It Could be Verse! By Barry Silverberg ( a response to a recent ETNI discussion of Robert Frost's poem)

1 The Road Not Taken (political) by Barry Frost (with Ogden Knish) I I did not take the road like Frost, I used the Road Map and got lost, For soon whichever road to take I was willing, I ended up a fatality in a drive by terror killing. For years, I warned, don't give them so much rifles; You saw what just one did in "Trifles."

2 The Road Not Taken (gross)

Two roads diverged into a would, And i must choose one if I could,

But first I tarry, and I tarry good, Why dith the poet's i see ' yellow wood?' Perhaps this winter's draught laid all the flowers low. Or , horror! The wood's bedecked with yellow snow! The scourge of every Inuit (Eskimo), Not from that the passing there, (Frost said it better) But close, a difference of one small letter!

3 The Road Not Taken (silly)

The path diverged in bifurcation, I gazed a head in stupification, A fork! A veritable fork in the road I see. And add it to my box of pilfered cutleree. Bereft of fork, the road is straight, Dilemmas and (Gay Parades) must wait.

4 One Road has a Fork, The other, a Spoon (ambitious) /Yet another stirring poem parody about life choices, Barry Silverberg, Kiriat Shmona 2007

Don't take the road that lies ahead!

The cost of gasoline is dear, There's more ways to get there from here, Here's some cocaine, take this instead.

Delete them Frost Bytes from your nose, There's nasal passages to cross Unbind your mind with mental floss Drop me a line before thou goes'.

Nay! Live to write another day Our poet with a mighty Will, Says NO to dead-end roads that kill, And ends his rhyme, A, B, B, A. (Postscript: I did it my way. )

Here's another road that my pre-readers have begged me not to take: Posting this MTV :parody My Chumps: By BLACK EYED DEMONSTATORS, featuring Robert Frost and Arcadi Guydamak

What you gon' do with all that luck? All that luck inside your shuk? I'ma gonna be Bibi's sanduck, Maybe Bibi in my truck. What luck, what pluck, that lucky little duck!, What luck, such pluck, that funky Guy-da-muck! My name it is Arcady, Make everybody crazy, I put them on the busses, They make a lot a fusses.

You've got me spending. (Oh) Spendin' all my money on you and spending time on me. You’ve got me spendin'. (Oh) Spendin' all my money on you, upon you, upon you

What you gonna do wit all dat cash? Shake you' cash n' make a splash. I'm gonna get you on my boat, On my boat you'll cast your vote.

My bucks my bucks! My trucks are full of bucks My lucky bucks, Our cuddly Guydamuk.

ROBERT FROST Note the close similarity with Arcady Gaydamak (above with the mini) as he performs with Black Eyed Pees, in another of those wonderful hip hop numbers that teach our innocent students all the words for body parts that they didn't learn in Head Shoulders.

/ Good bye everyone. Happy end of Adar and Pesach cleaning. Barry Silverberg, Kiriat Shmona, March 2007