The Below Heading - Highlight Cells

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The Below Heading - Highlight Cells

May ‘16


Present Cllrs Bolt, Buckingham, Hubbard, Shackleton, Tetlow and Wormald, Clerk, D. Cllr Thacker, PCSO Donnison, POPP representative and 2 members of the public.

1.Open Forum POPP Wayfinder, Lynne Avery gave a short presentation on her work which enabled older people to remain independent for longer. She was able to provide information on a variety of assistance from benefits to finding a gardener and regularly visited coffee mornings and lunch clubs etc. She left some information leaflets which are available. Mrs Frampton informed the PC that there would be an increase in tractor movements around the village at the weekend as they were cutting silage. Clerk to put notice on the board. She asked again that any issues should be addressed directly to her. Cllt Tetlow was still dissatisfied with the condition of BR10 and offered to meet on site to resolve the reinstatement of the route.

2.Apologies Cllr Chilcott and D. Cllr Bundy .

3.Election of At this point the chairman handed the meeting to the vice chairman Chairman who thanked Cllr Hubbard for his work over the past year. At the previous year’s election Cllr Hubbard had stated that he wouldn’t stand again. Cllr Buckingham nominated Cllr Wormald and was seconded by Cllr Shackleton. There were no other nominations and Cllr Wormald was unanimously elected Chairman, a post he accepted.

4. Election of Vice Cllr Buckingham nominated Cllr Hubbard, seconded by Cllr Chairman Tetlow. There were no other nominations and Cllr Hubbard was unanimously elected as Vice Chairman and accepted the post.

5. Appointment to No Cllrs had indicated that they wished to stand down from posts . Offices Utilities: Cllr Hubbard Amenities/Transport: Cllr Tetlow Housing/Village Hall: Cllr Shackleton Playing Field: Cllr Buckingham Planning: Cllrs Buckingham, Bolt and Hubbard Flood and Emergency: Cllrs Wormald and Bolt Winfrith: Cllr Wormald

Cllr Buckingham suggested that as Cllr Wormald was now Chairman he should sit on the planning sub- committee and offered to stand down but the Chairman thought continuity was best and declined the offer as the committee worked well.

Cllr Wormald suggested that an additional office was required – that of media and communication – particularly in view of the changes which had been predicted for local government in the near future. He was willing to carry out the work this would entail and it was agreed that it would be an asset. A 6 monthly newsletter was suggested as the way forward.

6.PCSO Report To enable PCSO Donnison to return to duty she was invited to give her report. She stated that Land Rover Defenderswere being targeted in the area and owners should look to the security of their vehicles. She asked that any suspicious circumstances surrounding

1 these vehicles should be reported by phoning 101. Poaching was still a problem and again suspicions should be reported. She was aware that waiting times on 101 could be long and said that an alternative was to go to the website and request a call back. D. Cllr Thacker said that drones were becoming an issue as they could be used to look into properties.

7. Minutes The minutes of both the March and April minutes had been circulated. Cllr Buckingham proposed that March should be accepted seconded by Cllr Shackleton. Cllr Buckingham proposed acceptance of the April minutes, seconded by Cllr Tetlow Carried unanimously.

8. Declaration of Cllr Buckingham declared a continued interest in Clerk’s finances. interest

9. Matters Arising a Notice Board: The Clerk had met with Mr Bellchambers from Magna and it was agreed that the new notice board could be sited behind the boundary wall on the Magna owned plot of land in Kit Lane. The Clerk had contacted Southern Electric and secured drawings indicating the route of supply cables across the land in question and had also ascertained that Planning Permission was required but at a half fee of £192.50 2 companies had been approached which supplied the type of board required . The Clerk would set out the costs and circulate to members to make a decision. A small amount of groundwork would be required but when VAT had been reclaimed the work should come within the £1400 of donations. Tree in Parson’s Lane: The Clerk contacted DCC to follow up the b report and was told that Highways had no issue and suggested contacting BT.

10. County None Councillor’s Report

11. District D. Cllr Thacker reported that there had been a meeting with the Councillors’ Reports Chief Executive and it was agreed that the difficulties within the Planning Dept. must be addressed. Since the referendum the previous week WDDC would have all party committees instead of a cabinet but this situation would be for only 1 or 2 years as Unitary Authorities were almost inevitable. Cllr Tetlow commented that devolution was geared towards Town Councils which were better placed financially to take on the responsibilities which would be handed down. D. Cllr Bundy had submitted a report as he was unable to attend. This the Clerk read. WDDC would be introducing the Community Infrastructure Levy for relevant planning applications determined from 18th July 2016. He commented on the issues within the Planning Dept and said that there were to be changes in the way that Councils were to be notified regarding planning from next April and that there was soon to be an event for Clerks to explain this.

12.Parish Cllr Buckingham said that storage of documents was becoming a Councillors’ Reports serious issue. It was decided that the chairman of the Village Hall committee should be approached to see if secure storage space could had.

2 May ‘16

Cllr Shackleton expressed concern over insurance and Cllr Tetlow suggested that a financial contribution could be made. Cllr Hubbard reported on the preparations for the Queen’s birthday. The cream tea was organised, a leaflet would be distributed around the village next week and an aerial photograph of Owermoigne would be free to download for all. Help was available. As had been informally discussed previously, Cllr Hubbard proposed that the PC donate £250 towards the cost of the events, seconded by Cllr Buckingham and carried with one abstention.

13. Planning a Applications: Watercombe Farm: conversion of redundant farm stores to provide additional living accom. To the farmhouse. Moigne Combe Farm: 2 x steel framed buildings to provide livestock housing, fodder, bedding and machinery storage.(Adj parish consult.) Ringstead Car park: Pay and Display machine and related signage Crossways: 99 open market houses and affordable dwellings , new surgery, replacement VH, car park village green, vehicle and pedestrian accesses to works to Warmwell Road. Outline for 401open market and affordable dwellings, 2.5 ha of employment land, accesses, footpaths cycleways etc. No invitation to comment as adjacent parish but representation would be made. Approvals: Starsmeardon, Church Lane Prior Approval Application: Manor Farm, Galton: Erect new bldg. to sore hay/straw and farm machinery

14. Correspondence  External Audit documents: see Finance  Quote from Insurance brokers in the sum of £366.82 This was within the precept allocation and Cllr Buckingham proposed that it be accepted, seconded by Cllr Hubbard and carried unanimously.  Playing Field inspection report: There were no major issues but it was agreed that the Clerk should contact the usual company to carry out the maintenance recommendations.  NS&I: reduction in interest rate  Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Minerals and Waste Planning Consultation: 26th May – 21st July

15. Other Reports Homewatch: Cllr Wormald reported that 20 additional households had signed up for the on line Dorset Alert at the recent VH Open Evening.

16. Finance a Accounts and Audit i) The accounts for 2015/16 had been issued to Cllrs. Cllr Buckingham proposed that they be accepted, seconded by Cllr Shackleton. Carried unanimously. ii) The Clerk read out the Annual Governance statement on the Audit form and Cllrs agreed that the PC had been compliant. The Chairman and Clerk signed the form. iii) The Chairman and Clerk signed the Audit form confirming the approval of accounting statements.

b Transfers to Savings Account: It was agreed that the sum to be transferred to the NS&I account would be discussed at the July meeting. The Clerk reported that the proposed transfer of gratuity to a new NS&I account had not been possible as accounts were now only

3 accepted with an individual’s name and not an organisation. The initial payment into the proposed account would be refunded. There were similar difficulties in opening a savings account on the High Street. c Payments: Clerk’s salary (Apr/May) £433.55 Cllr Shackleton proposed that this be paid, seconded by Cllr Hubbard and carried with one abstention. phone (Mar) £31.05, (Apr) £23.81, grass cut x2 £98, play equipment inspection £54, annual insurance £366.82, VH rent (Mar/Apr) £36, PAYE (Apr-June) £44.20, petty cash £16.09. Cllr Buckingham proposed that these payments be made seconded by Cllr Bolt and carried unanimously. d Receipts: The Clerk confirmed that the ½ year payments of the precept and District Council grant had been received. £3324.50 and £50.50 respectively.

17. Next Meeting 13th July at 7.30pm The meeting closed at 9.15

Signed...... Date......


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