APICS NOSH #20 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes s1

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APICS NOSH #20 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes s1

APICS NOSH #20 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: June 22, 2010 Meeting Place: Uno’s, Woburn, MA

Transition Meeting

Attendees: Paul Blanchet, Frank Clapp, Ken Duratti, Ken Glasser, Art Harvey, Rich Hopkins, John Howell, Michael Jonis, Michele Lawrence, Mahati Mukkamala, Bruce Netten, Frank White Absent: Paul Di Nunzio, Adrienne Galbraith, Jan Loughman, Lou Sanchez Meeting Start Time: 6:15

1. Secretary’s Report Michele Lawrence

 The May 25, 2010 Meeting Minutes were accepted.  Lou Sanchez will be unable to make the June BOD Meeting.  Mahati will contact Paul D. for deposit check for Hilton. This will be a rolling deposit eliminating the need for monthly checks.  Paul D. must sign the contract.  Mahati/Paul will reimburse Rich for his PDM payment. As guest of honor he should not have been charged.  Ken D. will contact Paul D. regarding transition of treasurer post and CBAR requirements.  Art H. will give workshop information to Frank for CBAR report.  Letter of assertion is due (last year Joanne C. prepared the document).  Rich H. transitioned all membership information to Michele L.  The treasurer transition is ongoing.  E&R transition complete.  Lou S. will transition Company Coordinator to Frank C.  Frank W. & Ken D. will set CBAR meeting to discuss details of report.  Art H. recommends instructor agreement to cover compensation and tax implications.  Ken D. will follow-up on Chapter partnership agreements with Society.  Ken D. to approach Bob Adleson as legal counsel/board member for NOSH chapter.  Marketing header added to chapter BOD minutes template.  Mahati and Jan L. need to become APICS members to sit on the Board of Directors.

2. Treasurer’s Report Paul DiNunzio

Bank Statement through June 30, 2010

June 2010 YTD Thru Jun 2010

Category Jun 2010 Jun 2010 Jun 2010 Category YTD 10 YTD 10 YTD 10 Description Actual Budget Difference Description Actual Budget Difference

INCOME INCOME CSCP Mat'ls $ - $ - $ - CSCP Mat'ls $ - $ - $ -

$41,872.0 Inhouse Wrkshps $ - $ - $ - Inhouse Wrkshps 0 $24,036.00 $17,836.00 Interest $ 6.37 $ 5.70 $ 0.67 Interest $ 73.78 $ 183.40 $ (109.62)

Member Dues $ 350.00 $ 562.50 $ (212.50) Member Dues $5,298.00 $ 6,750.00 $(1,452.00)

Monthly Mtg $ 924.97 $ 458.33 $ 466.64 Monthly Mtg $5,220.15 $ 5,499.96 $ (279.81) NESCON Inflows $ - $ - $ - NESCON Inflows $ - $ - $ -

$19,241.8 Open Wrkshps $ 876.21 $ - $ 876.21 Open Wrkshps 1 $25,840.00 $(6,598.19) Supply Chain Conf Inc $ - $ - $ - Supply Chain Conf Inc $ - $ - $ -

$71,705.7 TOTAL INCOME $2,157.55 $ 1,026.53 $ 1,131.02 TOTAL INCOME 4 $62,309.36 $ 9,396.38 EXPENSES EXPENSES

CSCP Mat’l Exp $ - $ - $ - CSCP Mat’l Exp $1,013.00 $ 1,395.00 $ 382.00

Dinner Mtgs $2,074.13 $ 683.33 $(1,390.80) Dinner Mtgs $8,411.21 $ 8,199.96 $ (211.25)

$22,791.0 Inhouse Wkshp $ - $ 2,803.20 $ 2,803.20 Inhouse Wkshp 8 $14,116.00 $(8,675.08) Instructor Dev $ - $ - $ - Instructor Dev $ 248.53 $ 4,400.00 $ 4,151.47 Internet $ - $ 150.00 $ 150.00 Internet $ 966.30 $ 1,800.00 $ 833.70 Marketing $ - $ - $ - Marketing $ 712.85 $ 575.00 $ (137.85) Membership $ - $ - $ - Membership $ 150.00 $ 288.00 $ 138.00 NESCON Outflows $ - $ - $ - NESCON Outflows $ - $ - $ -

Newsletter $ 186.20 $ 408.00 $ 221.80 Newsletter $3,389.58 $ 4,900.00 $ 1,510.42

$10,942.0 Open Wrkshp $ - $ 2,976.00 $ 2,976.00 Open Wrkshp 2 $18,140.00 $ 7,197.98

President $ 775.54 $ 2,506.00 $ 1,730.46 President $9,099.10 $ 9,461.00 $ 361.90 Programs $ - $ - $ - Programs $ - $ - $ - Student Chptr $ - $ 540.00 $ 540.00 Student Chptr $ 212.75 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,287.25

Supply Chain Conf Exp $ - $ - $ - Supply Chain Conf Exp $1,000.00 $ - $(1,000.00) Treasurer $ - $ - $ - Treasurer $ 35.85 $ 79.00 $ 43.15

$58,972.2 TOTAL EXP $3,035.87 $10,066.53 $ 7,030.66 TOTAL EXP 7 $64,853.96 $ 5,881.69

$12,733.4 OVERALL TOTAL $(878.32) $(9,040.00) $ 8,161.68 OVERALL TOTAL 7 $(2,544.60) $15,278.07

Bank Accounts as of June 30, 2010 * $12570 paid in advance from Microline 3. New Business Ken Duratti

Working on transition and CBAR action items.

4. Programs Ken Glasser

. NESCON 2009 = New England Supply Chain Conf. o Dates: Sun Oct 4 & Mon Oct 5, 2009. o Web site www.nescon.org (click on “2009”) o Distribution (of $$) formula is FINALIZED. Ken G to modify MOU.  They are getting closer to closing out the books, and making payment to the partners!

. NESCON 20 10 = New England Supply Chain Conf. o Dates: Sun Oct 3 & Mon Oct 4, 2010. o Web site www.nescon.org (click on “2010”)

Tracks are as follows (90% COMPLETE!!):

6 TRACKS: o Global Sourcing – Offshoring and Nearshoring (Track A) o Materials Management (Track B) o Demand Planning and S&OP (Track C) (replaces “Services”) o Global Logistics (Track D) o Supply Chain Leadership & Professional Development (Track E) (replaces “Career Planning”) o Supplier Showcase (Track T)

 Global Sourcing – Offshoring and Near-Shoring (Ken). o China Sourcing – 2010 = Mike Chester = YES – confirmed! Web info posted! o Sourcing in Eastern Europe = we are going to have Savo Djukic (from that area!) Confirmed! Web info is posted. o “Sourcing in Latin America (Near-shoring) – India & China are so YESTERDAY!” = Ken DID get the Outsourcing Institute to come and do this! They have 70,000 members, so in exchange for free advertising from them, I offered a trade of an exhibitor booth. They are in, but need to send Ken the web info. Update = Bio & Picture are up (as well as the Topic Summary)

 Materials Management (Ken): o Negotiations Skills Workshop = Rich W = Yes = Confirmed! o Top Ten Best Supply Chain Management Practices - BOB ENGEL, C.P.M., (National Director of Supply Chain Mgt Services, Resources Global Professionals) o Building a Winning Global Commodity Sourcing Strategy – Alan Dunn (President and Chairman of GDI Consulting & Training Company).

 Supply Chain Leadership & Professional Development Track (Alex/John/Bob Sember): o No Excuses Supply Chain Leadership - Gary A. Smith, CPIM, CSCP (Director of Supply Chain Operations, New York City Housing Authority). o Giving Effective Presentations - Jamie Crump, Director of Indirect Strategic Sourcing & Supplier Diversity, United Rentals, Inc, and o Leadership Excellence in a Supply Chain Management Environment – Marilyn Gettinger, C.P.M, Owner/President of New Directions Consulting Group

 Global Logistics (Greg C & Giles Taylor) o TBD - Logistics 101 - What is the Logistics Industry Doing to Support Sustainability & How You Can Help o Intermediate Logistics - Best Practices - Understanding Freight Loss & Damage Claims = How to Get Them Filed & Paid - Gil Williams, President, Williams and Associates, Inc. o Advanced Logistics - Challenges & Regulations Impacting Your Supply Chain - Peter H. Powell, Sr., CEO, C.H. Powell Co. & David Katzman, Director of Regulatory Compliance, C.H. Powell Co.

 Demand Planning and S&OP (Mark Chockalingam): o Demand and Supply Planning during times of Economic Turbulence / Is forecasting futile in this environment = Bruce Murphy is confirmed! o Executive S&OP – Top Management’s Handle on the Business – Bob Stahl has confirmed! Web info is posted! o TBD – a Demand Planning topic by Mark Chockalingam = CONFIRMED = Mark is IN! Topic Name, and summary for web still required. Bio & Picture are up!

 Supplier Showcase (Includes Services & Oracle) (Tim Barre & Joanne B): o (Oracle) - World-Class Negotiations Management: Best Practices, Tools and Future Directions = Robert A. Rudzki, President, Greybeard Advisors LLC, Former Fortune 500 CPO. o Procurement of Janitorial Services, Saving YOU Money (and being green!!) = Enviro Solutions / Swish Kenco (whichever one decides on doing this) - they will contact Tim with more info next week - I think it looks good for a presentation and exhibit. TENTATIVE – Tim will advise. o ??

 MORNING KEYNOTE: Jeff Carr: Economic Outlook - A New England Perspective (Special segment on the adverse effects of the recession, and the forecast for recovery).  LUNCH KEYNOTE: (Oracle) - The Gold Medal: Transforming Supply Management into a World- Class Contributor to Corporate Performance = Robert A. Rudzki, President, Greybeard Advisors LLC, Former Fortune 500 CPO. Perhaps a shared Keynote with Oracle and Greybeard Advisors? Joanne will check with Tony = Tony will address this in June.

. NOSH #20 Programs for 2009 – 2010 Updates:

o Wednesday June 9 was FINZ night. It was a great time – nice classy atmosphere (perfect for installing officers), and great food as well! It was one of the best attended annual bash’s ever! We did not have enough registrations until two days AFTER the deadline, but then the registrations poured in! Per OK at the last BOD mtg, Ken G reserved TUESDAY June 14, 2011 date at FINZ, for next year, before we lost it to someone else (as happened for 2010)…. . NOSH #20 Programs for 2010 – 2011 Updates: Yup – this is ALL filled in, except for Ken D / Jan L Plant Tour = WOW!

o Sept 14, 2010 = We always start the new year with a veteran/familiar face, that has had good ratings in the past – for 2010-11 season, Art Harvey, CPIM, C.P.M. is the speaker. Topic is “Risk Management and Supply Chain Contingency Planning”

o Oct 12, 2010 = Student Night (China Blossom): Rich Weissman has a school conflict this year, so we have a new person -- Professor Amy Z. Zeng, Ph.D., Director, Operations & Industrial Engr. Program Co-director, China Project Center Dept. of Management (Business School) Worcester Polytechnic Institute! She is superbly qualified, and is a Professor, so she should relate well to the students. The Topic will be: Global Outsourcing 101 = Why China? Ken G obtained Amy’s Bio, Picture, and Topic Summary, and sent them over to Michele B and Adrienne (for the newsletter & web).

o Nov 9, 2010 = Chris Gray (He has now confirmed that he IS in!) – A Six Pack of Supply Chain Improvements”: Chris covers 6 things most companies can do with the software that they already own (or at least with minimal additional software). Specifically he covers:

. S&OP,

. Improved forecasting processes,

. Lean manufacturing,

. The “visual factory”,

. Improving record integrity, and

. Setting high standards with respect to performance. The emphasis is on improving business processes, not some new algorithm, or faddish technique, or fancy software.

o Jan 11, 2011 = Ken G has now CONFIRMED Michael Sales and Anika Schriefer, from Art of the Future (“Tomorrow in Design Today”) = Co-Directors of the Boston Chapter of the World Future Society – they are consultants that have worked with everyone from Fortune 500 clients to small non-profits, and as such has developed a futures radar for identifying trends in a number of industries. In addition, they are experts at helping folks “connect the dots”, from the global trends, to those impacting individual industries and businesses. They will do: Anticipatory Leadership / Global Trends: Environmental Scenarios and Strategic Supply Chain Management.

o Apr 13, 2011 = Ken G has CONFIRMED Eric Tinker, from Nexview Consulting (a former colleague of Ken Duratti’s, when they were at Plan4Demand) = He has been in consulting for 14 years, as well as a trainer in various capacities throughout that period. He is going to do “Excellence in S&OP (Trap & Tips When Implementing S&OP!)”

o May 10, 2011 = Ken D had a Plant Tour idea (was pursuing a company)? Jan L may be able to get us a tour at her company. She will advise.

NOSH #20 Programs for 2011 – 2012 Updates: Yup – we have started on this year as well!

o Sept 13, 2011 = Request is out to Earnest Hart, to do a “How to Travel for Business (or vacation), and Come Back Alive”. Check out his web site – very cool! www.earnest.com (if we could get this guy, it would be quite a coup – but I’d bet against it!!) o Nov 8, 20 11 = Jennifer Touma –The Martial Arts Approach to Business - Mental Toughness Training for Individuals & Business. This contact was made at the Merrimack Valley Chamber of Commerce meeting that Ken D suggested we go to = turned out to be a great idea = thanks Ken D! This presentation is about using the principles of martial arts, and applying them to business. Presentation is a story format, which draws the listener into the story, and helps them identify with each specific principle. Bio, Picture, and Topic Summary are in – given to Adrienne and Michele B, for that future newsletter & web page.


2009-2010 CALENDAR:

Date Day Activity Agenda______09/08/09 Tue PDM Dan Marino - Organize and Educate for Lean 10/13/09 Tue PDM Richard G. Weissman, C.P.M , Project Mgmt for Supply Chain Professionals (Student Night - China Blossom)

11/10/09 Tue PDM Dan O’Leary – Outsourcing Best Practices

12/08/09 Tue SPECIAL Holiday Networking Event, with APICS Boston, and New EVENT England Roundtable (NERT) @ Montvale Plaza (Stoneham)?? 01/12/10 Tue PDM Moshe Cohen – Negotiation Tips, Pitfalls, and Strategies

02/09/10 Tue PDM Sue Pariseau – Operations Mgt - Opportunities [TOPIC = Panel Discussion (Student Night - China Blossom) 03/09/10 Tue PDM Bob Engel – “10 Best Practices for Supply Chain Management Organizations.” (Top Management/Leadership Night). 04/13/10 Tue PDM Bob Adelson – Negotiating Effective Contracts 05/11/10 Tue PDM Jewell Towne Vineyards “Plant” Tour, Election of Officers 06/09/10 Wed PDM Annual Bash at FINZ, Installation of Officers

2010-2011 CALENDAR:

Date Day Activity Agenda______09/14/10 Tue PDM Arthur Harvey, CPIM, C.P.M. - Risk Management and Supply Chain Contingency Planning 10/12/10 Tue PDM Professor Amy Zeng, Ph.D., Global Outsourcing 101 = Why China?, (Student Night - China Blossom) 11/09/10 Tue PDM Chris Gray –A Six Pack of Supply Chain Improvements

12/07/10 Tue SPECIAL Holiday Networking Event, with APICS Boston, and New EVENT England Roundtable (NERT) @ Montvale Plaza (Stoneham)??

01/11/11 Tue PDM Michael Sales and Anika Savage – Anticipatory Leadership / Global Trends: Environmental Scenarios and Strategic Supply Chain Management.

02/08/11 Tue PDM Sue Pariseau – Operations Mgt - Opportunities [TOPIC?? TBD]= Panel Discussion (Student Night - China Blossom)

03/08/11 Tue PDM TBD – TBD (Top Management/Leadership Night).

04/12/11 Tue PDM Eric J. Tinker – Excellence in S&OP (Trap & Tips When Implementing S&OP!) 05/10/11 Tue PDM TBD “Plant” Tour??, Election of Officers

06/14/11 Tue PDM Annual Bash at FINZ, Installation of Officers

2011-2012 CALENDAR:

Date Day Activity Agenda______09/13/11 Tue PDM TBD – TBD (Request is out to Earnest Hart, to do a “How to Travel for Business (or vacation), and Come Back Alive”. Check out his web site – very cool! www.earnest.com (if we could get this guy, it would be quite a coup – but I’d bet against it!!)

10/11/11 Tue PDM TBD – TBD (Student Night - China Blossom)

11/08/11 Tue PDM Jennifer Touma –The Martial Arts Approach to Business - Mental Toughness Training for Individuals and Business

12/06/11 Tue SPECIAL Holiday Networking Event, with APICS Boston, and New EVENT England Roundtable (NERT) @ Montvale Plaza (Stoneham)??

01/10/12 Tue PDM TBD – TBD .

02/14/12 Tue PDM Sue Pariseau – Operations Mgt - Opportunities [TOPIC?? TBD]= Panel Discussion (Student Night - China Blossom)

03/13/12 Tue PDM TBD – TBD (Top Management/Leadership Night).

04/10/12 Tue PDM TBD – TBD

05/08/12 Tue PDM Jewell Towne Vineyards “Plant” Tour,??, Election of Officers

06/12/12 Tue PDM Annual Bash at FINZ, Installation of Officers

5. Education & Research Art Harvey / Ken Duratti helping out

Art H. to send Frank C. information on in-house courses. Michele L. will check with Microline for an open Basics course in the autumn. SMR course at Microline July-August 2010. ECO course at Medtronics autumn 2010. Art H. will order APICS marketing kit ($200).

6. Facilities B. Netten

1. 40 came (4 no-shows) 2. 4 Paypal 3. Attendance best ever for June. Best adult attendance for any month since 2001 4. Average for the year including students = 32, down from last year but above the 12-year average of 30 5. Average adult attendance for the year is 27; above average; upward trend last 3 years 6. We will be meeting at the Hilton in Woburn for our regular meetings beginning in September

Below are our attendance statistics for the year:

PDM ATTENDANCE YEAR Sep Oct Nov JanFeb Mar Apr May Jun Total Avg

98-99 38 28 24 38 33 25 35 35 30 286 32 99-00 ? 35 21 29 29 24 34 15 25 212+ 27 00-01 25 17 20 26 35 27 46 28? 224+ 28 01-02 none 48 32 19 33 40 36 36 18 262 33Sept. mtg. cancelled 02-03 26 29 22 30 19 19 29 31 30 235 26joint mtg. March 03-04 27 57 28 39 21 16 26 28 27 269 30joint mtgs. Feb., March 04-05 26 20 57 26 63 19 24 35 32 302 34Mar. ppd - snow; jnt. May 05-06 20 25 55 22 18 25 25 31 31 252 28CB Nov., Apr.; early Feb. 06-07 25 28 27 21 60 26 27 30 38 282 31CB Oct., Feb., Finz June 07-08 25 52 63 18 44 17 20 19 30 288 32CB Oct., Feb.,tour May, Finz 08-09 21 84 21 20 94 20 24 20 33 337 37CB Oct., Feb.,tour May, Finz 09-10 22 52 20 29 65 23 16 20 40 287 32CB Oct, Feb., tour May, Finz

Avg. 26 40 33 26 43 23 29 27 28 274 30


YEAR Sep Oct Nov JanFeb Mar Apr May Jun Total Avg

02-03 26 29 22 30 12 19 29 31 30 228 25 03-04 27 36 28 39 21 16 26 28 27 248 28 04-05 26 20 33 26 22 19 24 35 32 237 26 05-06 20 25 27 22 18 25 25 31 31 224 25 06-07 25 28 27 21 26 26 27 30 38 248 28 07-08 25 26 17 18 19 17 20 19 30 191 21 08-09 21 25 21 20 29 20 24 20 33 213 24 09-10 22 21 20 29 26 23 16 20 40 217 27

Avg. 24 26 24 26 22 21 24 27 33 226 25

7. Newsletter Adrienne Galbraith

No news is due. We are off for the summer. The news for the next newsletter will be due in mid August. I will notify you all. I will also be working with Michael Jonis on a flyer for MCVV with E&R Workshop and PDM schedules in it. The June newsletter and email was on time, though the long weekend shortened the registration time to 4 days that week. I worked with a PR person (Kara Della Vecchia) from Microline Surgical on a press release regarding their selection as Company of the Year. Thanks everyone for the extra eyes/help formulating the write up. The recognition ceremonies, gifts, etc., all went beautifully this year. Frank did a great job. It was Michele's suggestion to open the gifts before presenting them, and to move to a more open corner of the room. This was very helpful. Nichols Grille in Woburn was a bust. They assured both Ken and I that the sound system could be controlled in that section, and it could not. It was also too open and narrow for our purposes for both BOD meetings and PDMs. Nice try, but no banana! So, thanks to a longstanding NESCON relationship with a hotel manager named Anton, who has since switched hotels, we've secured a very good contract with the Hilton (Forbes Road Woburn) for PDMs--$400 minimum, 2 meal choices @$20/head inclusive of service fees and tax, and no room fees. The only minor issue left is that the guaranteed count of guests due to the hotel five (5) days prior to the Event and our registration ends 4 days before the meeting. In this BEO game, you can always go up roughly 5% on the day of the event without penalty, but you can never go down. So, Bruce needs to call in his "guaranteed minimum" on the Thursday, the day before the Friday registration deadline. He can always adjust it up on Friday or Saturday, but never down. This is a little extra work, but worth it, considering the contract that we get out of it. Special thanks goes to Ken G for editing contract details which got the job done. It appears that they would be eager to take our BOD meetings, should we need to switch from Uno's. Either Paul or Ken needs to sign the updated Hilton contract dated 17-JUNE-10 (attached), and Paul needs to send a deposit ASAP (must be in their hands by June 28)! We are ending the year with $148 and change in permit #88 and also under budget (last time I checked). All my expenses are in, so whatever we end up at in June should stick. No sandbagging involved---I saved money where I had the time to do steps myself and reduce fees from AlphaGraphics. We got a refund last spring of 2 year's worth of permit fees, and this year someone named Mary says $0 for renewal, but you never know with the change in personnel. They have to do quite a bit of research every time I ask the question--what we do is not common practice. My budget for 2010-2011 should be the same, barring postage increases. I checked with the Post Office on what the inditia/permit will cost us this year - $0. They now say it is a one-time fee of $185 because we never presort and pay $.44. (FYI we don't mail enough in each zip code to qualify for a discount with presort anyway, so the only thing the permit does for us is save the time it takes to stick on stamps.) Once again, my email will transition to [email protected] very soon. I have been CCing every email to that account.

8. Website Frank Clapp Frank C. will work on the website to make the administration area more friendly and easier to access information. Michael J. is interested in email blasts for marketing purposes. Michael suggested a social networking expert would be a good addition to chapter resources. Michael J. will work on a marketing plan over the summer.

9. Academic Liaison John Howell

No report submitted.

10. Company Coordinator Luciano Sanchez

No report submitted.

11. Membership Rich Hopkins

APICS North Shore Membership Statistics APICS NOSH Membership 2007 2008 2009 2010 300

JUN 236 226 212 177 250 JUL 239 225 209 179

AUG 239 227 202 181 200 SEP 233 221 206 181 OCT 234 225 204 174 150 NOV 232 231 198 172 DEC 236 230 195 173 JAN 244 225 187 174 100 FEB 243 223 180 167

MAR 246 228 186 167 50 2007 2008 APR 235 221 181 170 2009 2010 MAY 225 219 175 168 0 JUN 226 212 177 JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN

12 CMS/C-BAR Frank White / K.Burnell

13. Marketing Michael Jonis

New category.

Meeting adjourned: 8:21 pm

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