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University of Wisconsin Milwaukee

University of Wisconsin Milwaukee College of Nursing Spring 2012

Course Title: Human Growth and Development Across the Life Span Course Number: Nursing 203 Section 001 Credits: 4 Undergraduate credits Schedule: Mon.-Wed. 11:00-12:50 Room: Cunningham 151

Instructor: Nancy Smuckler, Ph.D. Office: Cunningham 522 Office hours: Monday and Wednesday 1:00-2:00 (I am also in B40 Enderis on Tues. & Thurs. 11:30-12:10 and by appointment Email: [email protected] Phone: 229-5556

Director of Dr. Jo Ann Appleyard, Ph.D., RN Clinical Assistant Professor Undergraduate Office: Room 621 Program: Phone: 414-229-5760 e-mail [email protected].

Catalog Statement: An introduction to the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial growth of the human organism from conception through older adulthood with application to health care.

Course Description: This four-credit course is designed to provide the student with an overview of growth and development, encompassing the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes that occur from conception through older adulthood. The student will be introduced to human development theories common to all people as well as the ways in which humans differ from each other. The student will gain experience with observation and assessment of an individual within the context of a family. Research is interwoven with practical applications to parenting, teaching, health care, and public policy.

GER Requirement: This course meets the GER Social Science requirements by meeting the criteria as defined in the UWM General Education Requirements Policies and Procedures: “Exploration of the alternative theoretical frameworks which have been used to offer meaningful explanations of social phenomena” (p. 11). The specific course objective which meets these criteria is objective 2

#3, “Identify theories underlying development.” This objective is evaluated through specific test questions in all tests and the final examination, and through application of theories of development in class projects.

Prerequisite: Introduction to Psychology 101 or consent of instructor.

Objectives: At the end of this course the student will: 1. Describe the interaction of physical, cognitive, and psychosocial factors from conception through older adulthood 2. Recognize the role of the family, social groups, and social structure in individual development. 3. Identify theories underlying development. 4. Develop observational skills as a basis for scientific inquiry. 5. Identify developmental principles and concepts appropriate in planning and implementing health care.

Required Text Books: Berger, K. (2011-eighth edition- ISBN: 1429294108 / 9781429294102). The Developing Person Through the Life Span with toolkit. New York: Worth Publishers (website for practice quizzes, flashcards, website- 48) website for required diagnostics the portal site is :http// register with access code in text

Course Requirements: 1. Regular attendance and participation. Attendance will be taken at every class through your answers to work sheets and use of activities that illustrate concepts being discussed or contribute toward your learning. Completion of these activities will provide points toward your final grade. If you do not attend you can not participate or complete in-class work. Material will also be presented in class that cannot be found in your text book. For every missed class you will lose 1 point. If you have a documented valid excuse (see point 4), your first absence will be excused and your second will entail the subtraction of ½ point. Thereafter, the minus one point rule is in effect.

2. Completion of reading as assigned before class lecture.

3. Taking examinations, diagnostics and quizzes as scheduled (see evaluation section).

4. Quizzes, Exams and (Practice Quizzes, Diagnostics): All exams will be administered IN CLASS. The College of Nursing requires a cumulative final.

All quizzes are on line on D2L. The dates when on-line quizzes are available are in the course outline. Quizzes will be available after lecture on the date listed and are to be taken before class by the date listed. 3

Practice quizzes consist of 15 questions and are OPTIONAL. They are also on-line and can be taken TWICE. The dates of availability follow in the course outline. Practice quizzes will be made available after class and are to be taken before class on the date listed. Each practice quiz is worth 2 points of extra credit if all questions are answered correctly. You will receive a proportionate point score depending on the number of correct answers you get. The purpose of these is to alert you to key concepts and make you aware of misconceptions.

The diagnostic tests should be taken after reading each chapter. They are on the text internet portal. There is one for every chapter but the Epilogue. They cover the book material for each chapter and will close before each exam. Each diagnostic test can be taken twice and is worth one point.

5. If a conflict or problem arises you must notify me in advance PRIOR to an exam by email. Leave a message with the time, date, reason for your absence, your name and a phone number. I reserve the right to refuse a make-up. Documented illness, a death in your immediate family, or exceptionally extenuating circumstances are the only acceptable excuses for missing exams and quizzes.

6. No work will be accepted after the last class.

7. Creating an appropriate learning environment involves demonstrating a respect for others. It is not appropriate to have pagers, cell phones, and other electronic devices turned on in class. Excessive noise by continually whispering is disruptive. Excessive noise by continually whispering is disruptive. You will be asked to leave if the aforementioned are being used or occur. Laptops are not to be used for anything other than note taking and should be kept on a word processing program. Violators will be forbidden to bring a laptop to future classes.

8. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS: If you have a documented disability and need special accommodations in order to meet any of the requirements of this course, please contact me as soon as possible. I will need your VISA form, which you can obtain at the Student Accessibility Center (Mitchell 112,, phone 414-229-6287).

9. Dates of topics to be covered in class are subject to modification due to the weather, speakers' schedules, etc.

Quizzes & Exams: Schedule of Dates 1/23 Diagnostics 1 available on Berger Portal 2/1-2/8 Practice Quiz 1 available on line 2/8-2/15 Quiz 1 available on line 2/20 EXAM 1 (diagnostics closed)

2/23 Diagnostics 2 available on Berger Portal 2/22-2/29 Practice Quiz 2 available on line 2/29-3/7 Quiz 2 available on line 3/14 EXAM 2 (diagnostics closed) 4

4/14 Diagnostics 3 available on Berger Portal 3/28-4/4 Practice Quiz 3 available on line 4/4-4/11 Quiz 3 available on line 4/16 EXAM 3 (diagnostics closed)

4/16 Diagnostics 4 available on Berger Portal 4/18-4/25 Practice Quiz 4 available on line 4/25-5/2 Quiz 4 available on line 5/14 FINAL EXAM (diagnostics closed) Grading will be based on

4 Quizzes* – on D2L (15 points each for a total of) 60 points 15% Exam 1 65 points 16.25% Exam 2 65 points 16.25% Exam 3 65 points 16.25% Final Exam 100 points 25% Diagnostics 25 points 6.25% Class Activities/Participation 20 points 5% Total 400 points 100%

Plus extra credit 8 points possible. This will be added into your total score before grades are calculated. (4 on line practice quizzes that can be taken twice -your highest score will be used). The maximum you receive is 2 points for each quiz.

*Since all quizzes and practice quizzes are on line for a week each, please note that they will NOT be reopened without a valid excuse such as a death in the immediate family or hospitalization. You are also responsible to follow your quiz and test scores on D2L throughout the semester and notify me immediately if there is an inaccuracy. Diagnostics on the portal close the day of each exam and cannot be reopened.

Grading Scale: (uniform for undergraduates in the College of Nursing)

A 100-95% 400-377 pts C 82-79% 328-313 pts A- 94-93% 376-369 pts C- 78-77% 312-305 pts B+ 92-91% 368-361 pts D+ 76-75% 304-297 pts B 90-87% 360-345 pts D 74-72% 296-285 pts B- 86-85% 344-337 pts D- 71-70% 284-277 pts C+ 84-83% 336-329 pts F 69-0% 276 – below *rounding has already been included in points calculation 5


COURSE OUTLINE- CON 203 DATE TOPIC ASSIGNMENT Read chapter before class and for each chapter look at Berger power points on D2L Do diagnostics on the text portal site MON JAN 23 INTRODUCTION to the course, the study of Chapter 1 development, and general developmental principles WED JAN 25 Developmental Research Chapter 1 & Appendix B

MON JAN 30 Theories of Development Chapter 2

WED FEB 1 Heredity & Environment Chapter 3 Practice quiz available 2/1-2/8 MON FEB 6 PRENATAL Development Chapter 4

WED FEB 8 Birth and the Postpartum Period Chapter 4 characteristics of the NEONATE Quiz 1 available-must be completed by class on 2/15 MON FEB 13 INFANT Biosocial (Physical) development Chapter 5

WED FEB 15 Speaker Chapter 6 pp. 153-165 QUIZ 1-chapters 1-3 Infant cognitive development MON FEB 20 EXAM 1 Chapters 1-5 Infant Cognitive Development WED FEB 22 Infant Cognitive Development Chapter 6 pp166-176, Language Acquisition Chap. 9 pp 247-251 & Chap 12 pp 330-334 Practice Quiz 2 available-must be completed by class on 2/22-2/29 MON FEB 27 Infant Psychosocial Development Chapter 7 WED FEB 29 TODDLER/PRESCHOOL Physical Chapter 8 Development Quiz 2 available must be completed by class 6

on 3/7 MON MARCH 5 Toddler/Preschool Cognitive Chapter 9 Development WED MARCH 7 Toddler/Preschool Psychosocial Chapter 10 Development QUIZ 2 chapters 6-7 MON MARCH 12 SCHOOL AGE Physical Development Chapter 11 WED MARCH 14 EXAM 2 Chapters 6-10

Intelligence and Individual Difference Chapter 11 MON MARCH 19 SPRING BREAK WED MARCH 21 MON MARCH 26 Intelligence and Individual Difference Chapter 11 WED MARCH 28 Cognitive Development Chapter 12 practice quiz 3 available 3/28-4/4 MON APRIL 2 Psychosocial Development Chapter 13

WED APRIL 4 ADOLESCENT Chapter 14 Physical Development Quiz 3 available-must be completed by 4/11 MON APRIL 9 Cognitive Development Chapter 15

WED APRIL 11 Psychosocial Development Chapter 16 QUIZ 3 Chapters 11-13 MON APRIL 16 EXAM 3 Chapters 11-16

YOUNG ADULTHOOD Chapter 17 Physical Development E reserve Ashburn Chap 26 WED APRIL 18 Cognitive Development Chapter 18 pp 491-502

Moral Development Chap 18 pp 502-506; Chap 10 pp 278-284; Chap 13 pp 369-374 Psychosocial Development Chapter 19 practice quiz 4 available-must be completed by 4/25 MON APRIL 23 Psychosocial Development Chapter 19 And Marriage & Divorce

Gender Pp 78-9, 264, 287-88, 338-39, 367, 385, 436, 485, 504, 426-27, 504

WED APRIL 25 MIDDLESCENCE Physical Development Chapter 20 7

e-reserve Schuster- Chap. 35 pp757-776 Chapter 21 Quiz 4 available-must be completed by class on 5/2 MON APRIL 30 Cognitive Development Chapters 21

WED MAY 2 Social Emotional Development Chap 22 SENESCENCE Physical Status & Cognition Chapters 23 & 24 QUIZ 4 chapters 17-19 MON MAY 7 Cognition & Social Emotional Chapters 24 & 25 Development WED MAY 9 DEATH, DYING & GRIEF EPILOGUE MONDAY MAY FINAL EXAM 10:00 A.M.-12:00 Noon 14

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and College of Nursing Policies and Procedures

1. Students with disabilities. Verification of disability, class standards, the policy on the use of alternate materials and test accommodations can be found at the following: http ://

2. Religious observances. Policies regarding accommodations for absences due to religious observance are found at the following:

3. Students called to active military duty. Accommodations for absences due to call-up of reserves to active military duty should be noted.

4. Incompletes. The conditions for awarding an incomplete to graduate and undergraduate students can be found at the following:

5. Discriminatory conduct (such as sexual harassment). Definitions of discrimination. Harassment, abuse of power, and the reporting requirements of discriminatory conduct are found at the following:

6. Academic integrity. Policies for addressing student behavior regarding academic integrity can be found at the following:


7. Complaint procedures. Policies for student complaints (grievances) are available in the college of Nursing Student Handbooks. Copies are available in the Office of Student Affairs.

8. Grade appeal procedures. Procedures for student grade appeal appear at the following: . Further information on policies and procedures for students in nursing courses can be found in the College of Nursing Student Handbooks for undergraduate and graduate students.

9. Final examination policy. Policies regarding final examinations can be found at the following:

10. Inclement weather. UWM students should contact the University at 229-4444 (UW-Parkside, 595-2345) or check the appropriate website to ascertain the status of class cancellation due to inclement weather. Even when classes are canceled, University offices and services remain available, unless the entire University is closed by the Governor or

11. Safety. Safety techniques and strategies are described in a College of Nursing Student Handbooks for undergraduate and graduate students distributed to all nursing students upon entering the program. Copies are available in the Office of Student Affairs. Information about UWM campus safety is found at .

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