaders  Choice of leaders thin currently  Not enough classes  Need more short classes  Need more cooperation on operations  Need more kinds of classes  Currently incomplete catalog of courses/directions  Adding a class takes from other classes-----spreading students too thin  Community not stepping up to teach classes  Need more personal support  Support is expensive  Steep learning curve for systems  People alone in their classrooms  Long & short term need to be integrated  No clear message for each trait  System is not secure  Not articulated the language/motivation words of prospects  Parallel streams of learning are difficult to articulate

Opportunities:  Showing how to get from “knowing” to “doing”  Global reach  Get to make it up  Each individual leader crafts their own referral strategy as a part of the whole  Limits of referral are only moral, legal, ethical  Self awareness is self wellth  Each person has the opportunity to leave their legacy of learning  Unlimited relevance  More points of view served  Learn & share what works  Target more opportunities through a variety of word views  Develop a virtual community at the rate of technology changes/acceptance  Provide value beyond anyone person’s vision  Extend globally and culturally  Bring in leaders and teachers from all over the world  Learning in a group is often easier  Create a system anyone can afford  Aligns with other forms of coming to self-awareness, psychology, spirituality, and strengthens them  Provide leadership development for those currently who can’t do it on their own or in their company  A buffet of learning “what’s important now” for individuals  Replace current leadership development systems  Great VALUE for investment  Give people ways to make leadership development more relevant to them  Create a niche of outsourced leadership development  Teaching tools for rapid legacy development  Provide off-shoring leadership development for OTHER countries outside of U.S.  Reverse shoring  The integral aspect gives each individual aspect greater power  Other ways are NOT delivering the value needed and people are looking for alternatives but do not understand this  Capitalize on viral nature of the system  Capitalize on flexibility of the system to customize and adapt  Low cost infrastructure  Labor is decoupled from infrastructure and distributed to system  Time and space flexibility  Create your own developmental plan  Create leadership portal  Resiliency, as internalized personally, professionally, and via relationships will be in huge demand  This system can be used to support integration of MANY different programs  Leverage leadership development for one  Support outside programs  Hundreds of small colleges that are trying to remain relevant; trade associations that are interested in leadership development  Connect to associations  Transform the ideas of distant learning  Provide structured leadership development approach  Provide easy step by step yellow brick road type of leadership development  Connect to other organizations that don’t have resources to provide their own leadership development  Low level of entry intro system, high barrier to competitors because of multi- dimensional approach  Offer to the smaller organizations that would not be able to offer the ‘traditional’ leadership programs  Competition among schools improves quality  Back-end for coaches  Front-end for coaches  Allows people to play bigger  Have an economic auto-responder we can refer potential references to  Create practice community where people can get to know their networks  Promote joint ventures  A place for consultants to network and develop resources, collaborators and systems to help them  Purchase in volume (perf lead system)  Access to leading edge training tools  The iconcommunicator itself enlarges our opportunities since it allows virtual classrooms that are very flexible  R & D what works for the professional coach ( and others)  Global approach to business design  Serve multiple countries at the same time through network of global leaders  Values monitoring built in  Stability created in world through community development  Improved communication and understanding among members who can serve as ambassadors of leadership to world  A way for other organizationss to generate revenue through teaching and reaching a larger audience  Create a “common” conversation  Put yourself through school through referring others  Icon is developing this tool in other languages  Teaching virtual community skills; i.e., learning what’s different than emails, files, recordings, etc.  Certificate as well as four year degree program  First university to provide 4 year curriculum in coaching  Our system can offload the leadership aspect  We can function as the CLO’s for an organization  Outsourcing potential to small business  We can replace many of the onsite educational establishments that will be priced out of reach and do so while keeping quality  Just in time leadership development systems  Allow diversity of opinion and instruction  We become a domestic off shoring for leadership  No central “authority” distributed authority and initiative  Innovation speed, cycle time improved Threats:  Lower income with increase in benefits  Not enough interest  Too hard  People don’t understand the value/benefits  Not relevant  Tighter economy and budgets for training being cut  Not microwavable  Confused benefits  Takes too long to learn  Is a lifetime project investment  Tighter economy and budget constraints is an opportunity as well  It’s hard to get people to hear and understand us among the competing voices  People don’t want to learn  4 year program too long, possibly outdated college model  Not enough leaders  Overload in life leaves no room for MORE  Sounds too much like what everyone else is saying  Do they believe what we are saying or what everyone else is saying  People cannot distinguish what is important in their roles  Don’t have a clear unique position  Not able to demonstrate value in short period of time  Sounds intimidating  Initially sounds expensive  Not enough credibility  Who are these people any  Unfocused  Survival needs outweigh perceived benefits  A problem with being ahead of the curve is that people assimilate what we are saying to the models they already know  Do not have a good system for “measurable” outcomes  Don’t want to learn but do want to earn  Learn to earn competition  Leadership for revenue generating sake  Not everyday online learning because of teledevelpment format  Easy cost of entry for competition  Sameness: the homogenized approach is safe  Other more important things to spend money on  Difficulty communicating that this is both new and valuable  Isn’t perceived as an investment  Learning doesn’t lead to earning  Doesn’t solve immediate problems  Don’t understand how this will help me make more money  People are off on their own and are not superviseable as showing up and doing the work  Doesn’t promote a bigger dialogue  To some this sounds like a coterie project with its own esoteric terminology  Won’t make a difference in the end  Been there, done that  Might want to perpetuate this is expensive—expense in time and energy  Requires personal action and therefore you can’t just ride along  People have to be willing to work if they expect to get something out of it  People are lazy  Lack of understanding that the “game is changing”, those who learn are the ones who earn  Not able to spoon feed it  People don’t connect learning with earning  Fear of the unknown and the commitment to learning this way when it is new  People are disillusioned about leadership  Doesn’t appeal to people who are not early adopters  Serious macro economic events changing discretionary income  Not enough education about what it takes to survive in current economy  Individual micro events and discretionary money is tight  If we expect people to respond to what we respond to in terms of growth and development we will dramatically limit people to even consider this  E-learning as a theme is a threat  Do we model in the community members the change we promise  Crafting one message rather than multiple messages  Who is it that we’re going for  Targeting one market versus multiple markets  Coaches think they know it all as soon as they graduate  Coaches are not good target market; most don’t have money to purchase  Very few coaches will actually coach for living (1%)  Organizations just expect leaders to be able to do it and learn  Target: every coach on earth that is not making $50k or more a year  Targeting wrong people  Potential low hanging fruit are many professionals who don’t see the relevance through the business/coaching language  Target too narrow a market  Not seeing advantage of multiple market creators  We need to be in organizations to understand the issues and language they are using so we can speak to that  Not enough LeadU insiders in organizations as information gatherers  Not enough people who sell

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