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INITIAL INVENTORY QUIZ (total 50 marks) Place ALL answers on this Answer Sheet.
Part One: THE ESSAY (for multiple-choice questions select the best completion for each statement) 12 marks.
QUESTION ONE: Arrange the parts of the essay in the correct order (5 marks)‹ 1 = first part, 5 = last part. (5 marks)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
QUESTIONS TWO THROUGH EIGHT (7 marks) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Part Two (A): GRAMMAR (for multiple-choice questions select the best completion for each statement) 11 marks.
QUESTION NINE: Place each word in the sentence in the correct box. (6 marks)
A. Subject B. Verb C. Object
D. Subject Modifiers E. Verb Modifiers F. Object Modifiers
N. B. For a full mark (ˆ), ALL words expected must be in a given box; half-marks are possible. (B) QUESTIONS TEN THROUGH FOURTEEN (5 marks) 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. OVER. - 1 - Total this page: /23 English 11 INITIAL INVENTORY QUIZ (total 50 marks) Page Two
Part Two (C): GRAMMAR USAGE (write your chosen answer in the blank space provided) 11 marks. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
PART THREE: VOCABULARY (N. B. NO DICTIONARIES PERMITTED) (6 marks) 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.
PART FOUR: SPELLING (NO DICTIONARIES PERMITTED) (N. B. Yes: spelling does count!) (10 marks) 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.
Since this is an inventory test, there will be no make-up; however, those who have missed this test will be expected to write a parallel form on their own time (preferably, after school).
Total this page: /27 - 2 - English 11, Golden Secondary School Teacher: Dr. P. V. Allingham
INITIAL INVENTORY QUIZ (total 50 marks) Place ALL answers on the Answer Sheet provided.
Part One: THE ESSAY. INSTRUCTIONS: for multiple-choice questions select the best completion for each statement) 12 marks.
The following inventory test assesses your strengths and weaknesses in various areas of English/Language Arts. You will not necessarily have studied all of the material tested. Do NOT attempt to check your answers with those of other students since this is not a group or pair-and-share project. Try your best. If you have any questions, be sure to bring them up either when this test is taken up in class or after school. From now on, you are responsible for your own learning. PART ONE, THE ESSAY:
1. Arrange the parts of the essay in the correct order (5 marks)‹ 1 = first part, 5 = last part. (5 marks)
A. Bibliography B. Title Page C. Conclusion D. Introductory Paragraph E. First Footnote.
2. Upon the completion of a unit in Social Studies Eleven on Louis Riel your teacher assigns an essay in which students are expected to "Explain in specific terms how and why Louis Riel was hanged for treason." The best TITLE for such an essay would be
A. Social Studies 11, Term One. B. Louis Riel: Messiah of Batoche. C. Essay by (your name and block). D. Background and Causes for the Execution of Louis Riel.
3. Since the title of an essay set in English 11 is "Macbeth and Lady Macbeth as Contrasting Characters in Shakespeare's Macbeth," the most appropriate topic sentence would be
A. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are important characters in William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Macbeth (1608). B. When Shakespeare wrote The Tragedy of Macbeth in 1608 England was adjusting to having a new king from Scotland, James the First. C. Despite their gender differences, both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Macbeth (1608) are tragic heroes. D. Though both plan and participate in the murders of relatives, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Macbeth (1608) are very different in their personalities, intellects, and motivations.
- 1 - English 11 INITIAL INVENTORY QUIZ (total 50 marks) Page Two 4. On the first page of an essay in the upper-right hand corner there should be three basic pieces of information. Which of the following is NOT one of these data?
A. Your name in full. B. The teacher, course, and block. C. The assigned due date or date submitted. D. The full title of the essay, including text(s) discussed.
5. Read the following endnote. 1 Shakespeare, William, The Tragedy of Macbeth, ed. Tucker Brooke (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961), IV, ii, 25.
The only thing wrong with this endnote is that the
A. title should be in quotation marks. B. author's name should be in natural order. C. title should not be capitalized except for "The." D. section after the parentheses should read, "Act Four, Scene Two, line twenty-five."
6. The essential difference between "Home From the Forest" and Lord of the Flies is that the former is
A. shorter. B. longer. C. a novel. D. a three-act play.
7. If you are describing a personal experience in a Writer's Workshop assignment, the best way to introduce and discuss them would be
A. in chronological order‹the order in which these occurred. B. in reverse chronological order‹from most recent to most distant. C. in order of importance‹with trivial details kept until the conclusion. D. in reverse order of importance‹with most important details kept until last.
8. Which of the following title introduces a genuine essay?
A. A Book Report on Stephen King's The Stand. B. An Overview of the Average Annual Precipitation at Golden, B. C. C. A Plan to Build an Ultra-Light Aircraft for Under a Hundred Dollars. D. A Discussion of Animal Imagery in William Golding's Lord of the Flies. Part Two (A): GRAMMAR (for multiple-choice questions select the best completion for each statement; question nine requires six boxes to be filled) total = 11 marks.
9. On the Answer Sheet, place each word of the sentence in the appropriate box. You must use up ALL words, including "a," "an," and "the." (6 marks) OVER. - 2 - English 11 INITIAL INVENTORY QUIZ (total 50 marks) Page Three
9. (continued) Analyze the following sentence:
The quick red fox easily outpaced the lethargic beige rabbit.
Part Two (B): GRAMMAR USAGE (Select the BEST answer for each.) 5 marks.
10. Read the following sentence: "Alexander the Great was a brilliant general who conquered many lands." The object of the main verb in the above sentence is A. lands. B. general. C. BOTH of these. D. NEITHER of these.
11. The Canadian Army and the Canadian Navy both offer a young person on- the-job training." Here the main verb ("offer") is PLURAL because there
A. is a compound subject in this sentence. B. are many people in the Canadian armed forces. C. is a collective noun as the subject of this sentence. D. are many jobs to be done in the Canadian armed forces.
12. In A Midsummer Night's Dream, the young men win their true loves because the fairies assist them.
The verbs in the above sentence are in which TENSE (time)?
A. future. B. present. C. perfect (past). D. imperfect (continuing in the past). 13. Which of the following sentences is in the PASSIVE VOICE (that is, in which of the following is the subject the receiver and not the doer of the action)?
A. In basketball, the underdog may become the victor. B. A few crew members were infected by the alien spores. C. "I came, I saw, I conquered," commented noted general Julius Cæsar. D. Having no weapons, the humans had to trick the creature into entering the smelter.
14. Read the following sentence:
"Though very large, a hippopotamus has skin as sensitive as a baby."
OVER. - 3 - English 11 INITIAL INVENTORY QUIZ (total 50 marks) Page Four
14. (continued) The error involved in this sentence should be described as
A. faulty punctuation. B. illogical comparison. C. lack of subject-verb agreement. D. faulty pronoun-antecedent reference.
Part Two (C): GRAMMAR USAGE (write your chosen answer in the blank space provided: select the grammatically most correct answer) 11 marks.
15. John, who plays the guitar, is a better musician than anyone OR the best musician in the school.
16. None of us is OR are able to come for a re-test after school today.
17. Which of the two slices of pizza is bigger OR biggest ?
18. Mr. Madill wants to talk to Jason and I OR me about the fight.
19. This sure OR surely is an easy test. 20. When does the bank think Ken's and Margaret's OR Ken and Margaret's mortgage will be approved?
21. Cracking a computer entry-code is harder OR more difficult than you might expect.
22. There could have been any amount OR number of students at the end-of- the-year barbecue.
23. Each student should bring their OR his copy of Eighteen Short Stories.
24. Marsha is a person that OR which knows what she wants to do in life.
25. Being paroled from prison is different than OR from graduating from Golden Secondary.
PART THREE: VOCABULARY. INSTRUCTIONS: Complete these multiple-choice questions without the aid of a dictionary. Place all answers on the Answer Sheet (6 marks)
- 4 - English 11 INITIAL INVENTORY QUIZ (total 50 marks) Page Five 26. A cosmonaut is most like A. an astronaut. B. an Argonaut. C. an aquanaut. D. a pathologist. 27. Which of the following words does NOT belong with the others on this list? A. sergeant. B. colonel. C. admiral. D. private. 28. "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves / That we are underlings." When Shakespeare's Cassius in Julius Cæsar says "stars," he is referring to the concept of A. astrology. B. astronomy. C. meteorology. D. scientology. 29. "Archæology" is the scientific study of things that are A. very old. B. minerals. C. in the sky. D. green and living. 30. In the words "biceps" and "bicycle," the prefix "bi" probably means A. two. B. many. C. wheeled. D. muscled. 31. If "meridiem" in Latin means "the middle of the day," the "a" in the abbreviation "a. m." probably means A. before. B. after. C. noon. D. morning.
PART FOUR: SPELLING. INSTRUCTIONS: On the Answer Sheet, write what you feel is the correct spelling for each of the following questions. (10 marks)
32. (It's, Its, Its') been a terribly wet summer in the Canadian Rockies.
33. "(There, They're, Their) here!" shouted the excited rock-concert patrons.
34. "May I come on the field-trip (too, to, two)?" he asked hopefully.
35. I (received, recieved, reciepted) nothing but junk mail all last week.
36. He was (thoughly, thoroughly, thoughfully) upset at having failed Foods 9.
37. When I asked her if she wished to join the class in building an ice-dragon, she replied, "(Know, Now, No)," so I suppose she won't be participating in the activity.
38. If they (wheren't, werent, weren't) so ignorant, they wouldn't harrass pedestrians.
39. I could (of, off, av, have) been a great actor‹if I had gone to theatre school.
40. How many (presences, presents, presants) did Afshan get for her birthday?
41. Are you (used, usted, yused) to reading plays aloud in class?