A Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council Was Held in the Millennium Hall on Monday

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A Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council Was Held in the Millennium Hall on Monday

A Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council was held in the Millennium Hall on Monday 20 July 2009 at 7.30 p.m. Present: Cllrs Jones, Andrews, Beattie, Callingham, Deeley, Hutchison, Parrott, Pearson, Trevor and Wright Also Present: County Cllr Fleetwood and Alex Bridgwood Apologies: Cllrs Cropley, Cutler, Robinson, Rowan and Welburn

Before the meeting started Astra Leadbetter from Groundwork Lincolnshire brought the Council up to date on the Lady Meers Pond project. Funding was awarded in March to enhance the site for wildlife and to tidy up the pond. Planting couldn’t be started before September due to a lack of water on the site. She hoped to get some volunteers to help with this as it would give them a sense of ownership. 3 contractors had put in a bid of interest and once the schedule of work had been decided on and they had put in their quotes the Council would decide who to award the contract to. It was intended that the area would be low maintenance with occasional cutting and pruning and there would be a bin and duck raft on the site but a seat could not be provided from the grant money as it did not fit the criteria. It was agreed that Cllrs Jones and Welbourn would consider the quotes if they came in between meetings.

The meeting started at 7.48 p.m.


2009/75 MINUTES It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 15 June be confirmed and signed as a true record.

2009/76 MATTERS ARISING Minute 2009/72 item 4 – the Clerk reported that a dog bin could not be fitted to the post as the banding machine needed access space round the whole post. WLDC felt the only place was on the roundabout which would be seen by several properties and instead they were to monitor the situation for a while to see if it was necessary. It was noted that a new bin had also been fitted on the High Street/Fern Grove path along with an extra litter bin.

Minute 2009/72 – The Clerk had obtained another quote for cutting back the trees and it was considerably higher than Veolia’s and it was agreed to get Veolia to remove all the tree branches.

2009/77 CORRESPONDENCE The following items were on the table for members to look at: a. East Midlands Regional Assembly Spatial Strategy Plan consultation (available at www.emra.gov.uk/partial-review) b. Chief Constable’s review on his first year in post c. Sudbrooke News & Langworth Local d. Charity Commission News e. Longhurst Group In Pictures publication f. Clerk’s & Councils Direct and LCR publications Page 1 of 4 g. WLDC – information on free green bins and changes to waste collection h. LCC Highways – level crossing closure 26 July and 29 August i. LCC free trees for parishes application j. Mr Pitt’s inspections of playing fields k. WLDC notice of meeting and minutes l. CW Community School newsletter m. Community Lincs news and training events

1. From Bob Fray of Church Lane regarding concern for children kicking footballs against burial ground fence and climbing it. The Clerk was to write and explain that work would be carried out in the area later in the year.

2. A Copy of a letter sent to WLDC by D Turner of 85 Lady Meers Road regarding green bin charges was noted.

3. Hull Land Registry had been in touch regarding the St Paul’s Play area. After a discussion it was noted that the Council had the deeds for the area and it was agreed not to go ahead with the land registration for the present.

4. The Clerk reported that the user of the playing field for a charity football tournament on 9 August had not yet provided an insurance certificate and had been told that the event could not go ahead without one.

2009/78 FINANCE Balance at 20 July £35,057 plus £13,425 Capital Spending and £19,970 for the Lady Meers Pond area. Total £68,452 Accounts paid during the month Uniworld Communications – monthly phone line rental 14.79 Multidata broadband – monthly broadband charge 22.71 Eon – Hall electricity 83.00

Accounts to be paid Staff salaries and expenses 1112.04 E Pitt – reimbursement for skip to remove rubble etc collected for PC 150.00 Inland Revenue – tax and NI 203.15 Lincolnshire County Council pension fund payments for July 367.96 Veolia ES (UK) Ltd – June bill 921.76 APS Printers – June and July CW News 1662.00 M Cutler – claim for water and damaged garden hose used on Parade area 17.17 Lindum Fire Services Ltd – servicing of hall fire extinguishers 47.13 Total 4481.21

It was resolved that the accounts be paid. The Receipts and Payments book was available for members to look at. Payments in Co-op Funeral Department – headstone for cremation plot 18.00 Hall rentals 7.00 CW News advertisers 1303.50 Total 1328.50 Page 2 of 4 2009/79 PLANNING During the month the committee considered 3 applications 124271 – a 2 storey extension to the side of 1 St John’s Avenue – no objections 124343 – a variation to the plan for development to the rear of Hawthorn Road. The Committee had difficulty understanding the variation. 124353 – to erect a detached bungalow on land to the rear of 25 Church Lane. The committee felt this was too close to the neighbouring bungalow and suggested it be moved forward and across the plot.

Planning permissions 124056 – to erect a two storey extension and single storey garage to 34 Hawthorn Road Cherry Willingham Primary School – alterations to rooms and small extension for Children’s Centre.

2009/80 FOOTWAYS AND HIGHWAYS Highways were to be reminded of the road surface in Cedar Avenue, particularly at the top. Trees on Cedar Avenue and Elm Avenue were to be reported along with two on High Street that were obscuring street lights. The guard on the Laburnum Drive tree was to be left for the present. The Laburnum Drive sign on the Elm Avenue junction and the village sign on Hawthorn Road were to be reported.

2009/81 CHILDREN’S CENTRE UPDATE There had been no response from Charles Newby but it was noted that planning permission had been granted and it was going ahead and expected to be ready by March 2010.

2009/82 FUTURE OF CAPITAL FUND The Finance Committee proposed that this money was not spent but when capital projects were paid for they should come from this fund. This would mean that if the Council needed to spend money on something that wasn’t a capital project in the future they would have the money available rather than it being tied up. It was proposed Cllr Trevor, seconded Cllr Parrott and agreed that it should be used up and as a result the working balance would increase.

2009/83 PROPOSAL TO BUY CABINET FOR PARADE AREA ELECTRICS It was proposed that a cabinet be bought and fitted that would enclose the electricity plinth and allow room for the transformer. A low voltage cable could then run underground and the tree would not require fencing. Cllr Callingham asked if it had an isolator in the handle. It was agreed to purchase something and Cllr Wright proposed a maximum of £1,500. Cllr Parrott seconded this and it was agreed. It was also noted that the Christmas Committee would like to look at replacing the lights and would come back with costings and despite several telephone calls there had been no response from the Salvation Army band and the hospital band were now to be approached.

2009/84 PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE BUSH SHELTER NEAR THE PARADE It was noted that the seats near the bus stop were well used and it was felt that a lot of residents would like to have a bus shelter in the area. It was agreed that plenty of time Page 3 of 4 was needed for a full consultation of the village and the Chairman proposed delaying the decision making for several months. It was agreed to consult later in the year with the expectancy that if it went ahead it would not be in this financial year. It was noted that grants of up to 50% with a maximum of £2,000 were available from LCC and the Clerk was to write to the Co-op who supported community projects to see if they would support the idea financially.

2009/85 PARADE AND GREEN AREA Cllr Callingham reported on a meeting held with Amanda Bond, Leslie Lawrie and the Clerk to discuss remedial bits of work required on the Develop Lincolnshire project. Weeds were to be cleared, some turf replacement and grass repairs to be carried out, trees and gratings to have work on them, the dip in the path was to be looked at and the traffic hump. The sign over would be on completion of the remedial work and the Council would then be billed. It was agreed that the Clerk would write again to Banks Long & Co regarding the condition of the car park.

The green area was then discussed and it was suggested that the grass should be cut fortnightly in future and the Clerk was to discuss costs etc with Veolia. Litter was also discussed and Cllr Andrews said he would like to know how much was spent by WLDC litter picking in Gainsborough, Market Rasen and Caistor. District Cllr Parrott was to look into this. It was agreed that the area would be much better if the litter was collected over the weekend and Cllr Callingham agreed to have a word with the newsagent regarding the possibility of the Council making a payment for the news boys to pick it. Alex Bridgwood suggested that perhaps the other traders could be asked to contribute towards this.

2009/86 CHAIRMAN’S QUESTION TIME It was noted that the Playing Field grass had recently been cut at school closing time and Veolia were to be asked if they could avoid that in future. The Christmas Committee were to meet about the electricity cabinet and an item was to be put in CW News warning residents crossing the Green to the surgery to check for traffic before crossing at the speed hump.

Members were pleased that the footpath to the river application had jumped to number 29 on the list following pressure from the Witham Valley Access Group. It was hoped that initial work on the application would be started within two months.

The Becke Arms were to be asked to clear weeds from their property that were encroaching onto the footpath from The Parade to Rudgard Avenue.

The Chairman reported that the WLDC waste roadshow had been visited by over 100 people and no complaints had been received about the fortnightly collection. 56 residents had requested larger bins. A large wheeled bin had been suggested for the Council litter and Mr Bowser had agreed that this could be sited on his land. WLDC had also suggested charity collection bins and the library car park was the only site that the Council felt they could be sited.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.45 p.m.

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