Instructor: Katarina Mijatovic

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Instructor: Katarina Mijatovic

ESL 150 – Fall 2017 instructor: Katarina Mijatovic office hours: MW 8:30 - 9:00 am e-mail: [email protected] MW 12:00-1:00 pm web: MW 5:30-6:30 pm office: L518 and by appointment phone: 452-7089

PREREQUISITE: Placement in ESL 150 or completion of ESL 140 with a grade of C or higher

TEXT: Longman Academic Writing 4 by Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue

COURSE CONTENT: ESL 150 is an advanced composition, grammar, reading and vocabulary course. In this class you will learn to improve your essay writing and gain practice in using various writing styles. The course will include reading, vocabulary development, advanced grammar, and lots of writing. You will write a total of 6 essays (3 in-class and 3 out-of-class), several shorter writing assignments, responses to readings, and other written homework assignments. There will also be intensive grammar work and regular reading comprehension, grammar and vocabulary tests.

ATTENDANCE: Your attendance is very important because you will be responsible for everything that is discussed in class and written on the board concerning the lessons whether you are present or not. Attendance will be checked at each class session and you will be allowed a total of 4 absences. If you are absent more than 4 times, your final grade will be lowered and you may be dropped from the class. Being late for class 3 times is equivalent to one absence, so please arrive on time. Also, you may not make up any quiz or in-class essay that you miss except in extreme circumstances

HOMEWORK: All reading and writing assignments must be prepared by the date that they are due, whether or not they are to be collected. Essays and reading journal assignments that are turned in late will receive a lower grade. Please count on at least 10 hours of homework per week for this class. This includes time spent reading the text book, assigned articles and doing homework assignments. You will not be successful in ESL 150 if you cannot make this time commitment.

You will be required to keep up with weekly reading assignments consisting of online articles and printed handouts and to hand in written responses to questions and topics about the assigned reading. These writing assignments will be collected every week and graded on a point system of 1-10. The total score will be part of your final grade. LAB: There is a lab hour requirement for ESL 150. You will be required to complete 15 hours of lab work this semester, using your choice of activities at the Center for Language and Academic Development (CLAD) in MUB 149. All of your lab work must be logged and the attendance sheet must be handed in at midterm time and at the end of the semester in order for you to receive lab credit. You cannot pass ESL 150 if you do not complete 15 hours of lab.

FINAL EXAM: The final exam will be in our classroom on May 13 (reading and grammar) and May 18 (writing)

GRADES: Your final grade will be based on the following formula:

in-class essays and tests - 35% take-home essays and graded assignments - 20% other assignments, class participation and journal - 20% final exam - 25%

Note: Regardless of your overall grades, you will NOT pass the course if the average grade of your in-class writing assignments is below “C”.

OFFICE HOURS: You are welcome to visit me at my office, Batmale 518, during my office hours. If you cannot come at these times, please make an appointment in person or by email for a different meeting time. I check my voicemail only once a week and my email several times a day, so email is the best way to reach me: [email protected]

Plagiarism: Copying from another student, a book or a website is plagiarism, and it will not be tolerated. Plagiarized work will receive an “F.” Please do your own work at all times!

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course a student should be able to:

1. Demonstrate comprehension of a variety of authentic texts in a variety of genres of moderate conceptual and/or linguistic complexity 2. Show comprehension in independent and extensive reading tasks 3. Demonstrate greater sophistication in reading critically to recognize and evaluate concepts, viewpoints, and methods of presentation 4. Demonstrate the ability to read with even greater speed and efficiency as a result of applying previously acquired reading strategies 5. Demonstrate a continued ability to read closely for textual clues to meaning 6. Use library and other sources to locate and evaluate appropriate reading materials for research-based writing tasks appropriate to the ESL 150 level 7. Integrate summaries of academic texts and research in essays or essay tests while incorporating new vocabulary 8. Plan, compose, organize and revise non-formulaic expository essays 9. Apply academic ideas to a new context 10. Demonstrate control of a broad range of sentences structures 11. Demonstrate increasing ability to self-edit for mechanics, punctuation, spelling, format, sentence structure/ boundaries 12. Use grammatical structures taught in ESL 110/120/130/140/150 in written work 13. Demonstrate comprehension and production of complex noun phrases, including noun clauses serving a variety of functions 14. Demonstrate comprehension and production of the English verb system at an advanced level 15. Demonstrate comprehension and production of a variety of compound and complex sentences, including the use of full and reduced adverb and adjective clauses 16. Use various structures and techniques to establish coherence 17. Demonstrate an expanding range and control of high-level vocabulary 18. Use an English language dictionary in reading and writing 19. Utilize effective learning strategies in academic contexts appropriate for ESL 150 20. Use appropriate academic skills for specific tasks

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