United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps

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United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps


WELCOME ABOARD! This NSCC Advanced training will be held aboard the GTS (Gas Turbine Ship) Admiral Callaghan, which is berthed close to the USS Hornet museum ship, at the former Alameda Naval Air Station. This ship is the first ship to be powered by a gas turbine (in this case, two fighter jet engines), and was used as a test platform for using turbines in future combat ships. The Adm Callaghan, a large “roll-on/off” cargo vessel, is part of the Pacific Ready Reserve Fleet, US Maritime Administration. She was named for the first CO of the USS Missouri, during WWII, who also was the first commander of the Military Sea Transport Service, the forerunner of the Military Sealift Command. The ship is over 694’ long, with a capacity of up to 750 vehicles.


We have a full week+ planned, with hands-on tours and training throughout numerous areas of the ship, including bridge/navigation areas, major engineering spaces (including the turbines and generators), cargo decks and ramps, and cranes. Activities include crane handling, cargo loading and tie-down, line handling/throwing, knot tying, ship tie-up, personal and group survival equipment, navigation, fire fighting and corrosion control. We will also be touring the Alameda Naval Museum, training on a Coast Guard damage control simulator (if it is available), and we will finish training with a special hands-on exercise. On part of our last Saturday, we will be aboard the Mazapeta, the former WWII Navy tug, YT-181, for underway time around the bay, including across the bay to the San Francisco waterfront, and out near Alcatraz Island. Each cadet will get some time in the wheelhouse and also down in the engine room. This trip will give you a number of opportunities to put new skills into practice.

GENERAL INFORMATION As guests on this ship, you will be expected to look and act to the highest of Sea Cadet standards. This ship has many areas that could pose hazardous, and any horseplay, disobeying of the ship’s safety rules, or other major infractions of Sea Cadet rules will not be tolerated and will very likely result in you being immediately sent home at the expense of your family. Our daily uniform will be coveralls, and I expect you all to look sharp and mature. The MARAD crew, except for senior officers, generally wear coveralls. Although the national surplus depot no longer has regular supplies of dungarees, and most units have not yet obtained the NWUs, the surplus depot still has sufficient quantities of the coveralls for unit purchase at only $3.00 each. Please obtain TWO per cadet. LET ME KNOW ASAP if your unit will not get them for you, as I have some that could be borrowed. If you do need to borrow them, you will still be required to obtain the required name strips and sew them on at training; they already have shoulder patches and USNSCC strips, but no rank (1800nametape.com; $2.50 for 2 name strips; they take at least a week to order, so do not wait)(bring dark blue thread and needles). Correct wear of coveralls includes black boots, black belt/silver buckle, white T-shirt, and ball cap; we will provide a special ball cap. Other than the coveralls, you will only need a set of civi’s and PT clothes.

You have all been through RTC, so you should be knowledgeable of how to dress and act. Other than the walk over to the Naval museum, and part of a day at Coast Guard Island, all training will be on or around the ship and surrounding piers. We may have a chance to go to the exchange at CGI, so you may decide to bring some spending money for Coast Guard souvenirs (and it must be kept in your file), but will have no other use for money.

BILLETING It is likely that all of your previous trainings were spent in communal billeting areas (large open or semi-open rooms). On this ship, most of you will be staying two to a compartment. Compartments share bathrooms/showers, that you are responsible to keep clean daily. As you will be more spread out, we expect mature behavior, and lights-out time will be closely observed. There is a laundry area on the ship, and a day room that we share with the ship’s crew, although they will pretty much stay out during our stay. You must remain with the main group, or be in your compartment (with your Battle Buddy) at all times. You will be assigned to your compartment and bunk, and you must know where you buddy is at all times. Male and/or female staff will enter rooms at will to do inspect compartments when not occupied, do head counts, deliver messages, etc. You must be decent at all times when in your compartment. After lights-out, you may not leave your compartment for any reason (except a fire). Visiting is to be done in the day room. Cadets are not allowed to enter another cadet’s room. No females may enter a male room at any time. No males may enter the room of a female at any time. Before leaving for your training in the morning, your compartment must be neat, and may be inspected. This means all personal items are put away in your locker/closet or other storage area, all garbage is placed in the trash, and your bunk be straightened out. Laundry is available, but will be done at times approved by the staff so as not to conflict with the ship’s crew, and to not have it sitting after lights-out.

The bottom line is stay with your battle buddies, in your compartment or laundry area, or with the group in the day room, and keep your compartment neat.

FOOD & MEDICAL If you have any special dietary needs, I need to know the specifics immediately. I have received a Medical History Supplement (NSCTNG025) one just one cadet for being able to take medication at training. If you have a need to take medication at training (other than the as-needed items with approval initialed by your parent on your Health History form, such as Motrin, Pepto-Bismol, etc.), you MUST have the 025 completed by your doctor and IN MY HANDS at least a week before the start of training. ANYONE SHOWING UP WITH MEDICATIONS AND NOT HAVING A PRIOR RECEIVED 025 ARE MOST LIKELY TO BE SENT HOME. Any cadet with any approved 025 form MUST have the medications in original labeled pharmacy bottles exactly as written n the 025 and in the SAME LISTED QUANTITY. DO NOT BRING MORE THAN IS NEEDED. I must give medications as prescribed by your doctor, not differently because you “just have been taking it this way.”

CHECK-IN / TRAVEL / GRADUATION You do not need to pass through any security to drive to the pier, and check-in will be at the parking area, near the gate onto the pier. For your planning purposes, check-in will be from 1200 - 1400 on Saturday, 7 July. TRAVEL UNIFORM: Coveralls (travel in civilian clothes if on public transportation, then change before check-in); and current ID card. Drivers/parents must stay close to the check-in area until the cadet’s records and seabag are cleared for training.

Cadets needing to travel by public transportation can arrival via Greyhound, Amtrak, or air and be picked up/dropped off, as long as at the following locations: Greyhound: Oakland station Amtrak: Oakland, Jack London Square Station (if coming from Southern Cal, you would need to leave the evening before as the arrival times are too late for the day runs) Air: Oakland airport ONLY, NOT San Francisco

To get to the MARAD piers, at the former NAS Alameda, there are good directions at the website for the USS Hornet museum, at the adjoining pier: http://www.uss-hornet.org/visit/car/ If you have a GPS unit, put in 280 W. Ticonderoga Ave., Alameda, CA 94501

At this time, we do not expect to hold a formal graduation ceremony.

TRAINING COMMAND STAFF COMMANDING OFFICER: LCDR Dave Autore, CO of Princeton Division & Training Ship Princeton. I am a former Air Force Captain, flying both the B-52 bomber and the KC-135 tanker, and have been the Training Officer of multiple NLCC Orientations, Medical Officer of numerous RTC’s, COTC of NLCC Airman (NAS Lemoore), and multiple evolutions of the NSCC Mass Communication Specialist training, and COTC of Seamanship previously held aboard the same ship. I currently work as an advanced practice RN with severely handicapped kids. [email protected] (209)485-4148 Cell EXECUTIVE OFFICER: WO Albert Diaz, XO of Princeton Division & Training Ship Princeton. He is a retired Navy Senior Chief, with an extensive background on Navy warships and ammunition ships. He has served as an Escort Officer aboard at-sea evolutions aboard the USS Reagan, USS Lincoln, USS Macon Island, and USS Bon Homme Richard, in addition numerous related trainings. NSCC ADVANCED SEAMANSHIP SEABAG LIST - SUMMER

REQUIRED ITEMS, NOT JUST SUGGESTIONS; A LL MUST BE MARKED WITH CADET’S NAME 2 Navy coveralls, with all proper markings (collar tab rank for PO’s) ______We will provide a ball cap

1 Pair black boots*, steel toe preferred (best price is $30 at Walmart) ______

1 Seabag ______1 Padlock with 2 keys or combination lock; 1 key or combo code should be placed in personnel file; Chain to wear (for key around neck) ______1 Black belt w/silver buckle ______1 Small amount of powdered laundry soap (enough to do one or two loads) ______1 flashlight, with spare batteries ______1 Pairs of athletic running shoes (bring a 2nd pair if you do not want these getting wet) ______5-6 White crew neck T-shirts; clean, necks not stretched out ______5-6 Plain white cotton briefs ______5-6 Bras (female) ______8-10 Pair socks ** ______1 Dungaree jacket (utility); something similar if your unit no longer issues jackets; it does get cold on the water at night ______1 set of sweats (top & bottom) – black, blue, grey (plain or Navy) ______1 Pair of shorts – black, blue, grey (plain, or Navy) ______2 Towels ______2 Washcloths ______1 Pair of shower shoes ______Bathrobe or shower wrap (or use sweats) ______1 Sewing kit ______1 Shoe shine kit (boots MUST be kept professional looking) ______1 Mesh laundry bag (with draw string) ______1 Sleeping bag and pillow ______1 Canteen/belt or Camel Back*** ______1 Hygiene kit (shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shaving gear, deodorant, feminine products, comb/brush, Females: pins, rubber bands to secure long hair ______1 Tube of SPF 30 or higher sunscreen ______

OPTIONAL ITEMS: Self addressed stamped envelopes/paper Pencil/pen/paper Reading book Spending money up to $50 in file Religious material Small camera/batteries * * NOTES ABOUT SOME REQUIRED ITEMS * *

* If you buy your boots new, wear them around then house for at least a week to break them in

** STRONGLY SUGGEST wearing two pair of socks whenever wearing boots. All socks will be standard length; no very short socks/anklets

*** Camelbacks are preferred as they will be less bulky in getting around the ship.

CONTRABAND: The following items are EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED (Do Not Bring)!!!

Cosmetics Weapons Controlled substances Glass containers Matches/lighters Pornographic materials Tobacco products Perfumes Liquid shoe polish Alcoholic beverages Talc/Baby Powder Medications (shelf or prescribed) Aerosol cans (hairspray, shaving cream) Jewelry (except 1 optional religious medal) Electrical devices (NO IPods/Cell phones/MP3 etc.)

ANY ITEMS FOUND WILL BE CONFISCATED THROUGH THE TRAINING * Cadets traveling commerical may bring a phone and will turn it in to Administration after calling home; all other cadets need to leave phones with drivers.


NOTE TO PARENTS: Your Cadet is responsible for preparing and packing his/her Seabag. Please inspect their Seabag for the required items. A Seabag inspection will be performed upon arriving at check-in, and escorts will be required to obtain any missing items before the cadet can be released to the training.

If you have any questions about anything, please contact me asap, and not wait until you show up at the ship. Email at [email protected] or call at (209) 485-4148 cell (not 0800-1600 M-F)

LCDR Dave Autore, COTC, NSCC Seamanship, GTS Adm Callaghan 2012

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